Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Little Red Heaven.

Fang Yuan Time Dao clone immediately caught the attention of countless Zodiac Beast.

Oh Oh! Giggle! 吼roar!

Numerous Zodiac Beast sent out beasts and flew to Fang Yuan. A large number of Far Ancient Desolate Beast, squeezing the Desolate Rank Zodiac Beast aside, eager to see.

But soon, an Immemorial Zodiac Chicken was sturdy and flamboyantly fanned over. Desolate Rank Zodiac Beast and Far Ancient Zodiac Beast all hurriedly avoided the scene, and the scene was chaotic.

Immemorial Zodiac Chicken ran to the front of the Fang Yuan Time Dao clone and suddenly lowered his head, revealing the tame.

Fang Yuan lightly smiled, reached out and touched the head of the Immemorial Zodiac Chicken, the red and exaggerated cockscomb, and then swung a large sleeve and sprinkled countless common level Year Gu.

Immemorial Zodiac Chicken giggled, opened the chicken’s mouth and burst into a strong suction, swallowing most of the Year Gu into the abdomen. Only a few Year Gus were scattered around, causing a rush to the surrounding Far Ancient Zodiac Beast.

Immemorial Zodiac Chicken was stopped, but still unsatisfied, staring at Fang Yuan’s Time Dao clone, a pair of eyes shimmering.

Fang Yuan’s big-sleeved swaying, massive Year Gu is like a small stone on the beach, sprayed out, forming a heavy rain.

Everyone has a share, Zodiac Beast suddenly fell into a carnival.

After a long time, including the Immemorial Zodiac Chicken, all the Zodiac Beast were stopped. Before the stagnation of the hunger dissipated, the lazy state was restored, and the one by one white cloud entered the rest state. No more moving.

Fang Yuan’s Time Dao clone Sweeping a week, slightly nod, and flew away.

In this Little Red Heaven, there are seven Zodiac Beast communities like this, which is already the third community fed by Fang Yuan.

In the Paragon Immortal Aperture, the Zodiac Beast is a lot of people. Recently, Fang Yuan used the Time River Execution Formation to calculate the Southern Border Righteous Path and captured the largest group of spoils. Of war is the Zodiac Beast that suppressed the conquest in battle.

These Zodiac Beasts are of high quality, at least Desolate Rank Zodiac Beast, a large number of Far Ancient Zodiac Beast, and seven Immemorial Zodiac Beast.

Originally, Fang Yuan’s soul background, can only enslave 1~2 head Immemorial Zodiac Beast. But now he is in the Soul Dao cultivation advanced by leaps and bounds, although it has been falling recently, but the background is still more than half, enslaved seven Immemorial Zodiac Beast.

It is worth mentioning that among the seven Immemorial Zodiac Beast, the Immemorial Zodiac Chicken has the largest number of three heads. The other four heads are Immemorial Zodiac Tiger, Immemorial Zodiac Dragon, Immemorial Zodiac Rabbit, Immemorial Zodiac Horse.

In the River of Time, there is a relatively large number of Immemorial Zodiac Beasts at regular intervals. Obviously this period of time is the period of the Immemorial Zodiac Chicken.

However, the Immemorial Zodiac Beast controlled by Fang Yuan has up to seven heads, but pulling it out alone is not as good as the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey that Fang Yuan had previously controlled. Unfortunately, the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey has already died in the battlefield.

Of course, all seven Immemorial Zodiac Beast battle strengths are superimposed and naturally much more powerful than an Immemorial Zodiac Monkey.

There is a significant difference in battle strength between Immemorial Zodiac Beast. This is like the difference between Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Fang Yuan, while feeding these Zodiac Beast, thought about it: “The addition of so many Zodiac Beasts, the cost of feeding, has skyrocketed dozens of times! If you do not extort a batch of immortal essence stones, I am afraid I will not be able to feed. ”

The higher the level of Zodiac Beast, the sharp increase in food intake. Feeding Zodiac Beast, the food used, is Year Gu.

