
Between the face of Fang Yuan and Fáng Anlei, the Immemorial Soul Beast of a leopard tail, who walked on the limbs, dragged the mountain body and slammed it directly.

Almost at the same time, a black python Immemorial Soul Beast with a double-winged back in the sky, also swept down from the top down, wrapped in boundless wind and waves.

“Two Immemorial Soul Beast!” Fáng Yun physical and mental shock, this terrifying offensive, makes him turbulent, almost impossible.

“No, it’s three heads.” Fáng Anlei was calm and smiled.

Sure enough, a moment later, ground vibration, refining a huge three-finger hand, emerged from the ground, and left and right to the Fallen Flower Hall.

This is the third Immemorial Soul Beast!

“From!” At the crucial moment, Fáng Anlei snorted and spurred Immortal Gu Home, turned into a rainbow, and fled to the sky.

The strange hand grabbed the empty, but it collided with the Immemorial Soul Beast of the leopard tail.

I have escaped the two Immemorial Soul Beast, but there is also the winged black python in the sky.

Black python screamed and rushed to Fallen Flower Hall.

In Fáng Anlei’s eyes, a single light flashed, driving Immortal Gu Home Fallen Flower Hall, does not dodge or evade, and directly collided.


A loud noise, both sides suffer.

Immortal Gu Home Fallen Flower Hall was smashed with cracks, luxuriant flowers on the surface of the house, and large pieces fell.

The winged black python Immemorial Soul Beast was directly hit by the crash, slamming on the ground, banging, and immediately there was a deep pit of the weekly li.

Fáng Anlei looked pale and stabilized the Fallen Flower Hall, which was knocked back, and hovered high, then she spurred a means to make the Fallen Flower Hall shine.

The radiance shone a few breaths, and it quickly dispersed. The Fallen Flower Hall returned to its original state, the crack disappeared, and the luxuriant flowers were released.

“Oh? I can quickly fix Immortal Gu Home? This is a very novel approach. What is the discovery of mystery inside? Is the spare Gu insect stored, dispatched, quickly replaced? Or fast refining mortal gu, filling the gap?”

Fang Yuan’s heart is moving, his mind is ups and downs, and he is constantly calculating.

Fallen Flower Hall is Immortal Gu Home, essentially composed of countless Gu insects. It can be repaired quickly, which is the skill that most Immortal Gu Home does not have.

If you quickly replace the alternate Gu insect, it is the Formation Dao. If refining mortal gu is Refining Dao.

Fallen Flower Hall is likely to have Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, one of these two genres.

Unfortunately, in this respect, Fang Yuan received too little information. He calculated it, and he went over the bottleneck.

“gā gā gā 嘎!” Withered Troop Old Ghost’s laughter is full of battlefields. “Even if Immortal Gu Home can be? Obediently obediently surrender, you can leave a few lives!”

While speaking, the black python Immemorial Soul Beast, which was hit by it, shook his head a few times and flew up again.

Immemorial Soul Beast has the Rank 8 battle strength, the fur is very thick, and the previous impact is not very effective.

Fáng Anlei has no unexpected expression, and this is what she expected.

She had collided before, but it was only a temptation. After all, Immemorial Soul Beast was also strong and weak.

Fallen Flower Hall was driven by her, swaying in the sky, and entangled with the black python Immemorial Soul Beast.

The other two Immemorial Soul Beast, a leopard tail, a monocular giant with both hands, can only roar on the ground, without the ability to fly.

Withered Troop Old Ghost whispered, and the two Immemorial Soul Beast took a step and walked toward him.

“Opportunity!” Fáng Anlei bright glow flashes, is about to spur Fallen Flower Hall, get rid of the double-winged black python and kill the Withered Troop Old Ghost.

These three Immemorial Soul Beast, the strength of the battle, the strength of the body, Fáng Anlei is not resistant to a long-lasting battle, the best tactic is undoubtedly the thief first smashed the king, killing the key character of the manipulates Immemorial Soul Beast, Withered Troop Old Ghost.

But at this time, Fang Yuan is said with a sneer: “don’t be impatient, I have calculated that this is the other trap.”

“Oh?” Fáng Anlei The divine light flashed in the eyes!

This hesitation, she lost opportunity in battle, Fallen Flower Hall was once again entangled in the black-winged python, can no longer come out.

The two Immemorial Soul Beast walked to the Withered Troop Old Ghost, one left and one right, to protect their guards.

Withered Troop Old Ghost is smug, with a gloomy look like water.

“I deliberately left the flaws, that is, to attract opponents to attack, I did not expect this Fáng Anlei to be so calm, not sure to kill my opportunity in battle.”

“fine! motivates Controlling Soul Beast, which consumes my soul background sharply. I can’t perseverance for a long time. I have to fix it quickly!”

With this thought, Withered Troop Old Ghost screamed and screamed, mobilizing the fourth Immemorial Soul Beast and killing Fallen Flower Hall.

The fourth Immemorial Soul Beast, shaped like a spider, has a sharp spike, but has the ability to fly, and the smallest size, only the usual tiger.

