Northern Plains, Langya Blessed Land, refining gu hall.

Refining Dao gu formation The ever-driving Ice Flame has been completely transformed into an iceberg.

Fang Yuan stood at the edge of the Refining Dao Immortal Formation, raised his hands and pressed the palm of his hand against the surface of the iceberg.

His booth eyes are bright and fascinating, and almost all of his mind is put into it.

On his body, the atmosphere of various Gu insects rises and falls, has a mortal gu breath, and also has an Immortal Gu breath. It is he who uses a lot of Refining Dao techniques, even ultimate move.

Under the efforts of Fang Yuan’s, there is still a blue Ice Flame in the iceberg, which is burning quietly.

The coffin is constantly refined in the flame, and the impurities are refine, leaving only the most essential.

The prototype of one Immortal Gu began to form bit by bit.

Sixth Hair, both eyes standing on the side, sparkling with joy.

This progress has surpassed his previous record.

This is certainly not because Fang Yuan’s Refining Dao is more profound than Sixth Hair, but because of Luck Qi.

The more important reason is the method of Refining Dao.

“I don’t think of this, but also included the inheritance of Remote Antiquity Era Refining Dao Great Expert Bei Luo.” Sixth Hair was filled with emotion.

Bei Luo is a reciting Dao Rank 8 Gu Immortal, who is best at Ice Refining. To this day, his Ice Refining accomplishments are the peaks that Refining Dao’s descendants look up to.

Fang Yuan used it at the time of Bei Luo’s Ice Refining ultimate move. So in one fell swoop beyond the record of Sixth Hair, just a step away from the refining Cleaning Soul Immortal Gu.

Sixth Hair is also a Soul Fragment and a member of Shadow Sect’s.

But at first, Shadow Sect used the Soul Penetration ultimate move to place it in Langya Blessed Land and didn’t give him much cultivation memory.

Because these memories are much more, it is very easy to show your feet during the cultivation process.

In Langya Blessed Land, the Langya Earth Spirit is almost omniscient and can see every tiny change in any corner of Blessed Land.

Now Fang Yuan becomes the owner of Shadow Sect, inheriting the entire background of the Shadow Sect’s inheritance, gu cultivator explosive growth.

The extent of this growth can be described as earth-shaking. Even Fang Yuan himself is a bit numb.

For example, if Fang Yuan’s background was counted as a lake before, then Shadow Sect’s inheritance is like a sea.

Even the background of Langya School is second to Shadow Sect. Don’t look at the establishment of Langya Blessed Land for a long time, but the source is only Rank 8 Gu Immortal Old Ancestor Long Haired. The founder of Shadow Sect’s is the Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable!

Therefore, when Fang Yuan learned more about Cleaning Soul Immortal Gu’s refining gu step, he chose the method that best suits his refining gu, the Bei Luo Ice Refining method, from the motivation of the mind in the mind.

“Good. The Immortal Gu has been formed in more than half of the prototype, and it’s close to success!”

As time went on, Sixth Hair became more and more excited.

He will look to mobility to Fang Yuan’s body.

“This man…” Sixth Hair’s eyes flashed a complex ray of light.

“On the Refining Dao, the background is solid and very inborn talent. The most important thing is that the Ice Refining method seems to be especially suitable for him!” Sixth Hair commented.

Refining Dao has thousands of exercises, fire refining, Ice Refining, multi-person Fusion Refining, refining, etc. Some people are suitable for the fire method, and some people are naturally fit with the Water Refining method.

Fang Yuan also found that the method of Ice Refining is quite suitable for him.

“It seems that I can practice the method of Ice Refining in my spare time. It seems to be more in line with my temperament than the blood refinement.”

Thinking about it, Fang Yuan mobilized Gu insect and brewed an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

In his Immortal Aperture, the album has a large number of Self Strength phantom clones.

These clones help him form an extreme move when he refining gu, which is very practical and convenient.

The Immortal Realm Ultimate Move was rushed out, and Fang Yuan felt a warmth, lingering on his body, resisting the bitter chill of the outside obstacles the senses.

A strong chill, constantly coming from the iceberg. This is the drawback of the Ice Refining method. Gu Immortal must defend the cold while refining gu.

If Ten Thousand Me is not promoted, Fang Yuan will be stretched at this time, and it is difficult to balance all aspects.

But with the new Ten Thousand Me, it was a difficult time for him to cross the past.

Just as Fang Yuan continued to refining gu, he climbed the top of a mountain in Central Continent’s Feng Jinhuang.

At dawn, the sky is still black, and the morning star is falling.

Feng Jinhuang was in a fog, looking into the distance, but his face was full of grace.

Once she was, the boy did not know the taste, and he was sheltered by Gu Immortal. Nowadays it is a tasted setback, realized hard work.

Especially recently, Zhao Lianyun was successfully promoted to immortality.

This is a big rise in the spirit of the inverted phoenix faction in Spiritual Fate House, and Feng Jiuge is far from the Western Desert, Fairy Bai Qing is difficult to support, so Xu Hao and the others have won a lot of scenes.

Feng Jinhuang From which, realized has not been difficult and bitter before. Sect has a new image in her eyes.

“oh!” She sat on a rock and sighed.

She thought of Zhao Lianyun again.

This person came to the top and took away the position of Feng Jinhuang, who has always been the target of the struggle, Spiritual Fate House. Nowadays it succeeded in promoting immortal, and since then immortal and mortal.

