Although Shadow Sect has been completely ruined, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is captured. Soul Fragment has only two people, Ying Wuxie and Sixth Hair, but it still leaves a lot of resources. (?(〔network

Immortal Gu, immortal materials These two occupy only a small part, the key is Immortal Gu Formula, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, Immortal Gu Home and so on.

Massive Immortal Gu Formula, the numerous Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, even the Immortal Gu Home construction scheme, up to twelve.

Mysterious Ice House, Unbreakable Iron Fort, Blood River War Chariot, Grievous News Graveyard, Green Wave Pavilion, Weaves Cocoon Pavilion, Golden Firmament Altar, Regret Pond, Feather Holy City…

There are also a variety of True Inheritance leads.

For example, White Phase’s True Inheritance, even the secret of the Five Phases of Five Phases, Paradise True Inheritance in the Blue Whales, including the clues of Red Lotus’ True Inheritance, the clues of Reckless True Inheritance…

Of course, these True Inheritance are hard-to-get types, otherwise, Shadow Sect has long been used to add its own background to help make Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu.

In fact, even without these clues, only Gloomy Soul’s own True Inheritance is an enormous asset.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable The various Soul Dao means of the year, but the Five Regions were gray. His Soul Devour technique captures the experience and memory of prey. His Soul Fragment technique can create Shadow Sect members of generation after generation. His Soul Penetration technique can be used to create a level of traitor, such as Sixth Hair, and even Heavenly Court. There is also his soul cultivation, the final form, Fang Yuan can remember clearly, the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain can be resisted!

And now in front of Fang Yuan, the most important things are different.

The first is Information Dao, which solves the detective ultimate move, as well as various covenants, and is free.

The second is Wisdom Gu. Fang Yuan has mastered the method to unlock Soul Dao’s Dao Marks on Strength Dao Immortal Zombie. By then, he will be recognized by Wisdom Gu again and get the support of Wisdom Halo!

Bai Ningbing continued: “I have now acquired the Yin-Yang Transformation Gu, but I have to refine it into Immortal Gu, and then I can rebel against the female fairy. But Refining Dao, wide-ranging and profound, Yin-Yang Transformation Gu is not My Life-Bound Gu, I have no confidence.”

Fang Yuan nodded: “I know. rely on Shadow Sect’s power, help you refining gu, this is the covenant you made with Shadow Sect. I became the owner of Shadow Sect, and I can admit the previous agreement. Because it will be long in the future. In time, we have to be on each other’s strength, isn’t that so?”

“You have this awareness, I am relieved.” Bai Ningbing glanced at Fang Yuan faintly, then turned and left with satisfaction.

Speaking of it, the members of Shadow Sect’s are dying.

Bai Ningbing, Hei Loulan, Miss White Rabbit, and Fairy Euphony are female immortal, and only Ying Wuxie and Fang Yuan are male.

After a round of separate conversations, Fang Yuan, the new owner of Shadow Sect, was finally obtained.

As for Ying Wuxie, it is still so decadent.

Fang Yuan, no matter what he said, he turned a deaf ear.

In the heart of Fang Yuan, the killing intent is boiling, I really want to put Ying Wuxie on the knot, take Immortal Gu, and master the leading means of Leading Soul to Enter the Dream.

However, Fang Yuan then thought about it again, and this matter is not in a hurry.

Not to mention the ultimate move of Leading Soul to Enter the Dream, he has mastered all the content, but lacks Gu insect. Just saying that this move is very involved in Gu Immortal consciousness, the structure is complex, difficult to learn and difficult to practice, it is more difficult to take into account other aspects.

Fang Yuan Even if Immortal Gu is handed, it will take some time to become proficient.

Of course, he is not without other methods.

Such as the Soul Devour technique.

As long as the Ming Wuxie’s soul is swallowed, Fang Yuan has memories and a lot of experience in using Leading Soul to Enter the Dream.

At the beginning, Ying Wuxie was born, and the Leading Soul to Enter the Dream can be used very quickly, because the original Soul Fragment contains a lot of relevant memories.

There is still one reason, it is Sixth Hair.

Sixth Hair is a traitor to Shadow Sect in Langya Blessed Land, which Fang Yuan has known for a long time.

But after Fang Yuan became the owner of Shadow Sect, he could not get the approval of Sixth Hair, which is not sure.

Sixth Hair was one of the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s Soul Fragment, Reuling Dao Gu Immortal, which grew up from Soul Penetration to Langya Blessed Land. He and Fang Yuan have long been in a hostile and hateful relationship. Once Fang Yuan became the owner of Shadow Sect, although it is the will of Purple Mountain True Monarch, will Sixth Hair recognize it?