But it’s extremely fast, flying in the air, just like arrow flying from bowstring.

Fáng Yun cried out in surprise : “that was close , this is the enemies of Withered Troop Old Ghost!”

Fáng Anlei gratefully glanced at Fang Yuan, and immediately faced the solemn color, manipulates Fallen Flower Hall against the enemy.

The addition of the flying spider Immemorial Soul Beast brought tremendous pressure on the Fáng Family side.

The black python Immemorial Soul Beast is strong, the flying spider Immemorial Soul Beast is fast as lightning, the action is fast, the two cooperate with each other, one fast, one big, one small, the Fallen Flower Hall is pushed to the bottom , do not turn over.

“I don’t think it’s really called Withered Troop Old Ghost, Immemorial Soul Beast!”

“How did he do it? Is Controlling Soul Beast Immortal Gu really so powerful? Let him have four Immemorial Soul Beast in such a short time?”

Fáng Leng and Fáng Yun were amazed, and their hearts were retired.

Fang Yuan is laughed: “I have calculated that this person is already an arrow at the end of its flight. With the Rank 7 cultivation base, the four-headed Immemorial Soul Beast, the mature is far beyond his limits. Then perseverance for a moment, The situation can be reversed.”

“Oh?” Fáng Anlei blinked a few times, and his thoughts beat and decided to believe Fang Yuan once again.

Sure enough, in the next battle, Fallen Flower Hall is getting better and better.

The flying spider Immemorial Soul Beast and the double-winged black python are getting worse and worse, often interfering with each other.

On the ground Sand Desert, Withered Troop Old Ghost is even white, like a piece of white paper, the body is crumbling, the atmosphere continues to decline.

But his booth eyes slid round and hard.

Time passed a little longer, Withered Troop Old Ghost was getting worse.

“Today, let’s take a life around you! When you meet again, I will definitely take you back!” He dropped a swearword, drove the Soul Beast army, and began to retreat.

“Where to go?” For so long, Fáng Anlei certainly didn’t want to let the Withered Troop Old Ghost.

Two sides one chases after as another runs away, Fallen Flower Hall indiscriminately bombarded, a large number of Soul Beast tragic all the way.

However, the flying spider, black python Immemorial Soul Beast, still struggled with Fallen Flower Hall.

Withered Troop Old Ghost is defensively rigorous, and despite the worsening state, it has never revealed a fatal flaw.

Fáng Yun is very angry and shouts: “Withered Troop Old Ghost, where have you just gotten your head?”

Withered Troop Old Ghost: “If the unold man is unfamiliar with Controlling Soul Beast Immortal Gu, how could it be stunned by your group?”

“Wait, the situation is a bit wrong.” Fang Yuan frowned slightly.

Just then, a hawk cry broke through the sky. Even though the Four Immortals lived in the Immortal Gu Home, they felt that the sound was as sharp as a needle.

a figure, like a ghost, attacked from the cloudy cloud.

This is a female immortal.

She was wearing a tight night out, pale and bloodless. At this moment, both hands were turned into talons, and a black smoke was steamed out. As she rushed, she took out a long tail of smoke behind her.

Rank 7 Demonic Path Gu Immortal Hawk Consort !


The Hawk Consort grabbed it at the same speed and passed the Fallen Flower Hall.

Fallen Flower Hall was hit hard, and there were three claw marks on the roof, almost inside and outside.

“There was still a helper, hehe.” Seeing the Hawk Consort appear, Fáng Anlei frowned.

She immediately said to Fang Yuan: “Please also ask Suan Bu Jin Fellow Immortal take action to help each other. It is difficult for me to cope with the situation.”

Fang Yuan knows that she still has no means to use it, but she has to cooperate with Fáng Family and she can’t say it until she watches.

Immediately, he gently nod: “Withered Troop Old Ghost, I will deal with it, please also hold this scorpion female immortal.”

Fáng Anlei said: “Fellow Immortal Despite going, we must do everything we can!”

a moment later , Immortal Gu Home opened the door and Fang Yuan entered the battlefield.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Burning Thought Flying Stone.

Fang Yuan has already been brewed, and at this moment, he reached out and pointed out that the sky suddenly fell into a meteor shower, and it was magnificent.

Withered Troop Old Ghost squinted his eyes, his breath was extremely weak, and the two sides of the empowered Immemorial Soul Beast used the body as a shield against the Fang Yuan ultimate move.

Hōng hōng hōng ……

Burning Thought Flying Stone 砸 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 在

This is a unique fire, all around spread, burning to Withered Troop Old Ghost.

Withered Troop Old Ghost Smiles, not that he doesn’t want to dodge, but has no spare capacity.

“Well?” This scene made Fang Yuan see, and suddenly he jumped.

Bang!! !

a moment later, the earth is cracked, there are monsters, such as the thunder blows in the ear.

Then, a huge palace with shining green mans, rushed straight up and slammed into Fang Yuan.

Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Bean God Palace !

Ps: One more today.

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