Broken ice cubes scattered all over the place.

“Cough cough cough.” Fang Yuan grabbed his heart and coughed up the blood clots in his heart and lungs.

These blood clots solidify into a small group, giving off a strong chill.

Fang Yuan’s face is also very abnormal, with a blue-blue color and received a lot of damage.

Refining gu failed, just at the previous moment, the huge iceberg explosion shattered, and Fang Yuan took the backlash.

Immortal Gu Resetting Person !

Fang Yuan immediately mobilized Immortal Gu, a moment later, and he returned to the state before the accident.

The blue-blue color on his face suddenly dissipated, and his injuries were almost gone. However, there is still a lot of cold, condensed in his within the body, making him feel quite uncomfortable.

These chills are not caused by the failure of the refining gu, but are accumulated in the process of the entire refining gu, which is constantly eroded by the cold.

Because of the long time, there is no good use of Resetting Person Immortal Gu.

“Speaking, my treatment relies mainly on Resetting Person Immortal Gu. This Rank 6 Immortal Gu is very practical. There are many ultimate moves in Shadow Sect inheritance, which is the core.”

“In time, I successfully formed these ultimate moves, and after tempering mature, it will definitely make my treatment capacity soar!”

Fang Yuan’s thought that his hair was scattered, and suddenly his mind flashed.

“Wait. Since there is Resetting Person Immortal Gu, why is there no Resetting Gu Immortal Gu?”

He insect of Healing Gu worm!

This can be.

“If there is Immortal Gu like Resetting Gu, can I use this as the core to design an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to help me refining gu?”

“If there is such an ultimate move, just put it in use, I can immediately recover the loss and return to the last and most critical step before.”

Fang Yuan In the eyes of bright glow flashes, began to investigate the Shadow Sect True Inheritance stored in the mind.

The content of Shadow Sect True Inheritance is called vast as the open sea. After Fang Yuan’s reading, he discovered that his own idea had long been the sage of the senior thought of.

Gu Immortal thinks about this aspect is not a minority.

The greater part is Refining Dao Gu Immortal and also has Time Dao.

Among the many inheritance content, there are also the achievements of the Seniors about Resetting Gu Immortal Gu.

Both are incomplete Immortal Gu Formula, none of which is a derivation success.

difficult to realize.

For most of Gu Immortal, the trial range of Resetting Person Immortal Gu is not very wide. Rank 6 Resetting Person, for the effect of Rank 7 Gu Immortal, is very weak, often triggers failure. Rank 7’s Resetting Person Immortal Gu is not very effective for most of the Rank 7 Gu Immortal.

Unless the object is Time Dao Gu Immortal, it contains Time Dao’s Dao Marks, which will not only not limit the Resetting Person Immortal Gu, but has not yet increased its power.

Resetting Person Immortal Gu This is already the case, and Resetting Gu is even more difficult.

Reply to common mortal gu with Resetting Gu Immortal Gu, which is of little significance to Gu Immortal. Because of the level of Gu Immortal, there is no shortage of mortal gu. Mortal gu For Gu Immortal, it is only a matter of quantity.

Of course, except Longevity Gu.

But replying to Immortal Gu with Resetting Gu Immortal Gu is more difficult than replying to Gu Immortal. Because each Immortal Gu is a Grand Dao’s fragment of its own genre.

Mutual exclusion between the different genres of Immortal Gu is very serious.

Immortal Gu can work together, but it works on Immortal Gu, but it’s a different concept.

Unless there is an advantage on the Rank number. For example, using Rank 7 Resetting Gu Immortal Gu and replying to Rank 6’s Gu insect, this is still possible. Between Rank 7, it will definitely fail.

The idea of ​​Resetting Gu is very good, but it is too difficult to implement.

There are many Gu Immortal inspirations, including the Refining Dao Great Grandmaster and the Time Dao Great Grandmaster. Unfortunately, they have worked hard and have not really succeeded.

Resetting Gu is not going to work, but Fang Yuan has other methods.

For example, some of the Remining Dao’s Immortal Rank gu formation.

These Immortal Rank gu formations have a short-lived effect of retrospective time. Any time a mistake is made, Gu Immortal can launch the Immortal Formation and come back again.

In Shadow Sect inheritance, this type of Immortal Dao gu formation is over a dozen.

But each one has its drawbacks. Some use immortal essence too large, some have limited time to trace back, and some are limited to refining Rank 6 Immortal Gu.

The highest form of this type of Immortal Dao gu formation is the Immortal Gu Home Regret Pond.

