“Receive.” Fang Yuan floats in midair and opens the Immortal Aperture Portal.

A large number of wild babies, pulled by invisible and gentle forces, gathered into the air, as if it were a beautiful cloud, and they all went to Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture.

This process has continued to work for 5 minutes.

Fang Yuan gave a slight estimate: “Rank 5 has more than 3,000 hearts, Rank 4 has 50,000, and Rank 3 has a heart size of up to one million.”

The heart shape is like a rain stone. The color and shape are different between different Rank numbers. It is Wisdom Dao Gu insect. After using it, it can absorb the target’s mind, make the target paralyzed, and temporarily lose the ability to see and think. If you match other Gu insects, you can go further and form an extreme move. The heart is very practical in combat, and the most used is to match Enslave Dao, adding enslavement. Of course, the Wisdom Dao Gu Master also uses this Gu insect, but the Wisdom Dao genre has always been rare and mysterious.

Gu Master is difficult to raise, usually with only a single digit mortal gu. But at the level of Gu Immortal, mortal gu is tens of thousands, and only Immortal Gu is Gu Immortal hard to find.

Fang Yuan This is an exception to the exception.

“The heart of the river is a medium-sized Resource Point. This time stormed and broke the gu formation. Gu Immortal, who was here, fled directly, so I didn’t start with these sensations, which made me such a rich fortune. ”

If you are guarding Gu Immortal here, you will be charged with the heart before you evacuate, or directly destroy them. Fang Yuan’s spoils of war is undoubtedly greatly reduced.

I want to come to Gu Immortal in order to defend against Fang Yuan, manipulates Immortal Formation, and I have no ability to distract myself. At the time of the evacuation, there is no means, or without this decision and very ruthless, to destroy here.

Fang Yuan took a photo of her heart and stayed on the beach.

Rank 6 Strength Dao Immortal Gu – Pulling Water.

He secretly urged this Immortal Gu, making the river seem like a piece of silk, picked up by the invisible giant hand, and then put into the Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture.

This is a beautiful beach, with a special environment, full of Wisdom Dao’s Dao Marks, and of course other Dao Marks such as Earth Dao, Water Dao, Wood Dao, etc., as the cornerstone, but the total size is far less than Wisdom Dao’s Dao Marks.

The river that Fang Yuan collects also has a strong Wisdom Dao’s Dao Marks.

“Unfortunately, the greater part of Wisdom Dao’s Dao Marks is still on this land.” Fang Yuan secretly regrets.

There is no way to do this.

Although he has Picking Mountain Immortal Gu, he is targeting the mountains, not a piece of land.

“These stones are also taken away.” The large and small stones on the beach of the heart of the river also contain Wisdom Dao’s Dao Marks, which are excellent coffins. Fang Yuan is also packed and taken away.

Anyway, he can take it away.

After a few moments, he spurred Rank 7 Fixed Immortal Travel and left here, leaving a looted recess.

Fang Yuan is now wanted and must not stay in one place for too long, otherwise it will be left to other enemies to encircle and count him.

So he just stormed the gulf and was blocked by the grand formation for a while, and then wisely evacuated it, not to discover Chi Quyou’s conspiracy in the dark.

Fang Yuan is sure to use Fixed Immortal Travel, he directly crossed more than 100,000 and came over a mountain range.

I saw this mountain range, things are vertical and horizontal, magnificent, and undulating. There are no trees in the mountains, but they are full of bamboo. This kind of bamboo is very thick, and each has the size specifications of the ancient tree. The leaves of bamboo are mostly triangular, thick at the roots, thin at the tip of the leaves, and sharp and hard in texture. Many mortals pick the bamboo leaves and tie them on the wooden sticks to form a shredded wooden gun. Therefore, this kind of bamboo is called a gun bamboo.

The gun-point bamboo forest is vast and covers the entire mountain range. There are many creatures living in the bamboo forest, and they are full of vitality. Most of them have Cloud Dao’s Dao Marks, the largest of which is Cloud Leopard. This civet cat of white fur can float briefly in the air. At this time, Fang Yuan looked down at the foot and saw a group of Cloud Leopard floating in the green bamboo forest, floating up and down, playing with each other, a lively, quiet and peaceful picture.

Fang Yuan blink bright lightes: “This is the Cloud Bamboo mountain range, the large Resource Point that Chi Family controls.”

The Resource Point, which Super Power has mastered in Five Regions, is basically divided into five types: micro, small, medium, large, and giant.

Fang Yuan Paragon Immortal Aperture’s Dragon Fish Sea Territory is a giant Resource Point that produces massive dragon fish such as gold, silver, copper, iron. It is the economic pillar of the most important of the Fang Yuan fairy.

