“Fáng Family’s Gu Immortal?” When he heard the scream of Fáng Yun, Fang Yuan suddenly moved his ears.

Although he had previously detected, the relationship between Fáng Yun, Fáng Leng, Withered Troop Old Ghost and the three Gu Immortals seemed to be tense. But Fang Yuan did not expect that the three were hostile and that Fáng Family’s Gu Immortal seemed to be captured.

The reason why Fang Yuan is directly involved is the fancy Withered Troop Old Ghost.

This person is Soul Dao Rank 7 Gu Immortal, killing him, Fang Yuan can take advantage of it, add assets to his Paragon Immortal Aperture, and add Soul Dao’s Dao Marks to himself. If he can catch it, Fang Yuan can use his body for Ying Wuxie.

After all, Ying Wuxie is good at Soul Dao, but now it is not suitable for the body of Water Dao Gu Immortal Fairy Cui Bo, which limits his talents.

However, in order to disguise himself, he was able to plot Azure Ghost Desert in the future and continue to cover Heavenly Court and other aspects, so Fang Yuan did not look at himself.

For a moment, Fang Yuan thought about rising winds, scudding clouds, thinking lightning, and thinking directly.

“It seems that this random auspicious cloud is really right. I just wanted to communicate with Fáng Family and make a good relationship. I didn’t expect to give a pillow in my sleep, giving me such a good opportunity!”

“Of course, this is also related to my own Luck Dao.”

This time Fang Yuan came to Azure Ghost Desert and used a burning Soul Burst to move the ultimate move. However, it was not called Ying Wuxie, but Fang Yuan himself personally. Although it cost a lot of soul background, but now Fang Yuan can fully support it.

“Save the two Fáng Family Gu Immortal and capture the Demonic Path Gu Immortal called Withered Troop Old Ghost!” Fang Yuan’s eyes were stunned.

He originally wanted to kill all of them, and then swallowed the Soul Beast group that Withered Troop Old Ghost gathered.

But now he changed his mind.

“Fáng Family? I have not been in contact with Fáng Family, but my cultivation base is somewhat related to Fáng Family. Fine, you meet me today, I will save you and repay your kindness.” Fang Yuan spoke, although the voice It was cold, but Fáng Leng and Fáng Yun listened to it, but it was a surprise.

Fáng Yun’s eyes wide open, his mouth wide open, looked towards Fáng Leng, constantly raising his brow.

It seems to be saying: “Look, it really is my noble!”

Fáng Leng is too lazy to care for him, his eyes are turned, looked towards Fang Yuan and Withered Troop Old Ghost, brows frowned.

He thought to himself: “This Gu Immortal is mysterious. I remember and know that there is absolutely no such person. If he really wants to save us and think for us, he should hide his intention and facilitate the next rescue. But he deliberately said, why is this? Or does not want to save, just deliberately said, to attract the attention of Withered Troop Old Ghost. If it were not for really want to save, but his temperament is full of self-confidence, even if it is telling The opponent, he also has absolute confidence to rescue us two!”

“I want to save people from me, it’s not easy!” Withered Troop Old Ghost listened to Fang Yuan and said that he was even more angry. He burst into a strong atmosphere and smashed Burning Thought Flying Stone to kill Fang Yuan. .

“The courage is commendable, the vision is not good.” Fang Yuan sneered, flying high, a little finger.

In an instant, the dozens of streaks of mystical lights smashed and shot the Withered Troop Old Ghost into a sieve.

Withered Troop Old Ghost, but no blood left, but the figure gradually disappeared.

“Hahaha, you fall into trap!” On the other side, the true body of Withered Troop Old Ghost is revealed. It turned out that this was his illusion, intended to attract Fang Yuan’s attention, and then hide.

Withered Troop Old Ghost did not choose sneak attack Fang Yuan, but was close to Fáng Leng and Fáng Yun.

Fang Yuan didn’t mean to rescue both of them. Withered Troop Old Ghost immediately thought of using these two people as a shield.

Withered Troop Old Ghost is the first time to see Fang Yuan, but just played against it, and the size of the Soul Beast army controlled by Fang Yuan is enough for Withered Troop Old Ghost to know that Fang Yuan is strong, and if it is hard, he may not be an opponent.

So he wanted to hold Fáng Leng and Fáng Yun, and let Fang Yuan, who was planning to rescue them, be threatened by him.

“Oops!” shortly Withered Troop Old Ghost lightning-like approach, Fáng Yun shouted bad.

But when it was late and fast, a figure also came from nothing, and it appeared in front of the two cents.

It is a change of appearance of Fang Yuan!

“Withered Troop Old Ghost, who is in the middle of it?” Fang Yuan’s mouth was slightly pickled, revealing a hint of evil charm.

“Not good!” Withered Troop Old Ghost suddenly jumped and realized that he was in the middle of the calculation, he quickly turned to the direction.

But it is already late.

Nearly ten Soul Beast, suddenly emerged in midair, forming an encirclement, encircling the Withered Troop Old Ghost.

“Give me a burst.” Fang Yuan thought lightly.

Hōng hōng hōng !

Soul Beast is all self-exploding, and the terrifying powers are shocked by Fáng Leng and Fáng Yun.

After the explosion, the turbulent waves formed a majestic shock wave, impacting all directions.

For a time, the sand was lit up on the Sand Desert, the yellow sand was rolling, and the clouds in the sky were blown around and rolling.

Fang Yuan originally intends to use the Wisdom Dao method to capture the Withered Troop Old Ghost.

