“Jing Lan Senior!” Fairy Ziwei made a sigh.

Chen Yi and Feng Jiuge both showed sadness, hatred, anger and other emotions on their faces.

Jing Lan’s death was unexpected. Because they didn’t expect it, Langya Blessed Land even had Stealing Life Immortal Gu!

“It’s not that Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable, before the mysterious disappearance, feels that Stealing Life is too powerful, falling into the hands of other people, will be ruined with Gu Formula?” Fairy Ziwei frowned.

Obviously, this is a wrong message, but it was mistaken by Heavenly Court.

Fairy Ziwei wants to understand the inside story, only to capture the Langya Earth Spirit to torture.

After all, Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable asked Old Ancestor Long Haired take action refining gu, they had internal transactions, and how to spread rumor, the Heavenly Court was deceived, and only their parties knew.

“Hahaha!” Langya Earth Spirit laughed. “Is it really so bully for my Langya School? This time you all die!”

“Be careful!” Fang Yuan suddenly shouted.

“What?” a moment later, Langya Earth Spirit exclaimed.

Because he saw that Jing Lan was killed, but her heart began to burst into a dazzling thunder. Soon, the body of Jing Lan old man was melted by the hot current of the Thunder heart.

These currents flooded the entire black armor, and then the unarmed armor, raised his head high, and stood tall, the terrifying momentum broke out, and there was a great temperament!


“Is she not dead?”

“Not good, big bad!”

Nonhuman Gu Immortals have been ecstatic.

Fang Yuan is full of dignity and tells her own speculation: “Thunder Ghost True Monarch is indeed dead, but her black armor is essentially Soul Dao. Although she is old, she is alive, as if left a special soul. Most The key is her heart, it seems to be the last trump card, the power is so powerful, we must be careful!”

It was late, and at that time, Thunder Ghost True Monarch’s armor was suddenly shot, like a meteor, rushing to the silver giant.

The boundless blue current, from the gaps of the black armor, continues to leak, bringing together the flame tail that grows into the comfortable feet.

Hurry up!

The speed of the armor is extremely fast. After the reminder of Fang Yuan’s, the Hairyman side has a precaution, but they simply don’t have time to push the ultimate move dodge.

Because the armor rushes too fast!

Thunder Ghost True Monarch is best at moving, and its strength is Rank 8, but the speed is always Rank 8 peak.

And now the Thunder Armor burst, this speed has been separated from the Rank 8 peak, reaching the level of Quasi Rank 9!

Silver giant avoids inevitable, flashing no flash, hit by the Thunder.

“We withdraw!” Fairy Ziwei eyelid trembled, trying to retreat, but not too late!


The violent explosion broke out suddenly at a moment later.

Hundreds of millions of lightning, intertwined dance, the central zone is because the lightning is too rich, forming Thunder Pool plasma!

For a time, Heaven and Earth were white and the light was glaring. Numerous people looking at the sky, Hairyman, at this moment, crying, crying, or rolling around, they just glanced at them and they all became blind.

The light quickly dissipated, and the unparalleled turmoil began to roll all directions.

Even Fairy Ziwei and the others have been pushed away, involuntarily, like the small seesaw under the howling wind and torrential rain in the sea.

The entire Cloud Cover Continent from the center, blasting a huge hollow, tens of thousands of miles.

The entire Langya Blessed Land was trembled, originally visible to the naked eye, and revealed Dao Mark Halo’s Refining Dao’s Dao Marks. In the scope of the explosion, it was destroyed and destroyed. Refining Dao’s Dao Marks, which is close to the explosion range, has also been greatly reduced in number, and the rest are dull.

In the center of the explosion, there was a blank, only several few Gu Immortal, like an ant, suspended in the vast air.

“cough cough cough!” The surviving nonhuman Gu Immortal is the Rank 7 cultivation base, the battle strength. They keep coughing, vomiting blood, battered and exhausted.

