Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Before the Righteous Pointed Stele, an Information Dao mortal gu was dropped by Fang Yuan.

In this Gu Insect, Fang Yuan confessed that he had recorded the passage of his previous petralum at the small sea island and the verification of the merits. If Gu Immortal returns later, he will definitely get this information.

This information does not need to be hidden.

As a result, these people have a guess, secondly, and this guess is easy to verify.

Instead of this, it would be better to let Fang Yuan reveal it before they did not verify it.

“Or… more clearly, this secret is not a secret. Paradise Immortal Venerable arranging this True Inheritance, I am afraid it is intentional and wants to lead people to good.”

This is the style of Paradise Immortal Venerable.

At this point, Fang Yuan has no doubt about the authenticity of Paradise True Inheritance.

Gu Master and Gu Immortal leave their inheritance and are one of the biggest cultural features of this world.

Every inheritance is filled with personal imprints, retaining a personal style, or with a strong desire.

For example, the lost heritage of Wanderer Monk Flower Wine, in order to avenge the Ancient Moon Village, even if he died, he must revenge. Therefore, the light and shadow he left, the restoration of the ancient Moon’s Clan Head’s defeat, and excavated the tunnel, eventually induced Fang Yuan to destroy the essence spring of Ancient Moon Village.

Another example is 88 Floors True Yang Building, which is the legacy of Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, Luck Dao True Inheritance. The main purpose is to maintain their rule for the entire Northern Plains’ Huang Jin bloodline. Ju Yang Immortal Venerable seeks for his descendants. welfare.

There is also Hei Fan True Inheritance, Hei Fan originally intends to pass his legacy to his granddaughter, but unfortunately the fate is wrong, not doing so.

There is also Shadow Sect True Inheritance. If Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul does not fail and is not captured by Heavenly Court, this True Inheritance will never be there. But contrary to expectations, he was captured, Fang Yuan took office, in order to enhance his strength, to win the weakest hope from Danger Realm, this is the Shadow Sect True Inheritance.

Every inheritance is different. Paradise True Inheritance is also very different from other True Inheritance, full of peace, kindness, light and warmth.

“If there is a day when I fail to die, I will do my best without any hope. Then I will leave inheritance.” Fang Yuan thoughts spread. Although he is a Demon from Beyond The Heavens, he survives, struggles and struggles here. For so long, the ready is integrated into this world.

If he lays out Fang Yuan True Inheritance, he must encourage the successor to continue chasing Eternal Life.

Time passed by, and 70~80 passed by.

During this period, Fang Yuan did a lot of tasks, and his name was always among the best on the merits list.

Huā huā huā ……

The ebb and flow of the tide, the damp sea breeze blowing on the face, this time Fang Yuan arrived.

The task he received was to punish a profiteer on this sea market.

The maritime market is very popular in the Eastern Sea. According to the scale, there are four types: small, medium, large and super maritime. If divided according to time, there is a temporary sea market and a fixed sea market.

The maritime market is the distribution center and exchange place for cultivation materials. In this piece of music, there is also a sea market.

This is a fixed maritime market. Although not open all year round, the single-leaf door is open for most of the year.

The core of the maritime market is an isle. This isle has a half-year period and will be flooded by the sea. This is also the time when the sea market is closed. When the isle is revealed, the sea market is open.

In addition to isle, there are a large number of Gu Homes, mostly ships, which are linked together by decks and chains to form a peripheral market.

Walking on the deck, there are people around Fang Yuan.

There are Human Race Gu Master and Merpeople.

Merpeople is still a lot, almost half of it. This situation is very rare in Five Regions. After all, it is now Human Race, and the other nonhuman are squeezed out, there is almost no room for survival, and the tail is a person.

“Come on, take a look, this is the best crystal coral.”

“There are three remaining Gu Home river cars, and you have to buy as soon as possible!”

“How much does it cost to acquire Da Ming Mu…”

The voices of screaming, trading, and bargaining, secretly, were introduced into Fang Yuan’s ear, and there was no ambiguity and excitement.

A large number of Gu Masters have large or small stalls on the deck, and few mortals are trading.

Fang Yuan crossed the Gu Home one after another and walked towards the core of the most central isle of the city.

He has already investigated that this time task is to severely punish the profiteer, and this profiteer is on the center isle.

Of course, completing the task is only a secondary purpose of Fang Yuan’s, and his most important purpose is to listen to intelligence.

This maritime market is closest to the Suppressing Demon Cry of Regret Sea, and it has concentrated a large number of Gu Masters and forces. Fang Yuan wants to hear about Regret Gu, hopefully.

Although it has been so long since I came here, Fang Yuan has never entered the Suppressing Demon Cry of Regret Sea.

Gu Immortal This piece of music within the earth does not have much freedom of walking.

Like the first mission, Fang Yuan can only patrol around the small sea island, with a limit of distance. Each time The location of the task has such a restraint.

As for returning to Merit Tablet, it’s very simple, just need Gu Immortal’s heart to meditation three times “return”.