One of the three ponds in the world, famous.

“Unfortunately, whether it is Regret Pond or those Immortal Dao gu formation, I have an inheritance, but I don’t have the right Immortal Gu in my hand.” Fang Yuan sighed, and there was a kind of tricky woman who couldn’t help.

In fact, in his current situation, the road ahead of him is very, very much!

Ordinary characters, hit immortal destiny, inherited a inheritance of the sages, it is very happy, the cultivation road is also bright and bright.

Fang Yuan’s Shadow Sect inheritance, but Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable began to accumulate during his lifetime, and after the death he searched for the entire 100,000 year.

It can be seen that Fang Yuan is getting the inheritance of massive. How he cultivated, naturally chooses countless.

Among these options, especially the options of Soul Dao, Time Dao, Earth Dao, Space Dao, etc., are extremely attractive. Because they are all Venerable inheritance, throwing one away, can lead to the chaos of Five Regions, Gu Immortal fights.

Fang Yuan With these in hand, the future of the light ten thousand zhang, then you can imagine.

But the biggest help for Fang Yuan is not the new choice.

Because of these choices, although the prospects are vast and very attractive, the time, energy and resources consumed are huge and astronomical figures.

Wisdom Gu is the one that can help Fang Yuan tremendously.

With Wisdom Halo, there is unparalleled help for cultivation. This point Fang Yuan already tasted the benefits and was extremely impressive.

To be re-recognized by Wisdom Gu, you must use the original Rank 6 Strength Dao Immortal Zombie.

Immortal Zombie The Soul Dao trap on the flesh, Fang Yuan has a solution, the missing is the core Immortal Gu Cleaning Soul.

After all, refining the Cleaning Soul Immortal Gu!

Unfortunately, refining Cleaning Soul Immortal Gu has been in existence for more than a dozen times.

“Although Ice Refining is a good fit for me. But I didn’t spend a lot of energy on Refining Dao, and the last few steps are too difficult.” Fang Yuan sighed.

“Yeah.” Sixth Hair, on the side, came to Fang Yuan and looked at the broken ice in one place, full of emotion.

Refining Immortal Gu, the success rate is too low, this is a bottomless pit.

That is now Fang Yuan, there is such a background, and there is determination to destiny Cleaning Soul Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan is currently one still worry, that is, someone has already produced the Cleaning Soul Immortal Gu in advance.

Immortal Gu is the only one, then he will not be refining here.

However, this situation can also be detected to some extent.

That is refining Immortal Gu, the whole process has no mistakes, but in the last moment of success, inexplicably failed to collapse.

When this happens, it means that Cleaning Soul Immortal Gu has been refining out by others.

However, the Immortal Gu Formula of Cleaning Soul Immortal Gu is relatively secret, the scope of circulation is narrow, and the period of annihilation is not long, so Fang Yuan’s hope is still relatively large.

“Well… maybe we can improve the last few steps. Those Ice Dao immortal materials, we use Snow Lotus Flower Essence instead.” Sixth Hair pondered then said.

“Improved Immortal Gu Formula?” Fang Yuan snorted, slightly nod.

The last few steps are really too difficult. After replacing the immortal materials, you can split these steps in detail. Although the time and process of the entire refining gu is extended, the difficulty is reduced.

“Then I will improve Immortal Gu Formula first.” Fang Yuan thought about it and made up his mind.

The improved Immortal Gu Formula is not a random improvement. It needs to be constantly tried. There are high risks in the process and a lot of resources will be spent.

“But Snow Lotus Flower Essence is such a popular Rank 7 immortal materials, but it is rare. Treasure Yellow Heaven is rare on the market.” Fang Yuan has some worries.

Sixth Hair laughs: “It’s a good thing. This immortal materials is abundant in the Snowman tribe. Don’t forget that we have joined the Northern Plains different race. I have already inquired that the Snowman family in the North Icefield has many Snow Lotus Flowers. Essence.”

“Then buy it vigorously.” Fang Yuan just let go of his heart, his brow stretched.

Although he has very few immortal essence stones, Shadow Sect inheritance is simply as the open sea, and with some inheritance, it can lead to reign of terror.

Therefore, Fang Yuan is not afraid of the Snowman family at all!

“Snow Lotus Flower Essence, I am determined to win!” Fang Yuan flashed a severe light in his eyes.

Everything is to refining the Cleaning Soul Immortal Gu as soon as possible. For this sacrifice and sacrifice, Fang Yuan has no hesitation. (~^~)

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