Fang Yuan, through the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Years Flow Like Water, refines the massive common level of Gu, which supports the belly of these Zodiac Beast.

And to promote Years Flow Like Water Immortal Gu, the consumption is Fang Yuan’s Red Jujube Immortal Essence.

Previously, Fang Yuan consumed a lot of immortal essence in feeding Zodiac Beast. With so many Zodiac Beasts added, the Immemorial Zodiac Beast has seven heads, so it has become the biggest project for Fang Yuan in terms of Zodiac Beast feeding.

“Currently, Soul Shaking Mountain has been fixed to 80%, and the output of Audacity Gu is no longer unbearable, but it is unsatisfactory and unbearable.”

“When Soul Shaking Mountain is completely repaired, it is a new drag on Zodiac Beast.”

Fang Yuan is feeding Zodiac Beast every once in a while. It is already the most economical and economical way to refine Yourar Gu through Years Flow Like Water, but it is still a huge burden.

Fang Yuan needs to raise this Zodiac Beast to cope with the future of the River of Time, so the Zodiac Beast feeding problem needs to be solved.

In fact, this problem is not just Zodiac Beast, but also the eagle group.

Fang Yuan once purchased a large number of eagle beasts for the enslavement of the Superior Heavenly Eagle. The feeding of these eagle beasts has always been a burden.

To make them self-sufficient and truly integrated into the Paragon Immortal Aperture this world, it takes Fang Yuan to spend a lot of energy and money to build a complete food chain.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp.

Perfecting a food chain is also a deep exploration and understanding of Heavenly Dao’s by Gu Immortal.

However, compared to the eagle group, the Zodiac Beast is much larger, and the most important thing to solve is the feeding of Zodiac Beast.

Zodiac Beast is much easier to build a complete food chain because of its speciality.

Mastering Gloomy Soul’s True Inheritance, 琅琊True Inheritance, etc., Fang Yuan has a solution and there is always a solution.

Today, he has three options for him to choose from.

The first option is to build the Magnificent Zodiac Pond.

This is a Resource Point and can be thought of as a tiny River of Time. Its role is to simulate the environment in the River of Time for Zodiac Beast to survive, live and multiply.

Magnificent Zodiac Pond’s specifications are available in four levels: Rank 6, Rank 7, Rank 8, and Rank 9.

The advantage of this solution is that it saves space and Zodiac Beast survives and produces a certain amount of Year Gu. After a long period of operation, it will also produce other wild Time Dao Gu insects, and even breed Day Beast, Month Beast, etc., and eventually form a miniature River of Time.

The downside is that the cost is too high. The Magnificent Zodiac Pond, which is only Rank 6, is a huge number. Converted into immortal essence stones, not a million, nor a million, but a million-meter immortal essence stones!

The Rank 7 Magnificent Zodiac Pond is even more exaggerated, involving a lot of scarce immortal materials, the greater part has no price. The Rank 6 grade of Magnificent Zodiac Pond, rich and imposing, can still be built. The Rank 7 level is not a problem that immortal essence stones can solve.

As for Fang Yuan, he needs the Rank 8 Magnificent Zodiac Pond so that he can hold the seven Immemorial Zodiac Beast!

The second option is the Golden Flow Year Platform.

This is a Time XoX Immortal Gu Home of Rank 7, which is quite special. Because it needs to be fixed, unlike most other Immortal Gu Homes, it is free to mobility. Once laid out, the Golden Flow Year Platform will be transformed into a bright moon, always in the sky of Blessed Land, and will continue to rise and fall.

In the Golden Flow Year Platform, you can load a large number of Zodiac Beasts and make them safe and quiet. As a result, the demand for feeding is drastically reduced.

The advantage of this solution is that the flow into the platform can extract the power of Zodiac Beast for its use, without the need for Fang Yuan to consume immortal essence. This is in peacetime, allowing Fang Yuan to make full use of Zodiac Beast and not to feed them in vain.

