Purple Mountain True Monarch is now ragged, extremely embarrassed, old face, covered with dust, limbs thin, dirty and chaotic. ?

But immediately, he looked away towards the Gu Master girl in front of her heart. “Is she? The key figure in the fate trajectory. No, this kind of plausibility is not her own, but her descendants.”

Gu Master, after leaving a simple food, accompanied the maid and left.

In the evening, Zi went to the door and gave her a True Inheritance in her dreams.

“This True Inheritance is a bit messy, both Wisdom Dao and Transformation Dao, and Gourmet Dao. The tentatively called Black Vine True Inheritance.”

“Oh, I don’t know if it will work, can it affect it?”

“But after all, it is a bit of hope, isn’t that so?”

Purple silently left.


Northern Plains, in a cave.

“Come on.” Purple Mountain True Monarch whispered.

The young Madame Mo Shou looks like a young man. When I saw Purple Mountain True Monarch, she suddenly fell to the bottom: “There is a Senior here, Junior is leaving, I dare not interfere with Senior to gather this True Inheritance.”

The breath of Purple Mountain True Monarch makes Madame Mo Shou stunned.

Purple Mountain True Monarch glanced at her and thought, “This is the woman.”

He said: “Little girl, you can make Gu Immortal at a young age, and have self-knowledge, know how to advance and retreat, very right. This True Inheritance I can’t gather, no qualification. I am willing to give this True Inheritance directly You, however, after you have inherited True Inheritance, you need to browse through the content. At the same time, you also owe me a favor. If there is something in the future, you need to help people who can use this Information Dao Gu insect to convey information. “”


“hmph! I want to kill you, listen to you! But if you want me to beg for mercy, don’t think about it.” Female Gu Master fell to the ground, and his tone was very hard.

Purple laughed.

“You little girl, very interesting. It reminds me of a lot of past. It is your luck to meet me.”

Said, purple stretched out the index finger, gently to the female Gu Master’s forehead.

“This is a Flame Dao True Inheritance, I only gave you the upper part, enough for your cultivation to Rank 5 and become the expert in the Gu Master. In the lower part, I hid somewhere in Northern Plains, in the future if you Have the opportunity to find the bottom half, maybe you can use this to promote the immortal.”

After saying this, the purple disappeared.

“promoted immortal? This old beggar is crazy, don’t tell me is Gu Immortal?!” Female Gu Master waited for a while and recovered.

With a suspicion, she quickly left the place.

Purple stepped on the clouds, watching the female Gu Master leave, whispering in the mouth: “This girl is a special, not only the taste of fate, but also her attention to Will of Heaven’s. Her future relatives, I am afraid to become Will Of Heaven’s chess piece.”


“He He He, boy, I have three True Inheritances here.”

“The first inheritance, you can let the flames of the fire, smashing the dust. The second inheritance, can make people feel the wind and the sky, the world is happy. The third inheritance is to pass through life and death, help the people. Which one do you choose? Let me know if you think about it.”

Taibai Yunsheng in his youth, pondering for a while: “I choose the third!”

“It is another hope.”

“Oh… almost 100,000 years.”

“I hope that I have planted hope, can accumulate more and more, and help the ontological plan.”



Long Xiaosheng came and stirred the entire Blessed Land.

Duke Long open mouth A spit, dragon flame spray, directly hit the Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Purple Mountain True Monarch is a self-defeating arm that blocks this deadly blow and can only retreat.

Duke Long reached out and the Purple Mountain True Monarch suddenly felt a terrible pain. A bang of noise, most of the bones were crushed by Duke Long.

Purple Mountain True Monarch has a strong pain. Although it has been inconvenient, it still uses Gu insect to dodge.

Duke Long’s look is still indifferent: “Know why you lost?”

He used a cat-like gaze to lock the Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Purple Mountain True Monarch coughed twice, spit a mouthful of blood, looking up at Duke Long: “I’d like to hear the details.”

Duke Long sneered, suddenly disappeared in place, a moment later, he appeared in front of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Take a punch!

Purple Mountain True Monarch’s abdomen punches are immediately incomparable by the incomparable fatigue strength, forming a terrifying large hole.

The Purple Mountain True Monarch, like a cannonball, was driven by the stiff strength and slammed into the ground and into the pit.

“You want to assimilate with Will of Heaven. In fact, Constellation Immortal Venerable has been alive for many years. She is the founder of Wisdom Dao, how can you display one’s slight skill before an expert in front of her elderly? ?”

“You’ve been doing one thing for the rest of your life, that is to compete with Will of Heaven for the chess piece. Unfortunately, when you assimilated with Will of Heaven, you become the Will of Heaven’s chess piece.”

Duke Long said as he slowly descended.

Purple Mountain True Monarch gritted his teeth and flew out from the bottom of the pit.

He flew a distance back, fell to the ground, and coughed up blood.

In his abdomen, only the skin and flesh on both sides were connected, but he did not bleed and was stopped by his means.

