In the dream war, Shadow Sect lost and lost, Southern Border Righteous Path actually suffered heavy losses.

They arranged the Super Gu Formation, each of which contributed Immortal Gu and massive mortal gu.

With so much investment, the result is extremely small, and in the exploration of dreams, I suffered a head-on blow and lost Gu Immortals.

The real beneficiary, except for Fang Yuan, who is the new owner of Shadow Sect, is Heavenly Court.

Heavenly Court this time not only captured Gloomy Soul’s main body, but also left the remaining second layer, first layer Super Gu Formation before leaving.

In the Immortal Gu, except for a Fang Yuan’s Crossing Dark Immortal Gu, the other Gu insects are the Southern Border Righteous Path.

For such an act, Southern Border Righteous Path is full of indignation and wants to find Central Continent Heavenly Court to discuss.

After all, everyone is Righteous Path, and Heavenly Court is so uncomfortable!

At the beginning of the pursuit of Fang Yuan and the others, Wu Yong began to look for Heavenly Court Gu Immortal. Although Southern Border and Central Continent are two different regions, there are often trades before the superpower.

This is credited to Treasure Yellow Heaven. It is because of Treasure Yellow Heaven that the transaction between Gu Immortal has become easier and more frequent.

The continuous circulation of goods means frequent exchanges.

Therefore, Wu Yong is completely versatile to find Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects.

But Heavenly Court Gu Immortal is a little overhang.

However, if you don’t find Heavenly Court, you can’t solve this problem with 10 Great Ancient Sects and Southern Border Righteous Path.

“Fairy Ziwei…” At this moment, Wu Yong held an Information Dao mortal gu and whispered in his mouth.

He did not expect that Heavenly Court Gu Immortal took the initiative to find him.

And the never-faced Heavenly Court Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, when it came up, used only one district of Information Dao mortal gu to push Wu Yong into a difficult situation.

The content of this Information Dao mortal gu is about Fang Yuan and the others.

Heavenly Court holds the intelligence of Ying Wuxie, Purple Mountain True Monarch, Bai Ningbing, Fang Yuan and so on.

Including they own Far Ancient Battle Formation Roads Open In All Directions.

And the real Wu Yihai who was most shocked by Wu Yong has already died, mixed into Wu Family’s “Wu Yihai”, the real identity, is the beyond the Heavens devil Fang Yuan!

“There is such a thing! Fang Yuan is Wu Yihai, Wu Yihai is Fang Yuan?” Wu Yong also wants to save his pro-younger brother. It turns out that the pro-younger brother has long been hung up and has always played the enemy.

Wu Yong was shocked by the news first. After all, this was beyond his expectations.

Then, Wu Yong felt angry!

Angry at Fang Yuan’s.

This damn murderer killed Wu Yihai’s real murderer. He was so daring and daring. After committing the murder, he not only fled, but also joined Wu Family.

This does not put Wu Family up and down, including Wu Yong himself, in the eyes.

More crucially, Fang Yuan has also achieved this.

This is a shame and a shame!

Fang Yuan not only looked down on the huge Wu Family, but also ran to the Wu Family. Hu hu fanned Wu Family two or three slaps.

What is Wu Family?

Southern Border Righteous Path Recognized as the first force!

Who is Wu Yong?

Wu Yong But Wu Family is in charge of number one person, Revered Great Elder, Rank 8 cultivation base, has Immortal Gu Home, and several Rank 8 Immortal Gu’s real-life expert!

Fang Yuan’s move is simply playing Wu Family and Wu Yong.

However, in addition to anger at Fang Yuan’s, Wu Yong is angry with Heavenly Court’s.

Before the Heavenly Court, the set up formation Immortal Gu, including the Wu Family, will be taken away. This is one of them.

Second, Heavenly Court sent the news to Wu Yong.

What does it mean?

The implication is to tell Wu Yong that you Wu Family has a handle in my hand, and you should act next, to fully consider this.

For Wu Yong, this is a threat.

Why did Fang Yuan counterfeit Wu Yihai’s affairs and become a handle of Wu Yong?

This is the difference between the Righteous Path and the Demonic Path.

Righteous Path has the rules of the game for Righteous Path.

Righteous Path is famous for its reputation and face, even if it is a slap in the face, there must be a legitimate reason. Stand on the name of the righteousness.

Just like before, each family was killed by Wu Family, robbing Wu Family of Resource Point distributed everywhere.

How does Hou Family do it?

First send a family of Gu Immortal, pretend to be a Demonic Path thief, let another Hou Family Gu Immortal False Intent catch up, and then use this head to occupy Resource Point.

How does Yang Family do it?

First, I have been planning for a long time. I placed a mortal camp near the Wu Family, and then obtained the righteousness and the name through the conflict between the mortal and the produce.

Falling to Wu Family, Wu Yong has a clear battle strength and has Immortal Gu Home Clear Jade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House. Why has it been in a passive defense situation before?

Hey hey.

This is Wu Yong’s plan.

He knows that Wu Family occupies too much territory. If he directly shows his strength, other families will only be jealous, or they may not press it for a while, but they will always be tempted.

After all, Wu Family has only one Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

However, if Wu Family is passively defended, let other families oppress, gain a sense of justice and sufficient excuses, Wu Yong will act again and then retaliate back and bite a piece of meat on each body.

