As the Fallen Flower Hall floated slowly, the petals fluttered in the air, the petals were like rain, the colors were different, and the flowers were rich and tangy. ??

More crucially, after the petals fell on the sand, they disappeared into the lake like water droplets.

Subsequently, Sha Shuo became mud, and in a blink of an eye, it was between several breaths.

The green seedling of one by one emerged from the mud within the earth, and then formed a flower bud, which bloomed again in the blink of an eye.

When Fallen Flower Hall floated on the Sand Desert, it was not the Azure Ghost Desert, but a million luxuriant flowers, the Flower Garden.

Fang Yuan constrained the Soul Beast army, standing still, quietly looking at.

The Fallen Flower Hall door opens slightly and walks out of the three Gu Immortals.

The first one is the Fáng Family Rank 7 Fáng Anlei. The looks are common and the body is slightly fat, but the smile is kind and gives a strong sense of affinity.

Fang Yuan has already inquired about the intelligence, knowing that this woman is a frequent person in the Fáng Family, and has extensive experience with various forces and experts.

Beside Fáng Anlei, there are two Rank 6 Gu Immortal, both acquaintances.

On the left, the face is handsome, the eyes are like stars, and the lively jump is Fáng Yun. The one on the right, calm and vague, has developed a calm style, Fáng Family rising star Fáng Leng.

“Fáng Anlei has seen Fellow Immortal.”

“Fáng Yun (Fáng Leng) thanked Senior for his help!”

Three Gu Immortals took a few steps and paid a courtesy to Fang Yuan. The attitude was quite polite.

Fang Yuan sat in the Soul Beast army, and the army was strict and expressionless. The sly Soul Beast, the form terrifying, remains silent, still murderous-looking.

This is similar to the Fáng Family side, luxuriant flowers, smiling and friendly, it is a contrast between the yin and yang.

Fang Yuan slightly nod, the voice is very cold: “I said that I saved you because I want to save, I have never been willing to pay anything back. But I can also know a little about the idea of ​​Righteous Path.”

“Fellow Immortal is understanding. I represent Fáng Family this time, not only to thank Fellow Immortal, but also to cooperate with Fellow Immortal.” Fáng Anlei said with a slight smile.

“Oh, cooperation?” Fang Yuan was slightly surprised.

Fáng Anlei gave a step back and made a gesture of asking: “The tea has been prepared in the hall, so please Suan Bu Jin Fellow Immortal to talk in detail.”

Immortal Gu Home has always been weak outside, but a few are weak inside, such as Hem Family’s former Immortal Gu Home Black Prison.

Fallen Flower Hall is clearly the former, and Fáng Anlei invites Fang Yuan to enter, which is quite sincere.

But even if there is any trap ambush in this Fallen Flower Hall, Fang Yuan is not afraid of anything at this moment.

“Alright.” Fang Yuan nodded, opened the Immortal Aperture Portal, put the Soul Beast army in his arms, and put his hands into the Fallen Flower Hall.

Inside the Fallen Flower Hall, there are a lot of furnishings, all sorts of things, all the eyes.

In the center of the pavilion there is a large round table with tea.

Fáng Anlei asked Fang Yuan to sit down and then sit down.

“Please Fellow Immortal, this is my family’s Qi Lixiang tea.” Fáng Anlei contains said with a smile.

Fang Yuan turned to look, slightly nod.

The cup of tea in this cup is like a clear water, but when it is in the mouth, it feels warm. But the taste is that, as if drinking warm water.

Qilixiang tea is Fáng Family’s signature tea, which is not so superficial.

The real beauty of it is that people who have drunk tea will have a scent of tea from the inside out, from the inside to the whole body.

If you even drink seven cups, you will have seven days and seven nights. But if you drink a little more, this is the extent, so it is called Qilixiang tea.

Fang Yuan previous life has heard about it, but this is the first time he has experienced this kind of tea personally, but he just took a bit of a bit of it and then tasted it. He asked directly: “What is your noble clan? “”

Fáng Anlei heard the cold tone of Fang Yuan, can’t help but heart: “This person is the same as Fáng Yun and Fáng Leng. The temperament is lofty, self-sufficient, and dialogue with the powers.”

Fáng Anlei is not annoyed either.

She has seen many expert characters, some people are more tempered, some even kill, and Fang Yuan is quite normal.

The smile on her face adds another point, and she speaks clearly and tells the story of Fáng Family who wants to work with Fang Yuan.

“Let me collect the impermanence stone?” Fang Yuan tapped the table with his fingers and pondered the content of the collaboration.

The impermanence stone is the Rank 6 immortal materials, and there is indeed a lot in the Azure Ghost Desert.

This kind of stone, half black and half a hundred, must be a place of perennial battle, in order to gradually form. Therefore, these places with rheumatoid stone are basically the land where the souls are killed.

