Gambling stone is indeed a thing to see Luck Qi, no one can deny this. Whether it is Gu Master or Gu Immortal.

But the yellow scale Merpeople is very confident about themselves.

Because he is ready.

Over the years, he has opened the Golden Jade Room and often gambling stone himself. After many years, he constantly observed, speculated, analyzed, and selected some stones. He has great confidence in the things in these stones.

Of course, the value of these stones is not high. If the value is high, he can’t wait to open it himself first. He won’t stay until now and stay in the store.

He is thinking about his business.

These stones, ten eight-nine will open Gu insect, although the value is not high, but for the guests, it is a small stimulus of time after time. It’s like a bait on the hook, which attracts them to keep gambling and keep investing.

The yellow scale Merpeople clearly knows where these stones are placed. Sometimes he deliberately peddles his own gambling stone experience in front of important guests. He opened the stone and often opened out Gu insects to create his own superb image of gambling stone.

Now, the yellow scale Merpeople used these stones to gamble with Xia Lin, and he has great confidence.

However, in the first game, he tasted the taste of failure.

Xia Lin actually opened a Rank 3 Gu Insect and pressed him.

This is a good start!

The onlookers Gu Master were amazed.

The yellow scale Merpeople also looked suspicious, don’t tell me the Merpeople girl in front of her eyes is hidden?

He previously proposed the gambling contract of win two out of three matches, but the result was changed by Xia Lin, changing to five wins and three wins, including the entire Golden Jade Room. At the same time, the gambling has changed. As long as Xia Lin fails once, she will hand over the oil.

But now, Xia Lin won, she not only saved the oil, but also got the 20% Golden Jade Room.

“Just kidding, I actually lost!?” Huang Scale Merpeople was unbelievable.

He stared at the Merpeople girl in front of him, but the suspicions in his heart slowly dissipated.

The yellow scale Merpeople has a veteran experience, and at a glance, Xia Lin is completely new, especially after Gu insects opened her surprise, not pretending, but the true feelings.

Another point is to prove that Xia Lin simply does not break stone by himself. The stone she just picked is the hand of break stone Gu Master in the rely on Golden Jade Room.

“Damn, it seems that she left Dog Shit Luck!”

“But fortunately the gambling contract changes, if it is the previous win two out of three matches, I am very passive. Now there are three wins in five games, I still have a lot of space.”

Thinking of this, the yellow scale Merpeople swept the break stone Gu Master behind Xia Lin with a fascinating gaze.

Break stone Gu Master is slightly undetectable nodded.

The yellow scales of Merpeople can’t help but smirk, and have their own people. Xia Lin doesn’t care what stone they choose, even if they are out of the way, they will become dead, and the whole will become ruined. See how she fights with herself!

The second game begins.

“This time I should choose first.” Xia Lin said.

“You please please.” Huang scale Merpeople responded with a smile.

Xia Lin walked around for two laps and saw it.

“I chose this.” Suddenly, she stopped and pointed a strange rock in front of her.

This rock is very strange, there are countless potholes on the surface, the shape is also distorted, and the texture is not tight, as if it was piled up by Sha Shuo.

According to the jargon of gambling stone, this is a sandstone, it is difficult to solve Gu insect.

Seeing Xia Lin’s choice, Huang scale Merpeople smiled.

He pretended to be around, stopped and stopped, touched this and knocked on it. After a while, he patted a huge stone and said, “Then I choose this.”

Break stone started.

The yellow scales Merpeople are hands-on, while the Xia Lin side commissions the Gu Master for break stone.

The game was open, so both sides went straight to the hall. There were more and more people on the scene, and in the whispering exchanges, later people learned that such a huge bet, they felt interested and stopped and chose to wait and see.

For Gu Master, this bet is big.

One party is the entire Golden Jade Room, which has been in business for many years and has a strong capital.

The other side is the top pick of Rank 5.

Two sides are similar in bet, because the oil is too good, with it collecting petroleum, the profits will be considerable.

The stone that Merscale chose for the yellow scale is huge, and the break stone takes a while.

The stones on Xia Lin are very fast. After all, the texture of the sandstone is like this, very rough.

Gi Master big palm to Xia Lin break stone, big open, no psychological burden. Because even if the break stone breaks Gu insect, it is a matter of making the yellow scale Merpeople happy.

But at this time, Xia Lin suddenly said: “Break the stone with the lime method.”

Break stone Gu Master action slow, look to towards Xia Lin: “Are you sure? This method break stone, the effect on sandstone is extremely limited.”

“I’m sure.” Xia Lin said.

Break stone Gu Master slowly shook his head: “Little girl, I am not lying to you, since I broke the stone for you, I will not falsify. You may wish to ask the people around you, they all know that this limestone method solves the sandstone, almost it is invalid.”

“I don’t need to ask, let you do it, you will do it. The previous gambling contract is plain and clear.” Xia Lin perseverance.

“Good, good, good.” Break stone Gu Master is only nodded.

When the lime soil method is used up, the efficiency of the sandstone stone is suddenly deposited at the bottom of the valley.

Break stone Gu Master is very depressed. It used to be that the chef cut the tofu with a knife. Now it is using a needle to stab the tofu, and the primeval essence consumes more.

