“Stealing Dao Great Grandmaster Realm ……” Fang Yuan took a deep breath, his face looks a bit complicated.

Finally one day, his genre Realm, reached this degree. What I did not expect was that it was not Blood Dao, Strength Dao, nor Wisdom Dao, Time Dao, but Stealing Dao.

Stealing Dao Realm, Fang Yuan originally is a piece of white paper. However, because of this Heavenly Thief dream, all the way soared, and later came, it became the first of many schools.

It can be seen that the extraordinary dreams can make Gu Master and Gu Immortal greatly shorten the accumulation time.

This is also the main cause of the chaos in the Five Regions chaos.

It is precisely because there are too many people who benefit from the exploration of dreams, Realm soars, thus doubling demand for cultivation resources, personal status, etc., and their desires are also expanding.

Of course, dreams are not so easy to explore.

Although Fang Yuan has achieved such an achievement, the price paid is huge enough to make some Rank 8 Gu Immortal unable to do so.

Great Grandmaster Realm !

Fang Yuan reached this point, and is also the limit of the world of Five Regions.

Fang Yuan, who owns this Realm, is in the heart of any Stealing Dao profound mystery in the world. Even if you are confused by some outside, you can understand it if you think about it a little.

If he wants to go any further, above the Stealing Dao Great Grandmaster is the Supreme Grandmaster.

This is difficult, that is means that Fang Yuan wants to surpass Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s achievement!

Thinking of Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable, Fang Yuan also felt very much.

Although the dream is illusory, this realistic dream is derived from historical facts.

Fang Yuan helped Heavenly Thief many times to let the dreams continue to evolve. But Heavenly Thief’s temperament is the same, greatly out of Fang Yuan’s expectations.

In the true history, what exactly is it that prompted the teenager Heavenly Thief to eventually grow into Demon Venerable? Fang Yuan thinks that Sha Xiao is probably the key to this.

Reaching Stealing Dao Great Grandmaster Realm, the rest of Heavenly Thief dreams lost value for Fang Yuan.

However, this kind of thing, Fang Yuan does not need to say anything.

“It’s a pity.” Fang Yuan said goodbye to Tang Fangming, and he was very sorry in his tone. “In an emergency, I have to leave and go to the process. Heavenly Thief dreams are still for the next exploration!”

Tang Fangming eagerly asked: “I don’t know what can be done, can I help Tang and I help?”

Tang Fangming is not a good person, but a covenant between Tang Family and Fang Yuan. If any party pays more, it will naturally have more rewards.

Tang Fangming From Fang Yuan’s point of view, I have already tasted the huge sweetness, and now it is rushing.

Fang Yuan looks at Tang Fangming This attitude, the heart is secretly nodded. This is exactly what you want to achieve.

Tang Family, as long as Fang Yuan continues to operate and support, in the future, the Five Regions will be a huge obstacle to the Heavenly Court sweeping the Quartet!

“Still, I can handle this matter myself.” Fang Yuan shook his head, and when he refused, Tang Fangming looked dim and disappointed.

However, soon, Fang Yuan took out an Information Dao mortal gu and handed it to Tang Fangming.

“This, is this?” Tang Fangming had a feeling in the heart, suddenly excited, and quickly held in both hands, took over this Information Dao mortal gu.

“In this Gu insect, there is a little insight into my dream exploration, I hope to bring you some help.” Fang Yuan laughed, set off for the departure, behind Tang Fangming is the voice of praise.

Pre-take it, it must be given first. This is an irrefutable truth.

In the layout of the world, only this kind of discouraged pattern can compete with Heavenly Court.

“Just… I have laid out the big strategy of the world like this, and I can’t compare it to Heavenly Court.” Far away, Fang Yuan looked at Central Continent’s direction and sighed deeply.

The strength of Heavenly Court is not only its own strength, but also its strategy and vision.

With Fate Gu, Heavenly Court has a huge strategic advantage. Fang Yuan’s strategy at this time is based on Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, which is already very good, but compared with Heavenly Court, it is completely at a disadvantage.

As long as the Fate Gu is repaired, Heavenly Court will be invincible in the Five Regions.

If Duke Long really cultivates Great Dream Immortal Venerable, it must be the winner of the era, and the Five Regions are the only ones.

This strategy is stable and there is almost no flaw. The only point is Demon from Beyond The Heavens, because Demon from Beyond The Heavens is not affected by fate.

The complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens is Fang Yuan. And half of Demon from Beyond The Heavens is Zhao Lianyun. At this time, it has been controlled by Heavenly Court. Instead, it is a running dog and a dilemma with Fang Yuan.

It can be said that Fang Yuan is the biggest hope against Heavenly Court’s, but even Fang Yuan himself does not know where the way out.

“If I go it alone, even if I gather Shadow Sect, Langya School, Tang Family, etc., it is definitely not a Heavenly Court opponent. The only possibility is Red Lotus’ True Inheritance. But it is not the time to take this Demon Venerable True Inheritance. !”

Before Fang Yuan went to the River of Time because he knew the Shadow Sect layout in advance, so he was emboldened. If you want to explore now, it’s completely black and white, and you don’t know what will happen.

Without the help of Stone Lotus Island, Fang Yuan is likely to fall into the ambush of Heavenly Court and lose his life.

In this case, Fang Yuan can only be cautious and conservative, and cannot be blindly impulsive.

“It’s still necessary to do everything possible to grow your strength and run the River of Time on your own as soon as possible to see if you can get Red Lotus’ True Inheritance.” This is Fang Yuan’s current strategy.

