A middle aged Gu Immortal appeared in front of Fang Yuan and Wu Yong.

He was a red and white alternating robes, tall and straight, like a sword. Sword Eyebrow enters the scorpion, and the eyes contain a divine glow. His mouth is slightly gentle and smiling, but the wind is flowing but it is not high-spirited.

But at the moment, his face was a touch of color.

It is the famous Central Continent Gu Immortal, the pillar of the Spiritual Fate House, the Sound Dao Rank 7, the Feng Jiuge of the ability to fight Rank 8!

How did he appear here?

Wu Yong and Fang Yuan are inevitably surprised.

Feng Jiuge’s looks and deeds, already spread throughout the Five Regions. So although Wu Yong was only the first to see Feng Jiuge, he quickly recognized Feng Jiuge.

After all, Rank 7 Gu Immortal is able to fight for Rank 8. This is the perfect generation of Heaven’s Chosen for thousands of years!

If it is not Fang Yuan’s other identity, Liu Guanyi, Feng Jiuge may still be the leader.

The amazement of Wu Yong’s face quickly converges. He sneers at Feng Jiuge: “Central Continent’s Gu Immortal, actually dare to appear in front of me. Very good, very good!”

Heavenly Court took the most profit from the Dream World War, taking away many of the Immortal Gus of the Southern Border Righteous Path.

At this time, Feng Jiuge was affected by the incident and caused the hostility of Wu Yong.

Fang Yuan’s eyes are also condensed on Feng Jiuge’s.

This is not the first time he has seen Feng Jiuge.

Five hundred years of previous life, he is ready to put Feng Jiuge’s appearance, imprinted in the bottom of my heart. No way, Feng Jiuge’s brilliance broke out in the Five Regions, even the usual Rank 8 Gu Immortal. Unfortunately, he eventually died in the Langya Blessed Land.

His death directly caused an uproar, which made Central Continent turbulent and made the other four domains rejoice.

Born to this world, Fang Yuan also met Feng Jiuge.

In the strange space of Heavenly Thief True Inheritance in the Unrestrained Valley, Fang Yuan saved Feng Jiuge’s life under the sorrow.

Originally he would be due to Qin Baisheng’s suicide attack, and fall in the strange space of Heavenly Thief True Inheritance. But after Fang Yuan was born again, it changed everything.

From this point of view, although Fang Yuan is unintentional, he is indeed Feng Jiuge’s savior.

But what about the savior?

On this world, repaying kindness with enmity is still less?

Fang Yuan stares at Feng Jiuge, dare not have the slightest care, coldly shouted: “Feng Jiuge, are you the Heavenly Court arrangement, slamming me?”

Feng Jiuge looked at Wu Yong and then fixed his eyes on Fang Yuan’s body.

Once again, I saw Fang Yuan. Under such circumstances, Feng Jiuge was filled with emotion.

Fang Yuan’s progress is too fast!

For the first time, when Feng Jiuge knew about Fang Yuan’s, the latter was just robbed of Feng Jinhuang and became the new owner of Fox Immortal Blessed Land’s.

Feng Jiuge knows Fang Yuan’s name because of her daughter relationship.

But he is not at all concerned.


Because at that time, Fang Yuan was just a mortal. The immortal and mortal generations, like Heaven and Earth Cloud Soil, are not a level of life at all. It can even be said that it can attract dignified Gu Immortal Feng Jiuge’s attention, which is already a mortal Fang Yuan’s glory.

But afterwards, things developed beyond Feng Jiuge’s expectations.

Fang Yuan has made a big case, and it has repeatedly been a disaster. His identity has been exposed. Demon from Beyond The Heavens has Spring and Autumn Cicada. He also inherits Ju Yang True Inheritance and so on. In particular, Fang Yuan’s progressed too fast, from the mortal to the immortal, and then became the expert in Gu Immortal, as if it were Overnight.

How many times Gu Immortal has worked hard for countless years has failed to achieve such results.

