Heavenly Court.

The temple is so heavy that it is still so bright.

In the great hall, Fairy Ziwei slowly opened her eyes, and the purple light in her beautiful eyes flashed.

Subsequently, she was slightly frowned, her voice was ethereal, and she whispered to herself: “Locking Space Immortal Gu is self-destructive.”

After Fairy Ziwei took charge of Constellation Chessboard, it is the top three Wisdom Dao Great Expert in Gu Immortal World. How can I deal with Fang Yuan and Monarch Divine Light to deal with Fang Yuan? How can I not guard Fang Yuan’s Ghostly Great Thief Hand?

After eating a long hair, Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu was under the eyelid of Fairy Ziwei, letting Fang Yuan steal from Feng Jiuge’s. This kind of mistake, Fairy Ziwei will not make the second time.

“Yuan Qiongdu.” Immediately, Fairy Ziwei contacted the newly-born Heavenly Court’s Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

“Ziwei adults.” Yuan Qiongdu responded immediately.

“Go to Locking Space Gu.” Fairy Ziwei whispered.

Yuan Qiongdu suddenly changed his face. This time, Refining Dao’s Dao Marks was placed on Locking Space Gu and so on. It was his action, so he knew it.

Fairy Ziwei said that there is no point, Liu Hao bode ill rather than well.

Liu Hao and Yuan Qiongdu were born in the same Ancient Sect. Yuan Qiongdu hesitated. After all, he asked: “I would like to ask Ziwei, Liu Hao, he…”

“It is very likely that I was captured by Fang Yuan, but I would rather he be killed by Fang Yuan.” Fairy Ziwei’s tone is indifferent, and the coolness of Fang Yuan’s Southern Border Righteous Path is strikingly similar!

Yuan Qiongdu expression was shocked and reacted immediately.

Fairy Ziwei’s words are not private enmity with Liu Hao, looking forward to Liu Hao’s death, but Liu Hao is captured, meaning that other Southern Borders are also captured by Fang Yuan.

If Fang Yuan kills Liu Hao, other Southern Borders are probably no exception. As a result, there is a Blood Sea revenge between Fang Yuan and Southern Border Righteous Path. There is no possibility of compromise or cooperation. Southern Border experienced the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain and the dream battle. The loss was quite heavy. After the Southern Border group was killed by Fang Yuan, it was really hurt. The entire Gu Immortal World’s strength and background will fall to the bottom of the Five Regions.

By the time the Five Regions chaotic war period and the Boundary Wall disappear, Central Continent can start with the Southern Border.

Southern Border One was swallowed up by Central Continent. Central Continent has two domains. It has the highest strength and immediately surpasses the remaining three domains. The pattern has also changed, and it is no longer the predicament of the four wars!

Compared with this overall situation, what is the sacrifice of a district Rank 7 Gu Immortal Liu Hao?

After understanding this, the horror on Yuan Qiongdu’s face dissipated and retired: “I will go to the Locking Space Gu and so on.”

Yuan Qiongdu has long been prepared, he is Rank 8 himself, and has the help of Heavenly Court Refining Dao grand formation, grabbing the Locking Space Immortal Gu, etc. It should be a matter of stability.

However, in the heart of Fairy Ziwei, there is always a feeling of uneasiness.

This kind of uneasiness is a sign for Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal.

The ternary elements of Wisdom Dao are Thought, Intent, Emotion.

The rise, change, and annihilation of emotions may be just the joys and sorrows of Gu Immortal in other genres. But for Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, it makes a difference.

“don’t tell me is what I missed? What is it that makes me so uneasy?” Fairy Ziwei sinks his heart and holds the Constellation Chessboard, which is deeply inferred.

After a long time , she slowly opened her eyes , revealing a trace of doubt.

The result of the calculation is exactly the same as before.

“Fang Yuan is able to set the success of this time. The real key lies in the first step that has just begun, and successfully enlisted the Southern Border group into the Time Dao grand formation.”

“This is not his credit, but the Time Dao grand formation that Shadow Sect put together in the vicinity of the tributary of the time, combined with the natural Dao Marks.”

Fang Yuan has a Formation Dao Grandmaster Realm and can only lay out Immortal Formation based on immortal materials.

Only by reaching the Formation Dao Great Grandmaster can the Immortal Formation be arranged according to the natural Dao Marks.

Of course, Shadow Sect does not lack such a character, so the Time Dao grand formation is placed early in the vicinity of the tributary of the time, and this tributary is covered up.

This is based on the natural Dao Marks, the Immortal Formation, although saving Immortal Gu, but also has drawbacks.

The main drawback is that the Time Dao grand formation is different depending on the division, arrangement, etc. of the natural Dao Marks.

Gu Immortal’s placement of this Immortal Formation is not only about having his own ideas, but also about adapting to local conditions. Time Dao’s Dao Marks, which is a place to be replaced, can’t be laid out with such a hidden Time Dao grand formation.

Therefore, Fang Yuan succeeded in ambushing and capturing the terrifying results of the Southern Border group, and could not copy the second time.

At this point, Fairy Ziwei has cost a lot of money, combined with the key clues brought back by Monarch Divine Light, it is hard to calculate.

“Without the Immortal Formation imprisonment, even if Fang Yuan uses Pure Dream Seeking True Physique self-exploding, the dream expansion is not fast, and Gu Immortal can escape with ease.”

“If you use the Immortal Dao battlefield, unless it is the Dream Dao battlefield, otherwise the battlefields of other genres will be first eroded by dreams, thus disintegrating and destroying.”

“So Fang Yuan does not have much threat to use the tactics of dreams.”

“So why am I uneasy? Don’t tell me is Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul?”

