“what happened?”

“Immortal Dao battlefield…this, this joke is not funny.”

“Fang Yuan, we are our own people!”

The exclamations shouted, and Stoneman and Snowman Gu Immortal shouted in the mouth, while the eyes were filled with a deep alert.

When today, Human Race dominated, these Stoneman, Snowman as nonhuman, in the northern ice linger on in a steadily worsening condition, facing tremendous pressure to survive. Surviving in this environment, and achieving the nonhuman of Gu Immortal, nature will not be a waste.

If non-Fang Yuan 散 has a strong Rank 7 scent and the battle strength has been recognized as a Rank 8 level, the nonhuman Gu Immortal of these Rank 6 may have already started.

Fang Yuan’s face was unchanged, her eyes stopped on the only Rank 7 in nonhuman Gu Immortal, and she sighed: “everyone don’t be impatient, how can I go to murder my companion as an ally? Just Langya Blessed Land defeated Only one of me escaped, and the reason for the defeat was that there was a traitor among you.”

“What? Defeated!”

“Langya Blessed Land was captured by Heavenly Court?”

“We have a traitor here?”

Fang Yuan’s words are simply Shi Potian’s shock, shaking the nonhuman Gu Immortals.

The only Rank 7 Snowman Gu Immortal, then brows tightly knit: “Please also ask Fang Yuan to open the Immortal Dao battlefield, let us connect with some of the adults!”

But he was barely fell, suddenly his body trembled, his eyes narrowed, and he exclaimed: “My Immortal Gu!”

Naturally, Fang Yuan’s Ghostly Great Thief Hand, this time succeeded in stealing.

The rest of the nonhuman Gu Immortal unfathomable mystery, someone asked with concern: “Bing Zhuo, what’s wrong with you?”

That’s right, Snowman Gu Immortal, who stays in the headquarters, is Bing Zhuo. Good relationship with Fang Yuan’s, once asked Fang Yuan to drink his own private Ice Wolf Liquor.

Bing Zhuo slammed to Fang Yuan, who was about to open the mouth, but Fang Yuan spoke first and pointed at him. She shouted in a very certain tone: “You are a traitor!”

Nonhuman Gu Immortals suddenly regained body and mind.

“I am not a traitor! Fang Yuan, you thieve me Immortal Gu, and filthy me, what is your heart!?” Bing Zhuo was angry, his hands were smashed, and a pair of Ice Spear condensed out of thin air, and he was immediately clasped by his hands. In the middle of it, the snow and ice are chilling.

Fang Yuan sneered, and entrained a feeling of sorrow and anger: “I am right! You have not heard it wrong. You see, my covenant has not happened at all. This Bing Zhuo is actually Heavenly Court Gu Immortal posing! Real Bing Zhuo, already dead.”

Other nonhuman Gu Immortals look at each other, female immortal Xue’er is also Fang Yuan’s nominal fiancée, started talking: “Beloved Fang, are you mistaken? Bing Zhuo adults have been with us all the time.”

“I am really not a traitor! There must be a misunderstanding in this. Fang Yuan is an adult. You are very likely to have an enemy’s divorce. Please return my Immortal Gu quickly.” Bing Zhuo looked indifferent and wanted.

But a moment later, Xue’er lovable body trembled, the face was shocked: “I, my Immortal Gu!”

Bing Zhuo is full of cool, Ghostly Great Thief Hand is not close, but stealing Xue’er is not a problem.

“Beloved Fang!” Xue’er looked at Fang Yuan incredulously.

Bing Zhuo came forward and rushed to Fang Yuan. He screamed in his mouth: “I already knew that you didn’t have a good guy in Human Race!”

Fang Yuan sneer: “Jumping the clown.”

Saying, Yama’s Child jumped out of his robes and dozens of heads gathered for Bing Zhuo and the rest of the nonhuman Gu Immortal.

This time, Fang Yuan exposed Evil Intention, and nonhuman Gu Immortals finally had no luck. After a while, they rushed to Fang Yuan.

But how can their strength rival those of the Race 7 battle strength’s Yama’s Child?

After a hedge, the formation of nonhuman Gu Immortals was dissipated by Yama’s Child, then divided and divided into the embarrassing Predicament of their respective battles.

Fang Yuan incarnation Yama Emperor, staying at the rear, stay calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, sit and watch these nonhuman Gu Immortal and Yama’s Child fight.

Yama’s Child In Feng Jiuge These people currently have some meanings that they can’t get on the table, but they are more than enough to deal with these nonhuman Gu Immortal.

If not Fang Yuan deliberately keeps his hands, these Rank 6 nonhuman Gu Immortal have long been killed by a heavy Yama’s Child.

The only one Rank 7 Gu Immortal Bing Zhuo, also struggling, can not get away.

Ghostly Great Thief Hand !

