More than a month later.

Central Continent, Spiritual Fate House headquarters.

At high altitude, a Taoist temple is suspended above the clouds.

Immortal Gu is full of breath, this is the Time Dao Immortal Gu Home Sun and Moon Outlook of Spiritual Fate House.

The archway, the great hall, and the partial hall are integrated into one. This Taoist is one of the backgrounds of the Spiritual Fate House. The best thing is to give Gu Immortal cultivation convenience.

In peacetime, Sun and Moon Outlook are housed in the hands of everyone’s Spiritual Fate House’s Reveded Elders, who are in charge of support cultivation.

But at this moment, Sun and Moon Outlook is placed and placed at high altitude. Moreover, it also ignited the power, every corner of the Taoist temple, every tile, and the rotation of the sun and the moon faint.

Gorgeous brilliance, reflecting the surrounding clouds, looks auspicious cloud transpiration, Huacai everywhere, a magnificent scenery of the fairy tales.

In the main hall of the Taoist temple, Gu Immortal has been gathered together.

Spiritual Fate House’s Reved Elders are almost all present, Feng Jiuge, Fairy Bai Qing, Xu Hao, Li Junying, and even the latest achievement Gu Immortal, contemporary Spiritual Fate House fairy Zhao Lianyun.

But at this time, the leading role is not one of them, but Feng Jinhuang.

Feng Jinhuang is a plain, neat, small face full of solemn color.

She kneels on the ground and bows to the Duke Long dagger on the main seat.

That’s right, this is Feng Jinhuang’s apprenticeship!

Generally speaking, Feng Jinhuang, who has joined sect, is hard to worship Gu Immortal outside of sect.

But what is Duke Long and what others?

Spiritual Fate House is up and down and rejoicing. Spiritual Fate House’s major Revered Elder, even deliberate, everything is done according to the highest standards, and more fanfare, preaching out, raising the prestige of the party.

However, this proposal was rejected by Duke Long.

Duke Long care: Everything is simple, don’t want to publicize, but the standard can’t be less.

Spiritual Fate House Revered Great Elder personally presided over, and went to the ancient book with great dedication. It took a lot of effort to refer to the ancient system of the Duke Long era.

Duke Long didn’t show anything on his face, but he was quite satisfied with this apprentice ceremony.

Especially when his eyes stayed on Feng Jinhuang’s body, his eyes revealed a relief.

After the ceremony of the first gimmick was completed, Feng Jinhuang stood up, took out a cup of tea, handed it to him, and handed it to Duke Long.

In the quiet colorful hall, Feng Jinhuang is crispy started talking: “Duke Long is on the top, please take Jinhuang a cup of Jinbi Chao tea.”

Duke Long took the cup and first opened the lid.

Suddenly, the tea sprayed a gorgeous and gentle golden glow, reflecting the top of the top of the fairy head, a splendid.

Duke Long slowly closed his eyes and lifted the cup to the nose before gently smelling it.

The tea smell seems to be nothing, revealing a fresh and scent of breath, as if it is the early morning of spring, the smell of dew on the grass, pure and flawless, revealing a bright and lively atmosphere.

“This tea is right.” Duke Long smiled faintly, slowly opening his eyes and then sipping a bite.

Tea into the throat, it is really extraordinary. Even Duke Long, looking at his life, I think this is a good tea, not a rare one.

“Feng Jinhuang, you are the Refining Dao Great Grandmaster, the refining tea is very natural. Well, from today, you are the second discipline for the teacher.”

As soon as this statement came out, the great hall creaked.

Gu Immortals smiled, even Xu Hao and Li Junying were no exception.

“Playing the music.” Spiritual Fate House Revered Great Elder snorted, a moment later, the bright and beautiful fairy music, without losing the solemnity and grandeur.

“Disciple meets Master!” Feng Jinhuang once again fell to the ground, this time to call Duke Long “Master” and claim “disciple”.

At this point, often a long time Chen’s apprentice ceremony, this was successfully completed.

The significance of the ceremony is very significant.

The Revered Elders of Spiritual Fate House are all red light, and the expression of excitement is hard to cover up.

This is the leader of Heavenly Court, Duke Long, who is personally apprehended!