Obviously, these places are dangerous.

However, the sinister land is not a big deal for today’s Fang Yuan.

“I own the Soul Beast army and show the top strength of Rank 7. Collecting these impermanent stones is a simple and easy thing. The only trouble is that these impermant stones are widely dispersed and need to be raised in sufficient quantities. It is more time to trade back and forth.”

Fang Yuan thought about it.

This cooperative task, for Fang Yuan, is actually a matter of doing things.

He needs to hunt Soul Nucleus, and he has to run around. It is normal to encounter impermanence. In fact, he collected a small pile of impermanent stones in his hands, which he had previously accumulated in the Azure Ghost Desert.

What Fang Yuan wants to consider is why Fáng Family wants to cooperate in this way. What is the real intention?

“don’t tell me As Fáng Anlei said, the impermanence stone is not common in Treasure Yellow Heaven and it is difficult to acquire, so commission me to do this?”

“Or, are they going to win over me? Promote the image of Fáng Family’s tribute?”

The content of the cooperation is an impermanent stone. Once Fang Yuan is reached, there will be a Rank 6 Immortal Gu as a reward.

This reward is great!

Immortal Gu is the only one, Fáng Family is sent directly! Although Fang Yuan wants to complete the collection of the impermanent stone, if it is known by others, it must be considered that the Fáng Family mainly wants to repay the save before Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan is moving.

Not only is the salary of Rank 6 Immortal Gu, but also Fang Yuan itself, I want to work with Fáng Family!

As long as he works with Fáng Family to reach an agreement, he is laid out in the Azure Ghost Desert and approved as if obtained Fáng Family’s.

“Just, I always feel that Fáng Family has any plans. It is not that simple.” Fang Yuan has doubts in his heart.

Fáng Anlei looked at Fang Yuan and looked at him. He was thinking deeply, but his grasp was getting bigger and bigger.

“Family this time is a big handiwork, send Immortal Gu directly, don’t hesitate to be tempted!”

“As long as the two sides set a covenant, Suan Bu Jin will be able to replace the family and run around in the Azure Ghost Desert. On the surface, it is a collection of impermanent stones. In fact, if it encounters the Qing Family lost heritage, our accompanying Fáng Family Gu Immortal will know “”

“Even if you encounter a foreign enemy like Withered Troop Old Ghost, Suan Bu Jin will take action to resist. If he knows the Qing Family lost heritage, it can’t compete with my family because of the covenant.”

“The 2nd Revered Elder’s plan is really thoughtful!”

Thinking of this, Fáng Anlei can’t help but gave a bit of admiration to Fáng Dizhang.

“Okay, I promise you.” Fang Yuan thought for a while and should accept it.

Although he also has Wisdom Dao’s attainments, he is obviously lacking in intelligence and cannot calculate the true intention of Fáng Family’s. On the other hand, this is also his willingness to cooperate.

“Okay, Suan Bu Jin Fellow Immortal is a quick talk. It is definitely wise to work with our Fáng Family.” Fáng Anlei laughed three times. “Next, let’s talk about the specific content… eh?”

But at this moment, Fáng Anlei paused and showed a look of surprise.

Soon, a rumbling sound came from outside the house.

In order to reassure Fang Yuan, the door of Fallen Flower Hall was not closed, so the sound was quite clear.

Fáng Leng and Fáng Yun are all changing.

“There are countless Soul Beasts, which are covered by all directions and surrounded us.” Fáng Anlei said, “It’s still Withered Troop Old Ghost take action, this time really told him to surrender a few Immemorial Soul Beast!”

“Immemorial Soul Beast?” Fang Yuan was surprised. He didn’t know that the Rank 8 Immortal Gu was Controlling Soul Beast.

Fáng Anlei pupil of the eye flashed, thought about it, and told this information directly to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan has a big heart.

“This Controlling Soul Beast is obviously Rank 8 Enslave Dao Immortal Gu. It’s a good thing. It’s a huge help for me to hunt Soul Nucleus!”

Just thinking about this, Fang Yuan has a feeling of rising and wants to design a Stealing Dao ultimate move to steal this Rank 8 Immortal Gu!

He pressed the impulse and said to Fáng Anlei: “Withered Troop Old Ghost, when I saw Immortal Gu Home, I dared to hide it. It seems to be confident. Then I look at the Immortal Gu Home of your noble clan to show the power! ”

Fáng Anlei suddenly took a look, she also wanted to see Fang Yuan hands-on, the result was said by Fang Yuan in advance, blocking the words.

“Fellow Immortal had killed this person and called for revenge. I don’t want to punish this evil thief. Just if the next battle is not good, please let Fellow Immortal work together. After all, those Soul Beast, but Immemorial Level one.” Fáng Anlei things indirectly implied from what is said, is very good.

Fang Yuan laughed: “This is nature!”

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