Only by doing this will it be possible for the forces to remember the pain and not dare to offend the Wu Family majesty for decades.

This is Wu Yong’s plan, even his closest confidant Wu Fa, is not clear.

In fact, before this, everything was gradually developed according to Wu Yong’s plan. It’s just that Wu Yong didn’t think that there would be a spoiler like Shadow Sect.

Once Wu Family is in the middle, mixed with Fang Yuan, and even Wu Yong himself, Fang Yuan is treated as a pro-younger brother.

Don’t forget, Wu Yong has had many times before, and he did not forget to take Wu Yihai to brush his reputation and express his care for his pro-younger brother.

Wu Family is the first force of the Southern Border Righteous Path. Actually, such a thing has caused its reputation to fall sharply, and the hearts of the people have sprouted.

Originally Wu Yong wants to rely on these excuses to counter each other. But when the matter came out, the Southern Border Great Clan would have to succumb to this topic, and Wu Family would be empty.

As the leader of the Southern Border Righteous Path, your Wu Family was mixed in by a demon head and went away.

What is the face of your Wu Family to lead the Righteous Path?

What qualifications are there to occupy these resources? Don’t tell me is the Demonic Path thief inside the family after occupying these resources?

It is like Earth, the star was found to be taking drugs, and all the successful people who loved their family have been found to have discovered extramarital affairs. The police team found **** undercover.

Although the sound is invisible, it is indeed a kind of strength that can affect every aspect.

In Wu Yong’s opinion, the Resource Point that Wu Family lost is nothing.

Since he can lose, he can regain it.

In fact, he can take the opportunity to brush his own personal voice, express his super strong strength, and leave his own shadow in the history of Southern Border.

However, Fang Yuan is totally different.

Once discovered, it is a sly heavy strike to Wu Family!

Up and down, the reputation and reputation of countless generations of hard work and maintenance have suffered tremendously.

Once this thing is promoted, what is Wu Yong’s face, to recapture the Resource Point that Wu Family lost? For a long time, Wu Family couldn’t lift his head up and down.

“This damn Fang Yuan!”

Wu Yong gnashing teeth.

He has never hated a person so much.

Speaking of it, it is a bit ironic. He also blames him for taking Wu Yihai from time to time to brush his reputation and express his benevolence and affinity.

As a result, the result of “Such result” became Wu Yong’s fainting incompetence, and was deceived by the devil head Fang Yuan.

This is the stain of his life in Wu Yong.

“This damn Fairy Ziwei!”

Wu Yong also hated the Heavenly Court Wisdom Dao female immortal.

The intention of the other party is clear, telling Wu Yong that one is to warn Wu Yong, second is to use Wu Yong to be used as a tool, and urge him to do his best to eradicate Fang Yuan and the others!

Wu Yong must remove Fang Yuan.

As long as Fan Yuan secretly commits suicide, Wu Yihai’s death can be pushed to the hands of Shadow Sect, which is logical.

At that time, even if Heavenly Court shakes the matter, Wu Yong will not be afraid.

This matter will not become the stain of Wu Yong’s life.

“Fairy Ziwei…” Wu Yong chewed the name again in his mouth.

He clearly knows that Fairy Ziwei wants him to do his best to kill Fang Yuan and the others and use him completely. But Wu Yong had to do this.

The key is that Fairy Ziwei’s message Gu, only the information of Fang Yuan and the others, without any negotiating or threatening with Wu Yong, makes Wu Yong unable to grasp the slightest handle of Fairy Ziwei.

“Sir Wu Yong, what happened?” Qiao Family Revered Great Elder Qiao Zhicai, seeing Wu Yong expression is wrong, concerned about the inquiry.

Wu Yong glanced at him and suddenly even hated him.

“This is the old bastard.”

“Take the Qiao Family and want to climb my Wu Family.”

“Without him, how could Fang Yuan be so easy to get into my Wu Family?”

On the surface, however, Wu Yong is lightly smiled, gentle words reassuring Qiao Zhicai: “It’s a good thing, just miss my brother, I don’t know if he fell into Shadow Sect, what would it be?”

Qiao Zhicai is strange. There are no outsiders here. How is Wu Yong still concerned about Wu Yihai? What is this performance for?

Wu Yong was worried about Fang Yuan before, but only false display of affection, but this time is true.

It’s just that he misses Fang Yuan and he wants to kill Fang Yuan immediately!

“Isn’t I contacted Wu Yihai yet?” Wu Yong secretly communicated Wu Family Gu Immortal in the headquarters.

There are no groups of immortals.

Someone else said: “The last time I communicated with Wu Yihai, it was his Xiang Family.”

Someone went on to say: “Wu Yihai is an adult, but there are six Immortal Gus borrowed by Wu Family. He can’t do anything!”

Wu Yong listened to such words, the anger in his heart, suddenly a little hotter.

Among the six Immortal Gus, he personally approved it and lend it to Immortal Gu in Fang Yuan’s inner library. There are also 100,000 immortal essence stones, which was actually Wu Yong’s own initiative to lend to Fang Yuan’s.

Thinking of this, Wu Yong can’t wait to beat himself.

At the same time, I hate Fang Yuan more deeply.

It is this guy!

He is too capable to play.

Before he was about to be exposed, he did not forget to make a fortune. Really insidious, too cunning!

I dignified Wu Yong, actually got pitted by this guy! (~^~)

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