“Oh? There is such a thing. It seems that this person has an opportunity. But I said that let him go, he will let him go, don’t tell me Do you want me to violate my own words?” Fang Yuan expression, Slightly sideways, look at Fáng Yun, Fáng Leng two, look like cold lightning, direct.

Fáng Yun and Fang Yuan looked at each other and felt that Fang Yuan’s eyes were sharp and sharp, and they seemed to be straight into the heart. He quickly turned his attention and did not dare to look at Fang Yuan.

At the same time, my heart was shocked: “The noble person I met, good and bad, is not easy to get along with.”

On the contrary, Fáng Leng is relaxed in his heart: “Well, this person said one thing, even if the Rank 8 Immortal Gu is in front of you, such a huge temptation, perseverance yourself, can be said to be conceited. But this is the case, I have two talents Life is awesome.”

Thinking of this, Fáng Leng struggled to get up: “In the next Fáng Leng, this is the family brother Fáng Yun, thank you for the help of Senior.”

“Yeah.” Fang Yuan faintly nodded, suddenly reaching out.

An invisible force broke out and attracted Fáng Leng and Fáng Yun to Fang Yuan’s hand.

Fáng Leng suddenly jumped in the heart, but pressed down, Fáng Yun exclaimed in his mouth, his face panicked.

But immediately, he found that Fang Yuan was solving the restraint for them, and then he let go of his heart.

The means of Withered Troop Old Ghost is not unusual for Fang Yuan. Soon, he knew it thoroughly, and then took the action and lifted it.

The nature of restraint Fáng Yun and Fáng Leng is the means of Immortal Dao, but Fang Yuan itself has the means of “imperate move”, which is naturally easy and easy.

Fáng Leng and Fáng Yun soon returned to freedom.

The two thank you again, but the mood is ups and downs, they all think: “this person is a good man, although it is to rescue us, but never ask the will of us, come up and start.”

As everyone knows, this is all Fang Yuan deliberately, he successfully reflected his own self-confident, strong image into the heart of Fáng Family two Gu Immortals.

“You can call me Suan Bu Jin.” Fang Yuan spoke and offered to introduce himself.

But in the second sentence, Fang Yuan took the order: “I majored in Wisdom Dao and inherited the inheritance of Zheng Jingshen, so save you today. You can go.”

“Ah?” Fáng Yun.

“Senior saves the grace, Junior keeps in mind, this time I will go back to the tribe. Senior Are you still in the Azure Ghost Desert?” Fáng Leng pulled the Fáng Yun sleeve and asked respectfully.

“These Soul Beasts are of great use to me. I am saving you from plotting and going and going.” Fang Yuan waved and looked cold, his eyes showing a hint of impatience.

Fáng Leng and Fáng Yun didn’t dare to bother, and after they went to salute, they turned and flew away.

After a while, both disappeared into the sky.

“I didn’t expect this Withered Troop Old Ghost, there is still a Rank 8 Immortal Gu. I don’t know what it is, Fáng Family How does Gu Immortals know, don’t tell me is Withered Troop Old Ghost used in front of them? “Fang Yuan thinks in his heart.”

Withered Troop Old Ghost has only the Rank 7 cultivation base, but can use the Rank 8 Immortal Gu, which means that he has a special method, or this Rank 8 Immortal Gu is similar to the Manner Gu, which is very good.

For whatever reason, Fang Yuan is very excited.


“I am not too busy looking for Withered Troop Old Ghost at this time.”

Fang Yuan lowered her eyes slightly, and there was a sense in her heart that guided the direction of Fang Yuan Withered Troop Old Ghost.

According to Fang Yuan’s temperament, I have already planted the means of investigation on the Withered Troop Old Ghost. Although Fang Yuan let go of Withered Troop Old Ghost, he actually secretly controlled his whereabouts.

Before the change, Fang Yuan absolutely did not have this means. But recently this period of time, he calmed down, a mindfulness, cultivation, skill, and means, has not been the same.

“Brother, you said that my nobles will know that Withered Troop Old Ghost has the Rank 8 Immortal Gu, so I want to quickly open up our own, and then go to the Withered Troop Old Ghost trouble?” on the way to fly, Fáng Yun Suddenly said.

Fáng Leng meditated and shook his head slowly: “According to my understanding of Suan Bu Jin Senior, it should not.”

Fáng Yun couldn’t help but laugh out: “Listen to your voice, as if you are familiar with Senior. You are not like me, first met Senior, then was you driven away by Senior?”

Fáng Leng looked at Fáng Yun and said: “Rank 8 Immortal Gu is really important, but the Senior temperament is so arrogant. I am afraid I will not be wrong. In addition, we did not explicitly tell him what is Rank 8 Immortal Gu. If Senior really wants to catch Withered Troop Old Ghost, he will not slap on the side and ask us what this Rank 8 Immortal Gu is. What is it?”

Fáng Yun listened to this and shot his forehead: “The brothers analyzed that it seems that the Senior really didn’t want to chase the Withered Troop Old Ghost. Oh! This Withered Troop Old Ghost plagued us both. Stopped, I also hope that Senior can pack him up.”

Fáng Leng shook his head: “The Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast can command Soul Beast. If Senior is leading his Soul Beast army, I am afraid I will suffer huge losses. Let’s go back and tell the family about it. Revered Elders.”

Azure Ghost Desert was near the Fáng Family’s territory, Fáng Yun and Fáng Leng flew for a while before coming to an Immortal Formation.

Following this Immortal Formation, they moved long distances and returned directly to the family headquarters.

