“Revered Great Elder, what do you say!” Longevity Heaven came full of Fang Yuan Evil Intention, and Fang Yuan slammed and glared at Langya Earth Spirit.

Langya Earth Spirit coldly snorted, did not give Fang Yuan a good face: “I haven’t settled with you yet! You just don’t have the heart, push the waves, let Black Hair make a mistake again, during this period you have not got enough benefits?! ”

Langya Earth Spirit turned his face.

Fang Yuan looks gloomy down: “You are not afraid of the covenant…”

“It was Black Hair and the covenant you set, not me!” Langya Earth Spirit immediately replied.

“There is such a thing.” Fang Yuan’s heart secretly sighed, White Hair Earth Spirit’s choice, has already explained the problem. Fang Yuan had long guessed that it was officially confirmed at the moment through the mouth of Langya Earth Spirit.

“Fang Yuan, where are you guys to escape!” while speaking, Mao Li Qiu rushed up and waved the giant claw suddenly fan on Fang Yuan’s body.


The mighty force came in, Fang Yuan was shot and flew out, like a meteor, falling into the dry seabed.

Fang Yuan is awkward, but unscathed, Mao Li Qiu is grinning, licking his paws and cursing: “This Adverse Current River is really annoying!”

“Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, come to fight!” A full beard of a sly, thundering, eight feet tall, back of a tiger and waist of a bear, aggressive.

There is also a Gu Immortal, a little girl, wearing a big pink flower, sitting on the shoulders of Shuhan, giggling, pink face, innocent and romantic, eyes bright, staring at Fairy Ziwei.

Both Gu Immortals, the Rank 8 cultivation base, did not attack Fang Yuan, but went straight to Fairy Ziwei.

Fairy Ziwei is Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, leaving her life on the court, Longevity Heaven is more risky, so it must be removed first!

“Demonic Ox, Flower Child, you two are also out…” Fairy Ziwei’s pupils shrink, apparently recognizing the identity of newcomer, his face flashing a dignified color.

“Hahaha, you Ziwei can wake up, how can we both die!” Demonic Ox laughed.

Hōng hōng hōng !

A series of explosions, Demonic Ox, and Flower Child beat Fairy Ziwei.

Fairy Ziwei was not long left to live, but thanks to the star of True Inheritance, after suffering two Stealing Life, the situation was extremely poor. In contrast, Longevity Heaven uses background to make this Demonic Ox and Flower Child out, but it is in a state of completeness and firmly prevails.

Fairy Ziwei inspected the entire battle while resisting the other side’s storm.

When she saw Mao Li Qiu flying Fang Yuan, she suddenly reminded her: “Be careful, Fang Yuan, he has Rank 7 Fixed Immortal Travel, don’t let him escape!”

Even if Longevity Heaven wants to put her to death, she is still cold and snowy, never stunned, and she has never forgotten the purpose of taking Fang Yuan’s life.

Mao Li Qiu suddenly fellowned.

They had three Rank 8s, one Legendary Immemorial Desolate Beast and one Immortal Gu Home, but none of them were Space Dao genres.

Fixed Immortal Travel is Space Dao Immortal Gu. To restrain it, Space Dao Gu Immortal is naturally the best.

Mao Li Qiu thought of Rank 1 in her mind, while rushing to Fang Yuan, while yelling at Langya Earth Spirit: “old man, fast, do your best to deal with Fang Yuan, kill him and remember you!”

Langya Earth Spirit suddenly hesitated, but soon he started talking: “Shut up, Mao Li Qiu! Fang Yuan, if you want to go, let him go. What qualifications do you have to order me? I am giving you Longevity Heaven asks for help. According to the original agreement, both of us are equal!”

Langya Earth Spirit didn’t move to kill Fang Yuan’s mind, but he immediately thought that even Heavenly Court and Longevity Heaven wanted Fang Yuan for so long, but he didn’t kill him, let alone his Langya Earth Spirit?

Fang Yuan knows the roots of Langya Blessed Land, and has Ghostly Great Thief Hand, Adverse Current Protection Seal, Fixed Immortal Travel, and acting unscrupulously. Such a devil, Langya Earth Spirit can’t dare to provoke.

“You!” Mao Li Qiu snarled, but there was no way to take Langya Earth Spirit.

Langya Earth Spirit is also talking about the few nonhuman 蛊Immortal Dao: “You know at the moment that Black Hair is dead, I am not bound by the covenant. But please rest assured, as long as you join me Langya Blessed Land, I am still Can guarantee your life and safety!”

Nonhuman Gu Immortals are very ugly, and they look at each other and are slowly nodded.

There is no way, their existence has been exposed, and they are subject to the covenant, and the Langya Earth Spirit is very clear about their details. Right now, there is no way to go. If you don’t want to die, you will only surrender this path.

Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon Transformation !

Ten Thousand Flood Dragon !

