Southern Border, southeast.

North of the Yellow Dragon River, just south of Hundred Beast.

Here is a mountain range, rolling, but now it is falling apart, a huge gully spans things, forming a new trench.

The Grand Era will be coming, and the Five Regions will be one. First, Earth Qi will be turbulent, and Earth Arteries will be linked. Southern Border Earth Dao’s Dao Marks is the richest of the Five Regions. Since the first shock, it has seen a huge earthquake covering the Southern Border’s.

Each time earthquake, for the Southern Border’s mortal, is a disaster. But for Gu Immortal, it means a new opportunity!

A variety of immortal materials, even the wild Immortal Gu, will rush out of the depths of the underground. Earth Arteries is itself the essence of the earth.

Over the years, Southern Border Gu Immortal World has been in turmoil.

First, the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, and then the dream war, not only the rogue cultivator, the Demonic Path, the Righteous Path’s side also suffered a lot, especially the Wu Family, which successively damaged the seven Gu Immortals!

Southern Border Gu Immortal is therefore vigilant, feels a crisis, and tries to improve itself.

This time, Earth Arteries turbulence, forming a trench, Southern Border Gu Immortal are all actively engaged, want to make up as much as possible, search for the most resources, improve their own strength.

At this time, in the depths of this new trench, a group of Gu Masters are arranging Mortal Dao gu formation to establish a camp.

The head of the Gu Master, already has the Rank 5 cultivation base, is a woman.

Her eyebrows are like a light dragon, and her eyes are like a clear moon. Muscle like snow white, cherry lips and teeth, a black hair on the shoulders, delicate black, full of feminine.

At this moment, she wore a plain white clothed skirt, elegant and blue, gentle and watery, and with a graceful and elegant atmosphere.

Not everyone else, it is today’s Shang Family Patriarch Shang Xinci.

Shang Xinci A pair of beautiful eyes, staring at the fields in front of me.

This field, deep in the trench, is unusual, the soil is dark, hard as iron, and the color of smoke rises from the soil, rising and condensing into clouds in midair.

In the middle of the field, Gu Masters feels warm, sultry, infiltrated, and extremely comfortable.

“Nature power of God, really work of God, is really amazing!” Shang Xinci sighed, feeling very much.

She stood next to a white robe, a tall, graceful figure, Sword Eyebrow star, and a small eagle on her shoulder, exactly Ye Fan.

Ye Fan said: “This field is not simple. If I don’t admit it, it is Warm Net Smoke Jade field. It can produce immortal materials Warm Net Smoke Jade. It’s a small one. The field is really a thousand acres, and the value is extremely high!”

Ye Fan still loves Shang Xinci, and he has come forward to help Shang Xinci’s government affairs problem.

Only later, when he drove the 18 cents of the wine country, he encountered Bai Ningbing and was almost killed by the latter.

Ye Fan was lucky enough to return to a life. After this change, he became more mature and stable. In an accident, he bumped into Gu Immortal Lu Weiyin and married the master and disciple.

He was cultivated by Lu Weiyin, not only into Black Heaven cultivated for a while, but also was taught by Lu Weiyin a considerable amount of knowledge, a wide range of visions, and more than Shang Xinci.

“The original place is called Warm Net Smoke Jade field, thank you Young Master Ye for confusing. Xinci finally knows why Immortal Ancestor in the family wants me to lead the team and guard it here.” Shang Xinci thanked.

She was originally a natural talent, and her cultivation base was weak, but this time Shang Family, in order to compete for this Warm Net Smoke Jade field, was driven by Gu Immortal action, stimulating the unique means, and pulling Shang Xinci’s cultivation base to Rank 5 at any cost. .

Ye Fan’s eyes flashed a touch of worry.

Shang Xinci The enemy of this time is Hou Family and Tie Family.

Both of these Great Clans also sent the Patriarch of the Rank 5 cultivation base to show up, showing the must-have for the Warm Net Smoke Jade field.

Ye Fan’s vision at this time has exceeded the mortal world and is clear and thorough.

“This Warm Net Smoke Jade field is a natural Resource Point. Whichever is in control, there will be a large number of Warm Net Smoke Jade produced every year. Shang Family, Hou Family, Tie Family, these three families are all super The forces, even the three Patriarchs are just chess pieces, and behind them are Gu Immortal taking action.”

“oh! Shang Family Patriarch’s position, it seems to be a high weight, in fact, it is just the political chip in Gu Immortal’s hands that’s all. Involuntarily, dangerous, it is difficult to protect without rogue cultivator, Demon Immortal 觊觎. Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Shang Family’s last Patriarch Shang Yanfei, that is Shang Xinci’s father, isn’t it dead? There are Wu Family Patriarch Empress Wu Ji and so on….not Gu Immortal, and then outstanding the ordinary mortal And after all, it’s just a mortal.”

Ye Fan feels heartfelt, think of it here, and is more determined to ask for the motivation of immoted immortal!

“Report! Hou Family and Tie Family have all sent out a large number of people, and the scale has never been seen before, and they have come straight to me.” At this time, there was a sudden investigation of Gu Master.

Shang Xinci, a beautiful woman around her, Gu Master said: “Patriarch expected, we arranged the gu formation this time, expanded the camp, and immediately touched the bottom line of the two sides.”

This beautiful woman is Wei Dexin, Mrs. Wei Family Patriarch, who was once bought by Fang Yuan as a slave, and entrust is next to Shang Xinci. Today, Wei Dexin has become a personal escort for Shang Xinci, with a heartfelt reward and loyalty.

Shang Xinci nodded ,said with a smile : “In fact, gu formation already arranged properly, deliberately put a look at the gu formation, is to attract these two sides to attack, so that we can in a spurt of energy, take them under.”

