The memories in my heart were pressed by Fang Yuan.

He stepped into the Golden Jade Room.

The gambling stone workshop is high-end, and there are dozens of megaliths in the hall, which suppress the scene. The hall is followed by a small compartment of each and every one. The break stone’s Gu insect is available to satisfy the guests. Interest in hobby. Of course, the old-fashioned break stone Gu Master is also fully equipped.

Whether there are Gu insects in these stones, it is hard to beat Fang Yuan.

After all, he is already Gu Immortal, it is not difficult to detect mortal gu with the method of immortality. In the same way, even if the Gu insect in the stone is so weak, the method of the fairy family can usually be cured.

Even if it is not cured, don’t forget, Fang Yuan is still Refining Dao Quasi Great Grandmaster. Therefore, sweeping all the mortal gu, for Fang Yuan, it is simply a matter of palm.

Of course, there is immortal stone above the stone, more precisely immortal materials. After immortal Gu seal, it will gradually condense some kind of immortal materials of Dao Marks on the surface of Gu insect. To gamble on this immortal materials, the vast majority of the immortal means will also be invalid.

Fang Yuan is about to use the means to let the profiteer in this Golden Jade Room learn to be a good person and suddenly hear the quarrel behind the hall.

“You lie!” Merpeople girl Xia Lin shouted, surprised and angry.

“I am swearing? Hehe, what do I do? This Information Dao Gu insect has a clear content. Although you have paid a little more, there is still a lot of it that has not been paid off.” Standing in front of the Merpeople girl, it is also Merpeople, but He is like a bear, with a long scar on his face and Baleful Qi.

“You, you, you!” Xia Lin pointed at the Merpeople, his eyes were red. “You shameless! Actually tampering with the contract, I have a loan receipt with you, only 10% interest. Now you are secretly raised. 60% !”

The scar of Merpeople’s face suddenly became serious, with a sly look at Xia Lin: “I can’t talk about it, little girl! You are going to ruin our reputation, doing business depends on this name. The name is going to be ruined. Who will come to our store? Can you afford the damage caused by it?”

“I am! Even if it is dead, I will expose the true face of your black shop.”

Scars of people, Rank 1, gloomily said: “Death? It’s naive. Sometimes, the feeling of being born is better than terrifying.”

Fang Yuan’s look of surprise in the blink of an eye, this familiar voice reminds him of the Merpeople girl who was saved a few months ago.

How is she here?

Xia Lin’s tears slipped down her cheeks.

A few months ago, her only relative, grandfather, passed away.

Merpeople sea burial requires a high price. In order to bury her grandfather in the sea, she only borrows primeeval stones. In order to pay off the debt, she had to take the risk of collecting petroleum and almost died in the trench petroleum. Thanks to Fang Yuan and the others, this was miraculously rescued.

Xia Lin also obtained oil recovery from Fang Yuan, so the oil production efficiency soared and soon a lot of primeval stones were obtained for selling oil.

She took these primeval stones and went to the Golden Jade Room to pay off the debts. I didn’t expect the store to be shameless, and actually falsified the previous loan.

Xia Lin’s heart rose to death.

Her only relatives have already gone. In this world, she is a lonely man. She has been squeezed by tribe since she was a child. Her life has undergone dramatic changes. Her heart is full of confusion and discouragement. She feels that the world is pale and can’t find the pleasure of survival. .

“What terrifying is dead? I have died a hundred!”

After thinking to this point , Xia Lin tenderly shouted ,ududly take action .


A loud bang, the rapids ejected.

The scars Merpeople absolutely didn’t expect this to happen. A little X Master of Rank 2 took the initiative to attack himself, the Rank 3, and also on the Golden Jade Room, his own site.

The scared Merpeople was completely unprepared and rushed out, slamming all the way, tripping over the walls and a large number of decorative bottles.