The drawbacks of this program are also obvious.

First of all, to construct this Rank 7 Immortal Gu Home Golden Flow Year Platform, you need a lot of Time Dao Immortal Gu. Fang Yuan needs these Time Dao Immortal Gu bodyguards.

Second, the Golden Flow Year Platform should be as fixed as possible, allowing it to operate on its own in the Immortal Aperture. So even if it is built, it can’t help Fang Yuan to fight in the River of Time. It is not good at combat itself.

Secondly, the Immortal Gu Home consumes the power of the Zodiac Beast. If it is taken to the limit, the Zodiac Beast will die, the Time Dao’s Dao Marks will be destroyed, and the Zodiac Beast will be worthless.

Finally, when Zodiac Beast wakes up, he needs a huge food that far surpasses to feed, to fill its consumption.

The third option is Twelve Zodiacs Battle Formation.

A collection of twelve different types of Immemorial Zodiac Beast, with which they form the Twelve Zodiacs Battle Formation.

This grand formation is much longer than the attack, and is completely different from the Golden Flow Year Platform. Although it is a grand formation, it can be mobility.

Because the core is the twelve Immemorial Zodiac Beast, these Immemorial Zodiac Beasts are sealed, like stone statues, motionless, and do not need to be fed. But when fighting, it will be unsealed, formed into Battle Formation, and killed.

Obviously, this grand formation centered on the Immemorial Zodiac Beast is not a modern gu formation but a Far Ancient Battle Formation. Similar to Azure City Vertically and Horizontally, Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze, except that the latter two is centered on Gu Immortal, and this Twelve Zodiacs Battle Formation is centered on Immemorial Zodiac Beast.

The advantage of this solution is that it really saves a feeding expense.

But the downside is that it only targets Immemorial Zodiac Beast. If Far Ancient Zodiac Beast and Desert Lit Zodiac Beast are used, Fang Yuan cannot form the Twelve Zodiacs Battle Formation.

However, to do this, Fang Yuan has to search for more Immemorial Zodiac Beast, and these Immetorial Zodiac Beasts are still different.

This kind of collection work not only looks at the strength, but also looks at Luck Qi. It is very difficult and takes a long time.

After deep thinking, Fang Yuan decided to adopt the first option.

Although the first option is the most invested, it is also the most profitable if it is built successfully.

“Depending on my own strength, to build the Magnificent Zodiac Pond of the Rank 8 grade, I am afraid that 30% will not be built, and the economy will collapse and fall into the Predicament.”

Fang Yuan’s assets are actually very strong, but many of his assets cannot be sold, such as Adverse Current River. Moreover, he also needs to face the external pressures such as Heavenly Court, all aspects must be balanced, it is impossible to take all on one throw, no matter what, to build a Magnificent Zodiac Pond.

“But now, it’s the best time to build the Magnificent Zodiac Pond.”

“Xia Family, you want to talk to me? First send three whirlpool mornings.” Fang Yuan casts Information Dao mortal gu to the Xia Family booth.

Soon, Xia Family responded: “Fellow Immortal Fang Yuan Mingjian, although my family has eliminated the whirlpool, but the origin is in the Immortal Aperture of Reevered Great Elder. There is no stock in my family.”

Fang Yuan gave a slight glimpse, this answer was unexpected, but he immediately said with a sneer: “I will not know this point? Send three, no, ten whirlpool morning, I saw the sincerity of your family, we Only talk. Otherwise…”

“But this whirlpool is very scarce, even if it is in Treasure Yellow Heaven, there is no market. Three copies of that’s all, ten copies, where do my family look for?”

“I don’t care! This is your business.” Fang Yuan replied coldly to the last sentence.

Ps: Tell everyone a good news, that is, the book will be published in traditional Chinese. Waiting for the book, will do activities, lottery send books! Until now Thank you for your support, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will have more. Thanks for the fate, let us know each other and know each other!

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