Thinking of this, Fairy Ziwei simply left the great hall and went somewhere to Heavenly Court.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is here, Soul Shaking Mountain self-exploding, which makes him a good opportunity, combined with Soul Dao’s Dao Marks, to resist.

But Heavenly Court is never lacking. At this moment, Fairy Ziwei is here, a magnificent Immortal Formation has been built and is running.

This huge Immortal Formation is like a huge stone mill, constantly grinding the Soul Dao’s Dao Marks inside.

“Gloomy Soul, do you still want to resist? Unfortunately, in three days, Soul Dao’s Dao Marks around you will be completely worn out by grand formation. Your previous behavior is just linger on in a steadily worsening condition that’s all.” Fairy Ziwei entered the battle and saw Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, sneer.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is silent and has no response.

In the eyes of Fairy Ziwei, the purple light flashed, and the Constellation Chessboard emitted blue light in the hands, sweeping through the entire Immortal Formation and the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul. After three times and five times, she was once again convinced that Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul had no flaws and no hard hands against the struggle.

“Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is no problem, it seems that my uneasiness should not be here. Where is it? Wait, don’t tell me is…”

Fairy Ziwei came out of the Immortal Formation, and suddenly the expression moved, thought of one person.

So she acted immediately, without hesitation, and went out to Heavenly Court and went to a nameless valley in Central Continent.

The valley is lush and green with a waterfall inside. Duke Long is a squat in the waterfall, and teaches and guards Feng Jinhuang.

Feng Jinhuang !

If there is anything that makes Fairy Ziwei uneasy, I am afraid this is the Great Dream seed.

The roar of the waterfall, such as falling and falling, the water vapor is rich.

A dream is smashing, and the girl Feng Jinhuang is white and snowy, dignified and beautiful, sitting quietly on the snow-white boulders, her eyes closed slightly.

One Gu Immortal, the atmosphere is extremely restrained, the front of a pair of coral Dragon Horn, strong body, standing silently, like a giant giant pillar, eyes on Feng Jinhuang.

“Duke Long Senior.” Fairy Ziwei sneaked forward and whispered.

Duke Long nodded, slightly raised his hand and pressed, indicating that Fairy Ziwei remained quiet.

a moment later , Feng Jinhuang suddenly opened his eyes and whispered in his mouth, just like a young phoenix. Then she motivated the ultimate move, aiming at the dream, and extending her index finger.


a light sound , white light 射射,中中梦境.

The dream suddenly solidified, and then immediately hua la la, like the mirror was broken, all broken, scattered.

“Breaked dreams, move, I practiced!” Feng Jinhuang raised his arms and cheered.

Duke Long nodded, the face is full of gratification.

Fairy Ziwei couldn’t help but be shocked. Feng Jinhuang’s progress on Dream Dao was much more unexpected than she expected.

Any extreme move of the old genre, even if it is as high as Rank 9, even if it is Rank 9 Immortal Gu Home, hit the dream, it is like a stone cow into the sea, can not help the dream.

Unexpectedly, Feng Jinhuang’s Mortal Realm Ultimate Move is a dream that can be effective for dreams.

“Huang’er, you have been practicing for a long time, and go to rest.” Duke Long sent Feng Jinhuang, looks amiable, where to see a trace of his vertical field, oysters Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s terrifying.

“Yes, Master.” Feng Jinhuang knew that Fairy Ziwei and Duke Long had something to talk about and they ran away.

After Feng Jinhuang walked away, only Duke Long and Purple Mountain True Monarch were left. Duke Long asked: “What do you want to do here?”

“There is nothing else, but the heart is always uneasy, but can’t find the root cause.” Fairy Ziwei tells the truth.

Duke Long suddenly frowned. “Depending on your Wisdom Dao’s rumors, your heart is uneasy, but you can’t find the root cause?”

Fairy Ziwei nodded: “I have calculated Fang Yuan and looked at Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul again. I am still uneasy, so I want to come here.”

Duke Long lightly smiled : “Then you are also saw, how is it here?”

Fairy Ziwei also said with a smile : “I care too much, Duke Long Senior teaches here that Feng Jinhuang is progressing rapidly, far surpasses think.”

Duke Long shook her head: “I didn’t make a difference on Dream Dao. Huang’er was able to do this. It was all her talented and independent cultivation. I just took care of her and prevented her from appearing in the cultivation.”

Fairy Ziwei’s eyes are bright and heartfelt and praised: “This child is my Heavenly Court, the hope of the Five Regions!”

Duke Long nodded, Twilight: “I know where you are uneasy.”

“Oh? Also ask Duke Long to confuse.”

“I can’t get your one in ten thousand at Wisdom Dao, but the people around are only more. Since it’s not Fang Yuan, it’s not Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, it’s not Feng Jinhuang, then only Red Lotus is left. “”

Red Lotus Demon Venerable !

Fairy Ziwei’s eyes are bright: “Duke Long is talking about Red Lotus’ True Inheritance?”

The three Demon Venerable attacked Heavenly Court, but only Red Lotus Demon Venerable almost destroyed Fate Immortal Gu. Normal people can think of the True Inheritance left by Red Lotus Demon Venerable. I am afraid that I am unwilling, and I want future generations to continue to work hard to completely destroy Fate Immortal Gu!

“How about progress in finding Red Lotus’ True Inheritance?” Duke Long asked.

Fairy Ziwei said: “Present Ancient Pavilion has been guarding the River of Time. As long as Fang Yuan comes in, it will be noticed. The Fixed Boat is almost finished, and after a few days, it can be launched into the river and search for Red Lotus’ True Inheritance. I also plan to set up. Three Autumn Yellow Crane Stage, Shark River Sleigh. With these four Time Dao Immortal Gu Home, how the Fang Yuan grows up, but also on the wall of the copper wall, the blood is broken!”

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