Wu Yong’s active retreat did not make Fang Yuan and Feng Jiuge happy, but his heart was sinking.

Wu Yong retreats and naturally can move forward.

Fang Yuan and Feng Jiuge hope that Wu Yong will be able to fight with them and fight for the result of your life and death.

But Wu Yong did not do this, but was very sensible and calmly chose to retreat.

He is Rank 8 Righteous Path Gu Immortal, and he has taken the initiative to retreat in the face of two Rank 7 teams.

Once this matter was passed out, Wu Yong’s face was lost a little.

The reason why he didn’t lose it was because he faced Gu Immortal, the famous Feng Jiuge, and Liu Guanyi (Fang Yuan).

Wu Yong needs a lot of courage to do so.

Of course, more is wisdom!

Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move The four sides of the wind were broken down, and Wu Yong suffered an extreme move backlash, which was seriously injured.

But he has Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House and has a battle.

However, after he found that Fei Jiuge had the ability to move and he couldn’t help Fang Yuan, he wisely chose to retreat.

This withdrawal is just right.

It can even be said that it is sharper than the previous fierce attack, and it is all about the seven inches of Fang Yuan and Feng Jiuge.

First of all, Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House only breaks down some corners and is extremely fast.

Fang Yuan and Feng Jiuge are unlikely to pursue Wu Yong. In particular, Fang Yuan’s Superior Heavenly Eagle is also out of his control.

Secondly, Wu Yong has won valuable time and space to allow him to heal himself with ease.

After all, his injury is not light, seriously affecting his own combat capability.

Finally, Wu Yong can also repair the Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House and even add some Gu insect to the Immortal Gu Home. The next time I face Feng Jiuge’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, it will not be so passive.

Wu Yong’s Sound Dao Realm, although common, but his Wind Dao Realm, already reached the level of analogy. It is entirely possible to respond to Wind Dao and try to reduce Feng Jiuge’s ultimate move.

In other words, wait until Wu Yong is chasing again, Fang Yuan and Feng Jiuge are facing, probably the Rank 8 Gu Immortal Wu Yong, and a peak state, Immortal Gu Home, which is specially repaired for Feng Jiuge. Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House !

Wu Yong is advancing and retreating. He does not need to fight with Fang Yuan and Feng Jiuge. He will first withdraw and wait for a better time.

In contrast, Fang Yuan and Feng Jiuge are helpless, completely in a passive state, and can’t take Wu Yong.

Fang Yuan only has Adverse Current Protection Seal, which can get take action, while Feng Jiuge has Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move, but even if there is time to arrange, you can’t hold Wu Yong, because the latter masters Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House.

Strength gap!

Although Fang Yuan and Feng Jiuge have joined forces, there is still a huge gap in strength in the face of Wu Yong.

If it is only Wu Yong nothing more, they both have some hope of winning.

But Wu Yong has the Immortal Gu Home Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House in his hands, and the overall strength has skyrocketed, which makes the two people helpless.

“Fang Yuan, let’s go.” At this time, Feng Jiuge started talking to Fang Yuan.

His tone is very dull.

Fang Yuan’s pupil of the eye can’t help but slightly shrinking.

Feng Jiuge took a deep look at Fang Yuan, expressionless, and then turned slowly and looked at the Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House.

“You saved my life in the past, I will save you once today, and you and I will not owe each other.” Feng Jiuge continued.

Fang Yuan raised her eyebrow slightly: “This is not right. This time, if you don’t help me, I am afraid I have been killed by Wu Yong. You help me, I also helped you, so you still owe me a favor.”

I don’t know if Feng Jiuge’s tone is still faint: “I don’t owe it, it’s peace of mind, naturally it’s not owed. You think you, you have to remember, this time, if I survive, I must aim at you and start chasing, even if You will not let you go to the ends of the earth. You have to be careful.”

“haha.” Fang Yuan couldn’t help laughing heartily.

He thoroughly understood Feng Jiuge’s mind.

Feng Jiuge saved him for the sake of his former life-saving grace. But as the matter stands, contrary to his Righteous Path identity, will also make his wife laugher.

So when Feng Jiuge saved Fang Yuan once, he had to chase Fang Yuan, kill Fang Yuan, prove himself, and consider it for his wife daughter.

“Well, next time you meet, you and me are the enemy of life and death.” Fang Yuan said, open the Immortal Aperture Portal and release Hei Loulan and the others.

Far Ancient Battle Formation Roads Open In All Directions began to spurt.

Feng Jiuge didn’t respond any more. Even he turned his head and looked at Fang Yuan’s movements. He flew directly to Wu Yong.

Fang Yuan If you leave with Roads Open In All Directions, I am afraid that Wu Yong will pursue it. In order to truly pay off Fang Yuan’s life-saving grace, Feng Jiuge took the risk to take the initiative to entangle the Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House.

Finally, at the back of Feng Jiuge’s back, the Far Ancient Battle Formation was launched, with Fang Yuan and three other immortals, disappearing instantly.

I have been watching Fang Yuan and Feng Jiuge’s Wu Yong. When I saw that Fang Yuan suddenly left, I could only smile.

Now he has some regrets about his previous arrangements. If he is not alone, he naturally has the ability to leave both Fang Yuan and Feng Jiuge.

But for the Wu Family’s fame, he worked hard and carefully planned to separate other Southern Border Righteous Path forces, like a giant net, and rushed Fang Yuan and the others to his last line of defense.

