Fang Yuan, in a word, said that the three children turned pale with fright, and quickly called for help. ?

A figure quickly appeared, came to the front of the three children, and appeased him: “Don’t be afraid of the younger brother, there is an elder sister.”

The female Gu Immortal, who is small and graceful, looks like a young girl, dressed in a green dress, and is leaning against two Yu Zhu Zi. The inside of the beads seems to be watery, swaying, and swaying out of the green water.

“Little girl Cui Bo, who is your lord? Frightened my brother, is it fun?”

Fang Yuan looked at the Fairy Cui Bo.

She is filled with the flavor of Rank 7 Gu Immortal, and she believes that she can have an equal dialogue with Fang Yuan of the Rank 7 cultivation base.

She is white like snow, but the green water ripples on the earrings are lining up. The face is also good, but the nose is slightly sharp and destroys the image.

Fang Yuan touched his belly and sighed: “I tell the truth, what is the truth? Hey hey, since you sent it to the door, you will eat it.”

The drawback of Paragon Immortal Body is to swallow.

At this point, Fang Yuan is clearly known from the lost heritage of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

In fact, according to the Shadow Sect’s plan, it is necessary to refining the Rank 10 Immortal Gu Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu.

Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, since it is called “Paragon”, naturally it is necessary to take off the Rank 9 level. This is Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s ambition.

Unfortunately, Time Luck didn’t. In the end, he only had time to refine the Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu at the level of Rank 9 and was robbed by Fang Yuan.

According to Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s, Rank 10 Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu has no drawbacks, almost perfect and without blemish. But at the Rank 9 level, there is a flaw that is not a defect.

Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu itself is Immortal Gu, Immortal Gu needs feeding.

Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu’s food is Immortal Fetus.

What is Immortal Fetus?

Immortal Fetus is actually a name for the ancient years.

It’s like an aperture, and some people call it a magnificent pool, or a purple palace. Most people call it aperture.

What is the biggest difference between immortals and mortals?

Immortal Aperture, also known as Immortal Fetus. Just the name of Immortal Aperture is more extensive.

Feed the Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu with someone else’s Immortal Aperture. Immortal Aperture’s genre is not, but the cultivation base is very particular.

For example, now that Fang Yuan cultivation has reached Rank 7, it is necessary to annex the Rank 7 Immortal Aperture to feed the Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu. Wait until he cultivation base promoted to Rank 8, you must annex Rank 8 Immortal Aperture.

Perfect is the Rank 10 Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, which does not require any food and is truly a beggar that can be transformed into a perfect Immortal Body. Unlike Fang Yuan’s situation at this time, although it was changed to Paragon Immortal Body, it can be re-formed into Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu through some methods.

Now that Fang Yuan has turned into a Paragon Immortal Body with Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, it still has its drawbacks.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan changed the cultivation program, extended Immortal Aperture time, abandoned Time Dao resources, and avoided Heavenly Disaster and Earthly Tribulation to swallow other people’s Immortal Aperture to skyrocket the cultivation base.

As a result, instead of feeding the Paragon Immortal Body.

Fang Yuan’s words to the three children’s children were not false. On the way to find here, Fang Yuan encountered three Rank 6 Western Desert’s Gu Immortal, who were killed by him, captured the soul and swallowed two of them. Immortal Aperture, another, Fang Yuan Realm is not enough, can not be swallowed, can only let it fall to form Blessed Land.

Fairy Cui Bo and the three children are also a strong combination.

The two of them played tricks, not only scammed the previous monsters into the gu formation, but also tried them out, and Fairy Cui Bo was still on one side and ambushed.

When I meet the usual Rank 7 Gu Immortal, Fairy Cui Bo can naturally deal with equal dialogue, but unfortunately, they encountered Fang Yuan at this time.

“It happened to be one Rank 7 Gu Immortal, or cultivation Water Dao. I swallow this person, and the feeding of Paragon Immortal Fetus in a short time is not a problem.”

Fang Yuan’s heart is killing intent. When I encounter an Immortal Aperture that can be swallowed, there are few opportunities.

Especially in the Western Desert, the two genres of Flame Dao and Wind Dao are the most popular, and Water Dao is rare. In stark contrast to the Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World.

Fang Yuan is the Grandmaster of Water Dao, but the genre Realm of Flame Dao and Wind Dao is relatively common.

Hong long!

Fang Yuan took action, urging Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Ten Thousand Me first type Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal.

Suddenly, the Giant Hand Seal vented the air, and with an unstoppable momentum, it flew to Fairy Cui Bo and three children.

The three children screamed and quickly evaded.

Fairy Cui Bo also showed a sense of horror, with a wave of his hands, a green sour water.

The sour water is like a snake, throwing the Giant Hand Seal, which immediately reduces the 20% of the Giant Hand Seal.

However, the Giant Hand Seal still has 80% power. Under Fang Yuan’s manipulates, he abandoned three children and pursued Fairy Cui Bo.

Fairy Cui Bo flew back and shouted in the mouth: “Fellow Immortal and slow hands, I am the third room servant of Old Ancestor Qian Bian. Fellow Immortal Why not look at Old Ancestor Qian Bian, and become enemy of us Friends, share the treasure of this Zombie Alliance branch?”

Although Fairy Cui Bo is a Rank 7 cultivation base, it is not good enough, or very common.

But her identity is somewhat extraordinary.

It was actually possible to relate to Old Ancestor Qian Bian.

