Southern Border.

Fang Yuan broke through the Cloud Bamboo mountain range and yelled plunder, but he also understood the importance of resources here for Chi Family, so he was prepared to deal with Chi Family’s counterattack.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Ghostly Great Thief Hand !

Ghostly Great Thief Hand, hidden in the corner, suddenly flew out and grabbed Immortal Gu Home from Chi Family.

In the Immortal Gu Home, the Chi Family group was shocked.

But immediately, the surface of the Immortal Gu Home suddenly rose to the gorgeous golden glow, and the surface of the Immortal Gu Home swayed into ripples, forming a whirlpool that sucked in the Ghostly Great Thief Hand.

a moment later, the vortex dissipates, the ripple does not exist, Fang Yuan groaned, and instantly loses the sense of Ghostly Great Thief Hand.

In his eyes, the bright glow flashes are gone: “It is the top ten Immortal Gu Home Highest Universe Buddhist Temple!”

Chi Family has two Immortal Gu Homes, none of which are mortal world, among which the Highest Universe Buddhist Temple is stronger and can rival Rank 8 Gu Immortal!

From the outside, it looks like marble, pure white, arched dome, painted with gold rim, as if emitting sunshine, gorgeous and gorgeous, bringing warmth and hope.

Fang Yuan Five years of previous life, Five Regions chaotic war period, the major super forces confront each other, the world is chaotic, everywhere wolf smoke, Immortal Gu Home frequently dispatched and fight each other. Therefore, the record is rich, which makes the world have a clearer understanding of the strength between Immortal Gu Home, and lists the rankings of Immortal Gu Home.

Chi Family’s Highest Universe Buddhist Temple is famous on the list and is ranked ninth.

It has an extremely famous trick, called Yunyu, which can be trapped in Rank 8 Gu Immortal. Heavenly Court attacked Southern Border, and this house has been framed by four Rank 7, two Rank 8, record valiant, and extreme outstanding.

“I am afraid that my Ghostly Great Thief Hand is in the midst of a short-selling, so I was disconnected. However, it is costly and it takes a lot of time to get started. Why is the reaction so sensitive? It seems that I am prepared as well?” Fang Yuan’s mind, thoughts come and go, quickly detect the fault.

“There is really such a Stealing Dao trick!”

“Devil Fang is more and more difficult to contain, but fortunately we have prepared before.”

“In the end, I still rely on Heavenly Court intelligence. This time is really timely. If it is really called Fang Yuan, I have stolen Immortal Gu from Immortal Gu Home, and that is outstanding?”

Chi Family’s Gu Immortals was scared and happy.

“Kill it up!”

“Be prepared to turn to the ultimate move and deal with Devil Fang’s Stealing Dao.”

“But be careful, Devil Fang has a defensive ultimate move of Adverse Current River.”

Hong long!

Under the manipulates of Chi Family, the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Highest Universe Buddhist Temple broke out with a fierce attack and quickly pushed Fang Yuan into the wind.

Fang Yuan stepped into the heart while entering the Treasure Yellow Heaven.

a moment later, his heart was slightly shocked. As he expected, the Heavenly Court in Treasure Yellow Heaven has been hanged up and replayed the Fang Yuan battle scene. Among them, he used the Ghostly Great Thief Hand to deal with the key scenes of Feng Jiuge’s.

Not only that, Heavenly Court also has a lot of calculations, and it doesn’t need money to buy.

These calculated contents are all about Fang Yuan, revealing his oldest.

Treasure Yellow Heaven has been raging, and Gu Immortal World of the entire Five Regions has been alarmed. For a time, Fang Yuan’s various Gu insects, ultimate move means, etc., and various resources owned by Fang Yuan have been envied. Hate all kinds of emotions.

This hand is really too embarrassing!

The information about Gu Immortal has always been crucial. Very long time, once Immortal Gu, ultimate move exposure, Gu Immortal is very easy to be targeted by others.

Just like now, Ghostly Great Thief Hand is not only protected by Chi Family Gu Immortal, but also ingested into the sky. In the future, they will certainly study this Ghostly Great Thief Hand, and then backtracking, to detect Fang Yuan’s more weaknesses about this move.

If there is no defense, if Fang Yuan succeeds, he might steal the Immortal Gu and let Fang Yuan make a big deal and get the upper hand.

Fang Yuan used Treasure Yellow Heaven to promote his own painful Thunder Ghost True Monarch, which greatly influenced Heavenly Court’s authority. Now Heavenly Court, in the same way as the people, treats Fang Yuan in the same way.

“I have Ghostly Great Thief Hand, Fairy Ziwei. I am afraid I am extremely worried. I use this trick to steal someone Immortal Gu and quickly grow myself!”

“Since she can be distracted and make such moves, I am afraid that the war on the side of Langya Blessed Land is over.”

Fang Yuan has an inverted shiver in his heart.

He can’t wait for Heavenly Court and Longevity Heaven to die, and finally Langya Blessed Land is destroyed. But both sides are savvy and will not make such stupid moves.

