a moment later, Purple Mountain True Monarch suddenly snapped a finger.

A record of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the purple glow, quickly spread around the range of thousands of steps.

Duke Long’s silhouette came to an abrupt end, and he could no longer use the teleportation method to bully the side of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

“Is it broken, the speed of the reaction is really fast, Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, and it is still as troublesome as ever.” Duke Long stopped the offensive and sighed in his heart.

His body move is based on the previous dragon scream.

Where the sound of Long Xiao once covered, he was able to mobilize the ultimate move and teleport.

Of course, this has a certain effective time limit.

Purple Mountain True Monarch to discern This is how to use the Wisdom Dao method to simulate the effect of Sound Dao and purify the environment around you.

Duke Long’s bodywork has no use, so it fails.

“If that’s the case, then try this trick again.” Duke Long hovered in the air, his mouth slightly open.

His teeth suddenly fell off two pieces, and the wind rose and quickly became bigger.

In the blink of an eye, the two teeth are turned into a knife-like snowy dragon tooth.

Duke Long took a deep breath and brewed a few breaths, suddenly stimulating Immortal Realm Ultimate Move

Circling Dragon Teeth !

Two white dragon toothes quickly smashed beyond the Purple Mountain True Monarch and quickly caught up.

The dragon tooth is like a scimitar, constantly circling around the Purple Mountain True Monarch, and each time slashing, you can sneak a glare on the Purple Mountain True Monarch.

“I want to rely on this means to contain me?”

“dragon tooth This is a solid, unlike the unusual move.”

Purple Mountain True Monarch immediately felt a surge in pressure.

The dragon tooth’s slashing and killing is no small feat. Purple Mountain True Monarch quickly realized that the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move must be unlocked as soon as possible!

“The Purple Man has already used his old methods, but he is still gradually being pushed down by Duke Long.” Ying Wuxie flies while watching the battle between Purple Mountain True Monarch and Duke Long.

His perspective is very good. In such a complicated battle environment, he can see the scene of two Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

So far, the two sides are still testing.

Obviously, Duke Long is better than Purple Mountain True Monarch.

If you say battle strength, Duke Long can compete with Bo Qing, and Purple Mountain True Monarch is naturally weak. Although the latter is already the peak in Rank 8 battle strength!

“The strength of Zidai will continue to weaken, because he always urges Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, constantly creating the Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, and getting through the dream. This process requires him to constantly divide his soul. Extremely painful!”

Ying Wuxie is worried.

Purple Mountain True Monarch is not an opponent of Duke Long, but now it is constantly making Pure Dream Seeking True Physique. The way to wait for Purple Mountain True Monarch was figured out by Duke Long, when the Purple Mountain True Monarch was defeated.

“Fast and fast!” Ying Wuxie constantly urges herself.

This information, of course, he will not say to Fang Yuan.

Although the two sides are cooperating, but did not sign any Information Dao covenant, Ying Wuxie still does not trust Fang Yuan.

But to sign a covenant, let alone the situation is not allowed, even if circumstances allow, Fang Yuan does not dare to sign.

Both sides actually want to cooperate, but they don’t trust each other. Thanks to the great enemy of Heavenly Court, I have to work together!

“Found, in your southeast direction, there is a light that is about to form and form, and go there quickly.” At this time, Fang Yuan’s voice was conveyed.

Ying Wuxie took a look and suddenly hesitated.

If in the direction indicated by Fang Yuan, he will go deep into the hinterland of the Southern Border Righteous Path. There are a large number of Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal.

Is Fang Yuan reliable? Is this a trap to lure him?

Ying Wuxie’s hesitation is hard to avoid.

“I want to frame you, I just can make you die.” Fang Yuan’s words, once again, as if to know Ying Wuxie’s voice.

Ying Wuxie had to admit that Fang Yuan was right, but he immediately thought: “Maybe, Fang Yuan is not trying to make me die, but wants to take a living and catch me? To catch me, I have to arrange it. It may be A gu formation, or Battlefield Ultimate Move?”

But this time, Ying Wuxie smashed his head and didn’t hesitate.

He wants to gamble.

At this moment, he must also go to gamble!

In the direction of Fang Yuan’s direction, he flew away.

Soon, he bumped into a Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal.

“I want to suffer!” Ying Wuxie suddenly stunned.

The Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal also discovered him.

But when he was about to rush to Ying Wuxie, his face suddenly changed. After hesitating for a moment, he took the initiative to fly away with an inexplicable look and let the road open.

“How can it like this?!” Ying Wuxie was shocked.

This is already the second time.

Could it be that he is also a Fang Yuan’s person?

But if it is, his expression is not changing, very weird, as if not unwilling, and some angry elements?

Ying Wuxie is more and more confused.

He continued on, third and fourth. He successively bumped into two Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal, both of whom took the initiative to retreat.

