Azure Ghost Desert.

A wolverine silhouette, close to the Sand Desert, flying low.

“Suan Bu Jin! You really didn’t chase me, so arrogant and conceited! Hey, this account I will find you sooner or later!!” Withered Troop Old Ghost looks distorted, thinking of Fang Yuan, I will Spitfire.

He was originally severely blown off by Soul Burst, but now it has recovered.

As you can see, Withered Troop Old Ghost’s healing methods are very good.

Suddenly, his body trembled, suddenly open mouth, slamming, spit out a small mouthful of blood.

Withered Troop Old Ghost’s face is once again filled with resentment, gnashing teeth said: “My Soul Beast, I finally saved it, and now I have been killed. Damn! The loss is too big, more importantly, fallacy When is the time, if the Master is blamed, what can I do?”

At the thought of Master, Withered Troop Old Ghost can’t help but tremble, and there is fear and panic in my heart.

“No, I am not doing this very badly, and I will be severely punished by my master. What should I do? No, I can’t let the owner know. I will conceal it first and then save a Soul Beast group to make a difference.”

“Oh, although the time is already very tight, but as long as I don’t care about the cost, I urge Controlling Soul Beast, what Soul Beast can’t be enslaved?”

This thought, suddenly there was a woman silhouette in front of Withered Troop Old Ghost.

“It’s you, Hawk Consort! How come you?” Withered Troop Old Ghost is knowing this person, suddenly expression panic.

Hawk Consort’s tight-fitting nightwear perfectly reflects the bumpy figure. Her face is pale, it seems that she does not see the sun all the year round. Not only is there no Blood Qi, but her eyes are more radiant.

At this point, she sneered: “old bastard, I don’t understand why you came here? You this time broke the master’s business, defeated and returned, the master sent me to come back and ask for sin!”

“What?!” Withered Troop Old Ghost suddenly trembled and panicked.

He shed cold sweat on his forehead: “How can the owner know?”

Hawk Consort sneered: “You delivered a Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast to the master, and there is no other means of supervision? You are too small to look at the owner.”

“Where can I look down on the owner! Hey, Hawk Consort, you can’t help but provoke!” Withered Troop Old Ghost furiously shouted, and continued, “Yes, this time is not good for me, the master plan is frustrated. But I will make up for it.” And there is still time, I will be able to give the owner a satisfactory answer.”

Hawk Consort slowly shook his head: “Do you still want to make up for it? Hey, you have no chance. Do you think that I just kidding you? This time, indeed, Master is going to kill me and catch you back.”

“Really, Master is personally ordered?” Withered Troop Old Ghost was pale and with a hint of hope, cautiously asked.

Hawk Consort nodded: “You will die this heart. How can I lie to you like this kind of thing? Let’s go, don’t let me use force, you know Dao Lord, and obediently go back with me.”

“Okay, I will go back.” Withered Troop Old Ghost smirked, the whole person was decadent, and for his Master, he had no resentment at all.

The second fairy will be together with the depart. After tens of thousands of miles, he drilled into a sand bunker.

After entering the pit, drill straight down, and travel for nearly a thousand miles, suddenly loose, into a wonderful space, the eyes are covered with green eyes.

The two celestial cars are familiar with the road, and each of them moves. The Qingman suddenly changes, and a golden ladder is born from the green.

The two bathed in the green mansions, no ability of flight, they followed the ladder and stepped up.

After walking nine thousand 900 99 steps, two cents will be in front of a palace gate.

I saw that this palace is like a mountain. It is lively in the solemn, and it is full of vitality, blue brick and gold tiles, and it gives off the fresh fragrance of the rich vegetation.

At the top of the gate of the palace, there is a plaque, and the three big characters Bean God Palace!

It is the French Lotus Immortal Venerable’s Immortal Gu Home that Fáng Family wants to win from generation to generation.

The second fairy came to the front door and did not dare to push the door in. Instead, he bowed to the ground and bowed his head.

The curtains of the palace open slowly, revealing the wide halls inside.

In the hall, there are dozens of large columns, the roots are thick and strong, and the green copper shines.

A huge Soul Beast, kneeling in the temple, has a turtle-like shell, four tiger claws, a dragon tail, a snake neck, and a head.

Seeing this monster, the two Gu Immortals were hurriedly saluting and screaming: “Hawk Consort meets the master.”

Hawk Consort is respectful, and Withered Troop Old Ghost is a cold sweat, like a sieve, trembled with fear.

