The Super Gu Formation, which was placed in the gloomy trench, was destroyed, but it also brought warnings to Fang Yuan and the others.

At this time, Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal is still on the way, and there is still a long way to go.

Fang Yuan used the Superior Heavenly Eagle to escape immediately, is still possible.

However, after careful consideration, he decided to practice Far Ancient Battle Formation Roads Open In All Directions and put this method in advance to prepare for it.

Because the Fang Yuan’s hand segment can’t solve the abnormal move, in other words, his position is always exposed.

On the way to being chased, it is very likely that you will encounter scenes encountered with the enemy.

Just like, just after the Yuan Yuan group of people on the way to retreat, encountered Yi Family’s Immortal Gu Home Cape Pavilion.

Under such circumstances, Fang Yuan and the others ran on the Superior Heavenly Eagle, which was a big risk.

Because Superior Heavenly Eagle is not Immortal Gu Home, Gu Immortal and it is not a whole, there is no attack and defense of Immortal Gu Home. This led to Gu Immortals on the back of the eagle, which was easily targeted by the outside world.

But if you master Far Ancient Battle Formation Roads Open In All Directions, you can move instantly, cross a very long distance, and leave the danger.

Ying Wuxie and the others are such a means that even Heavenly Court’s memorial can escape. Fang Yuan has repeatedly failed to kill, this Far Ancient Battle Formation has made great contributions.

Now, Fang Yuan became the owner of Shadow Sect, and the enemy’s advantage immediately turned into his own advantage.

Fang Yuan summoned all of Gu Immortal to himself and passed on the contents of the Far Ancient Battle Formation to everyone.

Among them, Bai Ningbing, Hei Loulan, and Ying Wuxie have already mastered the Formation Dao ultimate move.

But Fang Yuan, Euphony, and Black Vine were the first contacts.

Regardless of how it is calculated, at most three of them have mastered Roads Open In All Directions, and Ying Wuxie is in a very poor state and cannot be counted and relied upon. Therefore, we must ask everyone to gather together and practice together.

This means of Forming Dao requires the cooperation of Gu Immortals, and the practice alone does not make much sense.

At the time of Fang Yuan and the others’ emergency drill, the Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortals, headed by Wu Yong, went to the distant places.

“Wu Yong Fellow Immortal, according to the information you have, the other party is probably in the shadows. Now we are not far from the trench, and please Fellow Immortal ordered to coordinate the overall situation.” Chi Quyou said.

He is also Rank 8 Gu Immortal, cultivation base and Wu Yong. Even the seniority is the character of Wu Duxiu first generation, which is bigger than Wu Yong.

However, the Wu Family sounds still prevail, but Chi Family is always at a glance, and its reputation is far less than that of Wu Family.

Together with the information of Wu Yong revealed by Tie Mianshen, Southern Border Gu Immortal began to make a taboo on the Wu Family’s Reved Great Elder.

There are even some fears.

After all, many of the Righteous Path forces were saddened by the Wu Family, and several of them even publicly misappropriated the Resource Point outside the Wu Family.

If you know Wu Yong’s battle strength, and Wu Family’s fourth Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House, they will definitely converge, not so unscrupulous.

“Wu Family has lost a lot of sites, and Wu Yong is so strong that it will definitely be settled after the fall.”

“After removing the remnants of Shadow Sect, I am afraid it is time for Wu Yong to start.”

“oh! We all got it wrong. This Wu Yong is deeply thought-out. It is completely different from Wu Duxiu. He actually hides so deep. Now think about it, I am afraid this is his strategy. Show weakness, then take up the righteousness, counterattack back, get More revenue.”

On the way, Southern Border Gu Immortals continually communicated with each other.

A conspiracy argument about Wu Yong was quickly smashed.

As for Shadow Sect remnant such as Fang Yuan, Purple Mountain True Monarch has perished, even Gloomy Soul’s main body has been captured by Heavenly Court, able to enter the Southern Border Righteous Path with Gu Immortal vision, that is Fang Yuan’s Superior Heavenly Eagle.

Southern Border Righteous Path The Immortal Gu Home used this time, up to six. Still afraid of Superior Heavenly Eagle?

Ghosting the trench.

“Yeah!” Bai Ningbing suddenly slammed, and the pain on his face was fleeting.

Walked into the Roads Open In All Directions and failed again.

Bai Ningbing received backlash, the most serious. But she quickly, her face calmed down.

Resetting Person Immortal Gu !

Fang Yuan continued to motivate this Time Dao Immortal Gu to treat himself and others.

Once again, enjoy the effect of Resetting Person, and Hei Loulan’s deep in the eye, flashing a complex expression.

Resetting Person Immortal Gu is still alive, even she is once again in the same camp as Fang Yuan, but unfortunately Taibai Yunsheng has fallen.

Still killed by Fang Yuan.

The drill was suspended.

Fang Yuan used Resetting Person for himself, and the injury has completely healed. He began to think about and summarize the reasons for the failure.

As for the others, I am still healing.

Although Resetting Person is used for them, the effect is far less than that of Fang Yuan.

Paragon Immortal Body’s Dao Marks are not mutually exclusive, which gives Fang Yuan some weakness in defense, but it also gives him a healing effect.

Everyone’s injury is not serious, and their respective True Inheritance is good, and they will soon be cured.