“Use the fire smoke again.” After a while, Xia Lin said again.

Around the Gu Master, someone exclaimed and stopped.

Break stone Gu Master also said: “The fire smoke method will directly penetrate into the interior of the sandstone. If there is a flaw inside, it will be killed if it has not been mined.”

“Let you do it, you’re done.” Xia Lin expressionless.

Around the Gu Master suddenly sighed and sighed, some people said directly: “This little girl is still gambling with people? She is not even a novice, it is completely hustle and bustle!”

But Xia Lin has a look, even with a touch of leisure.

Break stone Gu Master shook his head: “Since you have decided, then I will do it. Others can see clearly. This is not what I deliberately want to do, it is your own request.”

“Use the drip method.”

“Blue pattern method.”

“Change the gas method again.”

Next, Xia Lin continued to speak out and commanded.

The sandstone has been solved as a fist size, and there is still no Gu insect.

Break stone Gu Master is not good, he thinks that this is Xia Lin deliberately recreational him, know some break stone methods, just talk.

“Okay, give it to me, I personally break stone.” Xia Lin said.

“What?” Break stone Gu Master stunned and quickly reacted, spits out one mouthful of impure air, handing the stone to Xia Lin.

Xia Lin bite the tip of the tongue, facing the stone spit a mouthful of blood, and then urging the oil shovel to slam the stone.

Kā chā.

The stone broke open, revealing a Rank 3 Gu Insect.

“Is there really something wrong?”

“What is this? I have never seen it.”

“It’s still sleeping, watching it look, it’s still complete, and it’s not hurt.”

There was a small sensation in the onlookers of Gu Masters.

Break stone Gu Master was completely shocked, he stupidly looks at Xia Lin, his heart is full of doubts: “don’t tell me this little girl really is playing the pig to eat the tiger?”

The yellow scale Merpeople also stopped the break stone and his face was blue.

Even if it is solved, he is only a Rank 2 in this stone, but the other party is out of Rank 3, and still alive!

“It’s really awkward! Chu Great Master’s words, it’s true!” Xia Lin was full of joy.

In the crowd, Fang Yuan smiled lightly.

In fact, there is no Gu insect in this sandstone, but it contains a coffin.

Fang Yuan pointed to Xia Lin, indirectly commanding break stone Gu Master, which is to refine this coffin. Eventually, after Xia Lin’s blood was dropped, the last step was completed using the oil shovel.

The commonly-made Gu insects are lively dragon and animated tiger, but the refining gu method used by Fang Yuan is quite special, and the refined Gu insect will fall into a state of sleep. This is disguised as appropriate, and all the other Gu Masters present are on the scene. No one has found clues and flaws.

Refining Dao Quasi Great Grandmaster’s Realm, not a joke!

Everyone was not calm, they looked toward Xia Lin’s gaze, and there was a change in heaven and earth turning upside down.

“Who did you send it to?!” The yellow scale Merpeople low roaring sound, the previous grace completely disappeared.

He is not realized, and his mind is boiling.

He has offended a lot of people over the years. He thinks that Xia Lin is probably a bait, and he falls into the well-designed bureau of others. Taking a Rank 5 Gu to make a game is really a big handiwork!

“calm down.”

“I can’t take any more risks, and the other side is prepared.”

The yellow scale Merpeople wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and his eyes fixed.

He also has a trump card.

There is also a special set of stones in this Golden Jade Room.

These stones are not naturally formed, but are fake stones made by the yellow scales of Merpeople.

He first made the living or dead Gu insect a state of slumber. Then center on them and constantly add gravel to the outside. The result is a “natural” stone that is really fake.

Stones containing Gu insects usually have some external features that distinguish them from ordinary stones.

This stone is not so easy to find.

Sometimes in order to solve the shortage of supply in the gambling stone workshop, the yellow scale Merpeople made their own fake rock. Of course, not all of these fake stones contain Gu insects, and some only make singular features on the surface.

The third game, defeat.

The fourth game, defeat again!

The onlookers of the Gu Masters were in utter disappointment, and no one expected this result.

Everyone is looking at Xia Lin, with jealousy and dignity.

The yellow scales of Merpeople are pale, gnashing teeth, with a hint of haze in their eyes, like a jackal being forced into the edge of a cliff.

“The last one, I can’t lose! It seems that I have to use the biggest trump card.”

The scales of the Merrim’s trump card are naturally large, and the wreckage of a Rank 5 Gu is hidden in a fake stone. According to the regulation of gambling stone, only the living Rank 5 Gu can win him.

Both sides choose the stone, break stone.


Fang Yuan suddenly made a snap, Time Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move!

The entire Golden Jade Room, and even the isle are still, all the people and things are motionless.

Fang Yuan Shi Shiran walked out of the crowd and came to the front of the yellow scale Merpeople. He is staring intently at the flames in front of him, breaking the stone meticulously.

Fang Yuan walked in front of the stone and squeezed it, and there was a wreck of Rank 5 Gu Insect in his hand.

Then he sent the wreckage into the stone selected by Xia Lin and returned to the crowd.

a moment later, time re-flowing.

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