Whether it is Shaoqing Fengsui, Zhengqing Bilei, or Yuqing Drip, Xuan Qing Xianyin, the essence of these changes are Wind Dao.

Apparently, the Wu Family ancestor who created this Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move has grown to a touch-off point, extending from Wind Dao, involving Sword Dao, Thunder Dao, Water Dao and Sound Dao.

Wu Yong used this trick, it really is very effective, playing Fang Yuan helpless, Feng Jiuge is in danger.

The mysterious sounds of Xuan Qing became more and more dense, and the music of Feng Jiuge was suppressed almost inaudible.

Fang Yuan has no choice.

There are a lot of Immortal Gu on his body, Desolate Beast, Far Ancient Desolate Beast, etc. There are many Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves, but in the face of Rank 8 Gu Immortal Wu Yong, these things are mixed and not perfect, the level is not enough, can’t get on mesa.

Only Adverse Current Protection Seal can be regarded as the unbeaten of Fang Yuan. Unfortunately, this trump card can not solve the immediate crisis.

The brighter and brighter sounds of Xuan Qing are more and more loud, and the inverse Immortal Clothes on Fang Yuan are oscillating. The Adverse Current River is constantly cutting and the speed is fast, which makes Fang Yuan look at it.

Fang Yuan is more worried about Feng Jiuge.

The bright red blood spilled from Feng Jiuge’s nose, mouth, and corners of the eyes.

His body trembles and is getting bigger and bigger.

“Oops! Going this way, Feng Jiuge’s brewing ultimate move was interrupted, must be backlash, and then seriously injured. If you count Wu Yong’s offensive, even death on the spot is possible.”

Fang Yuan understands this, but she can’t help.

Of course he is not worried about Feng Jiuge, but Feng Jiuge is dead, he will face Wu Yong.

In the future, even if the lock-up effect disappears, Fang Yuan can use Roads Open In All Directions again. In the face of Wu Yong, he has few opportunities to speak.

However, just as the situation gradually tilted toward Wu Yong, Feng Jiuge suddenly spits out one mouthful of impure air and the whole person relaxed.

Then, his body quickly rose to a unique atmosphere.

Feng Jiuge slowly opened his mouth and began to utter a faint song from his mouth.

This tone is not high at all, low but weak but but clearly penetrated into the ears of Fang Yuan and Wu Yong.

Then the song was a little bigger, like a low-pitched voice, and it seemed to be a nightmare on a quiet night.

An angry emotion has risen from the heart of Wu Yong.

Wu Yong’s face suddenly changed!

He is covered with Immortal Rank protection, which can be described as wrap up, and the defense is outstanding, but when he hears the song, these protections are virtually ineffective, allowing the song to evoke his inner feelings.

Fang Yuan’s face has also changed.

Although he did not produce any emotions, the surface of the counter-current Immortal Clothes is a sturdy and huge ripple.

This kind of battle is actually more serious than the previous attack by Xuan Qing Xianyin!

“Good guy, this Sound Dao ultimate move is extraordinary! It’s the power of a net, I’m also involved, or farther away from Feng Jiuge.” Fang Yuan quickly pulled away.

This is not only for himself, but for Feng Jiuge.

Wu Yong also made this choice. He retreated more thoroughly, and once again hidden the figure and disappeared.

Can retreat, this is the advantage of occupying a vulnerable location.

And the entire Immortal Dao battlefield, the offensive is more urgent, more fierce. Xuan Qing Xianyin, Shaoqing Fengsui, Yuqing Drip, Zhengqing Bilei, four variations appear together, covering Feng Jiuge layer by layer.

Feng Jiuge Regardless of his disregard, he used his body to resist all kinds of offensives. He did not stop and his singing continued.

The song is just a pure tone, but there is the infinite profound mystery of Sound Dao.

The singing voice is gradually rising, but it is not flying in the sky, but it is turning soft and soft, and it is round and round, and it rises alternately.

Emotions are constantly entangled in Wu Yong’s mind, making him even more suspicious.

“What exactly is this Sound Dao ultimate move? What is the power?”

The song suddenly fell down, the incomparable depression and sadness, attacking Wu Yong’s heart, let him have a tearful impulse!

Involuntarily, Wu Yong thought of a word – parting.

Parting pain, parting grief, parting depression, parting.

The breakup with the lover, and the friend’s disappearance, and the love and death of the loved ones.

Don’t leave, the past is still.

Don’t leave, so people wave.

Don’t leave, the setting sun shines.

Don’t leave, it is also sad.

The songs are sometimes earnest, such as accusing the injustice of fate, sometimes grievances, like questioning the cruelty of reality, sometimes grief and indignation, like whispering in the heart, sometimes falling down, crying without tears, tears in the heart.


Wu Yong suddenly shook his body and spit out a mouthful of blood.

His face showed an incredible expression, because in his perception, he was shocked to discover that his own Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move was in a state of disintegration!

The Gu insect that made up this Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move didn’t destroy any one because of the song, even the mortal gu.

Of course, Fang Yuan’s counter-reversal of counter-current Immortal Clothes naturally caused the damage of Gu insect, but Wu Yong also repaired it at the same time. This is harmless.

To Wu Yong’s surprise, these Gu insects, which constitute Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move, were not damaged at all, but they were not controlled by them and began to separate from each other, unwilling to cooperate and operate.

Absolutely disgraceful ? !

1~2 Gu insect’s coordination disorder, so long as isn’t ultimate move core, not a thing.

Part of the Gu insect is destroyed, so long as isn’t core, still can maintain the situation.

