
Fang Yuan has a sleeve and a black mist is a Soul Burst ultimate move.

This is the means of the Rank 7 peak, which immediately built Chi Family at the heart of the immortal grand formation on the Cloud Bamboo mountain range, which was blown up.

Hong long long.

Another roar, the grand formation core collapsed, and some parts of the Immortal Formation were also closely closely from behind, followed by collapse.

At this point, the entire Cloud Bamboo mountain range grand formation was completely disintegrated.

“Sure enough, it’s gone.” Looking at the empty core, Fang Yuan’s eyes are deep, but there is no unexpected expression.

His initial stage attacked the grand formation, and the opponent’s defense was fierce and wise. But when it came to the Battle of Late Stage, Fang Yuan clearly felt that this immortal grand formation responded to the loss of data, and many of the reactions were not timely, and changed to become dazed board.

Whether it is immortal grand formation or Immortal Gu Home, it needs to be guarded. Even the will to stay, or the Formation Spirit, can’t replace the role of Gu Immortal.

“Well? There seems to be one Immortal Gu ruined here?” Fang Yuan soon noticed an unusual breath. Soon, he determined that there should be such an unformed Wood Dao Immortal Gu, which was directly destroyed when he was evacuated by Chi Family Gu Immortal.

Fang Yuan is a pity, but he also appreciates this decision. If you change to him, you will definitely do it.

There was nothing valuable at the core, and Fang Yuan flew up and started to start with the entire Cloud Bamboo mountain range.

In the Cloud Bamboo mountain range, there is a lot of life in Cloud Dao.

Like Cloud Leopard.

Fang Yuan urged Enslave Dao to instantly erupt the orange-yellow glow from his body, covering a hundred acres.

Among the halos, Cloud Leopard and other creatures suddenly struggled fiercely, feeling painful and constantly embarrassed. But very quickly, this resistance quickly decayed, and eventually they were motionless, staying in place, and became the wild beast of Fang Yuan slave.

Fang Yuan opened the Immortal Aperture Portal, and these creatures took the initiative to gather together, like a river infused into Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Fang Yuan is constantly searching, and the massive creatures are all invested in the Immortal Aperture.

Suddenly, a scream came out, and two Desolate Beast Cloud Leopard came out and ran to the mountains.

“Give me back!” Fang Yuan laughed heartily, catching up, Enslave Dao ultimate move, so that these two Desolate Beast Cloud Leopard kneel on the ground, recognize him as the main.

Cloud Bamboo mountain range, a vast area, is a large Resource Point, full of rich Dao Marks, gestating Desolate Beasts and Plants is very normal, even Far Ancient Desolate Beast is also possible. Immortal Gu is even rarer. Unfortunately, although there is one here, it has not been formed yet and it has been forced to be destroyed.

After Fang Yuan searched roughly, he harvested a total of seven Desolate Beast Cloud Leopard, eleven of the three Desolate Plants, namely the mist root, the White Hair ginseng and the gun tip bamboo. What surprised Fang Yuan most was that there was a Rank 7 immortal materials Cloud Soil, which was very large.

However, there has never been a Far Ancient Desolate Beast or a Far Ancient Desolate Plant.

“I am afraid that Gu Immortal, who is here, will take them away. Or there will be no.”

According to the laws of nature, there is indeed the possibility of breeding Far Ancient Desolate Plant Desolate Beast. But here is dominated by Chi Family for many years, Chi Family is proficient in Formation Dao, but weak in Enslave Dao. They naturally would not allow, and they could rival the Far Ancient Desolate Beast of Rank 7 Gu Immortal and stay in their own industry uncontrollably.

Fang Yuan didn’t care. He continued to search. This time he extended his claws to the gun-tip bamboo covering the mountains and the plains.

These gun-tip bamboos are common coffins, and the Desolate Plant gun-tip bamboo is already in the first wave, and it is the focus of Fang Yuan.

At this point, it is a little troublesome.

Fang Yuan’s Enslave Dao is very rich, but Wood Dao is lacking. After all, Wood Dao Immortal Gu is too rare.

“Transplanting this kind of gun sharp bamboo is a good way to use Wood Dao.” Fang Yuan said.

Fang Yuan wants to transplant these guns, and he needs the elaborate Wood Dao technique. The other genre’s ultimate move will bring Dao Marks of other genres on the gun-tip bamboo. Even the temporaryly-printed Dao Marks will damage the Dao Marks of the gun-tip bamboo, which will degrade its quality.

In fact, Gloomy Soul’s True Inheritance does have many Wood Dao means, but Fang Yuan is a weak point in Wood Dao Immortal Gu.

Therefore, for a time, Fang Yuan can only use the Mortal Dao means to collect these guns.

Therefore, the efficiency is greatly reduced, far less than Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. The Cloud Bamboo mountain range is extremely wide, and Fang Yuan collects a gun from a oxen.

“Unfortunately my Picking Mountain Immortal Gu, although it can be Picking Mountain, is only a Rank 6 level, and can’t pull the entire Cloud Bamboo mountain range.”

Previously, Fang Yuan took Soul Shaking Mountain and Unrestrained Valley because of the two Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm, which was used by Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable for All Becomes Clear and Orderly ultimate move.

And this Cloud Bamboo mountain range, there is no such treatment.

Of course, Fang Yuan can also break the Cloud Bamboo mountain range, but the result of the break is not controlled by Fang Yuan.

The tree has a tree root and the mountain has a mountain root. Unless he has the corresponding Earth Dao means, he can separate the roots.