“Well, bad, Fang Yuan, this devil came to us!”

“The glimpse of the trench was attacked by him. The heart of the river has been broken by him. I didn’t expect him to come to the Cloud Bamboo mountain range. It is such a crucial moment, hehe.”

The two Chi Family Rank 6 Gu Immortal who are here, see Fang Yuan, very lonely one’s head out of fear.

Fang Yuan used Fixed Immortal Travel to transmit it. The movement itself was not small, and Fang Yuan did not intend to hide invisibly. The silhouette was unobstructed and immediately let Chi Family and Gu Immortals detect it.

These two Gu Immortals are now in the depths of the mountain range. In front of them, there is a huge gun-tip bamboo that is seventy feet. The bamboo body is very strong. Ten adult men hold hands and hold together, and they may not be able to hold this giant. bamboo.

In the within the body of this giant bamboo, a prototype of Immortal Gu is brewing.

Nothing wrong, here is a wild Immortal Gu to be shaped!

Chi Family Two Gu Immortals guard the Cloud Bamboo mountain range, the focus is also here, Immortal Gu is the only one, the only shape of the Wood Dao Immortal Gu, is the most valuable treasure in the Cloud Bamboo mountain range.

Hōng hōng hōng !

Fang Yuan has a large sleeve and sprinkles countless fireworks and thunder. Two Chi Family Gu Immortal sighed in unison, urging Immortal Formation and blocking the Fang Yuan offensive.

Chi Family is good at Formation Dao, Chi Quyou is the Formation Dao Great Grandmaster. You can use the Dao Marks in Heaven and Earth, and then on on mortal gu to arrange the Immortal Formation.

Therefore, Chi Family’s Resource Point, almost all have Immortal Formation. After all, these Resource Points have a common feature, that is, there is a strong Dao Marks!

As Fang Yuan bombed, the Cloud Bamboo mountain range showed a green light spot that blocked the Fang Yuan offensive. And countless gun-tip bamboos began to sway, bamboo leaves burst out, the wind swelled, wrapped in numerous blades, like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses volley, sharp bamboo leaves shot to Fang Yuan.

“This Immortal Formation is not only bigger than the heart of the river, but also a means of counterattack.” Fang Yuan laughed, suddenly launched the Adverse Current Protection Seal.

The bamboo leaves hit him, and he was undoubtedly reversed and killed to Immortal Formation.

“This is the Adverse Current Protection Seal! It’s fast and stop this counterattack.” The two Rank 6 Gu Immortal were in a hurry and cheered each other. “Immortal Gu is going to take shape, and it’s still a minute of stick a incense. We must hold on and wait until the family’s reinforcements.”

Immortal Formation, under their manipulates, has no offensive, but sticks to it.

Fang Yuan couldn’t borrow, didn’t hesitate to laugh, and stopped Adverse Current Protection Seal.

He again evoked the Ten Thousand Flood Dragon ultimate move, indiscriminately bombing the Immortal Formation.

Immortal Formation violently turbulent, two Rank 6 Gu Immortal full head sweating, gnashing his teeth, vomiting blood support, the scene is very difficult.

After a while, Fang Yuan suddenly saw a flash in his eyes and saw the flaws in the battle.

Fang Yuan’s Formation Dao Realm, but with the level of Grandmaster!

He immediately followed the flaw and began to bombard.

After a while, the Immuntal Formation of the Cloud Bamboo mountain range made a loud bang, covering the entire green spot of the mountain range, and suddenly dissipated a small piece.

“Not good, he broke an Immortal Formation!”

“hold on, the reinforcements are coming.”

Chi Family’s two Rank 6 are inevitably turn pale with fright.

Fang Yuan is like a meteor, a bang, on the Cloud Bamboo Hill, which is no longer fortified.

Yama’s Child Soul Burst !

He found that Soul Burst is more suitable for demolishing Immortal Formation and is unhesitatingly used.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. After the Cloud Bamboo Immortal Formation is opened, the difficulty of the next crack is several times. This flaw is fully utilized by Fang Yuan.

The two Chi Family Gu Immortal’s wishful thinking did not start.

Fang Yuan was demolition faster and faster, and Immortal Formation was dismantled by him more and more, eventually reaching Chi Family Gu Immortal.

“It’s too late, we will withdraw!”

“What about this Immortal Gu? It’s just a little while, and it’s going to take shape.”

“Go ahead, no more without a life.”

Another Gu Immortal suddenly burst into shock, woke up and wiped his head and sweat: “What you said is, let’s go! But what about Immortal Gu?”

Gu Immortal’s companion’s face hesitated and struggled, then gnashing teeth: “Destroy!”

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