The entire Spiritual Fate House is honored.

Fairy Bai Qing, as the mother of Feng Jinhuang, was even more excited on the spot.

Feng Jiuge stood beside her and gently held one hand of the beloved wife. It was also very gratifying.

“From tomorrow, Feng Jinhuang will go with me to Heavenly Court for cultivation.”

“Feng Jiuge, Bai Qing left, everyone else will retreat.”

Duke Long swayed the group and left Feng Jinhuang’s parents.

“Feng Jiuge (Bai Qing) meets Duke Long.” The two went forward to respect the ceremony.

Duke Long slightly nod, after glanced at Fairy Bai Qing, he stared at Feng Jiuge’s.

“This time killed the Fang Yuan’s mission, failed?” Duke Long spoke, a touch of tone.

Feng Jiuge: “Under the squat.”

A few months ago, Feng Jiuge and the others were waiting for the tributary of the Western Desert’s, but where can I wait for Fang Yuan?

After a long time, Fairy Ziwei also noticed that it was wrong, and Feng Jinhuang called Feng Jiuge back to Central Continent because of this major event. However, the other two Heavenly Court Rank 8 Gu Immortal still stayed at the Western Desert and began to arrange the Immortal Dao gu formation.

Duke Long continued: “Fang Yuan is Demon from Beyond The Heavens and is the only complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens in the world. He must be the enemy of Heavenly Court’s, and it will be the object that Feng Jiuge’s must be eradicated in this life.”

“I only accept two people in my life. The deep meaning here is clear. You are right, Feng Jinhuang is the seed of Great Dream Immortal Venerable’s, and your Feng Jiuge is her Dao Protector.”

“What? I am Huang’er’s Dao Protector?” Feng Jiuge was surprised.

“This is Heavenly Mystery, it shouldn’t be leaked. But it’s indifferent to be aware of Shadow Sect. Grand Era is coming, this time will give birth to Great Dream Immortal Venerable, and there will be a relationship between Heaven and Earth. Unprecedented changes! Fang Yuan will be my Heavenly Court’s roadblock, and the inevitable enemy of your father and daughter. You have to shoulder the burden of fate entrust on the shoulders, leading the people to a new era.”

Duke Long spoke until here, paused for a moment, leaving the three people in the field to react and accept the time.

After a while, Feng Jinhuang’s family of three calmed down.

Duke Long also said to Feng Jinhuang: “Huang’er, I am going to follow the teacher’s side and accept the guidance of the teacher. You have to be separated from your parents for a while, and your family is here to be old. Tomorrow dawn, I will pick you up to Heavenly Court.”

Duke Long stunned, and the silhouette faded into the seat.

“Huang’er, I didn’t expect you to be the chosen person. At Heavenly Court, you should diligently cultivate. You shoulder the burden of the times, and the happiness of the people is between your thoughts.” Fairy Bai Qing eyes red For the upcoming separation, there is some disappointment.

“Mother, I still can’t accept it. It all happens like a dream.” Feng Jinhuang is in the arms of Fairy Bai Qing.

“Nan since I heard about Duke Long, I want to accept you as a disciple, and I expect you to do something. Just did not expect that you are actually your Dao Protector.” Fairy Bai Qing was very emotional.

“Hey, mother, what is Dao Protector?” Feng Jinhuang curiously asked.

Feng Jiuge explains: “Da Protector has always existed in the growth of Immortal Venerable Demon Venerable’s. Every Dao Protector has a vital role in the growth of Venerable’s.”

“Oh.” Feng Jinhuang asked again. “Master said that he had received two disciplines. I am the second one. So I have one above me? Who is he?”

Feng Jiuge and Fairy Bai Qing suddenly changed slightly.

The two quickly looked at each other.

Fairy Bai Qing is serious about Feng Jinhuang: “Huang’er, this is a taboo. In the future, you will arrive at Heavenly Court. Don’t mention it casually, especially in front of your Master.”

“Why?” Feng Jinhuang is more curious.

At this time, Feng Jiuge gave the answer: “Because Duke Long’s first discipline is the most mysterious Red Lotus Demon Venerable in history, that is your nominal First Senior Brother!”

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