Duke Long said this, and the momentum suddenly changed.

He just repelled the Purple Mountain True Monarch, and made Ying Wuxie’s Leading Soul to Enter the Dream come back. It was so powerful that it was like a giant dragon.

But now his momentum has begun to decline a little bit.

It is not appropriate to say that it is “down”.

It is compact and concentrated.

Originally, the amazing 滔Heaven Qi momentum, the more and more real, after a few breaths, Duke Long’s amazing momentum, completely converge. The whole person is like a thousand thousand zhang abyss, deep bottomless, mysterious.

Purple Mountain True Monarch is on the verge of enemies.

In his feelings, Duke Long in this state is far more dangerous than the powerful Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering Duke Long!


Duke Long opened his mouth and suddenly issued a dragon roaring.

Then, the whole person disappeared in the moment in an instant.

“Not good !” Purple Mountain True Monarch suddenly sinks into the heart.

Duke Long This is a trick.

He used to rely on this means, constantly mobility to the front of the Purple Mountain True Monarch, and exerted the Chaotic Dragon Fist ultimate move, pushing the Purple Mountain True Monarch to the bottom.

Switching to Gu Immortal, even if you understand Duke Long’s plans, you may not be able to react. But the Purple Mountain True Monarch is different, he cultivates Wisdom Dao, and any thinking is very fast.

Almost at the same time as Duke Long roared, Purple Mountain True Monarch thought about it and responded.

In the previous match, Purple Mountain True Monarch saw the Duke Long telescopic profound mystery, and at this moment he also reinvented the sounds of the surrounding dragons.

Sure enough, a moment later , Duke Long teleport ended and reappeared in front of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

But this time, he did not succeed in close proximity, he is only a distance from the Purple Mountain True Monarch and several hundred steps.

But for Duke Long, this distance is enough.

“Mortal Qi is back!” He snorted and waved at the Purple Mountain True Monarch.

The enrollment action is unremarkable, as if a friend is greeting in a casually.

But the Purple Mountain True Monarch was hit hard in an instant.

A large share of Mortal Qi spurted out of his body and rushed to Duke Long uncontrollably.

In the blink of an eye, I put it into the palm of Duke Long’s palm and disappeared quickly!

With such a large loss of Mortal Qi, Purple Mountain True Monarch suddenly fell into the eye socket, his face suddenly became pale, the original bright purple hair became dull and hoarse, a feeling of weakness from the deepest bottom of the heart, flooded Purple Mountain True Monarch’s body.

Purple Mountain True Monarch Deep in the eyelids, the horror of the divine light is fleeting. When he heard the light drink in Duke Long’s mouth, he immediately remembered a famous Qi Dao ultimate move.

3 Qi Return !

This ultimate move was created by Genesis Immortal Venerable and has two of the most well-known features.

The first feature is that it is very difficult to practice.

This ultimate move is extremely complicated, and the size of the Gu insects is huge, and the movements between them and the steps that are motivated can make Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal feel dizzy.

The second feature is the huge risk.

Because the ultimate move itself is very complicated, Gu Immortal’s slight difference in the catastrophe will lead to failure, and backlash will come back and lick yourself.

If the ultimate move is successful, you can’t hit the enemy. This ultimate move will also return and hurt yourself.

The lethality of 3 Qi Return is very terrifying.

This is to say from promoted immortal.

The mortal promoted immortal, pay attention to three Qi, Heaven Qi, Earth Qi, and Mortal Qi.

Gu Master continues to cultivation, from Rank 1 cultivation to Rank 5, and continues to accumulate Mortal Qi throughout the process. At the time of promoting immortal, Gu Master took the Heaven Qi and Earth Qi, Three Qi Fusions, and the Gu Master carefully regulated it, then used the Life-Bound Gu to blow up the Immortal Aperture.

The more Gu Master’s Mortal Qi, the more Heaven Qi and Earth Qi that can be merged. The Immortal Aperture that is blown out, the higher the grade.

Generally speaking, Ten Perfect Physiques means that Mortal Qi is heavy, far surpasses mortal world. Or Gu Master has accumulated a lot of power, regardless of the genre, there is Grandmaster Realm, Mortal Qi will be very strong.

After the formation of the Immortal Aperture, Gu Immortal, regardless of cultivation or operating the Immortal Aperture, must pay attention to the three-gas balance.

Heaven Qi, Earth Qi, and Mortal Qi, which one can’t be lacking, let the balance lose.

Like Fang Yuan, with Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm like Adverse Current River, Heaven Qi and Earth Qi in Paragon Immortal Aperture are very worn out. It is necessary to drop the Immortal Aperture from time to time, and swallow the outside Heaven Qi and Earth Qi, which is insufficiently supplemented and always maintains a three-gas balance.

Regarding the three gas, no matter which Gu Immortals, even Venerable, is absolutely sloppy.

The world of Five Great Domains, Heaven Qi and Earth Qi is slightly different. It is not the indigenous Gu Immortal. If you take Heaven Qi and Earth Qi from the foreign domain, you will often lose your Immortal Aperture. Although you can temporarily replenish it, you can only save it. If you have more than one, you will definitely not.

Gu Immortal died in an exotic place, and could also form Immortal Aperture Blessed Land, such as Unrestrained Valley, Central Continent, many Gu Immortal battlefields, and their Immortal Aperture formed Blessed Land in Northern Plains, but because of the aliens of Heaven Qi and Earth Qi, Blessed Land’s roots and resources, there will be a lot of damage.

