“Hahaha. (?(Wu” Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move, Wu Yong laughed loudly.

In laughter, full of angry intent.

Obviously, he was very angry with Feng Jiuge to help Fang Yuan.

“it is good.”


“Although both of you are only Rank 7 Gu Immortal, you have the Rank 8 battle strength.”

“I will teach you today, what kind of skill are you guys!”

Rank 8 Gu Immortal’s pride and confidence make Wu Yong’s killing intent more full and rich.

He never believes he will lose.

What if one against two?

His Wu Yong is Rank 8 Gu Immortal, while the other two are not in the area of ​​Rank 7.

The gap between Rank 7 and Rank 8 can easily be crossed?

What’s more, he also has an Immortal Gu Home in hand.

Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home !

Rank 8 Gu Immortal plus Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home, how can you lose?

Wu Yong can’t think of the reason why he will fail.

After the war, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Feng Jiuge slowly drifted to Wu Yong, and did not return to Fang Yuan. “You have saved my life, now I still have a life. Now you have a grudge, you go, can you break through here, to Escape, it depends on your own creation.”

Fang Yuan astonished.

Looking at it like this, Feng Jiuge didn’t even want him to join hands, but wanted to fight alone Wu Yong!

“Good.” Fang Yuan immediately retreated to the corner.

What kind of person is he?

How could it be cheaper to take it?

Seeing Feng Jiuge alone, facing himself, Wu Yong flashed a glimpse of his heart, started talking: “Well, let me know the long-time Central Continent Heaven’s Chosen.”

As he said, he took the initiative to put away the Immortal Gu Home Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House.

This Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home is his trump card.

Constructed by several Rank 8 Immortal Gu structures, the immortal essence consumed is naturally extraordinary. Wu Yong had been urging for a long time in order to catch up with Fang Yuan.

This time, Wu Yong took the initiative to include Immortal Gu Home in Immortal Aperture.

It’s like the unstretched Divine Sword, the opponent never knows when Wu Yong will use this trump card, and his heart will be taboo and pressure.

At the same time, it also shows Wu Yong’s confidence and pride.

He is willing to play against Feng Jiuge alone.

Fighting intent Energetic, eager to try!

Wu Yong suddenly got out of the wind and suddenly fell.

Feng Jiuge and Fang Yuan are all looking at each other.

This is Wu Yong’s exhibition of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

So fast!

Moreover, the previous breath converges to the extreme, whether it is Feng Jiuge or Fang Yuan, there is no slightest awareness.

Feng Jiuge quickly retreated and carefully opened his distance from Wu Yong.

In the face of Rank 8 Gu Immortal, how dare you care?

Especially Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, if you don’t try it out, you will be rampant, it is definitely a cowardly act.

The wind fading, turning into a breeze, the breeze whirls, and in a blink of an eye, it condenses into a huge image of each and every one.

They are like human beings, but they are tall and mighty, huge and powerful, with muscles and muscles. It has a black and blue color, and has a fang in the mouth. A pair of monster arm is as thick as a column and falls to the sole of the foot. The whole body is up and down, full of green hair, and the eyes are all black and black.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is just as soft and windy!

Wu Yong made a move and made six heads.

There are some screams in the wind, and the sound of the wind of hu hu, some screams, almost pierce the eardrum of people.

They are divided into two roads, all the way to the top of the wind, not only to Feng Jiuge, but also missed Fang Yuan.

Feng Jiuge wants to fight Wu Yong, Wu Yong has his own pride, wants to fight against each other, and both Feng Jiuge and Fang Yuan are cleaned up.

Feng Jiuge saw the appearance of the ultimate move, and his eyes flashed a slap in the face. He did not retreat in the slightest.

Dāng dāng dāng !

Every time he takes a shot, there will be a melodious sound of the Yellow Clock.

The sound wave oscillated and hit the six-headed soft-skinned body.

The rigid and violent wind was originally aggressive, and was beaten by Feng Jiuge’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. It was also back and forth, and some were hard to resist, and the posture was to be defeated!