To grow in strength, Fang Yuan first thought of the Immortal Aperture Blessed Land in the Marketplace.

However, these Immortal Apertures are difficult to open again.

Although Fang Yuan has a method, it is rather cumbersome and costly, and it is far better to retrieve the Superior Heavenly Eagle.

Fang Yuan’s Superior Heavenly Eagle, lost in Southern Border, but it doesn’t matter.

Prior to this, Fang Yuan took precautions and connected himself to Superior Heavenly Eagle Connecting Luck, both of whom had a relationship with Connecting Luck.

Fang Yuan Now, you only need to use the Luck Dao ultimate move to sense the faint position of the Superior Heavenly Eagle. If you go down this way, you will eventually find the Superior Heavenly Eagle.

“However, I am not in a hurry to go to the Southern Border. Immortal Aperture Blessed Land is in the Marketplace and can’t run in a short time!”

Fang Yuan’s plan was first cultivated at Azure Ghost Desert for a while.

“Before I saved Fáng Leng, Fáng Yun, and Fáng Family, I was in contact. According to the super power of Fáng Family, I will investigate me and inspect me. Unfortunately, this period of time, I hide my way, secretly come back and explore. Heavenly Thief Dream, Fáng Family I am afraid I can’t find anything. This time, it is almost the same, Fáng Family is very likely to send messengers to contact me.”

Fang Yuan knows a lot about these Righteous Paths.

Because Fang Yuan rescued Fáng Family’s Gu Immortal, Fáng Family would not report if it was not grateful. This will be subject to criticism in the paradox of Righteous Path.

If you say selfishness, if Fáng Family does not report it, if Fáng Family Gu Immortal is in danger again, who will help again?

Therefore, even if the Fáng Family’s substantial rewards are not much, it must be done on the surface.

This is the game of Righteous Path.

In addition, there is a more important point, that is, the strength of Fang Yuan is unbridled. He manipulates so many Soul Beast, which itself is Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, developed in the Azure Ghost Desert, even Fáng Family can’t be underestimated.

The Fáng Family site is next to the Azure Ghost Desert, and Fang Yuan is the Fáng Family’s neighbor. How can such a character, Fáng Family, not be able to pay attention to it? How could it not come to contact?

If the feeling of contact is good and the communication is good, Fáng Family may also spend great effort to draw Fang Yuan.

Of course, all of this must be based on the real identity of Fang Yuan’s, without exposure. If Fáng Family knows that this is Fang Yuan, he will never come to contact Fang Yuan, let alone talk about it.

The Fang Yuan’s plan is to disguise the identity and make a good deal with Fáng Family, so that he can lay out the Azure Ghost Desert in the future and arrange this place as the hunting ground of Soul Nucleus.

This will play a decisive role in Fang Yuan’s Soul Dao cultivation!

A few days later, Azure Ghost Desert.

Soul Beast army The mighty gallop, Fang Yuan sits on the back of the most central Far Ancient Soul Beast.

He is experimenting with various Stealing Dao Gu insects.

For example, Rank 5 sneak attack 蛊!

Fang Yuan thought about it, reminded him, and suddenly jumped out of his surroundings with hundreds of blue infant shades.

These children’s light and shadow, not only more quickly, but also very vague, can not capture their whereabouts.

For a time, hundreds of blue infant shades wandered around Fang Yuan’s, jumping around, some shuttled between Soul Beast’s legs and feet, and they were so flexible that some jumped on the back of Soul Beast and played with each other.

Their actions have no sound, and in this gloomy Sand Desert, they depict a strangely terrifying picture.

Fang Yuan is now Stealing Dao Great Grandmaster, and the calculation of Rank 5 sneak attack is a matter of thought. Even Fang Yuan has mastered the Rank 6 sneak attack Gu Formula, which does not require any help from Wisdom Halo.

In addition to the sneak attack F, Fang Yuan also conceived many other Stealing Dao Gu Formulas.

Fang Yuan is already standing proudly in the Stealing Dao. This feeling is very beautiful, not inspiration, but it seems to contain this ability. Fang Yuan Every time I think of Stealing Dao Gu Formula, I will explore this ability and prove this ability!

For a few days, Fang Yuan conceived a large number of Stealing Dao Gu Formula, and he gave it to Langya School to refining.

The Langya Earth Spirit has shown a strong interest in this.

Fang Yuan obtained a large number of Rank 5 Stealing Dao mortal gu.

For Gu Immortal, the mortal gu in that is Rank 5 Gu, can be used slightly.

In addition to the Obeding of these Stealing Dao mortal gu, Fang Yuan also slaughtered Soul Beast, hunt for the thick, and re-raised the soul background back to an 100,000,000 Human Soul level.

Not only that, but he also took the opportunity to add these Stealing Dao mortal gu to the ultimate move he had mastered before, and he has made a lot of progress.

Just as Fang Yuan was about eyes closed and continued to improve the ultimate move, an Immortal Gu Home suddenly rushed out of the dark clouds and flew directly toward him.

Fang Yuan looked up and saw that the Immortal Gu Home was not enormous, but exquisite and exquisite, like a forest hut.

But this cottage is unusual and exudes the hustle and bustle of the Rank 7 Immortal Gu, a Rank 7 Immortal Gu Home.

Its appearance seems to be built of wood. On the surface of the house, there are countless bright flowers, colorful and colorful.

“This is Fáng Family’s Immortal Gu Home Fallen Flower Hall.” Fang Yuan’s heart was lightly smiled, and as he expected, Fáng Family really came in contact with him.

Ps: I am catching the train today and I am late. But there will be a second more around ten o’clock! (~^~)

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