Langya Earth Spirit has a painful face.

He looked at the falling sea level, brows tightly knit, and his heart was bleeding.

This sea water seems to be ordinary, but it is not. It is the refinement of the old Ancestor Long Haired during his later years. At the moment, it is just a stock of the sea. If there are four seas, you can use the secret technique to make the quantitative change cause a qualitative change to form the artificial Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm!

For this reason, Langya Blessed Land has long been pinned on the Crescent Moon Lake, through the Water Dao environment, and then using the Immortal Tribulation Refines Aperture Ultimate Move to introduce Water Dao Disaster and Tribulation to add Water Dao’s Dao Marks to Langya Blessed Land. .

But now, in order to fight against Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, all the accumulation of Langya Blessed Land is rapidly consumed, and after this battle, it must be consumed.

“Ahhhhh!” Langya Earth Spirit roared and roared. The leader, Hairyman Gu Immortal, drove Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze.

The silver giant smashed the past, and a record of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move was issued, and the Heavenly Court Gu Immortal was indiscriminately bombarded.

The offensive was fierce and fierce, and there was a Rank 8 level. For a time, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal was beaten with no backhand. The Thunder Ghost True Monarch broke and shattered. Chen Yi and Fairy Ziwei vomited blood in succession, Feng Jiuge is even more unbearable, white as paper, grit his teeth, relying on Life Armor Immortal Gu to die!

The ultimate move, essentially or Refining Dao, launched the Refining Dao’s Dao Marks in the entire Langya Blessed Land, which is the accumulation of Old Ancestor Long Haired.

This is the enemy of me, Fang Yuan is in it, but also in the move, but Hairyman is free to move. After all, it is because Hairyman is wearing Refining Dao’s Dao Marks!

The ultimate move issued by the Langya Earth Spirit is also the Refining Dao ultimate move. Therefore, it is subject to the growth of the world. Every hit is strong, and the power is fierce and fierce. It has the top level of Rank 8.

As for the silver giant, it is also free to move, so it is Far Ancient Battle Formation, not Immortal Gu Home. Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze varies from person to person, and Hairyman Gu Immortals teamed up to be the Refining Dao Giant.

For this reason, Fang Yuan and other three ethnic nonhuman Gu Immortal did not participate in the offensive.

If it is a hands-on, it will be suppressed by all means, and it will not be good.

“Kill, kill them!”

“琅琊background, sure enough, deep and unmeasurable.”

The tribes of nonhuman Gu Immortal were amazed, and Fang Yuan was frowning. He said to the Langya Earth Spirit: “Revered Great Elder, you are all out, but the offensive is fierce, but you can’t make a final decision. The weather is limited. Very, what other means, no more…”

“I know, you shut up!” Langya Earth Spirit roared, bloodshot eyes, grinning, fierce expression, restless anxiety.

In the scene, although he has the advantage, but the Heavenly Court four immortals can not kill, like the reef on the coast, let the waves surge, still do not move.

More than a dozen breaths passed, and despite the unprecedented offensive of the Silver Giant, Heavenly Court was still alive, and the sea in Langya Blessed Land was completely dry, leaving no water left, revealing an unsightly seabed.

“Let’s fight back.” Thunder Ghost True Monarch took a deep breath, smirked, and began to re-agglomerate the black armor.

“It’s the home of Old Ancestor Long Haired.” Chen Yi sighed and treated himself, and the injury quickly responded.

The background of Heavenly Court Gu Immortal is equally strong, with the attack of the Silver Giant, only a few minor injuries.

“You forced me, you forced me!” Look at Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Bullying, Langya Earth Spirit whispered in the mouth, suddenly whistling, “Come on, come on a long-awaited!”

Unable to defeat the enemy, Langya Earth Spirit took another trump card.

Hong long!

A thunder sound, a fascinating red light suddenly flashed in a blink of an eye, covering the entire Langya Blessed Land.

