Duke Long is dreaming!

After Ying Wuxie had the Rank 7 fairy, it suddenly showed a strong strength, and a take action changed the battle between Rank 8 Gu Immortal. (?<<[(网[

Duke Long is in a dream and can’t extricate himself.

Purple Mountain True Monarch took the opportunity to start a fierce counterattack.

Hong long long ……

The explosion is endless, but Duke Long has a myriad of dragon shadows, and his skin has numerous swimming dragon phantom tattoos.

“Awesome defensive ultimate move…” Purple Mountain True Monarch For a time, there was no way to get Duke Long.

Like the Purple Mountain True Monarch, Duke Long also has a lot of protection, and there is no shortage of excellent move. These ultimate moves are similar to Bi Chentian’s proud wooden move.

This ultimate move is turned into Dao Marks, imprinted in the fairy of Gu Immortal. Usually hidden, once attacked, the ultimate move will remind itself, without the need for Gu Immortal to maintain the manipulates, only cost Gu Immortal immortal essence.

This is a bit similar to Fang Yuan’s Unknown to Ghosts.

Unknown to Ghosts is also a top-level ultimate move, created by Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable. But this trick is better than Bi Chentian’s wooden armor, Duke Long, and Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Because Unknown to Ghosts is not only self-contained, it never works. The most important thing is that it doesn’t cost any immortal essence.

Without any immortal essence, you can always push the ultimate move.

This is the Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s supreme! In the view of Central Continent Ten Great Sects, Fang Yuan, etc., it is incredible, there is no to discern which is the found mystery.


Two white lights, constantly spinning, slamming on the Purple Mountain True Monarch.

It was the Circling Dragon Teeth ultimate move from Duke Long.

After the two strange lights broke out, the two dragon toothes returned without success, but still hovered around the Purple Mountain True Monarch, waiting for an opportunity to start again.

“Does this ultimate move also not require Gu Immortal manipulates? It’s really troublesome.” Purple Mountain True Monarch slightly frowned.

“However, fortunately, I have been urging the purple mind to know the smart star glow!” Purple Mountain True Monarch loudly shouted, from the pores under the body, a lot of star glow.

The star glow flutters around Duke Long and shoots on him, defeated by Duke Long’s heavy defense.

But what followed was a message that was instilled in the minds of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

“Kill him!” Ying Wuxie watched the battle in the distance and shouted in her heart.

In the gu formation, Fang Yuan also closely watched the Battle of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

“It’s really stubborn!”

“Devilic Path, you are hopeless!”

The sound of Fairy Ziwei came again from the level gu formation. Fang Yuan take action Helping Ying Wuxie, indirectly Cause Duke Long to dream, all this, Fairy Ziwei is in the eye.

“However, if you think that Duke Long will fail, then you are very wrong.”

Spoke until here, Fairy Ziwei actually sneered out: “I have to thank you, several hands, gu formation gu formation, let me see a lot of gu formation operation, you don’t tell me did not feel This level of gu formation has been gradually not yours?”

“It’s true that erosion is speeding up, but you don’t have to bluff.” Fang Yuan sneered.

Fairy Ziwei: “Well?”

“You this time, although the momentum, but the real battle strength, it is just that.” Fang Yuan’s eyes, flashing fine.

“In fact, as long as you move a Rank 8 Gu Immortal like you, you can level the battlefield. Unfortunately, there has never been a single person in Supervising Heaven Tower.”

“On the contrary, you have to sneak into the gu formation from the back. Duke Long also has to play in person.”

“Even if you know my true identity, I have never publicized it and let my identity be exposed.”

“Besides no evidence, the idea is to re-on the power of the Southern Border Righteous Path and deal with Shadow Sect together?”

“Of course, there is still one reason, even if I am identified by you, I can convince the Southern Border Righteous Path, but this level of gu formation is always in my hands. This is the key, not because of mine. Change and change.”

“You have penetrated into the gu formation and want to master this huge stack.”

“It all shows that you have a great thunder, but only tiny drops of rain, and there is not much strong Rank 8 battle strength.”

Fairy Ziwei is silent.

She involuntarily recalled a scene from many days ago.

At the time, she was working on Constellation Chessboard.

The Immortal Gu Home has been kept in the Heavenly Court’s treasury until Duke Long wakes up and has the power to transfer it to Fairy Ziwei.

In the process of contact and use, Fairy Ziwei felt the supreme essence of this Immortal Gu Home.

“This Immortal Gu Home is not only the Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu Home created by Constellation Immortal Venerable, but it can make my debut power multiply.”

Thinking of Constellation Immortal Venerable, Fairy Ziwei looked and admired.

Her Wisdom Dao’s ability to calculate is inherently very powerful. Suddenly, the number of times has increased, and Fairy Ziwei has almost the illusion of being on the road today.

“But unfortunately, although the deductive ability is strong, it also needs critical clues. The clues are too rare, and it is difficult to calculate.” Fairy Ziwei’s face is slightly embarrassing.