From this point, Fang Yuan fully sensed the means of Paradise Immortal Venerable. Even if the Fang Yuan background is deep, the cultivation base is also at the Rank 8 level, but he has been unable to crack the layout of the Paradise Immortal Venerable, although he has never stopped studying the Merit Tablet and this piece of paradise.

In addition, the communication between Gu Immortal is also received. First of all, they can’t communicate with Treasure Yellow Heaven or contact the outside world. Secondly, they are not free to communicate with each other in a timely manner. It was a last resort, and the talents came up with a stupid way to drop Information Dao mortal gu before the Merit Tablet.

“It should be here.” After a moment, Fang Yuan stopped.

This is a gambling stone workshop with the plaque on the door saying the words Golden Jade Room.

The Golden Jade Room is located in the heart of the isle and represents the highest specification of this maritime market. Not just the casual Gu Master, you can step into the sea island, there is a strict guard.

Of course, how could the mortal means get Fang Yuan?

“It seems that I might as well come to a gambling stone.” Fang Yuan was laughed.

To severely punish profiteer, it is not to kill him. Fang Yuan, who has been a businessman for a while, has personally opened the gambling stone workshop. He knows exactly what to do in order to make a businessman in a gambling stone workshop feel bad.

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan stepped in.

Some memories in my heart suddenly rose up at this moment…

“Hahaha, who is going to gamble with me? Saintess is afraid, are you dare?” A strong Merpeople shouted in arrogance.

Around him, there are many Human Race Gu Masters and Merpeople. The vast majority of Merpeople, glaring at him, can only gnashing teeth.

“Ruda is so awful, actually provokes saintess adults on the sea!”

“He didn’t have the guts himself. It was the cold wave behind him that Tribe Patriarch was supporting him.”

“It’s not good to go on like this. It’s too bad for the saintess’s prestige. What should I do?”

The blue scales and the red scales are worried.

“What’s the relationship?” Xie Hanmo smiled slightly. “It’s going to be screaming, and there are more losses in his reputation. It can’t shake my roots. The other person has used such a method to provoke me, indicating that they are already panicked. We No need to end, just step by step, you can win.”

After she mentioned it, the blue scales and red scales had a sense of sudden realization.

“Saintess sees the most clearly, saying yes, Ruda is the clown that jumps that’s all.”

“Just let saintess suffer the wrong wrong, my heart is still a little wrong. We can’t stand up some people in Merpeople, against Luda?”

Xie Hanmo said with a smile : “The expert of Ruda after all is Rank 4 has more than a decade of prestige in this maritime market. Without Merians standing out can understand, we have to be tolerant.”

Bone barely fell, a voice resounded throughout the audience: “I am coming to gamble with you!”

who is it?

Dare to pick Luda’s Tiger Wei?

Everyone looked at them and saw a Human Race Gu Master coming out of the crowd.

Xie Hanmo bowed, and the blue scales and red scale guards sang together: “The Human Race Gu Master we saved!”

Merpeople Gu Master Ruda is also very surprised. He frowned and stared at Fang Yuan, said solemnly: “Human Race Gu Master, this is something for our Merpeople family. Do you need to drown?”

“Frankly, your saintess saved my life, and this time I will return her kindness.” Fang Yuan is resolute and fearlessly confronts Luda.

“This kid…”

“I don’t want to save us.”

Blue scales and red scale guards have nodded.

Xie Hanmo sighed: “Let’s go out, he’s an outsider, can’t let him die.”

Blue scales and red scales were unexpected, and they quickly stopped: “Saintess adults, you have just analyzed this situation, you can’t show up at will. Once you show up, you will be in the calculation of each other.”

In the field, Luda face the color of the face, extreme angry smile: “Good! Human Race Gu Master, since you are courting death, then don’t blame me. The regulation of betting fight I have said very clearly, come on. I want you to pick too much, to see who is gambling, Gu insect is better!”

“You have chosen it first.” Fang Yuan is a divine glow, calmly with a smile.

The first confrontation was very short and ended in the victory of Fang Yuan’s.

The second confrontation was a bit long, and the winner was still Fang Yuan.

“Human Race Gu Master, I looked down on you. Post it, you are qualified to let me remember your name.” Luda showed a dignified color and looked at Fang Yuan.

“I am Ancient Moon’s Fang Yuan, you have to remember. I also opened the gambling stone workshop.” Fang Yuan suddenly sighed, “The last one, you please.”

Ruda selected a stone in silence, and then he suddenly took action and destroyed the rest of the field.

“You lie!” Fang Yuan is discolored.

Ruda laughed heartily: “What do I do? I have already said that the two sides of the bet can’t do it to each other, but this does not include these stones. I have stones now, and I can be sure that there is a Gu insect here. And you Both hands are empty, so no matter what my Gu insect is, it is life and death, you will lose no doubt. Kid, you are the area of ​​Rank 3 cultivation base, dare to drown, or in the sea market I have been operating for more than ten years. He He He, you cut yourself, save me.”

Fang Yuan pinched his fists and was about to fight back.

“And slow.” The voice came, the crowd of people on the side separated, Xie Hanmo pretty face frost, steadily walked into the field.

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