Zhao Zianyun’s pleading for Feng Jinhuang is still vivid.

“Zhao Lianyun is Demon from Beyond The Heavens, Fang Yuan is also Demon from Beyond The Heavens. Why do I always lose to Demon from Beyond The Heavens?” Feng Jinhuang thoughts diverged, from the deepest part of my heart, it’s unforgettable A scene.

Just at the peak of Soul Shaking Mountain’s, she first saw the sight of Fang Yuan’s…

Feng Jinhuang suddenly face fever, she quickly hoes, and these scenes and memories are pressed into the deepest heart.

“What is the use of this?”

“Feng Jinhuang, Feng Jinhuang, you should be angry! You have to work harder to achieve Gu Immortal in the future and help your mother.”

Feng Jinhuang packed her mind and began to summarize the latest dream experience.

That is the dream of Refining Dao Great Expert Bei Luo.

“Through this dream, my Refining Dao Realm has already broken through to the Great Grandmaster level. Bei Luo Senior is best at Ice Refining, not as good as I try.”

Feng Jinhuang stretched out his hands and fingers, picking up the layers of fingers phantom.

An icy air suddenly circling around her palms and growing stronger.

Feng Jinhuang is the Refining Dao Great Grandmaster. Realm is a great one. Soon there will be one Gu Insect, which jumps out of the ice.

This is an Ice Dao’s Rank 3 mortal gu. When it flew out, it quickly fell to Feng Jinhuang’s shoulder, and it was very sporty.

Then, there was another second, and the third Gu insects flew out.

Also, the turn has gradually increased from Rank 3 to Rank 4 and Rank 5.

Feng Jinhuang’s face glowed with a touch of color, his eyes gradually illuminating, and his hands were moving faster and faster.

But a moment later, the cold air suddenly rose, the refining gu failed, Feng Jinhuang was backlash!

“Oops!” Feng Jinhuang sank in his heart, his face pale, his hands closedly closed his eyes, and his teeth were suffering from the coming damage.

But there is no movement.

“What happened?” Feng Jinhuang slowly opened both of his eyes.

Then she saw an expert and put a hand in front of her eyes. The group was originally about to explode, actually in his hands, condensed into a puck.

The expert is really high, and Feng Jinhuang’s head is slightly higher than his knee.

His long hair flutters, his posture is majestic, his eyes are vicissitudes, and his wisdom is hidden. The most fascinating thing about Feng Jinhuang is that he has a pair of coral Dragon Horn on his forehead.

“Who is Senior? Thank you for saving me.” Feng Jinhuang quickly bowed.

Expert said with a slight smile : “Refining Dao Famen thousand thousand absolutely, Ice Refining method is not for you, Feng Jinhuang. Your temperament is lively and clear, suitable for Metal Refining, fire refining. As for Ice Refining, people who are always good at Have the perseverance and perseverance.”

Say, expert gently puts a fist and squeezes out the cold in the palm of his hand.

Feng Jinhuang is stunned. She knows the power of this cold ice and can definitely hurt the general Rank 5 Gu Master.

Feng Jinhuang’s eyes are bright: “Senior, are you Gu Immortal? Do you know my mother?”

Feng Jinhuang has also been exposed to a lot of Gu Immortal, so there is no uncomfortable feeling. In general, those Gu Immortal are very cheerful, mostly admiring Feng Jiuge’s prestige.

Sure enough, expert nodded: “I certainly know your parents, but I am here for a special trip for you.”

“For me?” Feng Jinhuang is surprised.

“right.” Expert continued. “Feng Jinhuang, you will be the future Great Dream Immortal Venerable, the great figure destined to enter Heavenly Court, the leader of this era, the amazing world, standing proudly Gu Immortal! I am Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Duke Long, this time, is dedicated to you and leads you to the Rank 9 Venerable’s throne.”

“Ah?!” Feng Jinhuang widely opens mouth , stupidly looks at the expert at the front.

Duke Long smiles at Feng Jinhuang and looks amiable.

Feng Jinhuang uses the look of “I doubt you are a liar”, and looks at the Gloomy Soul’s Legendary character.

She doesn’t know Duke Long.

The image of Duke Long is familiar to Gu Immortal of Central Continent Ten Great Sects, but Feng Jinhuang after all is a mortal, separated by a layer.

Between mortal and immortal, is two Worlds.

“Uncle, you know, through the ages, only ten people can become more than Gu Venerable. Great Dream Immortal Venerable’s predicts that I know, but why am I Great Great Immortal Venerable?” Feng Jinhuang asked.

“You don’t doubt yourself.” Duke Long smiled. “You are the future Great Dream Immortal Venerable. In your childhood, there is Dream Dao Immortal Gu to vote, this is a sign! Your life, originally will smooth sailing It’s dazzling. Unfortunately, there’s some setback in the middle.”

“Demon from Beyond The Heavens, who are not in the fate, grabbed your chance.”

“For example, Fox Immortal Blessed Land, like the contemporary fairy of Spiritual Fate House.”

“But these don’t matter.”

“Fate Immortal Gu will be completely repaired after ten years. You will be a Great Dream Immortal Venerable, because it’s all destined!”

Duke Long spoke until here, looks very solemn, eyes are firm, as if to say is the iron of the facts.

Anything that exists can not be shaken and cannot be changed.

Feng Jinhuang was also involuntarily infected, and for a moment, he couldn’t speak.

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