Former Fang Yuan, who needed camouflage and cover, but now faces the many Gu Immortal of Southern Border Righteous Path, he does not need to do this.

Fang Yuan took the initiative to show off and made Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortals very shocked!

Once, Fang Yuan pretend to be Wu Yihai, who had a great harvest in the dream battle, became the Shadow Sect Sect Master, and was finally pursued by the Southern Border Righteous Path.

Heavenly Court is all night, and I don’t know what to do with Fang Yuan.

A few months ago, Fang Yuan suddenly appeared on the Southern Border, killing Hou Family and Shang Family, and if they were stopped, Tie Family Tie Mianshen would be killed.

After that, Heavenly Court dispatched Rank 8 Gu Immortal expert Thunder Ghost True Monarch. The specific battle process, the world did not know, but Fang Yuan saw the three ribs of Thunder Ghost True Monarch, and the scene she was smothered by herself, hanging on Treasure In Yellow Heaven. Suddenly, the world is sensational, Fang Yuan jumps up, cover and press Feng Jiuge, become Rank 7 number one person! The vast majority of Gu Immortal recognize that although Fang Yuan has only the Rank 7 cultivation base, he is special and can treat him as a Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

And Fang Yuan is Demon from Beyond The Heavens, rely on Spring and Autumn Cicada. It is reborn, savage, fierce, and many loose immortal. Fang Yuan dignified Gu Immortal, there is no bottom line, but also for mortals. .

Up to now, Fang Yuan is the fastest and most dazzling Demonic Path authority!

Now that such a character appears, Southern Border Righteous Path is naturally shocked and panicked and panicked.

“Pain! Yang Sanmu adults heroically sacrificed, and we added a blood bond between Southern Border Righteous Path and Traitor Fang! One day, we want him to pay back!” Xia Fan patted her chest and sad cryed.

The masses are silent, and no one is holding a lucky one this time. Fang Yuan’s appeared, let them be glad, and at the same time, sympathize with the dead Yang Sanmu – how do you so bad luck, hit the Fang Yuan this Great Demon? Originally can stay in the Immortal Formation, but you take the initiative to attack, not your own courting death?

Silence did not last long, and some people immediately replied: “Traitor Fang is still as sinister and deceitful as ever, tricking Yang Sanmu into going out, but I am waiting under the leadership of Xia Fan and Chi Qiu. Unexcited, there is no chance for the Traitor Fang to be awkward.”

The group Immortal God has different colors, and some people are about to open their mouths. At this moment, suddenly the sky is shaking, and the entire grand formation is shaken violently.

Outside the Immortal Formation, silver scales like the sea, Ten Thousand Flood Dragon soaring, mad culling, crashing and biting the white light of this grand formation.

Southern Border The faces of the geniuses are pale under the sparkling silver scale of the Sword Flood Dragon.

Under the Fang Yuan’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Ten Thousand Flood Dragon, they seem to face the tsunami in the mountains, even with the Immortal Formation body, they feel small.

Fang Yuan’s Ten Thousand Flood Dragon, forformable power There was not much improvement before the comparison. But the key is Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, which makes Ten Thousand Flood Dragon easy to countless times. When Fang Yuan is motivated, the steps are simple and more efficient. This will cause the time to trigger 1~2 Ten Thousand Flood Dragon, and he can activate 5~6 times!

Fang Yuan continues to motivate Ten Thousand Flood Dragon, and countless Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon clones, constantly impacting the grand formation, immediately stimulating the grand power of grand formation.

I saw the white light and the waves, like waves, and it seems that the mountains are rolling up and down, resisting the attack of Ten Thousand Flood Dragon.

“Interesting.” Fang Yuan observed carefully, seeing that the Immortal Formation was shaking, but the foundation was not moving. As his offensive increased, the protective power of the grand formation also climbed.

“We have gu formation and should be able to support it for a while.” A Southern Border Gu Immortal said in an uncertain tone, and looked toward Chi Qiu.

Chi Qiu’s gaze is also flashing violently, and for now, the Immortal Formation is protected right, but!

The other party is not a common person, he is Fang Yuan!

Even the Heavenly Court has been chasing, and there is nothing to do with the Demonic Path authority!

“Everyone, ask for help from your respective family, and say that Fang Yuan is coming, fast! Do you think that this grand formation can stop such a person?” Chi Qiu sighed.

The group of immortals Chi Qiu are so guilty, naturally do not dare to care, immediately sought help.

Previously, Fang Yuan did not indicate his identity. It seems that one Rank 7 Gu Immortal, Southern Border Qunxian how to ask for help? It was only reported to the rear that this battle report nothing more.

But now Fang Yuan leaked his identity, and these Gu Immortal asked for help, and each of them was exhausted and confident.

Áo hǒu ……

Groups, Fang Yuan attacked, and Immortal Formation resisted, and power continued to climb.

“Support, even if you die, you have to hold it!”

“The western foot is broken, come and fix it.”

“Immoral essence is not enough, who will take over?”

Southern Border Qunxian desperately resisted, under the powerful offensive of Fang Yuan’s, these people gave up the intrigue and really united together.

Chi Qiu’s desperately repairing gu formation, Xia Fan has already spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, in order to calculate the flaws of the Fang Yuan Ten Thousand Flood Dragon ultimate move, but also to do their best.

They are Rank 7 Gu Immortal, this is the case, let alone how other Rank 6 Gu Immortal is battered and exhausted.

Outside Immortal Formation, Fang Yuan embraced his arms, quietly squatting, remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs , serene.

With Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, the Ten Thousand Flood Dragon ultimate move became convenient and practical, and it was not his most powerful means of attack, turning it into a regular ultimate move.

Now Fang Yuan’s strongest attack is Soul Burst of Immemorial Yama’s Child. Unfortunately, in the hands, there is no Immemorial Soul Beast can be transformed. The previous two Immemorial Yama’s Child, one used to kill Feng Jiuge and one to kill the Langya Earth Spirit, were unsuccessful.

As for Far Ancient Yama’s Child Soul Burst, it is not much different from the Ten Thousand Flood Dragon ultimate move. At most, the formidable power in the battlefield of the Jurassic is subject to increase and higher.

Therefore, Fang Yuan attacked Immortal Formation this time, or preferred this method.

The wind whistling, Fang Yuan suspended high altitude, overlooking the group and attacking the entire grand formation.

He has developed the magic power, at this time by the strength of oneself, pressed Southern Border Gu Immortal battered and exhausted, tired of coping, and firmly grasped the upper hand.

However, Fang Yuan’s brow was slightly wrinkled.

The time dragged on for a little longer. It will take a while for Fang Yuan to forcibly break through this battle.

In Fang Yuan’s hand There are also three big palm segments, but unfortunately the Adverse Current Protection Seal deals with Immortal Formation, but it is not possible, because this Immortal Formation is also enhanced by the external offensive. It is mainly based on protection and there is no counterattack.

Leading Soul to Enter the Dream Since Heavenly Court has been on the scene, he has already developed a response in the battle of Reverend Huang Shi. Leading Soul to Enter the Dream needs to sense the soul of each other. These Southern Border Gu Immortal hides and contracts in the grand formation, and Fang Yuan is insensitive.

As for the Ghostly Great Thief Hand, it is useless. The Immortal Formation body hides deep, clean white light on the surface, layered, which seriously hinders the approach of Ghostly Great Thief Hand.

“I am waiting for pay respects to Chi Quyou!” At this time, in the Immortal Formation, the morale of the Southern Border group was abrupt.

There is no reason for it. It is the secret support of Chi Family’s Reved Great Elder and Rank 8 Formation Dao Gu Immortal Chi Quyou.

“I didn’t expect that this Immortal Formation still has such a hidden passage, which can make the Rank 8 outside of thousands of miles, can be transmitted! The family in this regard, it really has a lot of thoughts.” Chi Qiu heart dark Thumbs up.

This Dark Dao was originally Chi Quyou deliberately kept, taking precautions to prevent future battles. That way, occupying the Chi Family of Dark Dao, will undoubtedly have a huge advantage.

Now that Fang Yuan suddenly attacked, Chi Quyou thought about exposing this Dark Dao after he thought about it.

“You wait to continue the Immortal Formation and make a supportless look. I will arrange the means to lead Fang Yuan into the shackles.” Chi Quyou smiled.

Fang Yuan is a heavy treasure and a Demonic Path authority, which makes Headly Court a headache. This time, if Chi Quyou relies on Formation Dao and captures or kills Fang Yuan, it is not only possible to obtain the extremely rich spoils of war, but also to push his reputation to the Righteous Path peak, and it is even possible to rely on this matter. The ranking of the entire Chi Family in the Southern Border Righteous Path has been improved.

Fang Yuan Although the record is high, Chi Quyou is the Formation Dao Great Grandmaster, which is the Rank 8 cultivation base. He is absolutely confident in his own creation Dao. Therefore, he learned about the battle report and actively came forward to try Fang Yuan’s life. . Switching to other Rank 8 Gu Immortal, without the Formation Dao, there is no advantage or convenience like Chi Quyou.

With Chi Quyou as the behind-the-scenes hand, the Southern Border group has a lot of confidence and began to patience with Fang Yuan.

Chi Quyou has the Formation Dao Immortal Gu, and the method is sharp, and the Immortal Formation will soon be arranged in the middle of the battle. This kind of Formation is originally an area he is very good at.

But when he knew that he was going to succeed, Fang Yuan suddenly withdrew his offensive and left the battlefield with Fixed Immortal Travel.

“don’t tell me is he realizing my presence?” Chi Quyou suddenly frowned. But Chi Quyou is self-proclaimed, and he carefully arranged the gu formation without revealing the slightest clues. This kind of possibility is not big at all, then Fang Yuan suddenly withdraws, what is it because?

“Here is the heart of the river?” Cyan light flashes and Fang Yuan figure rises to the sky.

He overlooked his feet and saw the square hundred li, all of which were stacked in the mountains. Only the ground under the concave was flat, with hundreds of acres of size, and numerous smog shrouded.

Fang Yuan took a deep breath and once again applied the Ten Thousand Flood Dragon ultimate move.

After the group attacked, the smoke climbed up and smashed together.

But soon, the smoke was lost to the Fang Yuan offensive, and it gradually collapsed, revealing a real landscape.

I saw a shallow dark blue lake surrounded by green hills, quiet like a gem. Around the lake, there are white stones and stones that form white rivers.

In the river beach, there is a large amount of Wisdom Dao, and there is a clear breath left by Chi Family Rank 6 Gu Immortal.

Fang Yuan did not catch up with this person, but looked at the entire heart of the river beach, then the big palm imaginary, began to plunder!

The information about the loss of the heart of the river was quickly passed to Chi Quyou’s ear. This is the Resource Point controlled by Chi Family. Although it is also equipped with gu formation, it is not as strong as this one, and it was succeeded by Fang Yuan.

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