Heavenly Court has scruples, but what is this scruple, the star of Will of Heaven is not clearly told. ?[?〈[

After the Star Will of Heaven confessed, it dissipated in the air.

“Ziwei, don’t look at me. Although I have a long life span, the secret of knowing is not what you imagined. Tell you the truth, this is my second time in my life, seeing the star Will’s Will’s initiative. Duke Long gave a deep sigh.

Paused for a moment, he continued: “We have to believe in the Star of Heaven, just do what it says. We will win this trip, this is a destiny!”

Duke Long’s unwavering emotions infected Fairy Ziwei.

After the Heavenly Court’s action, according to the star of Will of Heaven’s, Duke Long and the others did not violate the slightest.

During the shuttle of Supervising Heaven Tower in White Heaven | daytime, the encountered Purple Mountain True Monarch hindered. It carries Duke Long, Fairy Ziwei, and many Gu Immortal from 10 Great Ancient Sects to join this crucial battle.

Fang Yuan analyzed nothing wrong.

Although Fang Yuan couldn’t figure out why Heavenly Court didn’t send more Gu Immortal, it didn’t prevent him from seeing Heavenly Court’s details.

Because of this, Fang Yuan made the decision to use the gu formation to help Ying Wuxie, which affected the Battle of Purple Mountain True Monarch and Duke Long.

Using Treasure Yellow Heaven, Fang Yuan successfully received an Information Dao Gu insect from Ying Wuxie.

This Information Dao Gu insect can communicate directly with Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Fang Yuan helped Ying Wuxie to get the confidence of Shadow Sect’s, otherwise how can I get this Gu Insect?

This Gu Insect is closely tied to the Purple Mountain True Monarch, and with it, it’s a key clue to make it easier to extrapolate the Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Therefore, such things have always been kept strictly.

It is also in this special case that Purple Mountain True Monarch will hand over Information Dao Gu insect to Fang Yuan.

In exchange for peacetime, it is not necessary for the two parties to conclude an Information Dao covenant.

At the moment of getting Information Dao Gu insect, Purple Mountain True Monarch actively communicated with Fang Yuan: “Fang Yuan, I have to thank you. The name of Purple Mountain True Monarch is very right, many thanks you gave me this name, I am very like.”

Fang Yuan did not expect that he once spoofed Taibai Yunsheng’s lies, and one day became a reality.

Purple Mountain True Monarch’s communicative wrist is very old. This opening statement eliminates the gap between him and Fang Yuan and greatly narrows the relationship.

Fang Yuan laughed: “Then I will call you Purple Mountain True Monarch directly. My sincerity, you have been received, you and I have cooperated with each other, but it is not only my unilateral efforts. Now, you should express your sincerity.”

Purple Mountain True Monarch responded to Duke Long while responding: “Well, what do you want?”

He knew that the power that Fang Yuan had mastered was crucial in the current situation, so he did not hesitate.

Fang Yuan said: “Heavenly Crystal! I need a lot of Heavenly Crystal.”

Heavenly Crystal, such immortal materials, is too difficult to acquire. Although Treasure Yellow Heaven sells it, it is rare, and the amount is very small, which can’t satisfy the needs of Fang Yuan’s.

But Shadow Sect has it.

Fang Yuan has no doubt about this.

Although Shadow Sect is devastating and has a heavy loss, there is no shortage of resources. This point Fang Yuan can clearly perceive from the repeated pursuit of Ying Wuxie and the others.

Sure enough, Purple Mountain True Monarch immediately agreed: “Yes, I have a lot of Heavenly Crystal in my hands, these can give you, express our sincerity.”

“You want Heavenly Crystal, do you want to ripen the Superior Heavenly Eagle?”

“Your idea is very safe, Adverse Current Protection Seal can’t be used anymore. But Superior Heavenly Eagle, even if it is ripened into a real Immemorial Desolate Beast, I’m afraid it won’t be under your control. I know very well about your Enslave Dao. ”

“But you can rest assured that there is a way to control Superior Heavenly Eagle in my hands.”

The words of Purple Mountain True Monarch let Fang Yuan listen, and when they are overjoyed, they scream at the Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Purple Mountain True Monarch is very atmospheric, directly abandoning Heavenly Crystal, in exchange for Fang Yuan’s support, without the slightest hesitation.

He was originally passive, so he said the latter paragraph and used the method of controlling Superior Heavenly Eagle to seduce Fang Yuan. This is to turn to the attack and take the initiative from passive.

It is Rock 8 Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, and the words are filled with wisdom, let Fang Yuan feel the smell of the enemy.

Fang Yuan was silent for a moment, then said: “Add another way to control Superior Heavenly Eagle, but not impossible. But now, there is one more important thing to do!”

In this case, it seems that he really has something to control the Immemorial Superior Heavenly Eagle.

As a result , let Purple Mountain True Monarch feel that the chips are not big.

Purple Mountain True Monarch smiled: “What is more important?”

“Just let you and me both fight!” Fang Yuan said.

This matter is good for Shadow Sect’s side and good for Fang Yuan, but it is not good for Heavenly Court.

Immediately, Purple Mountain True Monarch began issuing orders to recall the remaining Gu Immortal of Shadow Sect.

Fang Yuan also ordered that Southern Border Gu Immortal, though puzzled, chose to follow Wu Yihai’s identity and the facts of controlling gu formation.

The two sides began to withdraw and separated from each other.

Shadow Sect’s side has more damage, leaving only Yes Wuxie, Bai Ningbing, Hei Loulan, Fairy Euphony and the others.