This movement is too big, and the Gu Masters, which are originally quietly selected stone, break stone, and gambling stone, have come to the hall.

A lot of attention, betting on Xia Lin and the scare Merpeople.

“what happened?”

“Hehe, what’s going on? It must be that the Golden Jade Room has used its means to make it harmless.”

“Small voice, the owner of this Golden Jade Room is the local tyrant here.”

“I heard that the Golden Jade Room often issues usury and exploits the underlying Gu Master.”

“It’s not as good as one thing. It’s something inside Merpeople, it’s not related to our Human Race.”

At this time, the scars Merpeople stood up from the ruins. “Hello, you dare to do it. I want you to die!”

He strode to Xia Lin, and Xia Lin was pale and photographed by his momentum, but the lips were tight and the teeth were not back.

The distance between the two sides was quickly shortened. When the scars of Merpeople wanted to take action, a sudden voice came: “Slow!”

The scars of Merpeople’s movements came to an abrupt end, and the sly face and the angry intent quickly converge, and the person who stopped him slid his head and said: “shopkeeper, how come you?”

The newcomer is the Master of the Golden Jade Room, a large-bellied yellow scale Merpeople.

The yellow scale Merpeople raised his brow and spoke to the scared Merpeople: “What are you doing? Want to take down my store?”

“shopkeeper’s, she is…”

The scars of Merpeople have been interrupted if they have not finished.

“How many times have I confessed to you, to make money with the gas, to make money, and to understand?”

“Understand, understand.” Scars Merpeople can’t refute, nodded, and they are like three-year-olds.

A chill suddenly filled the mind and body of Xia Lin.

She has experienced rough times, and she has been living with grandfather since she was a child. She has already tasted the warmth of the world.

“The person who can make the scars of Merpeople so squinted must be more terrifying!” With such a clear understanding, Xia Lin looks at the expression of the smiles of the people, and the vigilance in the heart has been promoted to the limit.

The yellow scale Merpeople stared at Xia Lin for a while, this was started talking: “Little girl, you can rest assured, I am a reasonable person. I am here, to ensure your safety, will not let you move. But I also want Please tell the truth. The debt you owe, in black and white, still want to deny it?”

When it comes to this, Xia Lin doesn’t make a fuss: “You shameless, privately tampering with the loan receipt, originally 10% interest, changed to 60%. I don’t owe you anything, I have already returned. “”

The yellow scale Merpeople smiled even more: “Little girl, I didn’t expect you to be young, but acting is so old. But it’s useless! Even if you play it again, you can’t prove anything. It’s the loan receipt we have set. Clearly understand who is right and who is wrong, at a glance.”

“You, you, you!” Xia Lin pointed at the yellow scale Merpeople and was too angry to speak.

Merkins laughed and waved his hand: “That’s all that’s all, you little girl, I don’t bully your descendants, lest others confuse the tongue and say that I am a big joke in the Golden Jade Room store. I will let you go, and all the debts will be written off.”

“I am already very sincere. You count, if you still get it, you only pay 30% interest. This is the outside market. Which money bank borrows money, isn’t this level of interest? You say we The agreement is 10% interest? Doesn’t anyone believe this? If you go out and look for it, which bank is worth only 10%?”

Xia Lin’s chest is up and down, and his eyes are red.

It is the 30% of the market that is generally popular, so Xia Lin borrowed from the Golden Jade Room. I didn’t expect this cheap to be a trap, and she fell into the hands of the black shop.

See Xia Lin not talking, and the yellow scale Merpeople takes out an Information Dao mortal gu: “This is a loan between us. If you have paid the money on the spot, I will return it to you on the spot.”

Xia Lin gave a slight glimpse and immediately sneered: “I don’t have enough primeval stones in my hands.”

The yellow scale Merhuman laughed, patted the palm: “It doesn’t matter, there is no primeval stones. You can use Gu insect to pay off the debt. I know that you have a sputum in your hand. You can take it to pay the debt, and this can be done.”

