Shang Family.

“Eight three thousand two, two days at the latest, I have to get the hand.” Fang Yuan tone is tough.

Shang Family said it was very difficult: “The Eight Jade is the Rank 8 immortal materials, and Treasure Yellow Heaven is often just a deal within a hundred and two. It is really difficult for me to come up with so many people.”

“He He He, I believe in the strength of your noble clan. Shang Family, who doesn’t know it is the first richest force in Southern Border?” Fang Yuan sneered, leaving the Shang Family to negotiate, and the conditions for the opening did not change.

Ba Family.

“What about the Seven Treasures Water I want?” Fang Yuan urged.

Ba Family replied quickly: “Seven Treasures Water has been raised and we can hand over it and deliver it in one hand.”

“Hahaha.” Fang Yuan laughed. “It’s so good! To express my sincerity, I might as well pay for the first batch of goods.”

“This, what is this?” Ba Family Gu Immortal surprised and angry.

“I still can’t see it? This is an arm of your family, Gu Immortal.” Fang Yuan sounded slow.

“Fang Yuan! What is your intention?”

“Hept! Some Seven Treasures Water, you are like switching back to your family’s Gu Immortal? It’s too easy. Or is it stupid to me? If I am not satisfied, I will kill him. Oh, of course. I will use the message Gu to record it and hang it in Treasure Yellow Heaven to continue to interpret the image. Maybe I can sell this person to Wu Family? He He He, Hahaha!” Fang Yuan jié jié laughs .

Ba Family Gu Immortal almost bite a steel tooth, quite a long time, Ba Family Gu Immortal squeezed a sentence from the teeth: “Fang Yuan … have something to say.”

“It’s easy to ask me. It’s easy to send Seven Treasures Water to show you the sincerity of your Ba Family. With all due respect, your noble clan is intended to overthrow the Wu Family and become the first force in the Southern Border. Wu Family? For a foreign name, Reved Elder, but at any cost. You Gu Family’s Gu Immortal, but your bloodline relatives, you can see the death? How does your noble clan’s Reved Great Elder think? So indifferent?”

Fang Yuan’s words are sorrowful, and Ba Family Gu Immortal on the other side is pale, angry and helpless.

Luo Family, Hou Family, Chai Family… This is the object of Fang Yuan’s second wave. As for Tie Family, Wu Family, etc., still not moving.

Fang Yuan made various requests to these families, and of course encountered resistance in the process, but the Fang Yuan hostage was in the hand, and its position was extremely confidential, and it could not be searched at all, which firmly took the initiative.

Southern Border Righteous Path has no choice but to hold the nose, one after another to meet Fang Yuan’s requirements.

Among them, Xia Family’s sincerity is the most adequate, and the ten whirlpool mornings are the first to be sent to Fang Yuan’s hand.

Although Xia Family Gu Immortal shouted and raised how difficult it was to raise these whirlpools, Fang Yuan knew that these super-powerful backgrounds were strong enough to meet his ransom requirements, not exceeding their capabilities, but somewhat difficult. That’s all.

Whirlpool Dawn, Eight Jade, Seven Treasures Water…

Some of these immortal materials are up to Rank 8, and some are only Rank 7, but the number is numerous and is delivered to the reach of Fang Yuan’s hand.

Soon, Fang Yuan has more than half of the immortal materials needed to build the Magnificent Zodiac Pond.

This efficiency is amazingly high!

It would take at least a decade for Fang Yuan to supervise and collect, which is still a good case for Luck Qi.

Fang Yuan’s background Although strong, in the accumulation of immortal materials, it is impossible to relate to these super-powers with thousands of years and tens of thousands of years of history.

Of course, the immortal materials proposed by Fang Yuan are not just the materials needed to construct the Magnificent Zodiac Pond.

There are also a lot of immortal materials, which are prepared for his next refining Immortal Gu.

At this moment, Time Dao clone came again outside the Immortal Formation.

“This is the last search. After the search is completed, these Southern Border Gu Immortal will not have Immortal Gu.”

Southern Border Righteous Path has 13 super families, Wu Family, Ba Family, Shang Family, Tie Family, Hou Family, Luo Family, Qiao Family, Chai Family, Xia Family, Yi Family, Chi Family, Yang Family, Yao Family.

Fang Yuan can fight Rank 8, killing Fang Yuan is a benefit to everyone, so each one has a one-page Im Immortal expert, cultivation base at least Rank 7, and the battle strength is a sign in each family. Even Xia Family is Revered Great Elder Xia Cha personally, leading the leader, unified leadership, and preventing internal friction.

Such Gu Immortal expert has at least two to three Immortal Gus per person, and some have four, five Immortal Gus, such as Xia Cha. On average, it is three people per person.

Fang Yuan has not yet searched, these Immortal Gu combined with his accumulated, the number has broken through the 100 mark!

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Ghostly Great Thief Hand.

At the Atlantis Southern Border Gu Immortal Yang Ku was dragged out of the dream by Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, and Fang Yuan immediately performed his smug means.

A Rank 7 Immortal Gu was searched out, and Fang Yuan was a happy one, Soul Search Immortal Gu!

This Soul Search Immortal Gu is up to Rank 7 and is suitable for Fang Yuan. Next, search for their souls.

“But this is only a icing on the cake.”

“I don’t have Soul Search Immortal Gu, but on other Soul Dao Immortal Gu, I can also group Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Soul Search. It’s more convenient to have that’s all with this Immortal Gu.”

