“It turned out to be the case.” Fang Yuan immediately contacted Fáng Family Gu Immortal, obtained intelligence.

This battle around the Bean God Palace is indeed over. It is Fáng Family that won the Bean God Palace!

Revered Great Elder Chen Yi of Sky Lotus School before the defeat, leaving a message, Fáng Family should keep Bean God Palace, and he will definitely pick it up again in the future.

As for Qing Qiu, it is also escape, its background is deep, not only one Rank 8 Controlling Soul Beast, but also other Rank 8 Immortal Gu.

Although the Fáng Family captured the Bean God Palace, the Chicken Coop & Dog House and the Enquirer Dock were severely damaged in the three Immortal Gu Homes, and the Revered Great Elder Fáng Gong was also injured. The Bean God Palace, which has won the hand, is almost half-destroyed.

However, after the contact with Fang Yuan, Fáng Family still promised to pay Fang Yuan. And in strict accordance with the covenant, the reward is very high. Just one thing, Fáng Family Gu Immortal wants to ask Fang Yuan to slow down, because this time the trouble is too big, and it will not be long before Fáng Family gets the news of Bean God Palace, it will be calculated. At that time, Western Desert Gu Immortal World must be turbulent, and many super forces will not sit down and see Fáng Family to get this house, and then become the first of the Western Desert super power!

By that time, Fáng Family must face the pressure of all directions, so Fáng Family should take advantage of this calm time, as much as possible to improve themselves and rest. Especially Immortal Gu Home, you must do all-out repair.

Therefore, Fáng Family will be very tight at hand, and if it is convenient for Fang Yuan, it may be a few days.

Fang Yuan thought about it and promised it.

First of all, the time required to pay for this remuneration in the Covenant is not strict. Second, Fang Yuan still wants to deal with Fáng Family.

The situation at the moment is different.

Fáng Family has provoked Central Continent Sky Lotus School, and as if has provoked Heavenly Court. Fang Yuan’s disguised Suan Bu Jiní has ​​a lot of strength and can’t escape. In Fáng Family’s view, Fang Yuan shares this with himself. A strong enemy is a natural ally.

On the other hand, Fáng Family is under pressure and is afraid of the strength of Fang Yuan’s exhibition. Originally Suan Bu Jin, the identity of Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, and the means of enslaving the Soul Beast army, Fang Yuan in the Bean God Palace battle, exposed the ability to steal the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast, it is Shocking world!

Therefore, Fáng Family is very cautious about Fang Yuan’s and is not willing to provoke such existence. Especially at this critical moment, the entire Fáng Family is facing a test. Fáng Family is even more reluctant to anger Fang Yuan and even intends to At the moment, relying on Fang Yuan, I want to use him as a foreign aid.

Fang Yuan turned his mind and understood Fáng Family’s plan.

“First, Tang Family, it seems that this Fáng Family can also become a resistance to Heavenly Court’s chess piece.” Fang Yuan laid out the world, and the eyes are ready to shine.

“The situation of Western Desert’s will be turbulent. The key is how much Fáng Family’s strength is left. How much power can the Bean God Palace win?”

If Fáng Family can withstand the pressure from all sides in the next period of time, then Fang Yuan does not mind the icing on the cake, take action to support, and strengthen the relationship between the two sides.

If Fáng Family can’t resist or even fall into the crisis of extinction, Fang Yuan will certainly not provide timely help, and it will have a great hope to grab the Bean God Palace.

Fang Yuan sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, the mind is leisurely.

This time, the Bean God Palace battle, he harvested a great deal. On the one hand, the Rank 7 Great Plunder Immortal Gu, with it, together with the Fang Yuan’s Stealing Dao Great Grandmaster Realm, can take advantage of the power of Rank 9 ultimate move Unknown to Ghosts, which is a qualitative change. On the other hand, the ranks of Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast and Rank 8, even if they have the capital of the day, may not be available. The third aspect is the relationship with Fáng Family’s, which is the development of advanced by leaps and bounds, and Fáng Family still owes much to Fang Yuan.

Even if Fang Yuan gets Bean God Palace, he still faces the problem of patching and needs to invest in massive capital. At the same time, the burden of feeding Immortal Gu has skyrocketed.

Now, this result is not necessarily a bad thing for Fang Yuan.

“Just a lot of Western Desert Gu Immortal in the Azure Ghost Desert so far, I can’t start laying out here.”

Originally, Fang Yuan intends to put Ying Wuxie and the others in the Azure Ghost Desert, constantly hunting Soul Nucleus and helping Fang Yuan soul cultivation. But now it seems that it is not working.

The Azure Ghost Desert has a lot of people, which is not good for action.

And there is still one of the biggest threats, that is to escape Qin Qiu.