To say so much, I want to explain: Heaven Qi, Earth Qi, and Mortal Qi, especially important to Immortal Aperture and Gu Immortal. A little different will cause serious damage to Immortal Aperture.

And this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move 3 Qi Return is created for this point. It directly attacks the Immortal Aperture at all.

It is a combination of combo and change. Therefore, Gu Immortal, which motivates this ultimate move, requires very high skill.

3 Qi Return is divided into three types.

The first type, Mortal Qi returns. After the object was recruited, Mortal Qi was greatly damaged, affecting all aspects, and background was greatly reduced. Of course, if there is no Mortal Qi, such as Desolate Beast, etc., there is no power in this move.

2nd Style, Earth Qi returns. In this battle, Earth Qi in Gu Immortal Immortal Aperture was madly extracted. Earth Qi suffered a serious loss, the three-gas balance was completely lost, and the Immortal Aperture was in jeopardy.

In the third form, Heaven Qi returns. This is the extraction of Heaven Qi, even the three strokes, Immortal Aperture crash has become a matter of moments.

Purple Mountain True Monarch exploded.

He has now returned from Mortal Qi, and if he returns from Earth Qi, the disadvantages will be unbearable.

For this trick, Purple Mountain True Monarch knows the origins and footsteps, but after all is the first time, it is difficult to break between rushes.

Guy is very complicated, the more complicated Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, although the urging is more difficult, but for the enemy, the more difficult it is to crack.

Everything can not be generalized, and there are advantages and disadvantages.

Since Purple Mountain True Monarch can’t be cracked, he has to use his means, and his silhouette is constantly diverging in an instant.

For a time, it turned into hundreds of Purple Mountain True Monarch, and suddenly spread out and flew around.

At the same time, his body disappeared and disappeared.

3 Qi Return is powerful, but if it is not hit, it will lose its usefulness.

However, Duke Long is not moving, and the response of Purple Mountain True Monarch has long been in his estimation.

Immediately, he was sneered, his voice was not big, but it spread throughout the battlefield: “It’s late, Purple Mountain True Monarch, you got my Mortal Qi back, the next two styles, how can you hide and hide, only accept !”

“Come, Earth Qi returns.” Duke Long paused, recruit again.

What he said was not a bluff.

Duke Long is not in the right direction, Duke Long did not deliberately investigate, he did not know the true meaning of Purple Mountain True Monarch, but the Purple Mountain True Monarch is still in the blink of an eye.

Purple Mountain True Monarch!

The massive Earth Qi, which rushes out of his Immortal Aperture, is like a rolling Yangtze River, rushing into the palm of Duke Long’s palm, and then all of it is stored and disappears.

Purple Mountain True Monarch’s Immortal Aperture is extremely damaging, the roots are completely damaged, the three-gas balance has long since been lost, and the Immortal Aperture crashes only in a few breaths.

At this time, a last resort choice was in front of the Purple Mountain True Monarch.

That is desolate.

Fall here directly.

As a result , swallow Heaven Qi and Earth Qi to make up the balance of the three gases.

But this choice, Purple Mountain True Monarch immediately chose to give up.

This response is terrible!

Because of the fall of the Purple Mountain True Monarch, his body will appear in his own Immortal Aperture, as if temporarily pulled away from the battlefield, completely lost initiative.

And the key point is that Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto can only access Heaven Qi and Earth Qi if you open the portal.

This is the necessary communication channel.

But outside, there is Duke Long glare like a tiger watching his prey.

If the Immortal Aperture Portal is opened, Duke Long will rush directly in, and it will cause extremely terrifying damage to the Immortal Aperture. And he can play back, but the Purple Mountain True Monarch can only be trapped in his own Immortal Aperture.

“Even if it is lonely, make up for Earth Qi, my three-gas balance has also been lost, because Mortal Qi is too little. To add Mortal Qi, I don’t have the corresponding Human Dao means. Only the acquisition comes in a lot of Human Race. Or nonhuman, you can.”

Various ideas in the minds of Purple Mountain True Monarch, like electric sparks, flashed past.

In a short time, he has a decision!

He suddenly extended the hand, grabbed his lower abdomen, and then his palm had a strange purple light, pulled up in an inch, and the palm of his hand left the abdomen.

With this movement, his Immortal Aperture was taken out by him.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yuan’s heart suddenly felt a familiar feeling.

He soon thought of Burning Heaven Enchantress.

There is also a trick in Burning Heaven Enchantress, which is to take away the Immortal Aperture of others directly using the method of Flame Dao.

This move has left a deep impression on Fang Yuan.

“How can Purple Mountain True Monarch use this method?” Fang Yuan was a little confused, but he even relieved.

Burning Heaven Enchantress is a member of the Zombie Alliance itself, and Hei Loulan is tightly controlled by Shadow Sect. It’s no surprise that Purple Mountain True Monarch has mastered such a means.

Moreover, the genre of the world, the cultivation to the advanced level, can achieve the function of different routes to the same destination.

This move by Purple Mountain True Monarch is obviously a Wisdom Dao approach, perhaps his own research and development, and may not be related to Burning Heaven Enchantress.

Purple Mountain True Monarch resolutely takes out his own Immortal Aperture and places it outside.

Immortal Aperture Portal opened and began to smash Earth Qi.

But the hope of Celestial Grotto’s self-help is extremely embarrassing. Even if Earth Qi is balanced, Mortal Qi is too lacking.

Seeing Purple Mountain True Monarch has such a decision, Duke Long can not help but be surprised, and immediately admired his face flashing.

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