“It’s better to replace this Soul Search with Absorbing Soul Immortal Gu.”

Shadow Sect once mastered Absorbing Soul Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan. If you have it, it will be much easier to take in the soul of these Southern Border Gu Immortal. According to his current means, he still needs to go to a lot of trouble.

Yang Ku has a total of three Soul Dao Immortal Gu, but unfortunately there is no Absorbing Soul in the next two.

The last person is Liu Hao of Wu Family.

“This person has the means to restrain my Fixed Immortal Travel, I have to be careful examine.” Fang Yuan repeatedly urged the ultimate move, and after a while, finally searched for one Immortal Gu.

“Eh!” Fang Yuan was shocked.

This Immortal Gu left Immortal Aperture and actually ruined directly!

“What is this?” Fang Yuan’s eyes in the eyes of the cold glow suddenly flickered.

He continued to steal, but then he could only steal the debris of Gu insect, whether it was Immortal Gu or Mortal Gu, with the first Immortal Gu and self-destruction.

Fang Yuan carefully discerned from the wreckage of these Gu insects and soon discovered that this was a clever means of Refining Dao. As soon as these Gu insects leave the Immortal Aperture, they will be destroyed at the same time, and none will survive.

“There is still such a means? This Refining Dao means, extremely good, is definitely a level with Old Ancestor Long Haired. It seems that this Gu Immortal, I am afraid that Wu Family is so simple, it is likely to be Heavenly Court! ”

Fang Yuan immediately figured out the truth.

In the history of Gu Immortal, there are three major Refining Dao Great Experts, all of which are Supreme Grandmaster. In addition to the Old Ancestor Long Haired of Medieval Antiquity Era, Old Monster Tian Nan of Remote Antiquity Era, Old Immortal Space Severing of Olden Antiquity Era. The two are pure Human Race, and most of the True Inheritance scattered, are included in Heavenly Court. Fang Yuan once pretend to be Wu Yihai, lurking to Wu Family, and knowing Wu Family’s intelligence very clearly. Wu Family is no means of Refining Dao in this regard!

Fang Yuan’s face is slightly gloomy.

This method was beyond his expectation, and Fang Yuan was caught off guard and suffered a loss.

At the same time, he also stunned: “I originally intended to use the Time River Execution Formation to hook up the layout of Heavenly Court in the River of Time and expose it to my eyes. I did not expect Heavenly Court to penetrate the Southern Border team to chase I.”

“That was close …… According to Fairy Ziwei’s means, it is impossible to have only this person, and I have scheduled a backhand. Fortunately, I was evacuated in time and did not get entangled with Lu Weiyin.”

“Wu Family is the first Rightness Path of Southern Border. It is so easy to be penetrated by Heavenly Court. It seems not so simple. It is very likely that Wu Yong introduced Heavenly Court’s power to deal with me. Hey, he is indeed a The male character, who is not afraid of this incident, has committed Southern Border Gu Immortal World’s taboo.”

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan thought of Rank 1 and once again turned his attention to the wreckage of Immortal Gu in his hands.

“Resetting Gu…” he whispered softly in his mouth.

Resetting Gu is a vision he once had. Ideas derived from Resetting Person Gu, Resetting Rivers and Mountains Gu.

When Gu insect is injured or destroyed, use Resetting Gu 蛊 to restore them to their past state.

However, this idea seems to be very good, but the more you look deeper, the more it finds it unrealistic.

Mortal gu is Dao Marks, Immortal Gu is Grand Dao’s fragment, to restore them, Resetting Gu’s power and Rank number, to surpassing by far to restore the object. This alone means that Resetting Gu is far less practical than Resetting Person, Resetting Rivers and Mountains. Not to mention that the operation is too difficult.

But now, Fang Yuan seems to be a prototype of the Resetting Gu, just on the wreckage of these Gu insects.

“These Gu insects are obviously Space Dao genres, but Refining Dao’s Dao Marks can be attached to them. After launching, destroy them.”

Refining Dao is good at refining gu, and vice versa, of course, is good at destroying Gu insect.

“Perhaps for me, the wreckage of these Gu insects is more valuable than the previous Immortal Gu.” In this thought, Fang Yuan’s eyes are bright glow flashes.

In the previous ambush, Liu Hao used Locking Space Immortal Gu to deal with Fang Yuan, which prevented him from urging Fixed Immortal Travel.

The design of Heavenly Court is nothing more than the desire to let Locking Space Gu fall into Fang Yuan’s hand. But in fact, the method of restraining Fixed Immortal Travel is multi-purpose, far more than the Locking Space Gu.

“It’s actually that I will be able to find clues from these Gu insect wrecks and make Resetting Gu Immortal Gu !”

Fang Yuan cautious and solemn collect these Gu insect wrecks.

For him, it has great reference and reference value.

Of course, it is better to go directly to the Heavenly Court approach and inheritance.

But this may be too embarrassing for Fang Yuan.

“I absorbed Long Haired and Refining Dao Realm reached Quasi Supreme, but there are two great monuments in the history of Refining Dao, the Old Monster Tian Nan and Old Immortal Space Severing, which are the same as Old Ancestor Long Haired. Most inheritance, Heavenly Court must have been included in the capsule.” Fang Yuan secretly sighed.

Although clearly saw the opportunity of Resetting Gu, Heavenly Court is a stalwart, blocking Fang Yuan’s road.

Ps: Today is two more.

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