“What? Traitor Fang has now broken the Cloud Bamboo mountain range!” Chi Quyou frowned and his face was gloomy like water.

He is Chi Family Revered Great Elder, and something like this, the corresponding battle report is of course immediately delivered to his hands.

The previous heart-shaped river beach was just a medium-sized resource, and it lost a lot, but the problem was not big. Now the Cloud Bamboo mountain range is also lost, this is a big resource!

“In order to run the Cloud Bamboo mountain range, the family invited the Earth Dao Great Expert to pay special attention to the mountain. It was only a hundred years of careful operation, which formed the climate. I did not expect that today, the Cloud Bamboo mountain range was robbed. “”

As a super-power, Chi Family has a large number of large Resource Points. But the Cloud Bamboo mountain range is a bit special.

Because it was the beginning of Chi Family, when it was still weak, it was built by Chi Family ancestors, grit his teeth.

In the history of Chi Family, this Cloud Bamboo mountain range also provided Chi Family with a stable source of economic resources, and did not live up to the expectations of the builders.

Chi Family has gradually prospered under the efforts of generation after generation, and the sphere of influence is constantly expanding. Although there are more and more large resources, the Cloud Bamboo mountain range is gradually in the hinterland of the Chi Family site, but it has never been ignored, and there have always been two Gu Immortals guards.

Cloud Bamboo mountain range is not only a Resource Point, but also an incentive for Chi Family, which contains a Chi Family consciousness.

“Other large Resource Point is that’s all, but the Cloud Bamboo mountain range is not to be lost. Go to Immortal Gu Home, cruel Fang Yuan, and recover Cloud Bamboo mountain range!” Chi Quyou thought for a moment and immediately issued an order. , a firm attitude.

“So Revered Great Elder, what about you?” asked Chi Family Gu Immortal.

Chi Quyou coldly snorted: “This Traitor Fang seems to be realized. I am here, his real purpose, or to steal the dream here! I will keep it here, he will definitely come back. Of course, you must make me. The illusion of personal crusade.”

So Chi Family started Immortal Gu Home and hurried back to the Cloud Bamboo mountain range.

Fang Yuan has not left yet, he is still charging guns. This kind of bamboo roots is quite developed, and it can penetrate into the earth and reach 5~6. It is necessary to move them and every one to their own Immortal Aperture without any skill.

Chi Family Gu Immortals Seeing Fang Yuan, hesitating, here is the Cloud Bamboo mountain range. If there is no battle with Fang Yuan and there is no Immortal Formation guard, the Cloud Bamboo mountain range is probably going to be destroyed.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Ghostly Great Thief Hand !

Fang Yuan was already ready. Ghostly Great Thief Hand lurked a long time and suddenly started, aiming at Chi Family Immortal Gu Home.

Paragon Immortal Aperture.

The northernmost point of Little Northern Plains is snowy and chilly.

The Snowmans are arrogant, all the way, and finally arrived at this place.

The cold Heaven Qi made the smiles of the Snowman’s faces happy.

“This is the place where we can live.”

“And with such a vast land, it is no longer as crowded as before.”

“Thanks to Bing Zhuo great immortal for guidance. wu wu wu ……”

Some Snowman old people have fallen to the ground and can’t stop crying.

“Look at you!” Someone suddenly yelled.

The Snowman quickly looked up and saw a scene that would make them unforgettable. I saw the cold fog of the sky suddenly retreating, revealing three crystal giant peaks in the fog. Gu Immortal “Bing Zhuo” was suspended in the air, nodded to them, and then the cold fog swarmed again, again covering the three crystal clear peaks.

“It’s Bing Zhuo great immortal!”

“This is the great immortal pointing to our home – Three Saints’ Mountain.”

“It seems that my family is immortal, it should be living on Three Saints’ Mountain!”

The Snowmans were so excited that they fell to the ground and greeted the Three Saints’ Mountain.

They did not know that the “Bing Zhuo great immortal” under the mist had changed suddenly and became a stranger. It was the Fang Yuan Time Dao clone.

“Food, the environment, the plants, etc. are all properly arranged, and the environment is simple, but enough for this group of Snowman to survive.”

“At this point, Snowman’s placement is completely completed.”

Time Dao clone slightly nod, and also Manipulates Snow Crystal Formation, looked towards another place.

There, a small group of Snow Monster emerged from the snow pile, curiously looking at each other, and then began to wander around.

“right. Under the influence of Snow Crystal Formation, Snow Monster was also created. The production of Snow Monster in this place has also started slowly. In time, it will bring me great benefits.”

Leaving Little Northern Plains, Time Dao clone came to Little Central Continent.

Not long ago, he set up a new river beach here, the name is directly copied, also called the heart of the river beach.

In the river beach, there are countless stones, large and small, round and white.

There is also a river of water, flowing, and some of the heart is living here.

Most of Fang Yuan’s harvest was sold directly to Treasure Yellow Heaven. All the rivers, stones, and a small amount of heart are left behind, and they are kept as seeds. In the future, if possible, an economic pillar can be developed in this respect.

Time Dao clone flew all the way, flying in the southeast direction of the small river beach, and it took a long time to stop.

There is a large open space in front of you, and there is no one to smoke.

Time Dao clone began planting gun-tip bamboo here, releasing Cloud Leopard and other wild beast.

The mountain range is not available, and Fang Yuan intends to initially build a Cloud Bamboo garden.

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