Purple Mountain True Monarch’s face is pale, his body is crumbling, his eyes are dim, and he relies on willpower to support himself, not letting him faint on the spot.

Duke Long landed slowly on the ground, not chasing it, but sticking his index finger toward the Purple Mountain True Monarch.


A beam of light slammed out.

Purple Mountain True Monarch dissipated a little purple light, but under the attack of Duke Long crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, it was slammed high and then landed, and it quickly formed a pool of blood.

“As for the reason for the second failure, you should be almost correctly guessed. Nothing wrong, this dream has long been eroded by Will of Heaven. The longer the dream is exposed, the deeper the Will of Heaven will be.”

“this time, my Heavenly Court is fortunate to have a star of Will of Heaven, and ready to understand the status and location of Gloomy Soul’s main body.”

“Oh, there is Fang Yuan. It’s ironic. If he is hiding in other places, we won’t be able to get him. Unfortunately, he has to come to dream exploration, soul into the dream, directly exposed to Will of Heaven’s eyes.”

“He is trying to break the will of the sky, it is also damn, and today will definitely die.”

Duke Long is striding around.

During the period, countless Soul Beast gathered again, and the black pressure was like a black cloud, and it was rushed to Duke Long from high altitude.

Duke Long continued to walk, not looking at the wind on his head, just raised his left arm and gently gripped his palm.

Hong long!

Atmospheric explosions, in an instant, countless Soul Beast were torn apart and exploded into countless pieces.

Duke Long is the Quasi Rank 9 battle strength, majoring in Qi Dao, multi-cultivation Transformation Dao. At this moment, the Qi Dao means is revealed. In front of this, the Soul Beast army is as small as a piece of paper toy.

He strode forward, his body was strong and his head was flying.

Going to the front of the Purple Mountain True Monarch, Duke Long stands, overlooking the Purple Mountain True Monarch at the foot.

Purple Mountain True Monarch squatted on the floor, his arms trembling, trying to support the upper body, he wanted to get up.

He still wants to continue fighting.

So Duke Long stared at him quietly, and finally he tried his best to stand upright and stand in front of himself.

But the injury at Purple Mountain True Monarch is too heavy, and he has no ability to fight again.

Even this simple movement of standing can’t support him.

But just as he was going to fall down, Duke Long took action and grabbed the neck of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Duke Long lifted the Purple Mountain True Monarch with a steel-clawed big palm, leaving his feet off the ground.

“What is the taste of hope? The end of the picture is such a miserable. Even if it is the soul of Venerable, is also like so.” Duke Long cold.

Purple Mountain True Monarch licks Duke Long’s arm with the Apply Strength: “cough cough cough, I… really… no hope. But, no, other people… no, no… He He He “.

Duke Long complexion slightly changed, the sharp dragon eye swept the entire Purple Mountain True Monarch.

“No wonder you are so unbearable.”

“It turned out to be part of the Immortal Gu!”

“It’s still a thief.”

“Since you can’t do anything, what about the remaining Shadow Sect remnant?”

Purple Mountain True Monarch is full of purplish red, he can barely breathe and can’t speak.

He can only whisper in his heart: “This person is different…”

“Fang Yuan!”

“You are absolutely different!”

“You are the complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens, the perfect match for fate.”

“You are the biggest chess piece that Will of Heaven chose to deal with my Shadow Sect. Now you are out of the Will of Heaven’s.”

“I have assimilated with Will of Heaven and I have been planting hope and affecting my destiny. Unfortunately, I have failed. As Duke Long said, I have become a Will of Heaven’s chess piece without knowing it. I am assimilated with Will of Heaven. The process of that is Will of Heaven to assimilate my process.”

“I have no hope at all. But Fang Yuan, you are the biggest hope.”

“Let me at the last moment of my life, and then exert the final influence!”

“He He He, I really look forward to it. You can do what kind of Shadow Sect all the lost heritage?”

“Go get a heaven and earth turning upside down, Fang Yuan!!”

These inner guilts were all introduced into Fang Yuan’s ears.

Fang Yuan is very emotional: “The people will die…”

He finally no longer has doubts: “I know your mind, although it was a deadly enemy, but… I took over this mess, I am willing to be the owner of Shadow Sect!”

“Very good, very…good.” Purple Mountain True Monarch powerlessly hangs down.

He entangled Duke Long’s hands, but his movements solidified, still holding Duke Long’s arm.

Take a fighting stance!

At this moment, Purple Mountain True Monarch, die!

His unkempt purple is no longer dazzling. The journey of 100,000 year has come to an end at this moment.

This life, which has been fighting endlessly, has stopped.

Although he failed, he lost his life, but in the final time, he is still planting hope.

He died with anticipation, perhaps this is the reason why he still has a smile before his death.


The vicissitudes of life 100,000 years, half life awake and half crazy.

Looking straight into the sky, not to the body, the bequest of dying is a source of chaos.

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