“Let me be the owner of Shadow Sect?” Fang Yuan slammed startled. <[<(<{


He never expected it, but there will be such a scene.

“I and Shadow Sect are deadly enemies, and I captured Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu.”

“Purple Mountain True Monarch Why do you want to do this?”

“What are the crafty plots and machinations?”

In Fang Yuan’s mind, various thoughts are constantly flashing and gushing.

“Purple Mountain True Monarch, what do you mean?” Fang Yuan silenced and asked back.

Purple Mountain True Monarch Road: “He He He, Fang Yuan, don’t have any doubts, I have no crafty plots and machinations. Because, I am about to die in the battlefield! Gloomy Soul’s main body has been captured, since Duke Long has been dispatched, I will never let me go.”

“Grand Era is coming, Fang Yuan!”

“Heavenly Court is the owner of the Five Regions and rules the entire Human Race.”

“Heavenly Court will never let you go, because you are not Zhao Lianyun, you are the complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens, you have Paragon Immortal Aperture, and you have Luck Dao True Inheritance in hand.”

“You don’t belong to this world, you are the one who is a mess, the person who is defeated, the biggest variable between Heaven and Earth.”

“You are the goal that Heavenly Court must eradicate. If you don’t destroy Heavenly Court, then Heavenly Court will destroy you!”

“My Shadow Sect once wanted to reverse Heavenly Dao and re-to become Venerable. Heavenly Court is the biggest obstacle. However, our Shadow Sect has failed, and my things are not as good as the enemy. Hahaha.”

Purple Mountain True Monarch spoke until here, laughs.

Fang Yuan is sinking in the bottom of his heart: “Even if you are dying, should you let the enemy not be good? This is human nature and reasonable. However, you still have to test it.”

When he thought of it, he asked Purple Mountain True Monarch: “You said that the Paragon Immortal Body has a major drawback. What is the drawback?”

Purple Mountain True Monarch chuckled: “This drawback, I am afraid you are aware of it? It is not difficult to guess, it is food. Your Paragon fairy, not Human Race, is a flesh and blood, but the roots are It’s different. Essentially, it’s still a Rank 9 Immortal Gu. Since it’s a Rank 9 Immortal Gu, it needs feeding!”

Fang Yuan blinked in the eye: “I have already guessed this point. The key I want to ask is, what does Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu eat?”

Purple Mountain True Monarch laughs: “What do you eat don’t tell me? Can you guess it? It’s nothing more than to test my sincerity that’s all. Then I will tell you.”

Purple Mountain True Monarch gave the answer, after Fang Yuan heard it, can’t help but take a deep breath.

As he expected, Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu’s food was the answer he had guessed before.

“as a result, the trouble is big!”

“However, Purple Mountain True Monarch actually told me directly that sincerity seems to be there…”

Shadow Sect Blessed Land is in the middle.

Thousands of Soul Beast, composed of army, the mighty army, as if it was a stormy wave, and simply went to Duke Long.

Duke Long is surrounded by the Wanjun army. His body is smaller than any Soul Beast, but the battle strength is shocking. Soul Beast goes on and on. No matter how many, regardless of the cultivation base, he is planted next to Duke Long.

Duke Long suddenly swings his claws.

Pū chī !

a light sound, a scratch is very clear, almost to penetrate the space, wherever you go, Soul Beast along the way are torn by scratches, no ability to resist.

Among these dead Soul Beasts, there are Desolate Beast and Far Ancient Desolate Beast. But under Duke Long’s claws, it was like a slaughter of chickens and dogs.

“A group of dregs, no matter how much, is useless.” Duke Long suspended in the air, his body straight as standing peakly proud, Dragon Horn 额 on the forehead, dragon eye flashing ice-cold light.

With him as the center, within the number of thousand steps, there is no living thing, and the massive Soul Beast body is piled here.

Purple Mountain True Monarch has been hidden in the Soul Beast army and has disappeared.

Duke Long was slain by Soul Beast army for so long and still has no injuries.

He was expressionless and slowly transmitted his gaze to a certain position on the ground. There, the Life and Death Gate was wide open, and countless Soul Beasts were pouring out of the gate.

Soul Beast has also had a survival instinct, but Life and Death Gate is the place where Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul has been observing for many years, and ready to operate it as a headquarters.

These Soul Beasts in Life and Death Gate must also receive Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s means. In short, they are extremely loyal to Shadow Sect, regardless of any sacrifices. They also follow the orders of Purple Mountain True Monarch and have no hope of Duke Long. Counterattack attack.

“Life and Death Gate…” Duke Long indulged.

This is Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm, all day unique and unmatched.

It is also one of the goals of Duke Long’s trip.

“Conquer the Life and Death Gate and wait until Fate Immortal Gu is completely repaired. Everything in the world, if any creatures die, the soul will walk into the Life and Death Gate.”

“At that time, Heavenly Court has such Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm, and the rule will be solid!”