But it seems that Fang Yuan is reachable with no difficulty.

When he first met, Feng Jiuge was saved by Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan inherited the Unknown to Ghosts, one of Heavenly Thief True Inheritance, and then the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Fang Yuan played a pivotal role.

“I didn’t expect Liu Guanyi to be Fang Yuan. Grand Era is coming, heroes are coming out, and Fang Yuan is the most shining one at the moment.” Once again, seeing Fang Yuan, Feng Jiuge looked at his heart while also doing it in his heart. Evaluation.

At the same time, he spoke with a hint of a bitter smile: “I came from Central Continent all the way, just to chase the Immortal Gu that had been used by Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable. I didn’t want to accidentally bump into it.”

“So, he is not a person sent by Heavenly Court?” Fang Yuan suddenly frowned.

According to Feng Jiuge’s temperament and acting style, he does not need to swindle Fang Yuan at this juncture.

Wu Yong didn’t believe it, he sneered: “I didn’t expect Feng Jiuge to have a false side. When I cast Battlefield Ultimate Move, if you don’t want to mix it, you can easily retreat and not be included in the battlefield. ”

Feng Jiuge nodded: “right. I came in actively. This is because I owe Fang Yuan a life. If I didn’t bump, I still have that’s all. If I bumped into it, I have to take action to help.”

“What?” Wu Yong was shocked.

Fang Yuan also listened to became dazed.

Wu Yong asked in disbelief: “I just didn’t get it wrong? You owe him a life, so you want to help him? Hahaha.”

Wu Yong laughed.

Feng Jiuge is a Central Continent Gu Immortal, 10 Great Ancient Sects, who thinks he will be a member of Heavenly Court in the future.

He actually wants to save Fang Yuan.

Who is Fang Yuan? Demon from Beyond The Heavens, the top devil thief on the Heavenly Court Demon Execution List.

Feng Jiuge actually wants to take action to help him?

This is a big joke.

Not only is Wu Yong laughing, but even Feng Jiuge’s smile on his lips is full.

Wu Yong saw Feng Jiuge’s smile, his laughter gradually stopped, his face gradually turned serious.

He knows.

Feng Jiuge is serious!

This person is crazy! !

A Righteous Path Gu Immortal, take action to help a Demonic Path thief.

Feng Jiuge is an unusual Roundeous Path Gu Immortal. He is the superstar of Righteous Path. Although he only has the Rank 7 cultivation base, the world has regarded him as a Great Expert of the prospective Rank 8. His reputation in Central Continent and even the Five Regions is enormous.

Fang Yuan is also not a common Demonic Path person. Over the years, the whole world has counted his limelight the most! He is the complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens, with Spring and Autumn Cicada, Adverse Current River…Ju Yang True Inheritance, Heavenly Thief True Inheritance…, under the eyelid of Central Continent Ten Great Sects, he snatched Fox Immortal Blessed Land. He smashed the 88 Floors True Yang Building in Northern Plains, and he came to the Southern Border, defeating Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s and robbing the fruits of victory. Recently he has successfully mixed into the Wu Family, after the dream battle, become the owner of Shadow Sect!

Feng Jiuge Want to take action to help people like Fang Yuan?

Wu Yong is also Righteous Path Gu Immortal. This kind of thing, he thinks about it, even if Fang Yuan saved his life, let him take action to help Fang Yuan, how much pressure!

This pressure is not only from his camp, but also from his wife and children, his sect, Central Continent’s Heavenly Court, and even Gu Immortal throughout the world.

“No! Feng Jiuge this person, unlike me. He is not a right-looking Righteous Path. He was Demonic Path Gu Immortal in his early years.” Wu Yong suddenly thought of it.

“Demonic Path thief, really crazy, difficult to understand!” Wu Yong was angry.

Fang Yuan is reminded of the life of Feng Jiuge’s.

Feng Jiuge In the early years, it was just a hidden cultivator that was very inconspicuous and had no fame at all.

He specializes in Sound Dao and is determined to bet on his life.

