Wu Yong’s hesitation did not last long, and he quickly decided to follow Fang Yuan’s meaning.

This is an opportunity!

A good opportunity for Wu Family.

Wu Yong has been to oversee Wu Family some time ago to resist the martyrdom of each family. This kind of day is quite boring, and of course he does not want to live any more.

And he also wants to understand, as long as his Rank 8 Gu Immortal does not fall, Wu Family in the Southern Border Gu Immortal World, there is a foothold, no matter how bad it is!


Fang Yuan wants to borrow the name Immortal Gu, then lend him.

Bloodline Immortal Gu ?

Also borrow the past.

But this kind of support is not numb.

Wu Yong and the entire Wu Family Gu Immortal must detail the reasons why Earth Communication borrowed Fang Yuan. Any unreasonable reason will be refuted and rejected.

This kind of seriousness and caution has long been the tradition of the major superpowers.

Gain Immortal Gu is the only one, any one Immortal Gu, even if it is only the Rank 6 level, for any super power, it is a direct growth on the background.

Immortal Gu never borrows easily!

Fang Yuan has to make up the right reasons in such a short period of time, which is quite difficult.

But in the end, he borrowed six Immortal Gus!

“The six Immortal Gus are almost the same. If there are more, do you have the immortal essence of that many?” Wu Yong euphemistically rejected Fang Yuan’s request again.

Six Immortal Gus are all over the body, so the risk is too great.

It is not that Wu Family suspects Fang Yuan’s identity, but that Wu Yihai has three long and two short, then these Immortal Gu are lost, and the Wu Family’s background will be seriously damaged.

Don’t put the eggs in a bamboo basket. Everyone knows this.

Fang Yuan is deeply sighed: “oh! My brother reminded me that my Red Jujube Immortal Essence is really not much. Brother, please borrow some immortal essence stones, I will quickly add immortal essence!”

He took another advantage with him.

Wu Yong did not hesitate and approved it directly. The emperor is not a hungry soldier. Without immortal essence, Immortal Gu is useless. Lend out such Immortal Gu, have to let these Immortal Gu play a role?

So Fang Yuan directly harvested 100,000 immortal essence stones.

The Wu Family is worthy of being a super-power, and the family is big and big.

“Save it.”

“These immortal essence stones and Immortal Gu can be borrowed from you, you have to be absolutely careful!”

Wu Yong takes care of Fang Yuan carefully.

Fang Yuan should be busy.

Immortal Gu and immortal essence stones passed through Treasure Yellow Heaven and were quickly delivered directly to Fang Yuan’s hand.

Treasure Yellow Heaven is sensational!

When Fang Yuan arrived, he began to actively extract immortal essence stones and converted them into their own immortal essence, and put the six Immortal Gus into the Adverse Current River.

All suppression!

At the end of this battle, Wu Yihai’s identity must be untenable.

Just a word of Heavenly Court’s will trigger enough suspicion. Fang Yuan can’t support continuous investigations. Just use Soul Search, or look at Immortal Aperture. Fang Yuan has to show up.

So before you run off, you have to take advantage of it!

“Unfortunately, the biggest regret is that I did not borrow Immortal Gu Home.” Fang Yuan grinned and sneered a Wu Family up and down, and still felt that it was still unfinished.

For a superpower, the meaning of Immortal Gu Home is more important than Immortal Gu.

It is impossible to lend directly to Fang Yuan’s!

Just like the atomic bomb on Earth, the heavy weapon of the country has never been light.

Unless Fang Yuan becomes a role like Wu Yong, mastering the highest authority of Wu Family, and wearing an Immortal Gu Home, no one will say anything gossip.

Just like Hei Cheng borrowed Immortal Gu Home Black Prison, it was because Hei Family’s four Revered Elders had a repercussion because they practiced Azure City Vertically and Horizontally. They could only get together and could not leave alone. In this context, Hei Cheng is in charge of Hei Family’s highest authority.

Fang Yuan wants to borrow Immortal Gu Home, Wu Yong first thought: “My younger brother wants to borrow Immortal Gu Home. Once this war, there is no repayment, he is on the power of Immortal Gu Home and Qiao Family. Help, fight against me, what should I do?”

Furthermore, Immortal Gu Home wants to be transported through Treasure Yellow Heaven and is not complete.

The essence of Immortal Gu Home is gu formation, no one can arrange gu formation or mature move in Treasure Yellow Heaven.

Therefore, Immortal Gu Home has to be transported and it has to be separated. Splitting is easy and it is difficult to form.

Immortal Gu Home is the highest crystallization of Formation Dao. To build an Immortal Gu Home, even if you know the method and the right steps, you need the attention and active efforts of Formation Dao Gu Immortal.

If you are a little careless, it will fail to form. This is a failure to arrange gu formation. Gu Immortal will not only suffer backlash damage, but also gu formation and Immortal Gu Home itself.

The risk is too great, so many of Immortal Gu can be loaned to Fang Yuan, and immortal essence stones, which is already the limit of Wu Family.

This is still the pro-younger brother of Wu Yong who is in Wu Yuan. At the same time, he contributed a lot to Wu Family. If there is no such thing as Broad Cold Peak, Worshipping Moon Bowl and Nut Mountain, Fang Yuan can’t borrow so much.

Fang Yuan attempted the fisherman catches both , letting Shadow Sect and Heavenly Court die, and finally harvested the benefits.

Despite his hard work, he backfired, and the power of Heavenly Court Duke Long was beyond his imagination.