The Soul Beast’s head was smeared with a sullen look, with the eyes of the Withered Troop Old Ghost, snoring angrily.

Withered Troop Old Ghost has never seen the owner look so angry, scared a slam, kneels down on the ground, shouting: “The owner is forgiving, the master is forgiving!”

But Soul Beast turned a deaf ear, the right front paw suddenly stretched, and suddenly caught, Giant Tiger Claw caught the Withered Troop Old Ghost.

Withered Troop Old Ghost is scared and distorted: “Master, Master, you listen to me, Controlling Soul Beast Immortal Gu is still there, I have not lost it. This time failure is my fault, but also ask the owner to give the slave a The opportunity to be guilty of sin!!”

“It’s this taste, it’s him! Right, it’s him!!” Soul Beast eyes closed perceived, and suddenly opened his bloody eyes.

The slender snake neck, because of anger, stretched straight like a pillar, and the scales on the neck exude a cold light.

The hall of the Soul Beast reverberates in the great hall.

Hawk Consort facial color white, keenly felt that the voice was full of anger and hatred.

“Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable… I am entrusting the enemy of my family. I am finally honored. Although you are dead, this taste is not wrong. It must be your descendant and even the descendant of bloodline. He He He , Hahaha !” Soul Beast spoke Until here,ududly laughed, mad.

The laughter stirred the air, forming a wave of wind and waves, impacting the great hall.

The Hawk Consort stepped back and forth, and the laughter swayed her soul, making it difficult for her to resist.

Withered Troop Old Ghost in the tiger claw turned his eyes. He was shocked, but he was aware that it seemed that the owner was so anxious to catch him back, not to punish him, but the Suan Bu Jin who was against him, and seemed to be with Gloomy Soul. Demonic Venerable is related!

Suddenly, the entire Bean God Palace suddenly burst into glare.

Qing Mang is like a thousand arrows, piercing the body of Soul Beast.

Soul Beast’s laughter suddenly stopped, groaned: “This damn Bean God Palace!!”

He growled, upset, and more mad.

Withered Troop Old Ghost was deeply afraid of him accidentally, pinching himself, and hurriedly shouted: “The owner is angry, please temporarily turn off the thunder of the thunder. Also ask the owner to take care of the body, take care of the body is the most important!”

Soul Beast was persuaded by these words, gradually calmed down and whispered: “You slave said right, I really want to take care of my body. I want to kill Gloomy Soul’s descendants, to report the Blood Sea of ​​that year. Deep hatred!”

At the same time, Heavenly Court.

The palace is heavy and the white jade is brilliant.

Suddenly, the sky was white, and there were countless green aurora.

The aurora shrouded for a moment, and it gradually dissipated.

“Heavenly Court imposing manner mutation is not a trivial matter. It seems to be related to Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable.” Fairy Ziwei is going over oversee Heavenly Court and seeing this unusual sky, and quickly calculated.

After a moment, she opened her eyes and flashed a beam of joy in her eyes: “so that’s how it is, the Original Lotus Immortal Venerable is placed in the Western Desert’s Bean God Palace. This Bean God Palace is Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home, formidable Power is absolutely extinct, and it is going to be born at this time. Don’t fall into the hands of the Western Desert.”

Fairy Ziwei slowly closed his eyes and continued to calculate.

To get the results, she called one Gu Immortal from Central Continent.

The Rank 8 Gu Immortal, an azure robe, exudes a book. From the outside, it looks like youth, but the eyes are vicissitudes, and the age has been thousands of years.

“Chen Yi, you are the Revered Great Elder of Origin Lotus School. The Bean God Palace is going to be born in the Western Desert. You and I will go to the service according to my plan.” Fairy Ziwei warned repeatedly.

“Yes.” Chen Yi gave a slight gift, and his face was not shocked. Don’t have a bit of temper.

Fairy Ziwei nodded: “When you do this, you resign from Great Elder and enter Heavenly Court.”

Chen Yi is only slightly moving, revealing a touch of surprise. He gave another ceremony and the voice was clear: “That would have thanked Ziwei.”

A few days later, Western Desert.

Fang Yuan took out his soul.

He is driving the soul, holding a sand master, and suddenly holding a large number!

“From virtual reality, interference material, haha, finally reached 100,000,000 Human Soul!” Fang Yuan was overjoyed.

Ps: Today, I would like to welcome the “Chen Yi” go on stage of the 31 Building. (~^~)

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