Such a scene, seeing Fang Yuan, Wu Yong are all pupils miniature.

They are all shocked.

Feng Jiuge is just the Rank 7 cultivation base, but the power of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is not lost to Wu Yong.

Whether it is Fang Yuan or Wu Yong, it is all because Feng Jiuge has extremely strong Sound Dao’s Dao Marks.

His Sound Dao’s Dao Marks has accumulated so much, and it is comparable to Wu Yong!

How is this practiced? !

Fang Yuan is far away from the battle, and she is shocked.

He was able to play against Rank 8 because of the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Adverse Current Protection Seal. But Feng Jiuge can compete with Rank 8 because he has an extremely powerful Sound Dao background.

In comparison between the two, it is natural that Fang Yuan is much weaker than Feng Jiuge.

“How exactly is this Feng Jiuge cultivation? There is such a background, no wonder he was able to fight against Central Continent Ten Great Sects and have confidence to deal with Wu Yong!”

“Does he really have such a background, or is it a kind of emergency means that can’t last?”

Fang Yuan thought again and again.

Of course, his most important mind is still placed on Wu Yong’s Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move, and the ultimate move lock wind, constantly analyzing and deducing.

At the same time, several Shadow Sect Gu Immortal in his Immortal Aperture are also working on it.

Pā pā pā !

Wu Yong sees the softness and ignorance, and then pushes another ultimate move.

In his hand, holding a slender wind whip, continually whipping.

The wind whip seems to have an infinite length, shrinking at any time, beating it out, hitting the pierce space with each hit, and making a clear sound.

Feng Jiuge does not show weakness, the left hand clap the palm, deal with the rigid and soft wind, the right hand is a fist, against the wind whip.

He swung the air with his left palm, and each palm was accompanied by the melodious bell sound of Yellow Clock.

He hit the front with his right fist, and every punch would burst into a thunderous drum-like roar.

Dāng dāng dāng ……

Hōng hōng hōng ……

For a time, Feng Jiuge actually attacked Wu Yong, playing well and not in the slightest.

I almost looked at Fang Yuan.

The reason for most important is that Feng Jiuge’s Dao Marks does not lose to Rank 8 Gu Immortal Wu Yong.

How he cultivated, which is contrary to Gu Immortal World’s cultivation!

You know, the biggest difference between Rank 8 Gu Immortal and Rank 7 is the amount of Dao Marks in each other.

One Earthly Disaster, on average, brings two hundred and fifty Dao Marks to Gu Immortal.

One Heavenly Tribulation is seven hundred and fifty.

One Vast Tribulation, with 7,250 Dao Marks.

A Myriad Tribulation is 80,000 6,750 Dao Marks.

Between Rank 7 Gu Immortal and Rank 8, Dao Marks often differ greatly. Between Rank 9 Gu Immortal and Rank 8, the gap is like heaven and earth.

This is one of the main reasons why Rank 9 unrivaled beneath the heavens, Rank 8 Gu Immortal, and most of them will crush Rank 7.

Gu Immortal cultivation The more the level of growth of Dao Marks is explosive, it is hard to imagine.

Although everyone knows it, it is too difficult to start from this aspect.

Rank 8 Gu Immortal itself means that the number and quality of transcends tribulation is higher than Rank 7.

In the period of Rank 7, it was almost impossible to implement the Rao Marks background of Rank 8 Gu Immortal. Otherwise, Gu Immortal World has long been an example of Rank 7 against Rank 8, and it is everywhere.

But Feng Jiuge is forcibly achieved.

“If he temporarily explodes, the number of Dao Marks skyrockets, it is easy to accept. If there are so many Dao Marks accumulated, it is too terrifying!” Fang Yuan looked at the battle and commented in his heart.

Wu Yong sees that Feng Jiuge can be tied with himself, but he is not angry and angry, but his expression is more calm.

“it is good.”

“It’s Feng Jiuge.”

“So, next, how about picking me up?”