“This is?!” Heavenly Court’s four immortals have changed dramatically and they are shocked. Whether it is Fairy Ziwei of devise strategies, or Gloomy Soul’s Thunder Ghost True Monarch, or Chen Yi, who has a high weight, who is in charge of the party, or Feng Jiuge who is frightening talent colorful, there is no other calming color.

Fang Yuan also watched the benefit dazed, and the scene in memory quickly emerged in his mind. He blurted out: “Stealing Life?”

Other Hairyman Gu Immortal looked ignorant. They didn’t know what this trump card was. Langya Earth Spirit looked at Fang Yuan with a strange look: “right, this is Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s Rank 8 Stealing Life Immortal Gu! You actually know?”

Fang Yuan’s heart was shocked, and the Stealing Life Immortal Gu was hidden in the hands of Langya Earth Spirit.

Fang Yuan knows Stealing Life, still in the Heavenly Thief dream. Unexpectedly, Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable left this Immortal Gu to Old Ancestor Long Haired.


Heavenly Court Four Immortals try their best to defend themselves.

They are nervous at the moment, hundreds of times before!

Because they also recognized it, this is the red light from Stealing Life Immortal Gu.

a moment later , permeate heaven and earth’s red light suddenly shrinks, just like the thousands of arrows throw out, and the time goes back, back to the string.

Red stream of light, nothing else, it is the life span of all life within the body!

In the blink of an eye, Feng Jiuge turned from a youthful man to a fat fog with white hair and a superficial skin.

Fairy Ziwei spit a mouthful of blood, wrinkled face.

Chen Yi is also battered and exhausted, full head Qingsi. The inch is broken and the hair is flying around.

And Thunder Ghost True Monarch is stunned, originally she is a girl, delicate, red light recycling, she has completely transformed into old woman, white-haired, dim-sighted from old age, weak, open mouth, difficult breathing There are not a few teeth in my mouth.

“Good!” Seeing this scene, Fang Yuan is overjoyed.

Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Although it is strong, most of them sleep in the fairy tomb, and they will never wake up. Because they have almost exhausted the life prolonging method, their life span is limited, and it will not last long before they die.

Now, the Langya Earth Spirit uses Stealing Life Immortal Gu, which is exactly the sight of this weakness, and the Heavenly Court is dying! All of a sudden caught the door of Heavenly Court Gu Immortal.

“However, the Langya Earth Spirit is only urging Stealing Life Immortal Gu, not an ultimate move, and the effect is single. Heavenly Court Gu Immortal has the means of protection, but it cannot protect it.”

“And, this Stealing Life is also not against the enemy, this time even the silver giant can not protect, our Gu Immortal are also recruited.” Fang Yuan looked towards himself, he is also full head Huafa, old and unbearable.

But it doesn’t matter, he has more than 4,000 years of Longevity Gu. When I used more than one, I returned to a juvenile appearance.

As for the other nonhuman Gu Immortal, it is much more life-long than the human Patriarch, even if there is no life prolonging method, it can support it. Even the mortal Hairyman can support it.

That’s why, the Langya Earth Spirit put the Stealing Life Immortal Gu in his hands and it’s only used now.

“Heavenly Court Gu Immortal is stronger, how can we? We are desperate with them! Revered Great Elder, and then Stealing Life!” Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed and urged the Langya Earth Spirit.

Langya Earth Spirit smiled bitterly: “In the beginning, Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable was afraid that this Stealing Life Immortal Gu was a disaster. Although it was left to the ontology, it was equipped with the means to only provoke three times and it would self-destruct.”

“What? Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable has such compassion?” nonhuman Gu Immortals was amazed.

Instead, Fang Yuan, associating with the once Heavenly Thief dream, was in the heart.

“No matter two or three times, don’t use it now, when is it!” Fang Yuan reminded.

Langya Earth Spirit 狠狠nodded, again motivating Stealing Life Immortal Gu.

In a twinkling of an eye, the red light is released.

“Oh…” Thunder Ghost True Monarch made a weak sigh. “I don’t think of me…Jing Lan… I died in this place.”

She glared at her eyes, but after all, she was too weak, and the eyelid slowly closed.

She – old dead.

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