Southern Border Righteous Path Here, although there is damage, it is harmless and the lineup is not small.

However, Shadow Sect’s Pure Dream Seeking True Physique is still continually breaking out, its power is constantly growing, and dreams are constantly being reduced.

In this case, it is the most unfavorable for Heavenly Court.

“The strength gap between the two sides has begun to shrink. At this time, how should Heavenly Court respond?” Fang Yuan is always watching the trend of Heavenly Court’s.

Duke Long continues to sleep, and Fairy Ziwei accelerates the erosion of the gu formation.

Supervising Heaven Tower is still with Zuo Ye Hui are in a tangle together.


Zuo Ye Hui leaped high and waved his left paw to capture the Supervising Heaven Tower to the ground.

Supervising Heaven Tower shines with white brilliance.

Zuo Ye Hui suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a gray night ultimate move.

Supervising Heaven Tower once again motivated Withering Fate.

Two extreme move pairs, night ash dissipated in the white light, Zuo Ye Hui bones broken, far away.

But almost at a moment later, it motivated the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and the killing of the whole body disappeared.

Repeating the peak state, Zuo Ye Hui snarled again, with full hatred and anger, once again attacked Supervising Heaven Tower.

A sigh rang in Supervising Heaven Tower, then pulled up and flew high.

Zuo Ye Hui also has a flying extreme move, and also flew into the sky, chasing after Supervising Heaven Tower.

The Central Continent Gu Immortals in the tower, expression is a bit nervous and anxious.

“Damn! This Immemorial Desolate Beast is too rough skin and thick flesh. The key is to use the ultimate move. Supervising Heaven Tower is a short time.”

“What to do? Duke Long was concealed and fell into a dream, letting the Rank 8 devil attack.”

“Go out! We have to send reinforcements to support Duke Long. It’s not good to go on like this.”

“But before Duke Long’s departure, I have to take care of it, so we have to stay in the Supervising Heaven Tower. Don’t act alone.”

“That was one situation, and this is quite another.”

“We also have Rank 8 Gu Immortal, and Duke Long is in a crisis and has lost control of the game. If we don’t support it, Duke Long is dangerous!”

After a quick discussion, Supervising Heaven Tower stormed and temporarily repulsed Zuo Ye Hui to create an opportunity.

Two Central Continent Gu Immortal took the opportunity to fly out of the Supervising Heaven Tower and rushed to Duke Long.

“Hahaha, there are two little mice!” Zuo Ye Hui laughed, a pair of animals exploding the murderous light.

It is suddenly opened to open the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

The two Central Continent Gu Immortal suddenly became stiff, like encountered natural enemies, and the enormous sense of crisis shrouded the whole body, making them difficult to hold themselves.

Kā chā !

Zuo Ye Hui big mouth suddenlyly closed, it is clearly a long distance from the two Central Continent Gu Immortal, but the teeth bite like the two Central Continent Gu Immortal.

A blood leaked from its mouth.

At the same time, the two Central Continent Gu Immortal were covered in blood, terrifying wounds pierced the whole body, the internal organs were smashed by sharp objects, and the whole body was instantly unrecognizable.

“This is the ultimate move of Gourmet Dao! It’s hard to defend.”

“Zuo Ye Hui possesses the wisdom of man, and he fully understands the tactics of avoiding reality.”

“Fast, bring the two Fellow Immortal back.”

Supervising Heaven Tower has been rescued. Fortunately, the two Central Continent Rank 8 also have good self-help methods. They are dangerous and risky alive and have not been eaten by Zuo Ye Hui.

Fortunately, life is back, Central Continent Gu Immortals really realizes that Zuo Ye Hui’s terrifying!

“It’s the Legendary Immemorial Desolate Beast, what Reckless left!”

“Thus, how do we rescue Duke Long adults?”

“Go in Supervising Heaven Tower.”

“It’s too dangerous. If you are taken into a dream, you will lose Supervising Heaven Tower. Can you afford this responsibility?”

Just as Central Continent Gu Immortal was at a loss, Duke Long fell into the biggest crisis of all time.

Purple Mountain True Monarch’s ultimate move finally came into effect, and he discerned Duke Long’s use as a means of body protection.

“Get out of my way!” Purple Mountain True Monarch flew to Duke Long’s side and spit out a purple sigh of relief.

This wonderful atmosphere is shrouded in Duke Long, which breaks down the layers of protection on his body.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is full of ideas!

“Dead!” Purple Mountain True Monarch both eyes blasting purple, and performing an extreme move, aiming at Duke Long.

But at this moment, Duke Long suddenly opened his eyes.


The explosion sounds Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering.

Purple Mountain True Monarch flew out of the smoke and Duke Long re-established its place.

He was sober.

“How can I get out of trouble so soon?” Ying Wuxie startled, and quickly used Leading Soul to Enter the Dream.

Purple Mountain True Monarch is not good enough, and the timing of Duke Long’s wake-up is too coincidental. It is too late to stop.

Duke Long disappears instantly, and Ying Wuxie inexplicably suffers from an extreme move backlash.

He himself was in a dream!

“This trick seems to be called Leading Soul to Enter the Dream? It’s a good move. Unfortunately, if you give me some time, I will be able to fully understand its prototype mystery.” Duke Long slowly opened his mouth.

The indifference of the dragon eye reflects the face of the Purple Mountain True Monarch. Duke Long continues: “As for you, if you only have these means, you can’t take my next move.”

“Because this is what Genesis Immortal Venerable created!”

Duke Long majored in Qi Dao, multi-cultivation Transformation Dao. At this moment, he finally began to use the real means!

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