The Langya Earth Spirit is even more illusory, like a light and shadow bubble, on the edge of the scatter.

Only Fang Yuan is unscathed, his face is blue, and his body is covered with Adverse Current Protection Seal, which is also weak! Adverse Current River in Paragon Immortal Aperture, because of this hit, instantly consumes 10% of the total amount!

“It’s a slap in the face of Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s Rank 8 expert! Even if it’s dead, you can fight back!”

“This trick is to concentrate her whole body of Thunder Dao’s Dao Marks in the heart, all out, and the power is terrifying.”

“And on the battlefield, there is a little Thunder Dao’s Dao Marks, which shows that she has applied Thunder Dao’s Dao Marks to the extreme, definitely the Realm of Thunder Dao Great Grandmaster.”

Fang Yuan’s mind, thoughts such as lightning flashes and thunder rolls are average.

Although he was not injured, he was not lost.

Thunder Ghost True Monarch’s last hit, definitely has the degree of Quasi Rank 9. When the explosion occurred, the first was against the giant giant. After the silver giant collapsed, it was the Fang Yuan’s Adverse Current Protection Seal. Even so, Adverse Current River instantly lost 10% of the total amount.

Adverse Current River has been supporting Adverse Current Protection Seal, not inexhaustible, Fang Yuan has used it many times, and now only 60% of the total.

Fang Yuan’s situation is still good, the situation of other people is very heavy.

Silver giant crashes, ultimate move backlash, plus Thunder Ghost True Monarch’s last explosive impact move, more than half of nonhuman Gu Immortal died on the spot, the bones are gone, the soul disappears, only Immortal Aperture left.

The rest of the celestial beings were also wounded, their faces were terrified, and some were even bombed. At this time, they were still expressionless.

Thunder Ghost True Monarch This explosion, it can be said that the entire different race big league is badly hurt!

“To protect the Langya Earth Spirit, we have Stealing Life and we can fight again!” Fang Yuan shouted loudly and quickly flew to Langya Earth Spirit to protect him. At a critical juncture, Fang Yuan has to rely on Fang Yuan to preside over the overall situation.

“Yes, we…and Stealing Life Immortal Gu!” The battle finally reached the most critical moment. At this time, Langya Earth Spirit also knew that it was not sad and angry to vent their emotions, but immediately proceeded to start Stealing for the second time. Life Immortal Gu.

“Quick hands!!!” Fairy Ziwei and Chen Yi rushed over.

Shortly Stealing Life Immortal Gu is about to be motivated again, how can they not be anxious?

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Karma Divine Tree !

Chen Yi’s body was shocked, and countless smokes rose and rose into a huge tree of gods.

Fairy Ziwei launched a storm.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – mourning is greater than death!

She directly motivated the strongest means of attack, mourning, rapid spread, no trace of light and shadow, guarding the nonhuman Gu Immortals around the Langya Earth Spirit, each and every one twitching, subconsciously stunned, then Double eyes, mysterious death!

“Sixth Hair!” Fang Yuan snorted, and Fairy Ziwei’s attack was unstoppable. Sixth Hair survived the thunderstorm and was already seriously injured. At this moment, I was defeated by Fairy Ziwei’s desperate means. It is.

Fang Yuan has changed dramatically. Although he is still unscathed, the Adverse Current River in Paragon Immortal Aperture has once again fallen by 10%. This shows that Fairy Ziwei’s ultimate move can fully self-exploding mention on equal terms with Thunder Ghost True Monarch!

“No-! Save me!” Langya Earth Spirit roared. He grabbed Fang Yuan’s arm and used the defensive ultimate move to resist Fairy Ziwei’s offensive.

Fang Yuan looks at him, but he can’t help.

Because the Adverse Current Protection Seal can only protect him, it can’t spread to the Langya Earth Spirit.