Meeting Past Acquaintance !

Fang Yuan has made three moves in a row. With Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, the efficiency is extremely high, and the three moves continue. Mao Li Qiu has not yet reached the front of Fang Yuan, facing the ocean of Sword Flood Dragon.

Mao Li Qiu roared and spurred Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, smashing the wind and thunder and lightning, killing a large block of Sword Flood Dragon clone.

But at this time, Fang Yuan has successfully sneaked into the vicinity of the Langya Earth Spirit.

“Be careful, he is there!” Five Elemental Law Grandmaster whispered and found Fang Yuan in advance.

He sneaked into Longevity Heaven but was found trapped in the Immortal Gu Home Fortune Stealing Altar. After the longevity of Longevity Heaven Gu Immortal, the Five Elemental Law Grandmaster realized that there was no hope of escape, only to bow down and rely on Longevity Heaven.

This time Longevity Heaven was dispatched to support Langya Blessed Land and he became one of them.

“I can find me! Unfortunately… it’s too late!!” Fang Yuan incarnation Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon, screaming, full of teeth, and extremely sturdy.

“Fang Yuan, what do you want?!” Langya Earth Spirit turn pale with fright, pushing the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move defense.

“Nature is killing you! Immemorial Yama’s Child – Soul Burst!” Fang Yuan roared.


The term 8 level of the ultimate move, suddenly broke out. The dark smoke was suddenly spread, nothing was fried, and the Langya Earth Spirit was completely submerged in black smoke.

“No!” nonhuman Gu Immortals yelled.

“Come on, we are married…” Snowman Gu Immortal Bing Yuan exclaimed.

But at this moment, Fang Yuan can’t care about their lives. Langya Earth Spirit knows too much. If you don’t want to trust Fang Yuan, let him die!

“Save Earth Spirit! Never let him die.” Mao Li Qiu was so surprised that his hair was blown up, forcibly slammed into the soul of Soul Burst and rushed to Fang Yuan.

“Fortune Stealing Altar!” Five Elemental Law Grandmaster released the Immortal Gu Home directly, then drilled into it and drove it all the way to kill Fang Yuan.

Fortune Stealing Altar cracked Longevity Heaven, one of the backgrounds, this time Longevity Heaven supported Langya Blessed Land and brought it all!

“hmph, escape is very fast.” Fang Yuan blinked in the eyes.

He did not take away the life of the Langya Earth Spirit. At the crucial moment, the Langya Earth Spirit teleported away.

Without the reminder of Five Elemental Law Grandmaster, Langya Earth Spirit is unlikely to respond. But since it can be reacted, this is his home court. When Fang Yuan can’t use other means to restrain it, he can naturally teleport at any time.

“It’s not that easy to take my life. Everyone, we come to Japan.” Fang Yuan glanced around, leaving the last words, then spurred Fixed Immortal Travel.

He is in the center of Soul Burst, calm and safe in the toque of the tornado. While other people want to find Fang Yuan’s trouble, but they must resist the Soul Burst power, the rich Soul Dao’s Dao Marks also constantly interferes with and suppresses all Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Rank 7 Immortal Gu – Fixed Immortal Travel !

Cuiguang circulated, and Fang Yuan disappeared in place and was successfully evacuated before being disturbed by others.

“I still haven’t killed this thief!” Fairy Ziwei sighed.

Mao Li Qiu screamed with anger, his red eyes fixed on Fairy Ziwei.

Without Fang Yuan, only Longevity Heaven and Heavenly Court’s side are left.

Hōng hōng hōng ……

The successive thunders blew up and the battle began to heat up.

“You lightly, tap, don’t break my Blessed Land. Damn!” Langya Earth Spirit yelled and hid far away, while trying to gather the Hairyman survivors on the three continents.

Fang Yuan’s vision changed dramatically, and when he saw it, he had already reached an underground cave.

“Fixed Immortal Travel is still so convenient.” Fang Yuan sighed.

After the Rank 7 Fixed Immortal Travel was stolen, he placed it in the Immortal Formation of Heaven Sealing Mountain and quickly became a member of Fang Yuan.

After confirming that there was no passive hand, Fang Yuan used this trick to successfully break away from the battlefield.

In Langya Blessed Land, there is Rank 8 Gu Immortal. In addition to Blessed Land, there is Crown Prince Feng Xian. The Fang Yuan is the nail in both eyes. Naturally, I dare not stay for a long time. If you give someone enough time, what an oddly extraordinary move in the middle, can’t get out, it’s really stupid.


“Ah, it’s Elder Fang Yuan!”

Several Rank 6 Gu Immortal detected the movement and sent them. After seeing Fang Yuan, they saluted and asked: “Elder Fang Yuan, how is the situation on the battlefield?”

Fang Yuan laughed, but did not answer, just put one arm.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Battle of the Jurassic!

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