Purple Mountain True Monarch is no longer a sound, it becomes a thoroughly dead body.

“It’s really clean enough to die.” Duke Long snorted, and the indifferent dragon eye gave insight into the inside and outside of the Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Purple Mountain True Monarch originally Immortal Gu is numerous, but most of the secrets are sent away. The remaining Gu insect died as he died.

Not only that, but his soul quickly dissipated.

Duke Long wants to stop, there is no means.

More called Duke Long. Somehow, the fairy of the Purple Mountain True Monarch, originally still has a lot of Dao Marks. At this moment, these Dao Marks are also scattered.

It’s a real resource and it’s not left to Heavenly Court.

Duke Long releases his hand and lets the devastating Purple Mountain True Monarch’s body fall to the ground.

Soul Beast, there is a large number of Duke Long.

But because of the fierceness that Duke Long showed before, none of these Soul Beast dared to go forward.

Compared with the heavy Soul Beast, Duke Long has a squat but a leisurely stroll.

“It’s Life and Death Gate. The Soul Beast hidden in it is like a mountain, killing a batch, and a batch, killing and killing, like endless.” Duke Long gave a slight sigh.

Life and Death Gate is Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm, which has existed since the beginning of the Creation of the World. Imagine that since ancient times, as many souls have died, most of the souls have been here.

Only after Red Lotus Demon Venerable broke Fate Gu, the soul was left behind.

So, in the depths of Life and Death Gate, how many souls, Soul Beast, are hidden, I am afraid only Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is clear.

For these Soul Beast, Duke Long is not in the eye.

Even Immemorial Soul Beast, for Duke Long, is just a little trouble nothing more. Unless it is the Legendary Immemorial Desolate Beast, such as Zuo Ye Hui, Mao Li Qiu, etc., can let him look at it.

“Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul was smashed, and the biggest clone was dead. It’s time to go outside and clean the entire battlefield.”

Duke Long has the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move gantry and is free to enter and exit Blessed Land and Celestial Grotto.

Shadow Sect Blessed Land Even if the portal is closed, he can’t stand him.

But just as he was about to leave, the entire Blessed Land suddenly became turbulent, and a trace of cracks spread from the verdant sky, as if the lens was broken.

“Well?” Duke Long slightly frowned, “Is the entire Shadow Sect Blessed Land self-destructive? It’s really the style of the devil.”

As a result , Duke Long had to dispel the previous thoughts.

He needs to bring Life and Death Gate before Blessed Land is destroyed.

If Blessed Land is destroyed, Da Tong Wind, the important Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm, is hard to keep safe.


Soul Beast army, the voice is also mixed with panic.

This Heaven and Earth will be destroyed, and these Soul Beast will feel the catastrophe.

More and more Soul Beast, began to show confusion.

Duke Long went upstream, slaughtered Soul Beast, and finally stood in front of Life and Death Gate.

At the same time, outside of Shadow Sect Blessed Land.

“Unable to support!” Digital Pure Dream Seeking True Physique was drilled out of the dream one after another.

Their Ten Perfect Physiques are not complete and have considerable flaws.

Although I am pregnant with Dream Dao’s Dao Marks, the time I can stay in my dreams is not infinite.

When the time limit is up, they have to come out.

However, at the Southern Border’s Righteous Path Gu Immortal, when they wanted to kill them, the Super Gu Formation launched and moved all of these Pure Dream Seeking True Physiques.

These Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, the Purple Mountain True Monarch, is a loss of its own soul, which is born out of the light.

In terms of identity, it can still be regarded as Shadow Sect’s Soul Fragment and Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul.

However, their fighting power should not be counted, and the Purple Mountain True Monarch only temporarily gave them some mortal gu nothing more.

As for their thoughts and background, they are also very different from the Purple Mountain True Monarch, which is like a new individual.

“I am waiting for pay respects to Shadow Sect new owner!” After seeing Fang Yuan, they immediately bowed to pay homage.

Purple Mountain True Monarch is in the before death, and naturally everything has been arranged.

Hei Loulan, Bai Ningbing, Ying Wuxie, Fairy Euphony, and Black Vine also came out of Pure Dream Seeking True Physique’s Immortal Aperture.

In the face of Fang Yuan, the look of these people is quite wonderful.

“Little girl Euphony, pay respects to Sect Master!” Fairy Euphony first opened.

She and Qiao Siliu are also one of the Southern Border Contemporary Three Great Fairies. The sound is soft and extremely, and the eyes are fascinating. The eye socket is deeper than the average person. The nose is tall and high. Pair of eyes enchanting.

“Sect Master!” said the Black Vine girl.

She looked stiff, because not long ago, she also moved to Fang Yuan in an attempt to take Fang Yuan’s life.

She couldn’t think of it, the change of fate is so wonderful. Just a little while, Fang Yuan became her leader.

Hei Loulan bit his teeth and sighed deeply: “Hei Loulan pay respects to Sect Master.”

She has worked with Fang Yuan and has been hostile and has been saved by Fang Yuan.

She also used the big aunt Burning Heaven Enchantress to hang over Fang Yuan.

But later, the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, had to join the Shadow Sect, set an extremely demanding covenant.