For Duke Long, Shadow Sect Blessed Land is undoubtedly very vulnerable once he calls the formidable method such as 3 Qi Return.

But at this moment, in order not to damage the Life and Death Gate, Duke Long decided to use another way of fighting.


Duke Long suddenly flew out, like a flying dragon, arrogant, and Soul Beast was hit by him. It was then cut into pieces by infinite airflow.

“Little Soul Fragment, where do you want to hide?” Duke Long spoke, big palm covered.

Hong long!

A translucent mountain consisting of a stream of air, like a sky, suddenly formed, quickly pressed down.

Purple Mountain True Monarch has to bite his teeth and has to show the figure and fight hard.

The two sides struggled hard, and the airflow lost most of the mountains, while the Purple Mountain True Monarch vomited blood, and the body seemed to be a broken kite, flying high back.

“What are you still fighting against? What hopes do you have?” Duke Long coldly snorted, wrapped in violent momentum, once again ruthlessly chased.

“Hope…” Purple Mountain True Monarch knows this battle, and he has no chance of being spared. This is the last time he only existed in the world. His eyes can’t help but pick up.

100,000 years ago.

Seven people broke free from Life and Death Gate.

“hu! I finally got out of Life and Death Gate and we are resurrected!”

“Only we are seven.”

“Fortunately, Adverse Current River is not there. Otherwise, how can we achieve this level?”

“Now Paradise Immortal Venerable has fallen, let’s go, we have the hope of carrying this weight back to Rank 9!”

That year, Shadow Sect was founded, the first generation Soul Fragment, which was called red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, violet.

“So, I am purple.” Purple Mountain True Monarch looked at the water, looks at his reflection, and immediately turned his eyes to the distance. “Start cultivation. We need strength!”


Many years later.

Hong long!

A loud noise, gu formation collapsed, and smoke and dust.

“Get through, it’s purple, it’s really amazing. Infinite Demonic Venerable personally arranged gu formation, we were killed by both of us.” Huang laughed.

Huang vigorously patted the purple shoulder and asked: “Purple, we specialize in Wisdom Dao, what is the point of Wisdom Dao Realm now?”

“Great Grandmaster.” Purple replied calmly.

Huang Dunshi mouth opened wide: “My God, you are the first of us to make the Great Grandmaster!”

Zi Yan glanced at the yellow: “What is this make a fuss about nothing? Don’t forget, we are the Soul Fragment of the ontology, each taking part of the cultivation experience of the ontology.”

Huang nodded: “This is also true. What is really worthy of this is Infinite True Inheritance. We broke the last test of Infinite Demonic Venerable, and this True Inheritance succeeded.”

“Yeah, as a result, we have added a lot of hopes for the show.” Purple smiled, “just follow this, continue to draw True Inheritance and resources, expand and pave the way.”


It has been many years.

“Will of Heaven! I didn’t expect to have such a mighty power. Even Green has been damaged. What should I do?”

“The higher our cultivation base, the greater the Shadow Sect’s power, the more Will of Heaven is aimed at us. If you continue, it will be a big problem.”

“The green thing, it is not difficult to solve. I have thought of a method, which is to refine the Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu. As for Will of Heaven… I have to come up with another way.” Purple spoke until here, blinked.


“Qing is no longer captured by Passion, but the second impact on the position, completely failed.”

“What can I do?”

“How can I fight Will of Heaven?”

Purple began to close, and tried their best to calculate the method.

Finally, let him figure out a way.

“Is it with Will of Heaven? Make yourself part of Will of Heaven’s for the time being.”

“Although dangerous, but very right, as if is broken into the enemy’s interior, knowing the layout of Will of Heaven’s.”

“But this method has to be noted that it is long-term assimilation, easily eroded by Will of Heaven, and completely turned into part of Will of Heaven’s.”

“I have to think of a way to save my will.”

After a hard calculation.

“Well, I finally figured it out… I named this method a purple gold stone shell. Against Will of Heaven, hope is small, but there is always such a hope! cough cough cough.”

He suddenly covered his mouth and suddenly coughed for a while, overflowing the red blood from his fingers.


The blue sea turned into mulberry fields, I don’t know what year and month.

The purple gold stone shell is broken, and purple wakes up from the sleep.

“Where is this? How long has it been?” Looking at the strange environment, Zi was awkward.

“Most of the first generation partners are falling. There are a few that are similar to me, half dead and dead. Oh… The only thing that is fortunate is that Shadow Sect is showing very well.”

Purple is deeply sighed, then looks up at the sky.

“Will of Heaven.” His eyes were deep.


“Old grandfather, drink some water soon.” One day, Ziqing woke up. He is standing next to him, standing with a pair of master servants.

A luxuriously dressed girl, and a maid with a strong limb.

“Miss Miss, don’t worry about this old beggar. Hey, you are very good heart, this old beggar, is not the person in our village, what do you do with him?” The maid looked at the purple and looked at the purple, the body Gu Master breath .

Purple looked at himself, can’t help but a bitter smile.

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