Even though Fang Yuan did not know much about the Western Desert Gu Immortal World’s intelligence, he had already heard the name of Old Ancestor Qian Bian.

The Old Ancestor, specialized in cultivation Transformation Dao, got a part of True Inheritance left by Reckless Demonic Venerable when he was young. There were nearly a thousand changes. So claiming to be Old Ancestor Qian Bian.

Although he inherits Demon Venerable True Inheritance, it is not Demonic Path Gu Immortal, but the most famous rogue cultivator of Western Desert.

His personal taste is close to Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, and he likes hundreds of thousands of wives. Among them are Gu Immortal nearly ten!

Fairy Cui Bo is one of them.

“Just to take away the lost heritage of the Western Desert Zombie Alliance, would you have the hatred of Old Ancestor Qian Bian?” Fang Yuan frowned.

Fairy Cui Bo, while dodging, looked at the words and immediately said: “In fact, I came here, but also the life of Old Ancestor. Your battle strength is strong, but you have to get through the guardian gu formation, but it is not quite dry. Treasures also If we don’t get it, why should we score a killing job first? Maybe if there is a delay, there will be another change.”

Fairy Cui Bo’s eloquence is right, said Fang Yuan slightly nod: “You are right.”

Fairy Cui Bo and three children are getting that big, but a moment later, see Fang Yuan to open the Immortal Aperture Portal, and release Bai Ningbing, Hei Loulan, and Fairy Euphony.

“You went to kill the two people, I will personally collect the lost heritage.” Fang Yuan spoke.

Bai Ningbing coldly snorted, although dissatisfied with the orders of Fang Yuan, still rushed to Fairy Cui Bo.

Hei Loulan deals with three children.

Fairy Euphony smiled and stayed on the sidelines as a response.

Fairy Cui Bo and the three children were completely horrified.

They were absolutely unanticipated, and Fang Yuan Immortal Aperture also contained three Gu Immortals, all of which were exotic Gu Immortal.

This situation is very rare.

Gu Immortal will not be fine, just put other 蛊Immortal Possession in his Immortal Aperture.

Soon, Fairy Cui Bo and three children were caught in the wind, and they were beaten by Black and White.

“This is two Ten Perfect Physiques! It’s a wonderful way, never before!”

“I am remembered, they are wanted! Demonic Path’s thief! This person is one of the murderers of the 88 Floors True Yang Building collapse!”

After the three children, Fairy Cui Bo showed some of Fang Yuan and the others’ identities, they were even more astonished, fighting, and turning around.

Black and white two immortals chasing after, and soon chased this underground cave.

Fang Yuan stood in front of the sandstorm, and the means of brewing for a long time were aimed at the eyes and rushed out.

After a few breaths, the sandstorm was significantly weakened and divided into two sides, revealing a small path.

Fang Yuan did not hesitate to enter alone.

Fairy Euphony is still left behind to prevent others from appearing.

The sandstorm entered with Fang Yuan’s, and it began to flourish again. The trail disappeared and the old state was restored.

A city is quickly displayed in the sights of Fang Yuan’s.

The corpse city.

At first glance, this is a city built of loess, some unremarkable feeling.

But in fact, the essence of this city is a huge Mortal Gu Home. It’s like the Drifting Cloud City in the Northern Plains Zombie Alliance division.

However, the Western Desert Zombie Alliance division is still different from Northern Plains.

The Western Desert Zombie Alliance division, the true headquarters, is an Earth Dao Blessed Land.

The corpse city is located in Blessed Land.

Once, Shadow Sect moved to the sky, refining Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, and lost the game.

The headquarters Blessed Land of the Western Desert Zombie Alliance Division took the initiative to abandon the essence of the resources in the corpse city, relocating the entire Mortal Gu Home to the Sand Desert and arranging the protective gu formation.

This approach preserved the greater part background of the Western Desert Zombie Alliance, the Great Western of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain. Soon after, the original Western Desert Zombie Alliance’s Earth Dao Blessed Land was jointly attacked by Western Desert Gu Immortal.

But after the looting, these Western Desert Gu Immortal were not satisfied, and even a little angry.

Because they didn’t get the plan for the spoils of war.

After their constant projections and investigations, of course, there is also Will of Heaven, which finally found the San Diego desert and confirmed the Western Desert Zombie Alliance’s lost heritage.

But finding the right Earth Qi cave is not easy. Not to mention these caves, the number is numerous, the stars are full of stars, and the more important thing is that these caves are still mobility.

Every now and every moment, old caves disappear and new caves are produced.

This makes Western Desert Gu Immortal difficult to find.

Fang Yuan is of course different. He became the owner of Shadow Sect. He found it here and entered the corpse city. For him, it was nothing to do with no difficulty.

“However, I met Fairy Cui Bo here, and I am afraid it is also the layout of Will of Heaven. Let me get into the Western Desert and I have to do it with Rank 8 Great Expert.”

“I and Bai Ningbing and the others have been planted with ultimate move.”

“You must take these lost heritages and transfer them as soon as possible!”

Fang Yuan opened the Immortal Aperture Portal, reached out and beckoned, and included the entire corpse city into the Immortal Aperture.

There is no Immortal Gu reserve in the corpse city, but the gu formation is guarded by the Immortal Gu.

A total of two Immortal Gus, one of them, is the main purpose of Fang Yuan.

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