From the appearance of this, this is a Horned Beetle.

Fang Yuan is in the center of the palm and feels like a stone.

The large carapace and the thick head give the powerful individual a powerful feeling. The high-pitched sharp horn is like a long spear that is held high.

Law Dao Rank 7 Immortal Gu Fight!

This Immortal Gu is Fang Yuan, the main gain from here.

Because of the identity of the new owner of Shadow Sect, Fang Yuan quickly refined this and included it in the Immortal Aperture.

In addition, there is one Immortal Gu.

Only Rank 6 is part of Earth Dao and is called yellow sand.

This Immortal Gu’s appearance, like a ladybug, on a rounded carapace, is painted with six natural yellow star specks.

With the core of Rank 7 Immortal Gu and Rank 6 Immortal Gu yellow sand, we also have a mortal gu, combined with the Earth Qi in the Earth Qi cave, and the Earth Dao’s Dao Marks. The Western Desert Zombie Alliance has built a guardian. Gu formation.

However, as Fang Yuan took these Gu insects into the bag, the gu formation also collapsed and collapsed.

Fang Yuan took a glance and took a look at the storage in the city.

Mortal Gu Home has a large collection of immortal materials.

The most uncommon is the Cold Moon Divine Petal, which is the Rank 7 immortal materials, which is the essence of the moonlight in the center of the Sand Desert, which has been formed for tens of thousands of years.

In Treasure Yellow Heaven, there is also no price.

The number is very rare, even those of the Rank 8 Gu Immortal are not much.

The largest number is a kind of Rank 6 immortal materials. This wood grows in the Sand Desert, where it is dominated by the Western Desert Zombie Alliance division.

The amount of phosphorescent wood is very large and is the result of years of accumulation in the Western Desert Zombie Alliance.

“Should you see the original background of Shadow Sect once you see it!”

“Unfortunately, Shadow Sect has invested too much in refining Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu. After the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, the defeat will be suffered by Will of Heaven, Heavenly Court and my crush and kill.”

Fang Yuan sighed in the heart.

The Zombie Alliance division of the rest of the domains, Ying Wuxie and the others, have almost visited. Central Continent, Northern Plains, Southern Border’s Zombie Alliance lost heritage, have been exhausted.

The Eastern Sea Zombie Alliance headquarters was taken over by Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World and firmly controlled.

Now the last Western Desert lost heritage is also ended by Fang Yuan.

This is the biggest asset that Shadow Sect has left in the world.

Other than that, there are some bits and pieces. Also worthy of Fang Yuan’s attention in the Western Desert are two resource points like Jade Vase Mountain, which were secretly operated by Shadow Sect and seem to have spawned the wild Immortal Gu.

In the underground cave, Fang Yuan and Fairy Euphony waited a little for a while.

A white clothed silhouette, penetrated in, is the dragon girl Bai Ningbing.

She is cold and iceberg, white robes like snow, and the dust is not stained, and there is a prisoner in her hand.

It’s the former Fairy Cui Bo!

At this time, she has been frozen into a popsicle, with both eyes closed tightly, covered with a thick frost, motionless, let Bai Ningbing take it.

Bai Ningbing actually captured Fairy Cui Bo.

This victory, let Fairy Euphony pay tribute, Fang Yuan also involuntarily shine.

Bai Ningbing is just a Rank 6 cultivation base, but the battle strength is the Rank 7 of the gene, and it is the expert in the Rank 7.

One of the Ten Perfect Physiques’ Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique, with White Phase’s True Inheritance, has worked several times!

More crucially, Bai Ningbing himself is not afraid of life and death, and is a talented generation.

When she was in Southern Border, she killed two people and killed one, and the record Valiant. Now forcibly captured one Rank 7 Gu Immortal, the battle strength is on Fang Yuan’s side, definitely second only to Fang Yuan’s second person.

“Since Captain Fairy Cui Bo, she is not in a hurry to kill her and annex Immortal Aperture.” Fang Yuan thought.

First of all, this place is full of Earth Qi, and Heaven Qi is not, and it is not suitable for falling Immortal Aperture.

The Rank 6 Gu Immortal, which died before guarding the gu formation, the Immortal Aperture and the corpse were turned into sand and had no use.

Fang Yuan is not hungry by himself, and has not yet had to swallow and eat.

More critically, Fairy Cui Bo is related to Rank 8 Gu Immortal Old Ancestor Qian Bian. Maybe she can use her to ease the Will of Heaven’s part of the plan.

“Since you captured her, temporarily hold her in your Immortal Aperture.” Fang Yuan told Bai Ningbing.

Bai Ningbing nodded.

She has no longer turned her back, suffers from Heavenly Court, Southern Border, etc., and has to rely on the power of Shadow Sect, refining Immortal Gu, so she can only cooperate with Fang Yuan.

Hei Loulan also rushed back.

There was a little blood on her body: “The boy has been burned to ash by me, and the Immortal Aperture is finished. In addition, the sound of the battle attracted a group of Western Desert Gu Immortal. I did not play, first returned and watched their breath. It should be good.”

Fang Yuan nodded.

Hei Loulan Although the motivational immortal is not long, the vision has been raised quite high.

She rated it well, and these Western Desert Gu Immortal should be the expert in Rank 7.

But no wonder.

The Western Desert Zombie Alliance division is also a superpower. Its lost heritage attracts a large number of Western Desert Gu Immortal to explore and normal. Super powers will pay attention, let alone, and Will of Heaven is in the dark, pushing the waves.

“Let’s go.” Fang Yuan said, the voice has not yet fallen, there are three silhouettes, from left, right, above, drilled in.