She thought that not long ago, Central Continent Gu Immortal was chased by Old Ancestor Xuehu and Longevity Heaven, because Longevity Heaven’s means directly blinded the clues, and it was impossible for Fairy Ziwei to calculate the position of Central Continent Gu Immortal in time. Therefore, the reinforcements do not know the direction and location, and it is difficult to dispatch.

And thought of Fang Yuan. Until now, Heavenly Court is committed to killing this person.

But there have been no key clues.

At the time of projection, because Fang Yuan has the means of defense, it can often support a period of time and give timely warning.

Therefore, Fang Yuan’s whereabouts has never been under the control of Heavenly Court’s.

Fairy Ziwei is sighed secludedly.

Just then, the Constellation Chessboard in her hands began to devour her immortal essence and run on her own.

A Will of Heaven, spewing out of the Constellation Chessboard, floats in midair and turns into a Constellation Immortal Venerable.

Seeing such a scene, Fairy Ziwei is naturally very surprised.

The Constellation Chessboard has always been a Constellation Immortal Venerable, even if she is ready to die. Fairy Ziwei was able to use this Immortal Gu Home, but it was borrowed.

“Ziwei, this is Constellation Immortal Venerable, don’t you see?” Duke Long arrived in time and appeared behind Fairy Ziwei.

“But this is Will of Heaven.” Fairy Ziwei, as Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, can naturally see the essence of this will.

“Of course it’s Will of Heaven. You are too young to know this secret. Constellation Immortal Venerable, Already and Will of Heaven are completely assimilated. Although she is not in her body, her will has been haunted in Heaven and Earth Five Regions. Among them, she is already with Heaven and Earth!” Duke Long said something startling.

Fairy Ziwei was so sad that she was shocked.

“as a result, Constellation Immortal Venerable Isn’t it Eternal Life? Will of Heaven is the Constellation Immortal Venerable, isn’t the entire Heaven and Earth standing on Heavenly Court?”

But Duke Long shook his head and sighed: “It should be said that Heavenly Court is standing on the side of Will of Heaven. After assimilation with Will of Heaven, Constellation Immortal Venerable is no longer her original. This is a great sacrifice! In the past, Constellation Immortal Venerable sacrificed himself and changed Will of Heaven for the sake of Human Race. Since then, Will of Heaven has been the image of Constellation Immortal Venerable, but essentially is Will of Heaven.”

Fairy Ziwei’s eyes flashed, she was Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, and immediately understood.

Constellation Immortal Venerable sacrificed himself for the entire Human Race and assimilated at Will of Heaven.

The nature of Will of Heaven’s has not changed, but has been changed by Constellation Immortal Venerable, such as the image of Will of Heaven, perhaps… and the care of Heavenly Court’s humanity?

This may be why Heavenly Court has always followed Will of Heaven and has survived the vicissitudes of life!

“Grand Era is coming, Five Regions will be integrated into one domain, and the fate has reached a critical point.” The star of Will of Heaven spoke openly and extended his right hand.

On its right hand, it flew out of a Will of Heaven, drifting in midair and turning into a Southern Border gu formation.

“it’s here.”

“A key battle is about to unfold. The outcome of this battle will affect the entire World.”

“Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is already weak, Shadow Sect remnants will be concentrated here, and Fang Yuan, who fakes Wu Yihai, is in the Southern Border Righteous Path.”

“This is a group of people who are desperate, the root cause of the disaster. If you remove them, you can better repair Fate Immortal Gu.”

“However, this time Heavenly Court only allows you to play.”

Stars Will of Heaven talk slowly.

“Why?” Fairy Ziwei was puzzled.

Heavenly Court’s background is very strong, before the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain, it is too late, the Heavenly Court Rank 8 Gu Immortal that caused the awakening is not enough to subvert the battle.

Now I am reminded by the Star of Heaven’s, the time is very abundant, leaving plenty of preparation time for Heavenly Court. Heavenly Court can gather more power and form a crushing force.

But the star Will of Heaven tells Fairy Ziwei and Duke Long that you are only allowed to move.

“This is a destiny.”

“Righteous Heavenly Mountain After the First World War, the change in the number of operations has been greatly weakened. Fate Immortal Gu has recovered and the number of lives has been regained.”

“If you go here, you will win.”

“Heavenly Court’s existence, Gu Immortal’s sleep, don’t arbitrarily interfere, they all have a more important role. Heavenly Court’s background can’t be cut, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.”

“Gu Immortal with Supervising Heaven Tower, Constellation Chessboard, Central Continent Ten Great Sects should not be called at will. Pay attention to saving their lives. In the next ten years, Heavenly Court needs more Rank 8 Gu Immortal to sleep. Remember, remember. ”


The Stars of Will of Heaven accounted for a lot.

Fairy Ziwei obtained a lot of intelligence, but these made her even more doubts.

She is now a member of Heavenly Court, but she actually knows too little about Heavenly Court.

This behemoth, although the background is extremely strong, but not what she thought before, can do it freely.

The sleep of Heavenly Court Gu Immortal seems to have a more important role besides giving them life prolonging.

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