“Lock the wind?!”

“When did we get this ultimate move?”

“Not at all!!”

Shadow Sect is amazing.

This is how the ultimate move is, they have not found it from beginning to end. If you don’t use Far Ancient Battle Formation Roads Open In All Directions, the facts are in front of you. Otherwise, if you listen to Wu Yong, I am afraid everyone will think that Wu Yong is bluffing!

Never underestimate the means of a Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Although Wu Yong is not very senior, even in Southern Border Gu Immortal World, the rank of seniority is lower than that of other Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

However, his family studies have inherited the legacy of Wu Duxiu, so the means are extremely rich.

Fang Yuan brows wrinkles!

“How does this lock move, how does it work?”

“How long does it last?”

“How to find this flaw and target it?”

His mind is tumbling over the waves, and the thoughts are one after another. These problems are bothering him. The key is to solve them as soon as possible and to live with them.

Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House is approaching, Wu Yong’s laughter is coming, he obviously will not give Fang Yuan enough time to think.

The situation is extremely urgent and requires Fang Yuan to make a decision immediately.

He thought for a moment and immediately ordered the others: “You all enter my Immortal Aperture!”

“What do you mean?”

“You are too weak, play against Rank 8 Gu Immortal, as if directly to die. It is better to enter my Immortal Aperture, take the time to study the lock, and think of restraint as soon as possible!” Fang Yuan bluntly, immediately open the Immortal Aperture Portal.

Look at each other in dismay.

But soon, Hei Loulan got the first one. It is natural to not die. Hei Loulan just worried that Fang Yuan would use her covenant to let her meet Wu Yong, take the initiative to die, and delay the time for Fang Yuan to escape. As a result, Fang Yuan chose to do so.

Fairy Euphony and Black Vine hesitated, and they all followed closely from behind.

They have achieved success with Purple Mountain True Monarch’s True Inheritance and are now members of the Shadow Sect. But for Fang Yuan’s recognition, it is mainly because Fang Yuan is the owner of Shadow Sect.

Bai Ningbing stayed in the end.

Of course, she does not care about Fang Yuan, but looks at towards Wu Yong’s gaze with a hint of eagerness to try.

Bai Ningbing Pursuing a wonderful life is like Fang Yuan’s pursuit of Eternal Life. This kind of feeling is hot and even crazy.

“You don’t want to think about it, even if you have White Phase, Wu Yong wants to kill you into slag in a flash, it is also with no difficulty.” Fang Yuan is anxious.

Bai Ningbing coldly snorted, after all, stepped forward and stepped into the Paragon Immortal Aperture’s portal.

Fang Yuan quickly closed the Immortal Aperture Portal, and then screamed at the Superior Heavenly Eagle at the foot, killing it.

Wu Yong’s sigh clearly came from behind: “Fang Yuan, you are also an illustrious individual, and there are means to pretend to be Wu Yihai, lurking in my Wu Family a long time. You are daring, it is a major event. Unfortunately, unfortunately, if you are a real Wu Yihai, how good.”

Wu Yong’s sigh is really sincere, he still cherishes it.

Fang Yuan fled in front and Wu Yong chased in the back.

The speed of the Immemorial Desolate Beast Superior Heavenly Eagle broke out, and it was very fast at the moment.

But Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House is faster than it.

After all is Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home !

At the same time, Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House there is still one huge advantage, that is, Immortal Gu Home is not tired.

As long as the immortal essence is sufficient, any Immortal Gu Home will remain in a stable state forever.

But the Superior Heavenly Eagle is different.

It has been flying for a long time, it will be tired, and it will feel sleepy.

However, Fang Yuan does not seem to have to consider this.

Because at the current speed of both, Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House will catch up until Superior Heavenly Eagle feels tired and speed drops.

“How many people are there, please call it out!” Fang Yuan is facing forward, facing Wu Yong, and the atmosphere of various kinds of Gu insects rises rapidly and continues to linger.

“You can rest assured that only I am nothing more.” Wu Yong laughed, then motivated Immortal Gu Home.