“Fellow Immortal, taking Zombie Alliance’s lost heritage and wanting to walk in immediately, can’t help but think too beautiful.” On the left, a thin, multi-colored feathered youth Gu Immortal, screamed with a smile.

He is Rank 7 Gu Immortal, specializing in Enslave Dao, known as Sparrow God.

“It’s okay to go, but the Zombie Alliance lost heritage has a share, first score.” Above is a female Gu Immortal, wearing a white skirt unique to the Western Desert, with a layer of white muslin on her face. , beautiful eyes deep, lashes thick and dense.

The beauty is known as the fairy in the Western Desert Gu Immortal World. It is similar to Fairy Euphony and Qiao Siliu in Southern Border Gu Immortal World. It is known as Immortal Beautiful Camel.

The Gu Immortals appearing on the right side are a large amount of scum, a bare chest, a strong chest, thick arms, red skin, red skin, and a breath of breath, one of the feelings in one’s speech.

His origins are even bigger because he is surnamed Dong.

Dong Family is one of the Western Desert’s super families.

Dong Liefeng, Wind Dao Rank 7 expert, is best at tracking skills.

“Two Southern Borders, one Northern Plains, one Western Desert Gu Immortal, how every in disorder!” Dong Liefeng frowns.

On the Fang Yuan side, Fang Yuan is the Paragon Immortal Body and comes to the Western Desert, which is the Western Desert 蛊Immortal Qi. Hei Loulan promoted immortal in Northern Plains, naturally Northern Plains Gu Immortal. Bai Ningbing and Fairy Euphony are authentic Southern Border people.

Exotic Gu Immortal is usually subject to exclusion.

In this regard, the Eastern Sea’s atmosphere is the best. But the other four domains, the native Gu Immortal, are usually very exclusive. In these places, Gu Immortal often has to act in a low-key manner. A squabble, or a small contradiction, may be encircled by the native Gu Immortal.

Whether it’s Sparrow God, Immortal Beautiful Camel, or Dong Liefeng, the faces of the three are not good-looking.

Because Fang Yuan and the others, they all robbed the Zombie Alliance lost heritage. In their respective minds, these are theirs.

“two, right now is the local Gu Immortal, we may wish to put down the prejudice, cooperate with each other, first kill the alien Gu Immortal!”

“right. This Western Desert should be dominated by our Western Desert people. You, these exotic Gu Immortal, actually came to our site and robbed our treasures.”

“obediently hand over the Zombie Alliance lost heritage, maybe we can still give you a way to live!”

Three Western Desert Gu Immortal succumbed to each other.

At the same time, they are secretly communicating.

“Be careful, they have four people, two Rank 7, two Rank 6.”

“The two Rank 6s can’t be underestimated, and the breath seems odd.”

“The Rank 7 boy seems to be familiar, as if he has seen it… um?!”

Dong Liefeng suddenly collapsed, thinking of Fang Yuan’s identity.

Fang Yuan is really a sight at the moment. After all, he knows that he has a detective move move, and that the Feed Past Acquaintance also consumes immortal essence. All kinds of identities have been exposed, and they are no longer disguised.

“He is Liu Guanyi!” Dong Liefeng was shocked and quickly retreated.

With a bang, he drilled again.

It disappeared at once.

Immortal Beautiful Camel and Sparrow God both stunned!

How did this happen ? !

Just three of us are still fighting intent, discussing how to fight, which Dong Liefeng ran?

Was it suffering from the enemy’s strangeult move?

Or… Did he retreat himself?

“Wait a minute!” Immortal Beautiful Camel suddenly changed her face and she recognized the identity of Fang Yuan Liu Guanyi.

Since the Battle of Adverse Current River, Liu Guanyi has been known as the Five Regions, and the sound and appearance are also well known. Of course, this level of familiarity is also different and different between Five Regions.

Northern Plains is the most widely spread, after all is the case. Central Continent also knows a lot because Heavenly Court is involved in this battle.

As for the other three domains, some people know the appearance of Liu Guanyi, but some people just hear about it, and the information they know is not detailed.

After all, among them, Liu Guanyi is Northern Plains Gu Immortal, and he is not a local.

Just like before, Fairy Cui Bo didn’t recognize Fang Yuan’s identity and died, and it was a horrible end to being captured.

Immortal Beautiful Camel recognizes Fang Yuan’s identity and whispers, where can he stay for a long time?

Flying like a escape!

Just kidding, this is a fierce ability to resist Rank 8.

How can one be an adversary? Looking for trouble with him is simply courting death!

At the same time, Immortal Beautiful Camel cursed Dong Liefeng in his heart, and he ran too fast and didn’t say anything.

However, empathy, If Immortal Beautiful Camel is the first to discover Fang Yuan’s identity, it must be done like Dong Liefeng.

After all, to escape this kind of thing, not only depends on the speed of yourself and the enemy, but also depends on the speed of your own and friends.

Sparrow God stunned.

Immortal Beautiful Camel also ran away? !

Not good! ! !

This time, Sparrow God is not feeling well, although he still can’t figure it out, but his long-term cultivation experience has made him react quickly.

The figure is a fold, the electric shot goes away, disappears in the blink of an eye, and the speed is faster than the Immortal Beautiful Camel.

Fang Yuan and the others have not taken action, these three Western Desert’s Rank 7 expert, they are scared to run away.

Fang Yuan looked up and looked at the sky, sneered.

Will of Heaven, even if it is a cloth, what can it do?

As long as Fang Yuan is strong enough, even if it affects more people, the instinct to survive at a critical moment will prevail.

I used to escape around Southern Border, which is too strong for the enemy.

In fact, Fang Yuan is already an expert in Gu Immortal. The usual Rank 7 Gu Immortal is already able to win without a fight!

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