Innocent sand, yellow sand, and the endless.

The sky is blue and high, with white clouds, clear lines, and crystal to completely appear.

“It’s finally the arrived Western Desert.” A figure flew out of the Western Desert’s Boundary Wall, but did not slow down, but went straight into the sky.

This young man looks like a white robe, long sleeves fluttering, a long black hair, deep eyes, and a crown like jade.

It is Fang Yuan!

Feng Jiuge blocked Wu Yong for him and allowed him to escape.

Paragon Immortal Body has the freedom to cross the Boundary Wall, so neither the Southern Border Boundary Wall nor the Western Desert Boundary Wall can stop Fang Yuan.

Instead, among the Boundary Wall, Fang Yuan became the safest environment.

Bai Ningbing, Hei Loulan and the others, all staying in Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture, they were able to easily cross the Boundary Wall and follow Fang Yuan to the Western Desert.

Fortunately, these people do not have the cultivation base of Rank 8, and Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture has a lot of annexation, Dao Marks is sufficient, and Blessed Land is solid enough to hold these Gu Immortal.

Gu Immortal is necessary to rest for a while if he crosses the Boundary Wall, but Fang Yuan relies on the Paragon Immortal Body and travels easily through the Boundary Wall. There is no loss at all.

After Super Dreams, Fang Yuan became the new owner of Shadow Sect and inherited many of the legacy of Purple Mountain True Monarch, but also lost the valuable identity of Wu Yihai. The identity of Liu Guanyi was also exposed, a fairly critical Immortal Gu Crossing Dark also falls into the hands of Heavenly Court. Most important is the Rank 8 battle strength – Superior Heavenly Eagle!

Along the way, Fang Yuan is rethinking the battle and summing up the gains and losses.

“I didn’t think that the dreams of the outward appearance could be eroded by Will of Heaven. If it weren’t for exploring dreams, I wouldn’t be discovered by Will of Heaven.”

“However, Shadow Sect is always going to attack the dream.”

“I have fled to the Western Desert now, but the Crossing Dark is lost, and Heavenly Court’s detect the ultimate move. More importantly, it is always watched by Will of Heaven, and the whereabouts have been exposed.”

Escape from the Southern Border and come to the Western Desert, which only relieves the danger.

If it is time left for the layout of Heavenly Court and Will of Heaven, sooner or later Western Desert will become a dangerous place, and Fang Yuan will be chased by countless Gu Immortal and forces here.

Therefore, his current imperative is to remove the detective ultimate move and find ways to cover Will of Heaven.

“The Western Desert’s Zombie Alliance division, although already destroyed, still has a lot of resources and lies in the depths of the translocation Sand Desert.”

“In addition to this, there are two natural places to be pregnant, which can give birth to Immortal Gu. Like Southern Border’s Jade Vase Mountain.”

Bai Ningbing’s Ice Soul Gu is the wild Immortal Gu naturally born from Jade Vase Mountain.

Under the secret management of Shadow Sect’s, there are many secret locations in the Western Desert. Two of these locations, similar to Jade Vase Mountain, have the meaning of the wild Immortal Gu.

There is no doubt that these three locations are on the side of where Fang Yuan is going.

“Feng Jiuge saved me, and the feelings are no longer there.”

“He’s a bit embarrassed, maybe there is Heavenly Court’s planning.”

“If he came to chase me, I have Adverse Current Protection Seal, but I can’t help him. The key is Central Continent, sending more experts to chase me, that’s for sure, it’s just a matter of time.”

“So my trip must be fast!”

After thinking to this point, Fang Yuan flashed a slap in the eye.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon Transformation !

White light blooms, a moment later, and Fang Yuan turns into a silvery and powerful Sword Flood Dragon.

Sword Flood Dragon squats at the end of the tail, graceful, and flies forward quickly.

Soon, Fang Yuan spurred Sword Escape Immortal Gu on the basis of maintaining the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon Transformation.

Hey -!

He almost turned into a silver line, scratching the sky, and the speed was a bit too ridiculous.

A few days later, the translocation Sand Desert.

This is one of the more famous Sand Deserts in the Western Desert.

Just like the Eastern Sea, there are the Sea Territory, the Bipolar Strait, the Sea Territory, the Shark Sea, the Splendid Sea Territory and so on.

There are also a large number of Sand Deserts in the Western Desert. They usually have unusual characteristics that distinguish them from common Sand Desert and are known to Western Desert Gu Immortal.

Rank 6 Transformation Dao Gu Immortal Yin Zuan, known as the “Mosquito Mosquito”, is now suspended over the transposition Sand Desert.

He was covered in a thin, thin leather armor with a sharp nose and a black nose. It was like a weed, not only erecting his head but also his shoulders.

“hey hey 嘿, this time trails three children, maybe you can find the Zombie Alliance branch of the corpse city.”

He was proud of his heart, his nose swayed and he sniffed.

“found.” His eyes brightened, followed by the smell, and immediately moved towards the transposition Sand Desert.

The shortly distance is getting closer and closer, but the demon mosquito does not dodge or evade.

Just as he was about to touch the ground, the black leather armor on his body suddenly flashed.

call out.

a light sound, he drilled directly into the surface of the Sand Desert, just like jumping into the water, and disappeared quickly.

The field of vision was black, and the mosquitoes in the sand had closed their eyes.

