Paragon Immortal Aperture.

A black fan of the size of a fan is constantly flying in the air.

It clasped five fingers, but inside the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast, it was struggling and wanted to fly out.

The black ghost hand was constantly smashed by the Controlling Soul Beast. The ghosts were constantly bumping, and the five fingers were trembled, and there was no tendency to hold it.

However, even if Controlling Soul Beast escapes the ghost’s restraint, there is no way to escape in this Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture. It can only be counted from a small cage and escaped to a large cage.

Fang Yuan thought: “Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Ghostly Great Thief Hand, which I conceived, is based on Rank 9 ultimate move Unknown to Ghosts, and Rank 7 Great Plunder Immortal Gu, etc. is support. So even Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast can be forcibly stolen. Just… this trick can’t last long, there is no seal power for Immortal Gu. This Controlling Soul Beast has to work hard for me to use it for my own use! ”

When thinking about it, Ghostly Great Thief Hand is getting worse, and the Controlling Soul Beast Immortal Gu inside is going to break free from the restraint and flee.

However, at this time, Fang Yuan drove Ghostly Great Thief Hand and had already arrived at the destination.

Heaven Sealing Mountain !

This was originally used by Fang Yuan Seal’s own Immortal Zombie body for the Will of Heaven.

But now the body of Fang Yuan’s Immortal Zombie has been occupied by Soul Fragment, becoming the Rank 6 Time Dao clone and not using Heaven Sealing Mountain.

“Go.” Under Fang Yuan’s manipulates, Ghostly Great Thief Hand goes directly into the cave inside Heaven Sealing Mountain and breaks directly into the gu formation.

Fang Yuan opened the gu formation, and Ghostly Great Thief Hand finally stopped shaking. The Controlling Soul Beast Immortal Gu was temporarily suppressed. Although it was still struggling, the magnitude has been reduced by many times.

“It’s not a long-term solution to keep suppressing Controlling Soul Beast. It’s imperative to find a place to refine this Rank 8 Immortal Gu as soon as possible!”

Fang Yuan thought this way, the speed did not drop, after the Bean God Palace, along the Peach Blossom Bewitching Forest ultimate move loophole, directly removed, away from this battlefield.

“He just left like this?!” Fang Yuan’s action, so many Gu Immortal are very surprised.

Chen Yi hated his teeth, but there was no way. He was not only targeted by Qing Qiu, but also entangled by Fáng Gong.

“A good decision.” Fáng Dizhang sighed with a sigh of relief, looking at the back of Fang Yuan, feeling very much.

After Fang Yuan left the battlefield, she immediately faced countless Soul Beast.

The Soul Beast is quite large, and it is simply hiding the sky and covering the earth, which makes Fang Yuan feel at ease. But soon he thought of Rank 1, and he endured it. He didn’t start slaughtering, and Large Scale hunt Soul Nucleus.

What he needs to do most is to refine this Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast as soon as possible. As for the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Bean God Palace, let them compete for the three-way Rank 8.

Fang Yuan has a clear understanding of himself.

Even if you support the Adverse Current Protection Seal, Fang Yuan is only able to fight Rank 8 and has the Rank 8 battle strength nothing more. He is now taking action, blending in the presence of the three major Rank 8, and competing with them for Bean God Palace, with little hope and great variables.

Once he reveals the Adverse Current Protection Seal, it reveals his identity, and may even trigger Fáng Family’s anti-go.

For Fang Yuan, it is not worth the candle, because he has to do a good relationship with Fáng Family, and he will help himself with Soul Dao cultivation.

Covenant with him and Fáng Family’s is also a factor. It is not easy to solve this kind of covenant, and it takes sufficient time to prepare.

Controlling Soul Beast Although robbed by Fang Yuan, Soul Dao’s Dao Marks of Azure Ghost Desert is still eroding Fáng Family’s Peach Blossom Bewitching Forest Battlefield Ultimate Move.

Around the battlefield, Soul Beast, still massive, gathers here.

Fang Yuan evacuated here very easily.

Because he owns the ultra move, and Unknown to Ghosts Ultimate Move can make full use of it, Qing Qiu can’t find him, let alone other Soul Beast?

He flew all the way, did not remember, flew directly out of the Azure Ghost Desert, and then confirmed the safety, left and right no one, then stopped and fell to an ordinary Sand Desert.

Fang Yuan went deep into the ground and arranged a temporary gu formation, carefully eliminating the breath and traces.

After doing all this, he began to focus on consciousnessness and wholeheartedly dealt with the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast.

Controlling Soul Beast was replenished by Qing Qiu, which was filled with the will of Qing Qiu. It was very difficult for Fang Yuan to refine it.

This is the most basic part of the refining gu.

It is to separately refine an existing Gu insect. The essence of this kind of refinement is to replace the original will of Gu insect itself with the will of the self.

Gu Masters uses primeval essence refine mortal gu because primeval essence is a personal and personal will.

The same is true for Gu Immortal using immortal essence refine Immortal Gu.

The wild Gu worm contains wild will, which is unruly and difficult to refine. But Humans are clever in tens of thousands of ways. If you are robbing others of Immortal Gu, the difficulty of refining gu is to go up a level.

Fang Yuan has been working on the Enquirer Dock for a long time, and it is not unprepared at this time.

Rank 7 Immortal Gu Love , Rank 7 Immortal Gu Self Respect !

Fang Yuan first took the two Immortal Gus out. He first mobilized the Self Respect Immortal Gu and aimed at Controlling Soul Beast.

The Qing Qiu in Controlling Soul Beast will be affected, and the self-pity Self Respect will be up. Then Fang Yuan will be even more active, and this Qi Qi Qi will not take the risk, self-exploded Controlling Soul Beast.