“Revered Great Elder, you can’t take care of it at the moment, you can’t motivate Stealing Life Immortal Gu. For today’s plan, only have one, that is to move the entire Langya Blessed Land to my Immortal Aperture, so that there is a chance. “Fang Yuan is persuading, and sincerely.”

But Langya Earth Spirit categorically refused. He squinted his eyes and glared at Fang Yuan: “No, this method doesn’t work, I can fight!”


a moment later, he reached the limit, the defensive means was completely broken, the whole body exploded into countless pieces, on the spot ruined, collapsed!

“Get rid of it!” Fairy Ziwei saw this, suddenly a loose heart, almost fell down and fainted on the spot.

The repercussion of the extreme move is greater than the death of the ultimate move. Fairy Ziwei smiles in the heart. After this urging, I don’t know when to recuperate.

“Langya Earth Spirit, damn it…” Fang Yuan brows tightly knit, cursing, “But I didn’t lose all chances! Maybe…”

a moment later, in the place where the Langya Earth Spirit exploded, a silhouette emerges.

His white beard and white eyebrows are the predecessor of the White Hair Langya Earth Spirit.

There are two types of obsession in Langya Blessed Land. There are two kinds of Earth Spirit. Black Hair Earth Spirit is killed and White Hair Earth Spirit is once again on the stage.

“What? The second Langya Earth Spirit has appeared!” Fairy Ziwei’s eyebrows are wrinkled. She is not unclear about this secret, but she is more confident than the ultimate move. She feels that the two Earth Spirits are one and can be removed together.

But the facts are in front of us, and the mystery of Langya Blessed Land is beyond the limits of her heart.

Although Fairy Ziwei can still urge the ultimate move, but the time is too late. And the usual means, can you kill the Langya Earth Spirit with Fang Yuan guard?

Fairy Ziwei didn’t panic, but instead turned his head and turned his head to guard and defend his companions.

Her companion is Chen Yi.

Chen Yi has produced a huge fruit on the Karma Divine Tree.

“There are fruits and fruits, and there are fruits to destroy the cause!” Chen Yi growled and suddenly extended his right arm and grabbed the fruit.


The fruit was crushed in an instant, and the purple juice was like a venom, and it was inevitably sprinkled on Chen Yi’s face and body.

Chī chī chī chi…

When the pain hit, Chen Yi made a terrible, the face was eroded by the juice, the skin and flesh of the piece rotted, and the muscles melted in a few breaths, revealing the white bone.

Chen Yi paid such a heavy price, and he did not hesitate to succumb to his death and forced the Karma Divine Tree ultimate move. Naturally, it has a purpose!

Langya Earth Spirit expression, sole solemnly: “Stealing Life Immortal Gu was ruined by them!”

“oh!” Fang Yuan sighed deeply and persuaded, “For the present, only Langya Blessed Land will be integrated into mine…”

When I haven’t finished, I was interrupted by White Hair Langya Earth Spirit: “No, I have Langya Blessed Land and trump card! This is my own body and Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s agreement. If Blessed Land has a crisis of extinction in the future, then You can ask Longevity Heaven for the help of Ju Yang’s juniors, and my Blessed Land will be incorporated into Longevity Heaven, attached to it, and equal status!”

Said, an immortal sect opened in the depths of Blessed Land.

After a few breaths, the Legendary Immemorial Desolate Beast Mao Li Qiu was the first to break through the layers of land and rush to the ground.

Behind it, have several Gu Immortal, all the Rank 8 breath, coming.

“Langya Blessed Land is already my Longevity Heaven’s site!”

“Heavenly Court! Your claws are longer than my Mao Li Qiu. Today I will give you off, Hahaha.”

“Fang Yuan is also killing him, reporting the collapse of 88 Floors True Yang Building and regaining Luck Dao True Inheritance!”

For a time, the reinforcements arrived and the battle was completely subverted.

“Oh…” Fang Yuan gave a long sigh, and he said to himself in his heart, “It should be withdrawn.”

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