Shadow Sect’s lost, Heavenly Court won, has been basically confirmed.

Even Gloomy Soul’s main body has fallen, and if Shadow Sect has any backhands, it has already been used.

In short, the Shadow Sect’s background is quite strong, but in the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, in order to refine the Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu, it is too much loss!

The blow is too heavy and almost collapsed.

The remaining breath was still being pursued by Fang Yuan and it was difficult to develop smoothly.

“But I captured Pure Dream Seeking True Physique and harvested a lot of Heavenly Crystal, and Superior Heavenly Eagle continued to ripen. This time, I also scammed six Immortal Gus, 100,000 immortal essence stones. This kind of harvest is actually quite Big!”

Fang Yuan is good at taking advantage of it.

Since the battle, he has not actually killed and killed, and has not had many Strength Qi, but the harvest is quite amazing.

“Unfortunately, Crossing Dark Immortal Gu has fallen into the trap. At this moment, I can’t rush to pick it up. Once gu formation collapses, I will face Fairy Ziwei.”

“There is still one hidden danger, that is, the Wu Family covenant. I joined Wu Family, signed a covenant, and Life Tablet Gu, Soul Lantern Gu, placed in the Wu Family’s Clan Ancestral Temple!”

Especially the latter question made Fang Yuan feel a headache.

Therefore, he cheated on six Immortal Gus, also for this problem. In the future, if Wu Family uses this information Dao relationship to harm Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan holds at least the Wu Family’s Immortal Gu. From this point, he has the capital to negotiate with the Wu Family.

Excellent players, of course, have to take a step and count the next three steps.

Although Fang Yuan is still on the battlefield, he has begun to think about the future.

“Demonic Path people, it really is insidious, greedy and ruthless. Even if you are before death, don’t forget to harm others. Fang Yuan, your sins are so deep, you will die today! Give up any idea of ​​escape, because For me, you don’t have any hope of escape at all.” At this time, the voice of Constellation Immortal Venerable came again from the Super Gu Formation.

Fairy Ziwei must have known, Wu Family rely on Treasure Yellow Heaven to transport Immortal Gu and immortal essence stones.

There is no way, Treasure Yellow Heaven is like this, it is an open market, and any transaction has the possibility of being exposed.

Heavenly Court, for Treasure Yellow Heaven, how can you not pay attention, how can there be no reconnaissance?

Fang Yuan sneered: “This is your Heavenly Court. I didn’t reveal my end in time. It seems that you have no key evidence. But even if you have such evidence, what can you do? Wu Family will believe it? Southern Border Gu Will Immortal World believe in it? They will only believe what they have personally proved. These Righteous Path forces have always been like this. Everything, they will associate with conspiracy and politics.”

Fairy Ziwei is silent, no more talking.

She understands that Fang Yuan has completely degraded Demonic Path, and his mind is so determined that he can’t use words to shake it.

Nothing is wrong, Fairy Ziwei chooses not to do it, but saves energy.

Immediately, she eroded the speed of the Super Gu Formation and made it faster.

Fang Yuan has a slight change, and Dark Dao is not good.

At this speed, the Superior Heavenly Eagle is a little overwhelmed. Super Gu Formation will crash in advance.

He now has Information Dao Xian a gu called 缰.

His plan is to use this Immortal Gu to control the Superior Heavenly Eagle.

But this method, Fang Yuan does not have much confidence in his heart.

Because Superior Heavenly Eagle is Immemorial Desolate Beast, Rank 8 Gu Immortal battle strength, and the name Immortal Gu is just Rank 7. The only thing that makes Fang Yuan a little hope is that his own fame is really big enough, and he hopes to use it to make the famous Immortal Gu play.

Really not, he can only release the Superior Heavenly Eagle, which is out of control, creating chaos and running away.

At this time, the battlefield is divided into four.

The first and most critical piece is the showdown between Purple Mountain True Monarch and Duke Long. They played against Shadow Sect Blessed Land, and the current situation is unknown, but Duke Long has the upper hand and the possibility of winning is high.

The second one is Supervising Heaven Tower and Zuo Ye Hui. No one can help. Both are currently injured, and Zuo Ye Hui is riddled with scars even though it has strong resilience. Supervising Heaven Tower is also a corner collapse, no longer a brilliant image.

The third piece is the Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal and Soul Beast.

The fourth is that Fang Yuan and Fairy Ziwei compete for control of the Super Gu Formation. This battlefield is the most secretive, even the Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal is also kept in the dark.

In Fang Yuan’s view, the overall situation has already been set, and Heavenly Court is already a winner. In this case, he has only escaped, and the plan to confuse the big fish has failed.

But Fang Yuan, the Old Demon, even if it failed, it was very rich.

“The next step is to see if I can escape!”

Just as Fang Yuan worked hard for this matter, the Information Dao of received Purple Mountain True Monarch: “Fang Yuan, is our cooperation still going on?”

Fang Yuan’s heart: “Of course you can continue.”

“He He He, very good. I really didn’t misread you!”

“I want to give you everything, my Immortal Gu, my ultimate move, my knowledge… and you don’t have to bear any obligations and responsibilities.”

“Ying Wuxie, Hei Loulan, White Rabbit, Euphony, Sixth Hair, will all be obeyed!”

“From now on, you are the Lord of Shadow Sect!”

Remarks: Ask for the monthly guarantee ticket, I forgot to say yesterday, everyone has a monthly vote, vote for it!

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