The hot sand master, wrap up his whole body. The temperature is very high, it can completely bake the eggs in an instant, and then turn into a dark coke.

But the demon mosquito has its own means to protect the body, this environment is not bad for him.

The field of vision is dark and not tight, and the demon mosquitoes are good at smell chasing, but the clues are more obvious in the sand.

He chased the clues and shuttled through the Sand Desert.


Suddenly, he drilled Sha Shuo and arrived in an underground cave.

The demon mosquito is not surprised.

Underneath the translocation Sand Desert, there are many such caves underneath.

In ancient times, two Immemorial Desolate Beast fought here, and the Immemorial Desolate Beast Earth Qi was defeated and killed.

Earth Qi This kind of Immenmorial Desolate Beast is quite strange. It has two life forms, one is a bat and the other is a camel. As it walks in the Sand Desert, it turns into a yellow-brown camel that is as big as a hill and travels slowly and leisurely. When it wants to fly into the sky, it will change into a green bat, as small as a fist, and lightning speed.

This strange Immemorial Desolate Beast is very similar to the Sun Moon Kunpeng in the Eastern Sea, and many of Gu Immortal compare the two.

Sun Moon Kunpeng is an Immemorial Desolate Beast living in the Eastern Sea.

When the sun shines, Sun Moon Kunpeng incarnation becomes a Dapeng bird, soaring in the sky.

When the moonlight shrouds the sea, Sun Moon Kunpeng becomes a big squid, swallowing whales and sea, and it is full of vitality.

Earth Qi After the death of the bat, a Dao Marks spread out and was engraved in the Sand Desert to form the transposition Sand Desert.

In the Sand Desert, a large number of Earth Qi surging, these Earth Qi like the bubbles in the sea, propping out the underground cave of each and every one.

The demon mosquito has now plunged into an underground cave.

There is no trace of air here, and mortals will definitely die when they enter here. It was not suffocating, but was invaded by Earth Qi and turned into a stone block.

The demon mosquito, which is Gu Immortal, is naturally indifferent.

In fact, these Earth Qi can be charged to their own hands, after all, is also a cultivation resource.

However, at this time, in order to track the three children, he was worried about collecting Earth Qi beat the grass to scare the snake.

His nose kept swaying, smelling the atmosphere of three children and moving on.

Along the way, he crossed many underground caves.

These caves are big and small. Small is like a house, big like a palace.

Finally, he was rived in a special underground cave.

“The atmosphere here is so rich! Three children, it should be nearby.”

The demon mosquito tried to open his eyes, a moment later, his face full of shock.

“Good guy, this underground cave is big, it’s a big town!”

“Earth Qi here is so rich that it has formed the Earth Qi sandstorm?”

The demon mosquito immediately found that in the middle of the underground cave, there was a dark sandstorm surrounded by a thick immortal materials.

“This sandstorm is all made up of Earth Qi, it is Rank 7 immortal materials, and it is very valuable.”

Demon mosquitoes have a good time.

I like to encounter such a large chunk of immortal materials, as a Western Desert’s rogue cultivator, which is a huge income.

What is embarrassing is the formation of the sand storm Earth Qi, very inciting, with good power, it is not easy to get them started.

“Wait a minute!”

“The atmosphere of the three children is here, which proves that he has been here at least. Why is he not even collecting such a large piece of Earth Qi essence?”

The demon mosquito suddenly shrinks and the thought is a little wrong.

Just then, a boy’s crisp voice came from behind him: “The demon mosquito, you finally came. Hey, I wait for you for a long time, go and give the boy a try.”

“Not good!” The demon mosquitoes are crying that, and the whole body trembles, and they have to dodge.

But it is already late.

A blue condensed feather, sees like slow but actually fast on his body.

The demon mosquito suddenly became involuntarily, driven by this blue feather, and plunged into the sandstorm.

The screams of the demon mosquitoes were quickly heard in the sandstorm.

The three children were born with real body, pink and jade, small blushing, very cute, he looked at the sandstorm, laughed heartily.

Soon, the screams of the demon mosquitoes came to an abrupt end, and a smattering of blood suddenly smeared with sandstorms, but then they were repeatedly swept by the sandstorms that swallowed and swallowed back.

The laughter of the three children’s children gradually stopped, and the face was dignified.


He sucks in a breath of cold air : “It is the guardian grand formation of the Western Desert Zombie Alliance. The demon mosquito is also a good player in Rank 6. Even for such a period of time, he can’t support it. Who?”

The three children suddenly turned and looked at the distance with their eyes.

There, suddenly a figure broke through.

“Bitter is also. One Rank 7 Gu Immortal!” Three children were aware of the newcomer breath, and immediately complained in one’s heart.

He observed carefully and saw that Gu Immortals had excellent appearance, graceful appearance, white clothed black scorpion, and beautiful. Although it is a teenager, but as a homosexual, three children are inevitably surprised by this appearance.

“A beautiful person!”

“Look at this style, it seems to be Righteous Path Gu Immortal.”

Just when the three children guessed, Fang Yuan also looked towards him, eyes slightly narrowed, and the tone was light and joyful: “Okay, this is already the third person I met. If I eat you, I can pad a little. I have padded my stomach.”

“What?!” Three children startedled, and quickly retired, “What is this Righteous Path! Actually want to eat me? Elder sister!”

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