Fang Yuan has no confidence in his heart.

The key point is that there is no Shadow Sect’s covenant restraint on Sixth Hair.

It is impossible.

If there is an Information Dao covenant, it will be easy to see by the Langya Earth Spirit, that is, self-exposed.

After all, no matter which Langya Earth Spirit is, Refining Dao is a master. Looking at Dao Marks on immortal materials, there are all kinds of means.

Fang Yuan doesn’t know how Sixth Hair is, but he understands that if he slays Ying Wuxie so easily and takes Gu insect, Sixth Hair will admit that his possessibility is very low.

Sixth Hair itself is not too valuable, but he is a member of the Langya School. If it is used well, it will probably help Fang Yuan and subvert the entire Langya School!

This line, Fang Yuan does not want to lose for the time being.

Income and effort are not proportional. Therefore, Fang Yuan chose to hand Ying Wuxie to Miss White Rabbit, and he began to temporarily retreat, in order to solve the attack on the ultimate move.

Purple Mountain True Monarch originally’s Immortal Gu, when it was in Fang Yuan’s hand, is no longer comprehensive.

But these Gu insects can also make up an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, which is a slap in the face, and specifically eliminates hidden dangers. Although it is not a special match, it is the strongest means that Fang Yuan can use now.

This ultimate move is a sinister disaster, and Fang Yuan has never used it. Fortunately, its structure is simple, the Immortal Gu involved is less, and the steps are simple.

If it is a complex ultimate move, Fang Yuan will definitely not choose to try it easily.

Red Jujube Immortal Essence began to consume, one by one, Gu insect, let Fang Yuan’s mind and thoughts, and then mobilized.

Soon, Fang Yuan began to shed a Profound Light.


a moment later , Profound Light suddenly collapsed and made a muffled sound.

Fang Yuan’s male body was slightly shocked, and a stream of bright red blood flowed slowly from the nose.

The push of the ultimate move failed.

However, this situation has long been expected in Fang Yuan’s.

The first time you touch, you want to push the ultimate move to success, you have to try multiple times.

Resetting Person !

The Time Dao Immortal Gu was motivated, and Fang Yuan quickly recovered and continued to try.

The second time, failure.

The third time, failure.


The fifth and sixth time, failure.


Just when Fang Yuan mobilized the ultimate move, Southern Border Wu Family.

Wu Fa Revered Elder faces a small gu formation.

This gu formation only has one water tank size, but there are thousands of Gu insects involved. The gu formation is laid on the ground and is controlled by three other Wu Family Gu Immortal, constantly delivering immortal essence.

The gu formation is motivated, as if a whirlpool of water is rushing.

“Can you?” Wu Fa asked.

The three Wu Family Gu Immortal are simultaneously slightly nod, and most of their minds are manipulating this Immortal Rank gu formation.

Wu Fa slowly extended the hand arm and spread the palm of his hand to reveal the two mortal gus inside.

A Life Tablet Gu, a Soul Lantern Gu.

He throws these two Gu insects, both cautiously into the gu formation.

Soon, both mortal gus were swept into the central vortex by the gu formation, disappearing quickly.

The degree of vortex rotation suddenly increased several times.

Three Wu Family Gu Immortal, each with a cold sweat on their forehead, and soon they were white and their bodies trembled.

After a few moments, the two Wu Family Gu Immortal fell directly to the ground and stunned. Only one person left, slowly opening both of his eyes, opened his mouth and said a position.

This position was quickly passed to Wu Yong by Wu Fa and was in the hands of Wu Yong.

“Wu Yihai is likely to be taken away by Shadow Sect. Since his Life Tablet Gu is not broken, then with this key clue, it is possible to find Shadow Sect’s hiding place.”

After thinking to this point, Wu Yong sipped at the Southern Border Righteous Path around him: “I know the clue, come with me!”

Ghosting the trench.

Fang Yuan’s face is quite ugly.

“Intelligent move, but can’t solve the investigation move on my body?! It seems that only a more powerful means can be used.”

At this time, Hei Loulan’s eager voice passed to Fang Yuan’s ear: “The situation is not good! The gu formation of the glimpse of the trench suddenly collapsed. It can prevent others from calculating, it seems that our position has been exposed.”

“Well, I know it at this time.” Fang Yuan was not surprised. He is in charge of this gu formation, gu formation, and immediately understands the problem, he will understand.

Fang Yuan is not in chaos, he always thought of the method.

“Everyone is coming.”

“We need to practice Far Ancient Battle Formation Roads Open In All Directions !”

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