Xia Lin listened to this and suddenly realized: “This is your real purpose. Do you want my oil? Hey, this is Rank 5 Gu, you are delusional! Even if I am dead, I will not take this. I will give it to you.”

The onlookers Gu Masters heard the words and suddenly rioted.

“Is it oily? Didn’t I get it wrong?”

“Is it the kind of Rank 5 Gu that has recently passed the madness? I heard that it is very efficient to collect petroleum!”

“It’s amazing, it’s definitely the best. Especially the oil 蛊, although it’s Rank 5, it’s not the primeval essence, but the Gu Master’s bone marrow, so the Rank 1 Gu Master can be motivated!”

“I have heard that some people have been killed because of misuse of oil.”

“Hey, that’s his overuse. With Bone Dao’s Gu insect support, the oil is safe!”

Pā pā pā.

Yellowscale Merpeople clapping: “Little girl, you are a smart person, you should understand the truth of a jade ring becomes a crime. Dignified Rank 5 Gu, how can you keep a Rank 2 Gu Master? Come out, not I am coming to trouble you, and there will be others in the future. Is it not good to hand it over and change the future?”

“Not good! Even if I am dead, I will not give it to you such a disgusting guy.” Xia Lin is determined and stubborn.

The yellow scale Merpeople had a headache.

It is very difficult to take someone else’s Gu Master. Xia Lin only needs a single thought head to make Gu insect self-destruct. At that time, the attempt of Huangscale Merpeople was lost.

The most ideal, of course, is to let Xia Lin take the initiative.

The second is the use of Stealing Dao.

But Stealing Dao Gu Master is not in this piece of music, there is no such thing as a legend nothing more.

And even with Stealing Dao Gu Master, stealing a Rank 5 Gu Insect is too difficult!

The yellow scale Merpeople is not confused and confused. He has already planned it and estimated this situation. At this time, it is absolutely impossible to see Xia Lin pushing too tight, so the yellow scale Merpeople simply made their own concessions.

“Like this, I will give you a chance, and you will give me a chance. We may wish to gamble once.”


“On the gambling stone head, than the 蛊 蛊. There are no wins, superior wins. win two out of three matches.”

Xia Lin sneered: “You are such a mean littleman, go back on one’s word, tamper with the loan in the back, how can I trust you?”

The yellow scale Merpeople meditated and suddenly raised his hand and threw the Information Dao mortal gu to Xia Lin.

Xia Lin took over and was surprised.

The yellow scale Merpeople said again: “I can also swear to the sea god.”

Merpeople is different from Human Race in that they have racial beliefs and believe in Poseidon. Swearing in the name of Poseidon, very solemn, with a high degree of sincerity.

There is hardly a Merpeople who does not trust Poseidon.

The yellow scale Merpeople is once again sincerely full – ly said: “What are you hesitating? Gambling stone with eyesight, but more with Luck Qi. I give you this opportunity, don’t know what to do. Tell you the truth, this is the only one you are today. If you can go out, you have to take good care of it.”

The yellow scales of Merpeople are both soft and hard, making Xia Lin a mess.

Just as she hesitated, she suddenly heard a voice directly in her heart: “Don’t be afraid, there is me, gamble with him!”

“Chu Great Master!” For a moment, Xia Lin almost screamed with joy.

Fang Yuan continued: “But you have to change this gambling contract because the gambling contract is too small. If you believe me, let’s bet a big one!”

“I believe in you, Great Master!” Xia Lin responded without any hesitation.

Because her life was saved by Fang Yuan. Fang Yuan doesn’t have to save her if she wants to be bad for her.

“My life was originally saved by the Great Master. If he wants to frame me, then I will recognize it, and the big deal is to return this life to him!”

Thinking of this, Xia Lin responded to Fang Yuan in the bottom of my heart: “Chu Great Master, what do you say, I will listen to you.”

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