The Legendary Immemorial Soul Beast, with the Rank 8 battle strength, Fang Yuan did not face it, but also knows that its battle strength is strong, even if it urges the Adverse Current Protection Seal, etc., it is more than a tie.

Now, Qing Qiu’s whereabouts are unknown. It is very likely that he is still hiding in the Azure Ghost Desert. Thus, whether it is Fang Yuan dispatching Ying Wuxie and the others, is still in danger. Once the two sides fight, the problem of exposing identity alone will break Fang Yuan’s many major events.

“Let’s go.” Fang Yuan Wisdom Dao means a variety of uses. In just a few moments, he made the most sensible decision to leave the Azure Ghost Desert and even leave the Western Desert.

“Fellow Immortal?” At this time, He Gu female immortal stood in front of Fang Yuan’s and saw that he never answered and asked again.

Fang Yuan smiled and turned her eyes to her. She thought that this woman was also a shrewd figure. Actually, I saw a lot of clues from my flight.

Fang Yuan blinked a bit and said: “I do have some information, very precious. If you want to buy, you have to pay the price.”

He Gu laughed: “Fellow Immortal, don’t worry, I am a rogue cultivator, but there are some capitals. As long as Fellow Immortal guarantees that this information is true, my reward will surely satisfy Fellow Immortal.”

Fang Yuan and He Gu concluded a simple covenant and then selectively said the existence of Qing Qiu, and it is indeed true.

He Gu suddenly looked good: “Oh? On a Soul Beast, it has something to do with the previous Qing Family? Is it suspected that the Qing Family hidden treasure is also on it?”

“The details of this, I am not too clear.” Fang Yuan shook his head, not willing to say anything more.

He Gu was quite satisfied, and paid many of the Western Desert immortal materials on Fang Yuan.

According to Fang Yuan’s vision, I was a little surprised. Among these immortal materials, there is a kind of ancient god wood, which is quite rare Rank 6 immortal materials. Although it is only Rank 6, even if it is rare in Treasure Yellow Heaven, sometimes the price of Rank 7 immortal materials can be sold.

This harvest is a small surprise. Fang Yuan earned a sum and exposed Qing Qiu.

In doing so, the Fáng Family was screened and the sight of Western Desert Gu Immortal was concentrated on Qing Qiu in a short time. Secondly, it is also good for Fang Yuan himself. Qing Qiu is not dead, his whereabouts are unknown, and it is a serious threat to Fang Yuan’s Azure Ghost Desert program. Fang Yuan used these Western Desert Gu Immortal to help him explore the road and find out where Qing Qiu is. As for when they met Qing Qiu and found out that this turned out to be a Legendary Immemorial Soul Beast, they could only ask for more.

“My information is true. There must be a Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal calculation. The verification is true. At that time, it is related to the Qing Family lost heritage. Even if the Rank 8 exists, it will be very interesting. Leading 1~2 Rank 8 Gu Immortal is dispatched, that is the time when Qing Qiu is upset.”

Fang Yuan As a Wisdom Dao Grandmaster, rely on this little opportunity, I calculated the Qi Qi Qi.

He Gu female immortal is still not satisfied, making a request to explore Azure Ghost Desert with Fang Yuan.

Loose immortal is also the norm.

However, of course, it was rejected by Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan said goodbye to He Gu and went directly.

He Gu still wants to track, distantly fly behind Fang Yuan, but was easily wrapped around Fang Yuan, and by the use of Meeting Past Acquaintance to disguise himself, he quickly took the woman off.

Fang Yuan did not go deep into the Azure Ghost Desert, but wiped the edge of the Azure Ghost Desert and went straight away.

All the way to the sky, a few days and nights, Fang Yuan came to the Western Desert Boundary Wall.

After directly penetrating the two-layer Boundary Wall, Fang Yuan re-arrived Southern Border!

The scorching sun is replaced by the dark clouds of the sky.

The dry wind of the Western Desert, here at the Southern Border, is soaked with moist air.

At first glance, the mountains are green, rolling, and the spread is twilight.

“Southern Border ……” Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed slightly, and then sharp and bright. Among the Five Regions, he is no doubt the most profound about Southern Border’s.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Qi Luck Sense !

Immediately, he motivated the ultimate move, slightly in the eyes of the cold intention.

He previously established Connection Luck with Superior Heavenly Eagle, and now uses the Qi Luck Sense ultimate move to immediately realize its blurred position.

Fang Yuan this time Back to Southern Border, the main purpose is to regain the Superior Heavenly Eagle.

This Space Dao Immemorial Desolate Beast, Fang Yuan is also a big use. With it, Fang Yuan will be able to annex all the Blessed Land in the Marketplace, making his own Immortal Aperture background soar, while the Dao Marks skyrocketed.

“It’s in the southeast…” Fang Yuan paused Qi Luck Sense, figure like electricity, and went straight into the sky.

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