“I am afraid that Heavenly Court has taken the initiative to retreat. After all, in order to fight against the background means of Langya Blessed Land, whether it is Fairy Ziwei or Chen Yi and the others, Feng Jiuge and I basically lost their fighting power after World War I. And Thunder Ghost True Monarch is dead… Longevity Heaven has the Langya Earth Spirit support and has an absolute home advantage.”

Another point that Fang Yuan noticed was that the identity of Crown Prince Feng Xian was still not exposed in this matter.

“Crown Prince Feng Xian is very likely to hide in the vicinity of Pine Tail Ridge and wait for a good opportunity.”

“It seems that Heavenly Court is well prepared. Even without the acceptance of Crown Prince Feng Xian, it escapes safely.”

For this identity of Crown Prince Feng Xian, Fang Yuan is not stupid to announce in advance.

Heavenly Court knows that Fang Yuan is Demon from Beyond The Heavens and is born again, but I don’t know that the identity of Crown Prince Feng Xian has been exposed in Fang Yuan.

“Now I have no evidence at all to testify to Crown Prince Feng Xian. In fact, even if there is iron evidence, Crown Prince Feng Xian is a matter of sanctions for Rank 8 Gu Immortal and Longevity Heaven. It takes a lot of work and is not well prepared. Let it go.”

Such a handle, of course, Fang Yuan should be used well, and may be able to make great profits in the future. Now throwing it out, but it is a moment of venting anger, into a major event to all rivers run into the sea, shrewd deep, how can it be because of emotional fluctuations, and do nothing more?

“However, you can’t make you better!” Fang Yuan sneered in his stomach and immediately started throwing an image into Treasure Yellow Heaven.

This image, which was launched by Heavenly Court, sent a number of Rank 8 Gu Immortal and went deep into Langya Blessed Land.

It is like a huge stone. This image is put into the wave of public opinion that has been tumbling in the waves, and immediately set off an uproar!

Does Heavenly Court have such a means? !

Like Fang Yuan’s Fixed Immortal Travel, the tactical advantage has already affected the strategy!

Apart from Central Continent, Gu Immortal of Four Great Domains, the heads of all superpowers, all of them were upset, and the Heavenly Court’s alert and vigilance surged innumerable.

“Goodbye.” Fang Yuan smiled and waved at the Highest Universe Buddhist Temple. a moment later, he seized the opportunity, spurred Fixed Immortal Travel, and successfully evacuated.

Rank 7 Fixed Immortal Travel is really great!

Highest Universe Buddhist Temple Without the Immortal Dao battlefield, even with Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move, it is not easy for Fang Yuan to get stuck.

In fact, even if I get stuck, many Immortal Dao battlefields can’t hold Fixed Immortal Travel.

Unless it’s very high-spec, or specifically for Fixed Immortal Travel, Fang Yuan will get in trouble if it gets stuck.

a moment later, cyan light flashes, Fang Yuan completely leaves the battlefield and comes to the third Resource Point near Chi Family.

Feng Yanshan!

This mountain grows countless sunsets, and the maple leaves are like fire, and they look red. There are many birds, the beasts are almost invisible, and a few Fire Phoenixs breathe in the forest. Feeling Fang Yuan’s fierceness, these Phoenix immediately raised their heads and looked at Fang Yuan without fear. There was an inviolable vigor!

This is a giant Resource Point, even if it is a super power, it is also one of the economic pillars of Chi Family most important.

“Fang Yuan Old Demon came to me!” The guardian here is Chi Family one Rank 7, who immediately urged the Immortal Formation defense and desperately reported the family and requested support.

“If I take this Resource Point, Chi Family really has to hurt. Hehe.” Fang Yuan sneered, suddenly dive, like a meteor, slamming down.

A loud noise, Immortal Formation did not move. The defense of the giant Resource Point is far more rigorous than the medium and large Resource Point.

Fang Yuan fixed the figure, while his eyes flickered, his mind quickly calculated, and the other side of the hand move does not stop, like a cheap fireworks, swaying out.

“Fang Yuan thief, it is so cunning!” Chi Quyou was angry when he received the news. He couldn’t sit still anymore. He had to leave and set off for support.

The Resource Point in Fengyanshan is actually a special one. In addition to supporting Phoenix, it will attract many wild Phoenixs every year, and come here to stay and lay eggs.

Once Feng Yanshan suffered a drastic change, the wild Phoenix is ​​likely to choose another site, which will make Chi Family lose a lot.

It is quite close to the Cloud Bamboo mountain range, and the closest is Chi Quyou. Therefore, Chi Family Revered Great Elder, although already in the glimpse of the ditch, arranged the array of battles, and at this moment had to give up the plan to wait for the rabbit, pounce on Fang Yuan, rescue the home industry.

When he arrived here, Fang Yuan had dismantled the grand formation of Fengyanshan, and Far Ancient also died a lot. Fang Yuan also charged three.

“Fang Yuan, you thief, don’t go bold!” Chi Quyou snarls and growls.

Fang Yuan was lightly smiled and said hello: “Chi Quyou Senior, I can finally see you.”

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