But now, all the Gu insects are separated from each other and must be withdrawn. Wu Yong simply does not live.

The culprit of all is the song, Feng Jiuge.

Soon, Fang Yuan also saw the clue. He detected that the entire battlefield was separating and was disintegrating.

Fang Yuan is naturally amazed at heart.

Wu Yong didn’t know what it was, and wanted to revoke the Battlefield Ultimate Move, but it was too late.

a moment later, the entire battlefield collapses, three immortals see the clear sky, tomorrow’s white clouds.

Wu Yong squirted a mouthful of blood, pale complexion, revealing figure, smashing back and suffering.

Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move is not the same as gu formation, gu formation is destroyed, and Gu Immortal backlash is often not serious. But Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move is broken and backlash is usually heavy.

The stronger the power of the ultimate move, the greater the damage from the backlash.

Four clear four winds!

This is the Southern Border’s superultimate move of the Wu Family town. The formidable power is absolutely extinct. At this moment, it is cracked, and the backlash brought to Wu Yong is extremely violent.

“Good ultimate move! What is the name of this move?” Wu Yong asked Feng Jiuge with his eyes.

Feng Jiuge didn’t answer him, but he still sang.

Wu Yong’s face changed again. At this moment, he couldn’t help but take out the Immortal Gu Home Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House.

The Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home carries Wu Yong and provides strong protection so that Wu Yong can take care of it.

The problem of consumption of immortal essence is no longer a major problem.

Wu Yong had to do this.

But soon, the fact that surprised him happened again.

The entire Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House, even under the influence of the song, began to make a fuss, there is a tendency to break down the separation.

This is dignified Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home !

It seems that Feng Jiuge’s ultimate move is definitely the Rank 8 level.

Wu Yong sees this, his eyes burst out of the savage man, and then he can not heal the injury, directly urging Immortal Gu Home to hit Feng Jiuge.

Immortal Gu Home has no weak point, but is the peak of Formation Dao. Immortal Gu Home is rampant and has always been on the battlefield.

This is not only the fact of the history of the Human Race in the past, but also the normal life of Fang Yuan’s five hundred years of previous life.

Of course, every Immortal Gu Home has its own strengths.

For example, Hei Family’s Black Prison can domesticate Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

For example, the thirty-three-day temple in White Phase’s Celestial Grotto is an Immortal Gu Home. The defense is excellent, and the best is to store immortal materials. But unfortunately, the thirty-three-day temple, just a broken Immortal Gu Home, has been hit hard and has lost its mobility.

Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House naturally has an extreme move, but Wu Yong hits Feng Jiuge directly at this time, which is also a wise move.

After all, it takes time to push the ultimate move.

Rampage is the least time consuming and most direct.

Feng Jiuge made the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, although the effect of the power is amazing, but it seems that it can not leave the place, it seems that only passive beating.

This is flawed, and the ready is seen in the heart of Fang Yuan and Wu Yong.

Feng Jiuge’s defenses have also been weakened to the bottom of the valley. At this time, if it is hit by Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House, it will definitely be the tragic end of a muddy mud.

Between dangers, Fang Yuan can’t sit idly by. Wu Yong solved Feng Jiuge and the next one was his turn.

Now that the lock is ultimate move, it has not yet expired, and Fang Yuan is fighting again, only on the way forward of Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House.

Fang Yuan couldn’t motivate the Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal. His greater part was to maintain the Adverse Current Protection Seal. He had to turn his arms and hands into Dragon Claw, cover the Dragon Scale, and then push the Rank 7 Dragon Strength Immortal Gu.

These Immortal Gus are all borrowed from the Wu Family, but they are used against Wu Yong.

Wu Yong met, the chest was stuffy, and the immortal essence was instilled into Immortal Gu Home.


The two sides slammed together and there was no accident. Fang Yuan was directly hit.

His power is not as good as that of Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House, like a cannonball.

However, he has no injuries at all. Because the Adverse Current Protection Seal is really good.

Instead, Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House lost a lot of mortal gu after the collision.

With this gap, Feng Jiuge’s singing is more effective.

Wu Yong seized the opportunity to continue to push Immortal Gu Home and slammed into Feng Jiuge. At the same time, he began to separate the greater part of the mind, to promote the ultimate move of Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House.

Shortly Immortal Gu Home is about to hit Feng Jiuge, and Fang Yuan can’t help it.

But at this moment, Feng Jiuge suddenly pulled out and flew into the sky.

Wu Yong rushed an empty, full face surprised and angry. Feng Jiuge clearly can leave and mobility, the original is just an illusion, it is Feng Jiuge deliberately showing the enemy weak!

The singing continues, and Immortal Gu Home Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House begins to break down.

From the appearance of appearance, it seems to be a two-story hanging bamboo house. Although it is the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home, it uses a small amount of Gu insect. Unlike the palaces, the larger the Immortal Gu Home, the larger the number of Gu insects.

In total, with so many Gu insects, Feng Jiuge’s singing is more effective.

First, the bamboo of one root begins to be discrete, and the bamboo on the edge is directly separated from the body of Immortal Gu Home.

Of course, these bamboos are not really bamboo. Soon, the strong bamboo stalks that are separated from the main body emit a brilliant brilliance and are broken down into countless small Gu insects.

Wu Yong looks like gloomy like water.

The situation is very bad for him!

At this time, Fang Yuan arrived again.

Wu Yong coldly snorted, staring at Fang Yuan and Feng Jiuge looking deeply, then he mobilized Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House and suddenly flew.

In a short while, Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House has been evacuated from the battlefield and become a little black spot on the horizon.

He actually took the initiative to withdraw!

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