But he also thought that this Wisdom Dao means mainly from Purple Mountain True Monarch. I used a shot of Burning Thought Flying Stone before. After all, after this move was improved by Fang Yuan, the effect of the reminder has not changed much, but it can also be hidden. But if you use other Wisdom Dao means, the possibility of being discovered by others becomes very high.

Therefore, Fang Yuan abandoned Wisdom Dao and used Soul Dao.

His Soul Dao means, compared to Wisdom Dao, there are some inferior. After all, Soul Dao Immortal Gu is rare.

But there is a trick of Soul Burst, which is a slap in the air, perish together, and the formidable power is amazing.

Originally played in Northern Plains, Qin Baisheng and Feng Jiuge. Qin Baisheng has not recovered its original appearance and lost to Feng Jiuge. However, Feng Jiuge was jealous of his Soul Burst power, no death, and Qin Baisheng calmly returned.

Even Feng Jiuge is jealous of Soul Burst, and Fang Yuan must of course master it.

But he won’t make his own soul, at most it burns Soul Burst. However, Soul Beast is ok. After Soul Beast Soul Burst, it is not pure, even Soul Nucleus is lost, but Wei can really speak objectively.

“cough cough cough!”

The smoke dissipated, Withered Troop Old Ghost floated in midair, and he had less than half of his body, and his limbs were blown up with only one left arm, like a candle in the wind.

“Is it still alive?” Fáng Leng was surprised.

Fang Yuan sneered, if you are alive, you can take it and give it to Ying Wuxie.

“However, you can’t do it in front of Fáng Family Gu Immortal.” Fang Yuan’s thoughts in the mind are lively, and the original Paragon Immortal Body is ample and intelligent. Now Fang Yuan has Wisdom Dao Realm and means to analyze any problem clearly and clearly.

Then Fang Yuan said: “You soul cultivation, it is a bit of ability, actually fell into my calculations, not killed. Fine, my Suan Bu Jin’s regulation is that everything is not exhausted, leave a line, you still have Remnant, let’s go. I won’t take action today, you can get out.”

Withered Troop Old Ghost gasping for breath, his pale face, glaring at Fang Yuan.

Just when Soul Beast appeared and surrounded him, he regretted it.

The other party clearly emits the Wisdom Dao atmosphere. Why do you still want to play tricks with such people? Even if you are plotting a conspiracy, you must think carefully.

Subsequently, Soul Beast self-exploding was even more unexpected.

At that moment, Withered Troop Old Ghost was almost blank in his mind, only have one thought, that is desperate defense, struggling to save lives.

After the explosion, without mentioning the pain of the whole body, Withered Troop Old Ghost found himself alive and was very happy.

But after fortunately, it was fear and anger.

I almost got killed!

This raging fire filled his chest and mixed with the fear of Fang Yuan’s ingenuity and means.

“It’s not that you are dead, that is, I am dead!” With this awareness, Withered Troop Old Ghost was about to sacrifice the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast, but I didn’t expect Fang Yuan to let him go.

According to Fang Yuan’s nature, it is natural to remove the roots and the roots of the family. However, today’s situation is somewhat special. Fang Yuan wants to plot the body of the Provided Troop Old Ghost and read the Fáng Family. He chose to temporarily let the Withered Troop Old Ghost.

Withered Troop Old Ghost was angry and frightened. He felt that he had to fight to the end, and there was a chance to live. I didn’t expect Fang Yuan to let him go!

For a time, Withered Troop Old Ghost was a bit embarrassing.

“don’t tell me, he deliberately deceived me, wants me to fight intent to cut, give up and be wary?” Withered Troop Old Ghost was smashed once by Fang Yuan, more suspicious.

Fang Yuan licks his expression and knows the thoughts in his heart. Immediately shouted: “You are not going to roll!

Withered Troop Old Ghost didn’t care about anger, staring at Fang Yuan.

Over there, Fáng Leng and Fáng Yun are also on the back of Soul Beast, looking at Fang Yuan.

I saw Soul Beast on the back, Fang Yuan stood proudly, carrying his hands, his posture as a gun, his eyes like a cold lightning, his face looked proud of the world, even if I let you go today, I am not afraid that you will find me trouble in the future. Absolutely confident!

Fáng Leng looked down and thought about it: “This person is full of Demonic Qi, confident and arrogant, but not without the bottom line and principle. It turns out that he is such a person, and this is it’s temperament, just took the initiative to break himself to rescue. The intention of both of us.”

Fáng Yun is stunned.

Withered Troop Old Ghost Eyes are gradually picking up, shining with gloomy light.

Although he is very injured, but the battle strength still retains most of the time, especially there is a huge trump card, that is Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast!

But it’s costly to spur this, and Withered Troop Old Ghost doesn’t want to use it easily. Just now he wanted to use the price to fight Fang Yuan, but Fang Yuan had let him go.

“Whether he really wants to let me go, I try to escape first and see how he can face it.”

“If he is promised by False Intent, I will not be able to return and fight with him. If he really let me go, then I will leave!”

Withered Troop Old Ghost has been very jealous of Fang Yuan in my heart.

Even with the promotion of Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast, Withered Troop Old Ghost did not defeat Fang Yuan’s. In particular, Withered Troop Old Ghost there is still one concern, that is, what if you reveal the Rank 8 Immortal Gu and let Fang Yuan repent and attract him to attack?

All sorts of thoughts linger in the heart of Withered Troop Old Ghost, he coldly snorted, turned and left.

The speed is fast, the broken body just like arrow leaving bowstring, and it quickly flies into the dark clouds and disappears into the eyes of everyone.

“You, you really want to let him go? There is a Rank 8 Immortal Gu in his hand!” Fáng Yun stunned for a while, and then exclaimed. (~^~)

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