Said, Wu Yong reached for a finger.

His fingertips are far away from Feng Jiuge.

Ding dong is a loud noise.

A blue ink bug, flying from his fingertips.

The bug is extremely fast, and it rushes straight to Fei Jiuge.

On the way to the flight, it suddenly rose and the body swelled, one foot, five feet, one foot, five feet, fifteen feet!

A few breaths of time, it turned into a 22-foot fierce dragon, baring fangs and brandishing claws, there is a fierce momentum to engulf Feng Jiuge into the abdomen.

It is Wu Yongtal’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Finger Wind Dragon!

Feng Jiuge Seeing this, the pupil is slightly shrunk, and then the body is electro-radiated and blasts backwards!

Finger Wind Dragon’s power is fierce, Feng Jiuge is difficult to smash its edge, had to choose to retreat, pull distance, and guerrilla.

no way.

Because of Wu Yong’s Finger Wind Dragon ultimate move, it is based on the Rank 8 Immortal Gu.

Feng Jiuge’s Dao Marks accumulated, similar to Wu Yong, the gap is small. But he doesn’t have Rank 8 Immortal Gu in hand.

Now Wu Yong uses the Rank 8 ultimate move Finger Wind Dragon, and the formidable power is great. It is difficult for Feng Jiuge to fight against the ultimate move with the core of Rank 7 Immortal Gu.

Or, you can only exchange quality for quantity.

Feng Jiuge is the idea of ​​playing.

As he stepped back, he continued to punch out, using the time after time of the Rank 7 ultimate move, after stacking the number, try to weaken the Finger Wind Dragon until it consumes near exhausted.

But this kind of thing will undoubtedly make Fei Jiuge’s Rank 7 Red Jujube Immortal Essence consume drastically!

In contrast, Wu Yong, who owns the White Lychee Immortal Essence, which is unique to Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Immortal essence In this respect, Feng Jiuge is much weaker than Wu Yong.

Rank 8 Gu Immortal is better than Rank 7, not just Dao Marks, but also superior to Rank 7 in other respects. Immortal essence is just one example of nothing more.

Wu Yong used Finger Wind Dragon to immediately break the previous tie and push Feng Jiuge into the wind.

“This ultimate move is dangerous. I can feel the amount of violence that it has with the body, and never let it be close!”

Feng Jiuge is extraordinary in the heart.

Wu Yong is indeed on this move, there is still one, it is Chaotic Bullet Edge.

Once this trick is used, the entire Finger Wind Dragon will self-exploding and become a boundless jade blade. Formidable power is extraordinary, once established in the Purple Blood Creates River Formation.

Feng Jiuge is the first time to see this Finger Wind Dragon, but with his rich combat experience and wisdom intuition, vaguely aware of Wu Yong’s backhand.

However, this time, although Feng Jiuge is free from danger, it has also made Feng Jiuge passive.

He can only continue to retreat, and the slamming weakens Finger Wind Dragon.

As a result , Wu Yong has plenty of opportunities and time to brew the new Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

This is very dangerous.

Feng Jiuge also knows this, but unfortunately, Finger Wind Dragon is extremely fast, and the pressure brought to him is very great. Together with the six rigid winds, Feng Jiuge can hardly take care of this aspect of Wu Yong. It is.

“Trouble!” Feng Jiuge’s brow began to wrinkle.

If this continues, the situation will be more unfavorable to him.

Once Wu Yong ushers in the next Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, it will definitely make the situation facing Feng Jiuge even worse.

But just in a moment later, suddenly a silhouette of the electric came, suddenly involved in the battlefield!


Finger Wind Dragon hits directly on Fang Yuan’s body.

Then, it was bounced back by the Adverse Current Protection Seal.

Finger Wind Dragon, which plagued Feng Jiuge, screamed and went back to Wu Yong backlash.

Wu Yong, who is still brewing the ultimate move, has a brow!

“A good move for Adverse Current Protection Seal!” This time it was Feng Jiuge’s turn to look at Fang Yuan.

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