“Okay, let’s go again.” Fang Yuan appealed.

Far Ancient Battle Formation Roads Open In All Directions.

From everyone’s body, it shines. The brilliance quickly linked into one, but it began to shake and lost its original stability.


a light sound, rays of light scattered, turned into countless little fireflies, flying all over the sky.

Fairy Euphony snorted and flushed, this time her turn was the heaviest.

Fang Yuan did not hurt anything, so he mobilized Resetting Person Immortal Gu to treat Fairy Euphony first.

“Our actions must be consistent. Come again.” After a moment, Fang Yuan clap his hands.

Far Ancient Battle Formation Roads Open In All Directions !

Fail again.

Hei Loulan groaned, brows slightly wrinkle, the beautiful face flashed a bit of pain.

After the break, Fang Yuan pondered then said: “We may wish to adjust, you all follow my movements, feel my Strength Dao, and then follow the movement. Do you understand?”

The three women are slightly nod, silent.

After a while, although Fang Yuan once again tasted the bitter fruit of failure, the progress was much larger than before.

“Very good.” Fang Yuan’s eyes are bright glow flashes.

Far Ancient Battle Formation Roads Open In All Directions The key to success is the close coordination and consistency of the four parties.

After the suffering and hard work of the initial stage, they finally found their feelings.

But at this moment, the grand formation suddenly made a roar.

“Not good, our location has been exposed, there are several Immortal Gu Homes above the trench!” A Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, responsible for the manipulates gu formation, came over to report.

For a time, the eyes of the female immortal were concentrated on Fang Yuan’s body.

Fang Yuan is the owner of Shadow Sect, and they are all decided at waited Fang Yuan’s.

“The speed is quite fast, but it doesn’t matter.” Fang Yuan smiled slightly. “This situation is in my expectation. I will follow the plan I arranged.”

“Yes.” Pure Dream Seeking True Physique immediately retired.

“We will continue.” Fang Yuan said to the girls, “Immortal Gu Home has blocked the gully, and time is limited, we have to step up.”

In the Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House, Wu Yong looks down on the gutter through the window frame.

He observed for a moment, in the eyes of bright glow flashes: “This Super Gu Formation is somewhat mysterious. Set up formation people, using the natural Dao Marks in the trench, just pay a lot of mortal gu, set up Immortal Rank gu formation. ”

“There are shadows. Good guys, this is huge, all of them are gathered together by this Super Gu Formation.” Qiao Zhicai stood beside Wu Yong and was amazed.

At this time, Chi Quyou’s voice was heard from Chi Family’s Immortal Gu Home. He saw the huntering heart: “Good array, good array, it is better to let the old man to calculate the weakness of this array, everyone to break array.”

“No need.” Wu Yong faintly refused. “This time, the demon, you must speed up the battle. District gu formation, what is it? Even though the shadow is more than double, it is difficult to stop me from the edge of Immortal Gu Home.”

Spoke until here, Wu Yong paused, then said: “everyone, follow me analogously attack.”

Bone barely fell, Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House will go straight ahead, wrap the wind and swoop down.

All the way to the rush, Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House was invincible, and the film was horrified and horrified.

Southern Border Gu Immortal witnessed the situation, all of them were shocked, and the power of Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House far exceeded their expectations.

“This is the power of the Wu Family!” Many of Gu Immortal felt their emotions, as if the saw had once smashed Wu Duxiu.

Wu Yong is Wu Family bloodline, the courageous temperament is deep in the depths of the bloodline and bone marrow.

For a time, the heart of the Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortals was filled with enthusiasm.


“Chong together.”

“Stop these Demonic Path thieves!!”

Several Immortal Gu Homes are as follows: the mountain fierce tiger, rampage, the power can not be resisted, under the contrast of heavy shadows, it is as weak as the weak sheep.

Shouting the killing sound into the Fang Yuan eardrum, the sound is getting bigger and bigger.

Fairy Euphony looks very different.

Hei Loulan glanced at Fang Yuan, but he saw that Fang Yuan was motionless.

Bai Ningbing is still a face of indifference.

Super Gu Formation’s violent offensive against Immortal Gu Home quickly disintegrated.

The highest cultivation base, but Rank 7, already was killed and fled.

Pure Dream Seeking True Physique stood up when the Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal was going to slam and attack the root of the problem.

Pēng pēng pēng ……

A series of self-exploding, the dream is instantly formed.

“This is another trick, retreat!” Yi Family Gu Immortal had eaten this loss, and the Cape Pavilion stunned and quit.

The rest of Immortal Gu Home had to stop and take a look.

The dream forms a comprehensive protection, and the Fang Yuan and the others are wrap up.

Wu Yong and the others look complicated, such a line of defense, how can they breakthrough?

It’s the idiots who are bullying you are Dream Dao!

The raging Righteous Path Gu Immortals is a bit dumbfounded.

Wu Yong suddenly chuckled: “If Shadow Sect is so protective, it is already poor. They block us, we also trap them. I want to see when they can be stuck?”

The two sides are deadlocked.

At this moment, Wu Yong suddenly changed slightly, he received a message Gu.

Heavenly Court Letter!

Remarks: The syllabus found that there are still some problems, and today it can only be one more. Hey, I am going tonight, I will urgently revise it.

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