Shang Family, Tie Family, and Hou Family have been arguing for a long time, winning each other and making a tie. Shang Xinci came up with a plan, arranged gu formation, increased his own battle strength, and decided to do so. The other two Patriarchs are highly qualified and have been in business for a long time. Even if they go out, they will not be in trouble. But Shang Xinci is different. She is a junior, a young age, and she has been out for too long. The Shang Family headquarters will be turbulent. This is why Shang Xinci has to take a risk.

Of course, the danger is not blind. Shang Xinci is determined to make a decision on the premise of knowing oneself and knowing oneself. He has confidence and can win the game in one fell swoop.

“If I can beat Hou Family and Tie Family two old Patriarchs this time, my prestige will be shocking and returning to the family. It is another situation.” spoke until here, Shang Xinci has a sigh of relief and a high voice. Get up, “I still hope that everyone will be ought of common wishes, together to lay the victory.”

The group of heroes slammed.

Shang Xinci is surrounded by Wei Dexin and other female guards, as well as Xiong Tu, Xiong Feng, Xiong Huo, and Xiao Yan. From Shang Family Performance Martial Stage, Gu Master is now completely recruited by Shang Xinci. Hey, the next general. As for the general manager, he replaced Shang Xinci and to oversee Trading Mountain to maintain the situation.

Ye Fan, as a guest Elder, is not a subordinate relationship with Shang Xinci.

“As a Patriarch, although tired and hard, Xinci is to gain experience, weak and has a lot of good spirits.” For a time, Ye Fan was slightly disappointed by the charm of Shang Xinci.

“Shang Family Patriarch, what do you mean?” A moment later, Tie Family Patriarch first arrived.

Subsequently, Hou Family Patriarch also led the brigade to arrive and questioned Shang Xinci: “Small girl, you are building a camp, do you want to be a big one?”

Shang Xinci smiled lightly: “Two Patriarch, you and I have been here for three days. It is a good day to see a real chapter today, and decide what to win. Why bother to delay the time?”

Hou Family Patriarch pupils shrank.

Tie Family Patriarch laughed and gave a thumbs up to Shang Xinci: “Okay, it’s the younger generations will surpass us in time. To be honest, the old man is also irritated, and today comes a tripartite Fight, completely decide the outcome.”

So, the three parties did their best and killed together.

Shang Xinci, Ye Fan, and so on, are standing still and waiting for the opportunity to play.

“From gu formation.” Shang Xinci instructed.

As soon as the Formation Dao Gu Master was around, he was a little hesitant: “It is a bit early to start gu formation now? I am afraid I will leave time for the opponents to respond.”

Shang Xinci shook his head: “You are despite the start.”

Gu formation Together, the light curtains enveloped the entire battlefield.

Hou Family and Tie Family Gu Master suddenly panicked.

Shang Xinci in a clear tone said : “This line can protect people who are seriously injured, Hou Family, Tie Family and many Gu Masters, even if take action is.”

As soon as this was said, the faces of Hou Family and Tie Family’s two Patriarchs changed.

Tie Family Patriarch laughed heartily: “I have heard about Shang Family Patriarch Xinci long ago, and it is true, then let us fight a lot.”

Hou Family Patriarch is coldly snorted, and said: “This little girl is really the younger generations will surpass us in time. She directly admits that this is a wonderful use. It is a confusing mind. Let us dismantle this battle or not understand it. I was a little girl before me!”

“Overview of the major super-powers Patriarch, or Gu Master expert, Xinci is the kindest person I have ever seen. She could have arranged to kill, but she chose this line, and the advantage was greatly reduced. I have to take action later. Help her.” Ye Fan said.

His encounter with immortal destiny did not say to Shang Xinci and the others.

But after Black Heaven’s cultivation, Ye Fan is very confident, even the Rank 5 Gu Master will not be his opponent!

The gu formation is launched, and the light curtain is under the cover. It is true that once the Gu Master is seriously injured, it will be wrap up and lightly sent out, and it will be difficult for others to hurt.

At the same time, gu formation also helps the Shang Family Gu Master combat.

Tie Family and Hou Family also have Gu Master to figure out how to crack this gu formation. Before the crack, Shang Family Gu Master has the obvious advantage.

“Kill!” Xiong Tu, Xiong Feng, Xiong Huo Third Brother join the battlefield, the three together, intimate, the general Family Elder is not their opponent.

Soon, Hou Family’s three consecutive Family Elders were seriously injured and were wrap up and sent out to the battlefield.

“Hate!” Hou Family Patriarch secretly punches. “I have already persuaded the key person of Shang Family to let her Shang Xinci backyard fire. I didn’t expect her to take the initiative. This Tie Family Patriarch is too impetuous, actually. Promise her, fell into the calculation of the little girl. Uh?”

Just then, from the lineup of Tie Family, a female Gu Master was born, so brave!

Her moves are big and big, and the battlefield is invincible.

Xiong Family Third Brother wants to stop her, she is divided into two by five, directly dry down, seriously injured and sent to the battlefield.

Hou Family Patriarch stunned his eyes, and at this moment he was amazed: “The original Tie Family hides such a character! It’s amazing, it’s too powerful, even if I take the action myself, it’s not her opponent.”

At the critical juncture, Ye Fan Shiran stepped into the battlefield and stood in front of the female Gu Master’s: “Isn’t the girl’s name yet?”

The woman’s eyes were like electricity, and the severe light was shot. Looking at Ye Fan up and down, there was a dignified color, and then spit out the cold words from the mouth: “Tie Ruonan!”

Ps: Ah… what, there were two accidents today.

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