It’s not far from the Western Desert.

Fang Yuan escaped at the moment, as long as there is no accident, it is a nail on the board.

“I am careless.”

“I didn’t expect Heavenly Court take action, it’s actually helping Fang Yuan!”

Wu Yong looked at Fei Jiuge who was flying, his eyes were cold and cold.

It’s this guy who broke his own overall plan, damn it!


The talent of the other party, as well as the status, made Wu Yong a little embarrassed.

Killing the value of Feng Jiuge’s is not as good as eating and drinking.

If you kill Feng Jiuge, Wu Yong is a revenge against Heavenly Court and Central Continent. You know that Heavenly Court is the handle of Wu Yihai, the Wu Family of Fang Yuan, in your hands.

But if you are alive and kicking, Wu Yong can rely on this person to negotiate with Central Continent.

In fact, Wu Yong had such an idea before, and if he wanted to kill Feng Jiuge, it would never be the rhythm of the previous offensive.

Wu Yong is not a pure murderer. He is the leader of the superpower. What he wants to consider is not just a battle itself, but also the numerous layers involved in this battle.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Farewell Song !

Feng Jiuge is still a long way from the Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House.

Wu Yong coldly snorted, Immortal Gu Home has been added a lot of Gu insects into it, although the decomposition is still effective, but it has to be weakened a lot.

The fierce battle started again.

Wu Yong quickly gained the upper hand, even though his injuries were still there.

Immortal Gu Home Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House tyrannize , Feng Jiuge can only be guerrilla, dismantled with Farewell Song.

Wu Yong rigorous schemes and deep foresight have already retired, and the second retreat is completely without psychological pressure.

As long as the Immortal Gu Home was decomposed to a certain extent, Wu Yong retired and flew a distance to correct it.

Feng Jiuge’s Farewell Song did not have any killing power. After Gu insect was disintegrated, he was handed and rebuilt by Wu Yong.

The only thing that makes Wu Yong feel a headache is that Immortal Gu Home is not easy to build.

It can be said that this battle has been finalized.

Feng Jiuge can never win.

Perhaps hard to fight, the two sides do not back, Feng Jiuge has some hope of victory.

But unfortunately, Wu Yong is not arrogant and stupid. After playing a few rounds, he also abandoned the dough and Rank 8 dignity.

These are in exchange for his advance and retreat, and will always occupy manipulates in his own hands.

Even the Heaven’s Chosen character like Feng Jiuge can only be crushed by his death, without a chance of victory.

At the same time, at Central Continent Heavenly Court. Fairy Ziwei held the Constellation Chessboard in his hand and looked at the battle on the board. It was the scene of Feng Jiuge and Wu Yong.

“Almost.” Fairy Ziwei whispered in his mouth.

It turns out that Feng Jiuge encounters Fang Yuan and is a star-sized Will of Heaven’s arrangement! Rely on the hands of Heavenly Court, let Feng Jiuge chase Stealing Dao Immortal Gu “Occasional” Fang Yuan.

Even Feng Jiuge itself was left in the dark.

Even Heavenly Court is very ignorant, and I don’t know why the Stars of Will of Heaven is so arranged.

Feng Jiuge’s breath has become weak.

He was wounded and only had one blow.

In contrast, Wu Yong was in the Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House, and the state was intact. Turning the Immortal Gu Home was only broken down some outside.

After the war, he will retreat, retreat and re-enter, and fight again.

The spirituality of man is the head of all things, and Wu Yong’s correct tactics make Feng Jiuge impossible.

“Feng Jiuge, if you are obediently surrender, I can still leave your life, and even send you to Central Continent in the future, and hand it over to Heavenly Court.” Wu Yong indifferently said.

Feng Jiuge lightly smiled : “Wu Yong. If you can take my shot, I will take the initiative to admit defeat. What’s the matter?”

Wu Yong’s face is slightly concealed.

At this moment, Feng Jiuge actually has no means!

“In the past, I became famous and I was recognized by Rank 8 Gu Immortal. I think I have Rank 8 battle strength because of this trick. And see my seventh song.”

“And slow, Feng Jiuge.” Just then, two figures suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

All are Rank 8 breath.

Gu Immortal from Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects!

“Well?” Wu Yong was amazed, and there was still a secret in Heavenly Court, which was a bit beyond his expectations.

When he wants to come, if there is such a secret hand, why didn’t he start it before?

“Would it be that it was just arrived?” Wu Yong guessed.

While thinking about it, Wu Yong sneered: “Central Continent’s people, you are here, I am having something to say to you! You not only snatched many Immortal Gus from my Southern Border Righteous Path, but your people even returned Cover the devil!”

Wu Yong is not afraid.

He has the Immortal Gu Home bodyguard and other Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal is coming to support.

But I know that these two Central Continent Gu Immortal are also well prepared.

A Human Dao: “You and I are two sides, but they belong to two domains, but they are all people in the Righteous Path. They naturally want to same qi, connected branch. Before Immortal Gu was taken, it was only because of fear that these Gu insects suffered from the magic hand. These Immortal Gu, I have already prepared, and now I can return these to the original owner.”

“Oh?” Wu Yong astonished.

The other person said: “As for the cover of the devil, this is your own account. Feng Jiuge, you are willing to swear to accept the Heavenly Court command, killing Fang Yuan for life, do not take his life in one day, do not return it in one day?”

Feng Jiuge was silent and spoke.

“I am willing.”

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