Because of this, when Fang Yuan becomes the new owner of Shadow Sect, he can kill Hei Loulan.

Hei Loulan had to bow his head.

“I didn’t think that there is still a day to join hands with you.” Bai Ningbing is it is unique, she arms her arms, the dragon eye is cold, staring at Fang Yuan, and her tone is full of emotion.

Speaking of it, she and Fang Yuan’s have deeper roots.

Start with Silvergrass Mountain and get along. Up until now, the two sides have had an organic encounter, and they have reunited. Now they are united together, and they are really making people.

As for Ying Wuxie, he is still in a dream.

Fang Yuan glanced at the presence of these Gu Immortal.

For these Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, Fang Yuan swept away. These Gu Immortal have a life span, and when the time limit is reached, they will self-destruct. The higher the cultivation base, the shorter the time limit.

So these Pure Dream Seeking True Physique are all cannon balls.

Shadow Sect’s real manpower, which can be valued by Fang Yuan, is actually five. Ying Wuxie, Hei Loulan, Bai Ningbing, Fairy Euphony, Black Vine girl.

There is still one Sixth Hair, Shadow Sect is placed in Langya Blessed Land, barely counted as the sixth man.

Among the six, Hei Loulan is the most worthy of Fang Yuan’s trust because she can’t betray. Fairy Euphony, Black Vine, became a member of Shadow Sect because of the release of True Inheritance by Purple Mountain True Monarch. Fang Yuan inherits the legacy of Purple Mountain True Monarch and has a high degree of control over these two people.

Ying Wuxie, Sixth Hair is Shadow Sect Soul Fragment, and Fang Yuan has become the owner of Shadow Sect, even if they have to admit it. But for Fang Yuan’s future orders, whether it is outward devotion but inner opposition, or actively implement, look at the Fang Yuan’s hand paragraph.

Bai Ningbing is among the most difficult to control, Gu Immortal.

She and Shadow Sect set a covenant with equal status. When Purple Mountain True Monarch was alive, Bai Ningbing was not a fake, let alone Fang Yuan, who had just become the head of Shadow Sect?

At this moment, all kinds of thoughts flashed in Fang Yuan’s mind.

Then he said: “Hei Loulan, you take over the Super Gu Formation, I want to wake Ying Wuxie.”

His manipulates Super Gu Formation, which has been eroding against Fairy Ziwei, makes it difficult to extract other attractiveness and motivate the more complex ultimate move.

Hei Loulan was chosen because she is the most trusted among the five.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Dream Interpretation !

Fang Yuan successfully rescued Ying Wuxie and relieved him from his dreams.

However, Ying Wuxie is awake, but the situation is not right.

He had no eyes, no fighting spirit and fighting intent, and fell to the ground, as if he had been pulled out of the spine.

He was completely hit by the end.

The body of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul was captured, the Purple Mountain True Monarch was killed, and all the hopes of Ying Wuxie’s heart were destroyed.

He felt that there was no way ahead, and he was in the darkness, and there was no bright future.

Since he was born, he has been inspiring him, and what prompted him to move forward is to save the goal of the ontology. But now this goal has completely collapsed, leaving Ying Wuxie fighting spirits to the end.

“Although the same is Gloomy Soul’s Soul Fragment, he is too young in the end is still. No Purple Mountain True Monarch experienced that many, from the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain until now, how long?”

Fang Yuan was in the heart, and then urged: “Purple Mountain True Monarch is sent to your Immortal Aperture heritage? I will hand it over.”

Ying Wuxie, though disappointed, but in the end is still acknowledging Fang Yuan’s identity, he opened the Immortal Aperture Portal and flew a will of purple.

Will wrap up a lot of Rank 8 immortal essence, and a dry Immortal Gu, suspended in midair.

“Purple Mountain True Monarch?” Fang Yuan took a step back and was alert.

Purple Mountain True Monarch Although there is only will, but there is immortal essence, there is Gu insect, it is still very threatening.

Purple’s will condenses into the appearance of Purple Mountain True Monarch. He did not disadvantage Fang Yuan. Instead, he followed the previous agreement and handed over all immortal essence and Gu insect to Fang Yuan.

And in the face of the handover, so many Immortal Gu was successfully refined by Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan is only sighed in relief.

Prior to this, although he was able to communicate directly with Purple Mountain True Monarch, it was only the case and did not allow Purple Mountain True Monarch to send the estate directly to Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture.

Purple Mountain True Monarch sent these heritages to Ying Wuxie’s and then taken out by Fang Yuan.

Of course, although Purple Mountain True Monarch does not have any requirements for Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan can also perceive the intention of this move.

Purple Mountain True Monarch wants Fang Yuan to save these people.

Of course, if Fang Yuan is dead, there is no harm.

“I didn’t expect this time, the harvest is much bigger than expected!” Fang Yuan also felt very impressed with these heritages.

In his original plan, the goal was to kill Shadow Sect and remove Shadow Sect’s remnant forces directly. If Luck Qi is good, if you play it too often, you might be able to capture Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s body Remnant Soul.

Of course, this point, in fact, Fang Yuan does not have too much expectation.

He also knows the difficulty of capturing Remnant Soul. And even if it is a captive success, Soul Search is more difficult than a mortal.

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