Fáng Yun and Fáng Leng were separated from each other. Fáng Leng went to Reved Great Elder and Fáng Yun returned to 2nd Revered Elder Fáng Dizhang to explain the matter.

The Fáng Family business is basically determined by Revered Great Elder and 2nd elder.

After hearing the incident, the two Elders calmed down Fáng Leng and Fáng Yun and met to discuss the matter.

2nd Revered Elder met and asked, “Great Elder knows Zheng Jingshen?”

Revered Great Elder slightly nod : “This person is a thousand years ago, a rogue cultivator Legendary, and I have a relationship with Fáng Family. I was funded by my Fáng Family’s in my early years of cultivation, and I have a ancestor with Fáng Family. A relationship. It is a pity that the ancestors died and Zheng Jingshen did not join the Fáng Family.”

2nd Revered Elder heard this and suddenly understood.

Although the super-powers focus on the connection between the cordial and the bloodline, they often absorb new blood. Especially when some Gu Immortal seeds are discovered, these super forces often take action and fund one or two.

If these people really become Gu Immortal, the super forces will absorb them and become their own members.

Of course, this situation is very rare.

First, because of the low level of funding, mortal people want to promote immortal, may be slightly embarrassing.

Secondly, even if Gu Immortal is achieved, most of them are talented and elite people with ideas in their hearts, and they may not be willing to join the superpower.

But even if these people don’t want to join, the previous sentiment is enough to make them close.

Just by loosening the loose immortal, the previous investment made by the superpower is absolutely stable.

Zheng Jingshen is such a remarkable example, if it is not an accident later, he will really join the Fáng Family.

Of course, the way is definitely to enter.

His future children will also be surnamed.

“Zheng Jingshen is quite secretive, and there are many people in the world. This Suan Bu Jin, I am afraid it is not true,” Revered Great Elder added.

2nd elder slightly frowned : “Everything is hard to say before things are verified. If he and Weared Troop Old Ghost are a group, there is such a possibility.”

Revered Great Elder gaze down: “If this is the case, then Suan Bu Jin and Withered Troop Old Ghost colluded and deliberately approached my Fáng Family, probably for the Qing Family lost heritage.”

Fang Yuan deliberately showed his best to save the Fáng Family and two Gu Immortals. Of course, there are his plots.

However, in the conversation between Fáng Family and Revered Elder, he was involved with Withered Troop Old Ghost and involved the Qing Family.

This Qing Family is also a super power, but it is a pity that it has been extinct for a long time.

The Kill Family of the Family, not others, is the Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable of the young age.

When Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable did not become Venerable, because of an irreconcilable contradiction, it was a one-man battle with the Qing Family.

Qing Family At that time, if it was expected that Gloomy Soul would become Venerable in the future, she would not dare to put it right with such a character. It is a pity that the Qing Family relies on its own people and people, and the family is very big. At the beginning, it is very contemptuous of Gloomy Soul.

As a result, Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable grew step by step, fighting war, stronger with each battle. Finally, I came to the door and cleaned up the entire Qing Family. The Qing Family headquarters was lost in the fierce battle. Qing Family Many Gu Immortal fallen, Gloomy Soul’s ultimate move Dao Marks, Gu Immortal fallen, Immortal Aperture’s collapsed Dao Marks, also carved on the battlefield, formed the Azure Ghost Desert today.

The so-called “green ghost” refers to the “Qing Family”, a former super power.

Qing Family is dying, but in rumor, Qing Family Revered Great Elder is before death, burying tribe’s assets in a position in the Azure Ghost Desert and leaving inheritance.

The inheritance requirement of this inheritance is only one point. In the future, the successor must avenge the Qing Family and kill Gloomy Soul! If Gloomy Soul is dead, transfer the revenge to Gloomy Soul’s friends and relatives.

Regrettably, Gloomy Soul finally made Demon Venerable, and the whole world was not his opponent. That era was at his feet. Qing Family inheritance is more like a joke.

The Fáng Family is the closest superpower to the Azure Ghost Desert, the so-called Close Water High Stage. In the era of the demise of the Qing Family, the Fáng Family ancestors began to actively search for clues about the Qing Family inheritance.

After the generation of generation people’s efforts, these fragmented clues have been pieced together and become more and more valuable.

By the time of this generation, the clues have been perfected, and with the fuzzy induction method, I entered the stage of searching for Azure Ghost Desert.

Revered Great Elder sighed, said: “In control of Azure Ghost Desert, our Fáng Family is powerless, not to mention the means that does not restrict Soul Beast, that is, the number of Gu Immortal can be adjusted. Otherwise, there is no need to let Fáng Leng, Fáng Yun The younger generations took risks. Unexpectedly, they took the risk of Withered Troop Old Ghost and Suan Bu Jin and the others.

“Withered Troop Old Ghost I have heard of his name. He actually has a Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast! And that Suan Bu Jin also appears suddenly, with mysterious and superb means. No matter how the relationship between the two people, they are My Fáng Family explores the Qing Family inheritance and can’t stop the obstacles.”

2nd Revered Elder nodded.

Fáng Family has a big family and Gu Immortal has to guard all directions. But the Qing Family inheritance is equally tempting, especially the Immortal Gu Home Bean God Palace mentioned in the thread, created by the Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable, left in the Western Desert! The value is extremely high, and it has left a strong and colorful stroke in history.

The Fáng Family itself is known as Gu Home, and the Bean God Palace is of great value to the Fáng Family. Fáng Family To start the Qing Family inheritance and get the determination of Bean God Palace, the immediate is not the first generation of the two generations, but the successor, the servant! (~^~)

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