Subsequently, Fang Yuan spurred Love Immortal Gu to infiltrate a stock of Love.

Two different wills touch each other and suddenly kill together.

Love is not good at the will of the attack, and soon it will be killed by the Qing Qiu will, and it will not be a success.

But there is still a little bit of love, scattered in the Gu insect Controlling Soul Beast, not completely annihilated.

This is the hallmark of Love and the influence of Self Respect Immortal Gu. But as time goes by, these residual Loves will be annihilated one after another.

Fang Yuan continues to mobilize Love Immortal Gu, constantly instilling a stock of love into Controlling Soul Beast.

No matter how many Loves come in, they are annihilated by Qing Qiu, and it degrades itself very little.

Qing Qiu will be in the Controlling Soul Beast Immortal Gu, the battle strength is very strong and very stubborn!

Immortal essence is consumed violently, but Fang Yuan is able to support it. He has sufficient immortal essence reserves, and the former Immortal Aperture is under construction, which makes him fully emboldened.

After 5 minutes, Fang Yuan finally stopped instilling Love into Controlling Soul Beast Immortal Gu.

Love has a lot left in it, although the vast majority will be annihilated by Qing Qiu, but the rest of Love is also considerable, reaching the limit, and then want to grow, almost impossible.

Fang Yuan, I brewed it and poured it into Controlling Soul Beast.

This is my intention to come in, suddenly aroused the anger of Qing Qiu’s will, immediately swarmed up, like a wild beast of anger. In comparison, before Qing Qiu will deal with Love, it is completely drizzle.

Fang Yuan I am willing to fight with Qing Qiu’s will, and the situation is completely downside. Fang Yuan, I am unable to stand up, and I can’t stand.

For example, Controlling Soul Beast is like a camp, and always is the site of Qing Qiu’s will. Fang Yuan I mean that if I land on the beach, I can only infuse it some time. The military power will not be opened, and how much will be destroyed by Qing Qiu.

However, Fang Yuan seems to have turned a blind eye and kept instilling my intention to go in.

His advantage lies in the fact that his own immortal essence is sufficient and I am constantly coming. And the Qing Qiu will, but it is out of the Qing Qiu, is the source of nothing.

A musk, two sticks of incense, three musk… As time went by, Fang Yuan’s situation gradually opened, step by step, and finally with Qing Qiu will occupy the world, occupying half of the Controlling Soul Beast.

Qing Qiu will violently churn, knowing that he is not an opponent of Fang Yuan’s, actually wants to detonate this Controlling Soul Beast Immortal Gu.

Fortunately, at this time, the love left by Fang Yuan was launched, and the determination of Qing Qiu’s will was weakened. At the same time, Fang Yuan instilled False Intent, which interfered with the judgment of Qing Qiu.

In the end, Fang Yuan poured a lot into my mind, in a spurt of energy, and the army was in full swing, and the remaining Qing Qiu will be completely submerged and annihilated.

“Finally refined Controlling Soul Beast Immortal Gu.” Fang Yuan spits out one mouthful of impure air , full head is sweaty.

This time, it is simply more exhausting than the command of a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

Counting the time, the outside Five Regions actually passed three days and three nights!

“Fortunately, I have Wisdom Dao means, and I have the right Immortal Gu, otherwise I can’t really refine it.”

“Hey, although I have Ghostly Great Thief Hand, I can use Unknown to Ghosts to reproduce the original Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s. But it’s halfway to go out, it’s going to be nothing more. In the rumor, Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable has a steal. The heart, directly directed at the will of the stolen Immortal Gu, can refine Immortal Gu in an instant, very outstanding!”

Fang Yuan sighed at the bottom of his heart, put away Controlling Soul Beast, and quickly got up and flew back to Azure Ghost Desert.

“I now have Controlling Soul Beast Rank 8 Immortal Gu, and then support one hundred and eighty slaves, which is very likely to enslave the Qing Qiu!”

“With Qing Qiu, I have a lot of hope for the Bean God Palace. After all, it affects Bean God Palace to the greatest extent.”

“Even if I suffer from the Fáng Family covenant backlash, I have the ability to guarantee that I am not dead. If I can win the Bean God Palace, there is definitely no profit!”

Fang Yuan is constantly planning.

After his endless greed, received Controlling Soul Beast, he thought about it and wanted to take the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Bean God Palace.

But when he flew to the edge of the Azure Ghost Desert, he was stopped by one Gu Immortal.

“This Fellow Immortal please wait.” He was stopped by a familiar female immortal, and he was full of Rank 7.

“What are you doing?” Fang Yuan thought about it and slowed down.

Female immortal said with a smile : “I am He Gu, see Fellow Immortal flying extremely fast, it must be a goal. Now this Azure Ghost Desert has changed dramatically. I heard that there is a huge treasure of True Inheritance. I don’t know what Fellow Immortal has mastered. Intelligence? I am willing to exchange for a large amount of money.”

Fang Yuan didn’t change her face, but she felt a little bad in her heart.

It turned out that the Fáng Family robbed the Bean God Palace, causing a mighty sound. The Soul Beast of the entire Azure Ghost Desert rioted. This could not be overshadowed by the Western Desert’s numerous Gu Immortal, so it swarmed.

Fang Yuan refine Controlling Soul Beast, which took three days and three nights, has attracted many Western Desert’s Gu Immortal.

“I am afraid the war is over!”

“If the three parties are still fighting, the race of Rank 8, neither side can hide, the mighty terrifying, how can these Gu Immortal not find out?”

“I don’t know what the final battle outcome is? Who is the Bean God Palace?”

Fang Yuan couldn’t help thinking about it.

Ps: The book has been stopped for a hundred years, and today’s update is another accident.

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