On the Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House, the verdant bamboo leaves are constantly flying out and turned into a path of wind arrows, directed to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan manipulates Superior Heavenly Eagle, suddenly rising, suddenly forced to land, flying in the air, and skillfully escaped the attack of the wind and arrow.

“right. You have a solid foundation in flying. The Enslave Dao means is even more impressive.” Wu Yong is not a compliment.

Fang Yuan is realizing that it’s not looking good.

There was a breeze on his body, which was initially undetectable, but now it is growing stronger.

Not only him, but the wings of the Superior Heavenly Eagle, also wrapped around the two azure winds, greatly hindering its flying speed.

“Wu Yong keeps attacking, forcing me to dodge and change direction. Although the speed of Superior Heavenly Eagle is not reduced at all, Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House is a straight pursuit.”

“There is also the wind group on this body. I am afraid it is the so-called lock move. It can absorb the mad wind that is scattered in the air and grow power!”

Wu Yong’s attack is not shooting Fang Yuan, but also reaching his purpose.

The distance between the two sides is rapidly shortening.

“Don’t think of a solution?” Fang Yuan asked the Shadow Sect in Immortal Aperture.


“There was just a nodded thread.”

“Obviously, this is the Rank 8 ultimate move, it’s no different.”

A bunch of nonsense.

Fang Yuan secretly gritted his teeth, then he listened to Wu Yong started talking: “You must be thinking about how to break through my ultimate move locks? Tell you the truth, this move can not be mobility once it is arrange, but the scope is It’s quite broad, covering a radius more than 100,000. It’s also time-limited, and it’s still a half-muscle.”

Wu Yong actually said frankly.

Fang Yuan heard the sound, a heart sinking straight.

Wu Yong showed his strong self-confidence. He has felt that Fang Yuan has fallen into his palm and can no longer escape!

Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House was indiscriminate and finally caught up.

Wu Yong lightly smiled, standing at the window of the bamboo building 2-Layer, extending his index finger and pointing a finger at Fang Yuan.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Finger Wind Dragon !

Ding dong is a loud noise.

A blue ink bug, from his fingertips, immediately flew out.

The bug is extremely fast and flies to Fang Yuan.

On the way to flying, it suddenly rose and the body swelled rapidly, one foot, five feet, one foot, five feet, and fifteen feet.

A few breaths of time, it turned into a 22-foot fierce dragon, baring fangs and brandishing claws, slammed into the Superior Heavenly Eagle.

Superior Heavenly Eagle too late to dodge, it was about to be hit by Finger Wind Dragon. At the crucial moment, Fang Yuan came forward and he took the initiative to block the knife and slammed into Finger Wind Dragon.

Wu Yong is stunned and then shocked!

After the Finger Wind Dragon crashed into Fang Yuan, it did not cause any damage to the latter. What is even more incredible is that the Finger Wind Dragon turned its direction and returned. It was straight moved towards his master backlash.


A loud bang, Finger Wind Dragon hit the Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House.

Immortal Gu Home violently swayed, and the previous speed suddenly disintegrated.

The Finger Wind Dragon also completely collapsed.

Fang Yuan took the opportunity to fly to the back of the Superior Heavenly Eagle and opened a long distance.

Wu Yong saw that he had attached a layer of Immortal Clothes, and his belt was fluttering, his breath was strong, and he was strong and strong, and he was surprised to find it difficult to attach.

“This ultimate move, don’t tell me is?!” Wu Yong also lost his voice.

Although he did not personally participate in the Northern Plains Adverse Current River, the intelligence of this battle, with the name of Liu Guanyi as the Five Regions, has already leaked a lot.

Wu Yong recognizes this ultimate move, which is Adverse Current Protection Seal!

This also represents him, knowing that Fang Yuan is Liu Guanyi, and Liu Guanyi is the secret of Fang Yuan’s!

Fang Yuan saw Wu Yong look different and thought in his heart. It seems that Heavenly Court did not inform Wu Yong of the secret of Liu Guanyi. Maybe Heavenly Court is still unclear?

Fang Yuan Unfortunately, Liu Guanyi’s identity has also been exposed, can no longer be used, is very affecting his interpersonal relationship in Northern Plains.

But there is absolutely no way!