Ghostly Great Thief Hand !

Ghostly Great Thief Hand !

Fang Yuan continued to display the Ghostly Great Thief Hand, and the Immortal Gu, one by one in the nonhuman Gu Immortal Immortal Aperture was stolen.

This is the purpose of Fang Yuan’s deliberate intention to keep it. If they are forced to be too embarrassed, these nonhuman Gu Immortal are in despair, and I am afraid to destroy Immortal Gu and resources, so that Fang Yuan can’t do anything.

But with a glimmer of hope, these nonhuman Gu Immortal also want to resist the end, really can be decisive and self-disciplined like Meng Tu, very few.

Moreover, nonhumans are very dangerous, but in the ordinary, they only learn from each other. The real death battle is limited.

Fang Yuan As Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, already honed these nonhuman minds, which is why his tactics are simple and superficial, but the results are excellent.

The nonhuman Gu Immortals were stolen from Immortal Gu, and the battle strength fell so badly that the battle was even more devastating.

“Fang Yuan, I read you wrong! How can you be so mean, actually killing allies!” A Stoneman Gu Immortal roared, his voice was extremely sad.

Bing Zhuo sneered: “You still can’t see it until now? This 厮already secretly solved the covenant, it is not an ally, but an enemy!”

“Hey, you have too many words.” Fang Yuan sighed softly, his mind was moving, and a Yama’s Child suddenly self-exploding.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Soul Burst!

Bing Zhuo is a melee in itself. Yama’s Child is too close to him. When he self-exploding, he simply went to dodge. In the middle of the roaring sound, he was blown away and sacrificed directly.

“Bing Zhuo adults!”

Xue’er almost stunned.

Fang Yuan is indifferent, and the Immortal Gu of these people has been almost stolen. The rest are well prepared and the Ghostly Great Thief Hand is inaccessible. Fang Yuan has limited time and doesn’t want to spend more time. He starts to really kill.

Each and every one nonhuman Gu Immortal, followed by a continuous fight to die, and finally only Xueer.

“You devil, I will not let you go!” Xue’er turned his face and squeezed the last words from his teeth.

a moment later, a few heads of Yama’s Child slammed into her, biting her into pieces of minced meat.

As for her soul, on the battlefield of the Jurassic, nature survived, and the souls of other nonhuman Gu Immortal were confined by Fang Yuan.

Soul Search !

Under the skillful Soul Search, the insiders of the Snowman and Stoneman families were quickly informed by Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan then stopped the battlefield and returned to the northern ice field again.

The massacre also took a lot of time, but there was no external force in the whole process to calculate or combat the battlefield. It can be seen that these nonhuman Gu Immortal should be the last Gu Immortal forces guarded here.

Based on the information obtained by Soul Search, Fang Yuan went deep into the ground and soon found a large number of Stoneman, Snowman, and many Gu Masters, but more are mortals.

Fang Yuan forcibly moved these people and kidnapped them to their Paragon Immortal Aperture.

After searching for a moment, he unearthed the collections of Stoneman and Snowman and sent them to Immortal Aperture.

The tears of the Snowman family, the meters of the Stoneman family, are the unique immortal materials of the two families. In addition, there are a large number of common immortal materials, as well as some immortal materials that have been preserved by the ancient, Olden Antiquity Era, which are now largely extinct, something that can’t be found in Treasure Yellow Heaven. The most famous of these is the silvery silver. This metal mineral can be used to imitate any beautiful female in front of us and become a corresponding face.

As for the deadly nonhuman Gu Immortal’s Immortal Aperture, Fang Yuan used the means to temporarily live in the seal, he did not want to fall here.

Rank 7 Fixed Immortal Travel !

Pushing this Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan calmly left, leaving the scene of a murderous scene that was empty and ruined. This piece of land that once lived as Stoneman and Snowman no longer exists.

a moment later , Fang Yuan appeared in Southern Border.

“Who?!” Southern Border Two Gu Immortals angered, Fang Yuan also spurred the Yama Emperor ultimate move.

Fang Yuan smiled and reached for a finger.

Soul Burst!

Soul Burst!

Soul Burst!

Soul Burst!


5~6 After Soul Burst, Southern Border two Gu Immortals immediately scared scared witless to escape. This is where the fierce person is simply mad! Brief remark hair, up is a series of offensive ultimate move, recruits are the power of Rank 7 peak!

These two cents were transmitted through the Immortal Dao gu formation, and Fang Yuan was helpless.

But soon, he broke the Immortal Dao gu formation, purely violent dismantling, two Immortal Gus, a large number of mortal gu were blown up by Fang Yuan easily.

When the Immortal Formation is destroyed, it reveals the things that wrap up inside.

Fang Yuan lightly smiled, this thing is full of glory, gorgeous, it is a dream!

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