On one occasion, he sang in the nameless small mountain valley, attracting two other Gu Immortals.

At that time, it was at night, the moon was high, and the breeze was blowing, blowing a small lake in the valley.

Three Gu Immortals sang between the time, the time passed by, and even sang to the dawn.

The three immortals sang and laughed. But not to face, to return.

A few years later, Feng Jiuge knew the names and origins of the two. At the time, Central Continent Gu Immortal World rumored that the two men snatched a Rank 7 Immortal Gu from Black Heaven Temple, which is Demonic Path Gu Immortal, and was being pursued by Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects.

Feng Jiuge will leave for help.

The two Gu Immortals were desperate, and they were rebellious. When they saw Feng Jiuge, they were both moved and strange. Why did Feng Jiuge do this?

Feng Jiuge said: “A few years ago, I sang with two, I sang the moon, two Fellow Immortal sang the green hills and sang the white lake. The breeze and the moon, the self-consciousness. Can sing such a song, how could it be that Immortal Gu’s Littleman? I believe in two Fellow Immortal.”

The two men are crying that, and they are moved to tears.

A Human Dao: “Fellow Immortal knows me. This is the Rank 7 Immortal Gu. It was my two who inherited from a True Inheritance. I don’t want to be told by Black Heaven Temple. Black Heaven Temple is Righteous Path 10 Great. One of Ancient Sects, what it says, is not to be unbelievable.”

The other person advised Feng Jiuge: “Fellow Immortal, you and me are just a song, and you have a good life. I am bothered to kill myself, and I have no luck. I hope that Fellow Immortal will go quickly.”

Feng Jiuge shook his head and insisted on leaving help.

Two immortals said: “Fellow Immortal, if you don’t leave, I am afraid I will be accused of being a devil.”

Feng Jiuge laughed: “demonic not demonic, righteous not righteous, Heaven and Earth own Feng Jiuge. Can’t leave, stay and stay, life and death are in my heart.”

Both immortals feel the same and admire, they are moving and crying.

Feng Jiuge’s poems were not famous at the time. But then, he beat Gu Immortal of Black Heaven Temple, three times and five times, and time after time wins, things get bigger and bigger.

The rest of Nine Great Ancient Sects heard about it and expressed their support for Black Heaven Temple.

Feng Jiuge simply threatened to challenge Central Continent and walk the world.

Ten Sects sent people to deuel, and they lost their battles in succession.

Feng Jiuge was not afraid, all the way to three 10 Million Li, suddenly turned vanguard, directly attack the root of the problem, the Ten Great Sects head and face filthy with grime, a mess, helpless.

In the end, Spiritual Fate House take action, the contemporary fairy Bai Qing, influenced Fei Jiuge with emotion and made him a member of the Spiritual Fate House.

In the past, Feng Jiuge could be a song for one time, to help the two strange Gu Immortal. It was turned into a Demonic Path thief.

So now, why can’t Feng Jiuge help Fang Yuan?

In particular, Fang Yuan is still his savior!

The former Feng Jiuge is still the current Feng Jiuge.

Fang Yuan suddenly understood the sigh before Feng Jiuge.

Feng Jiuge has long wanted to take action and help Fang Yuan. But also consider the wife and daughter, as well as their own situation. I am afraid that at the time, he intended to take action in secret.

Unfortunately, his whereabouts were smashed by Wu Yong.

This made Feng Jiuge have to make a choice.

Just like the choice he made.

He made the same decision.

Demonic not demonic , righteous not righteous , Heaven and Earth own Feng Jiuge.

I can’t walk, I don’t stay, my life and death are in my heart.

Demonic Path, Righteous Path, these two camps, two identities, can not bind me Feng Jiuge!

Going or staying, for my Feng Jiuge, it’s my heart’s death, leaving me to be my heart.

Everything depends on the heart.

I am who I am.

I am Feng Jiuge.


Ps: This chapter is a bit difficult to write, and has been modified twice.

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