In the face of Rank 8 Great Expert, Fang Yuan can only use the Adverse Current Protection Seal to be foothold. If other means are used, it will be easily killed by Wu Yong.

Wu Yong was frustrated, but he looked toward Fang Yuan’s gaze and soon became extremely hot.

Fang Yuan is not only Wu Yihai, but also has a Shadow Sect background, but also has Adverse Current River with Adverse Current Protection Seal. As long as he has captured him, his background and wealth will definitely make the entire Wu Family’s strength soar.

Huge interests have made Wu Yong heart.

What’s more, Fang Yuan is also related to Wu Family’s biggest scandal in recent years.

“Very good, I don’t want to spend a lot of time, scheduling the whole situation, creating a situation where you and I play alone.” Wu Yong whispered, driving Immortal Gu Home, constantly bombarding Fang Yuan and catching up again.

The wind lock was damaged by Fang Yuan and went to Wu Yong. However, the Superior Heavenly Eagle still has a wind lock, and Wu Yong is carried by the Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House, which is ineffective against the crisis.

This time, Wu Yong directly summarizes Immortal Gu Home and slams into Superior Heavenly Eagle.

Fang Yuan sighed, not dodge or evade, in front of Immortal Gu Home.

Wu Yong smirked and flew directly from Immortal Gu Home to fight Fang Yuan.

At the same time, Immortal Gu Home Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House is aimed at Superior Heavenly Eagle.

Although Wu Yong is not in the Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House, he has reserved his will in Immortal Gu Home and a large number of immortal essence.

Superior Heavenly Eagle and Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House are entangled and are quickly at a disadvantage.

Fang Yuan’s situation is even worse. After the fight, he thoroughly understands the power of Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Under Wu Yong’s offensive, Fang Yuan can only be beaten passively, without any help.

After more than a dozen rounds, Wu Yong thoroughly realized the strong defense of Fang Yuan’s. The Adverse Current Protection Seal also made him feel extremely headaches. Any attack that hits Fang Yuan will be reversed, even if it is a fist and a kick.

Wu Yong even focused on the Superior Heavenly Eagle.

This Immemorial Desolate Beast is the breakthrough mouth of this battle.

Realizing this, Wu Yong split his mind and suppressed Fang Yuan, then bombarded Superior Heavenly Eagle with Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Superior Heavenly Eagle screams again and again, it is amazing, but the owner is here, how can it escape?

However, Immemorial Desolate Beast rough skin and thick flesh, Superior Heavenly Eagle hard-hitting Wu Yong’s tricks, still alive and kicking.

“Not good!” But at this moment, Fang Yuan suddenly changed his face.

Superior Heavenly Eagle faces a strong enemy, and his will gradually gains the upper hand. He wants to escape. At this moment, this will finally reach a qualitative change, and Fang Yuan’s ultimate move fails. The Superior Heavenly Eagle loses the restraint and immediately flaps its wings. Escape from here.

Fang Yuan was thrown away and faced Wu Yong and Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House alone.

“You haven’t researched yet?!” Fang Yuan was impatient with Shadow Sect Gu Immortal in Immortal Aperture.

“How can it be fruitful in such a short time!” Bai Ningbing and the others are also very depressed.

Wu Yong rushed: “In front of me, you don’t want to release them, then use Roads Open In All Directions.”

Sure enough, the next battle gave Fang Yuan no chance.

After several rounds, Wu Yong suddenly showed his arms and the long-awaited Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move started.

Fang Yuan’s vision changed suddenly and he was trapped in a strange battlefield and could not escape.

“If you obediently surrender, offer all your cultivation accumulation, there is still a line of life, Fang Yuan.” Wu Yong issued a wanted.

Fang Yuan looks like iron.

Really Danger Realm!

His only hope now is to rely on Ying Wuxie and the others to find opportunities and display the Roads Open In All Directions. It should also be able to penetrate this battlefield.

But just when Wu Yong wanted to start again, he suddenly changed his expression and turned to a certain direction: “Who? Come out!”

A sigh came and revealed one Gu Immortal, Central Continent’s breath.

Fang Yuan and Wu Yong saw this person and were astonished.

“You are…Feng Jiuge?!”

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