This is of course the result of Fang Yuan manipulates.

He used the overall situation to mobilize the Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal, and the reason for persuasion was simple.

For example, “The place needs you more”, “Fellow Immortal in a certain place is in danger, at stake, if you don’t go, he will die”, and “This area Rank 6 Immortal Zombie, you don’t care, I have arranged The man is waiting to pack him at the rear.”

For a variety of reasons, Ying Wuxie is straightforward and smooth.

No one would have expected that Wu Yihai would collude with Shadow Sect.

Southern Border’s Righteous Path Gu Immortals, who can think of it?

At this moment, Heavenly Court has not publicly announced the true identity of Fang Yuan’s.

With the help of Fang Yuan’s, Ying Wuxie is getting closer to the destination.

“Well? Is there a light in it?” The Rank 7 expert has a surprise discovery.

The lightning explosion on his body drove his body and quickly moved toward the light.

“Stop!” Ying Wuxie, who just arrived, saw this scene and suddenly yelled.

Winged Black Skull is also strange: “Who is this? Actually, it’s coming here!”

Ying Wuxie’s screams, does not interfere with him, he is very close to the light, seeing him will succeed.

But a moment later, the view of the wing black scorpion suddenly changed.

He was forcibly moved to the inside of Super Gu Formation.

“Wu Yihai adults! I just wanted to” shouted immediately after the wing black cockroaches reacted.

This is simply pig teammate! Seeing it is going to succeed!

“I know, but there is a place that needs your battle strength. You can rest assured that the light and the enemy, I have already noticed it. I will deal with it.” Fang Yuan directly interrupted the wing black.

Winged black cockroaches still want to open again, suddenly the vision has changed, this time he was sent out again, arrived another place.

“Wu Yihai, this guy, taking advantage of his own achievements gu formation, will treat me as a chess piece? hmph!” Wings are very uncomfortable, but he does not doubt Fang Yuan’s real intentions.

Fang Yuan did not move him at random. Beside him, there was a Southern Border Gu Immortal to be influenced by Fairy Euphony’s poisonous hand.

Winged black scorpion hastened to participate in the battle, and will be uncomfortable with Fang Yuan’s.

Ying Wuxie is in a dream!

Seeing the wing black scorpion to start with the light, he is almost desperate.

But a moment later, he is from heaven to heaven, this transition is too sudden, too much surprise.

Ying Wuxie is a bit embarrassing.

When he reacted, he contacted Fang Yuan with Information Dao Gu insect and shouted: “You, you actually manipulate the entire Super Gu Formation! What is your identity now?”

Fang Yuan knows that he can’t hold it at this moment and simply reveals: “What identity can I still have? Wu Yihai is now me.”

Ying Wuxie heard the words, the eyes almost came out.

This answer is too amazing. When was the time when Fang Yuan used it, can it penetrate this point?

After accepting this reality, Ying Wuxie was completely upset.

No wonder these Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal, both the initiative and the retreat of each and every one, and their look, now Ying Wuxie feels, suddenly a little funny.

But soon, Ying Wuxie was relieved.

“Fang Yuan has the Dream Interpretation method. He has been hiding here for so long, no one can find him. There must be a huge plot! There must be a huge gain!”

“That was close. If the non-Zi adults carefully planned, they made a completely unprepared Righteous Path. Otherwise, there is Fang Yuan to oversee here. It is a huge trouble for our Shadow Sect.”

Ying Wuxie’s mood is constantly changing, shocked, stunned, and instigated, he finally arrived in front of the light.

“this aura! This is the Rank 7 ray.” Ying Wuxie was excited.

“I have chosen, can I still have a mistake? You still don’t hurry to do it?” Fang Yuan laughed.

Ying Wuxie nodded, immediately motivated an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

This ultimate move is extremely effective. In an instant, the light that has not yet been completely formed is instantly stable and completely condensed.

Ying Wuxie’s soul, and Gu insect, have been thrown into the light.

And his Strength Dao Rank 6 Immortal Zombie was directly discarded.

The light breaks open, Rank 7 Ying Wuxie go on stage !

“Don’t resist, let me send you a ride.” Fang Yuan’s voice came, and Ying Wuxie obeyed him.

a moment later , Ying Wuxie was moved out of the way and saw the silhouette of Duke Long and Purple Mountain True Monarch fighting each other again.

Without any hesitation, Ying Wuxie spurred the ace.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Leading Soul to Enter the Dream.

“Eh!” Duke Long’s face changed suddenly, and in an instant he broke into his dream.

All of a sudden, lost control of the outside world.

Purple Mountain True Monarch stunned: “What happened? Is it a conspiracy?”

But immediately, he received Ying Wuxie’s letter: “I am coming, Zi Daren, now I am Rank 7 Dream Dao Gu Immortal!”

“Very good.” Purple Mountain True Monarch was overjoyed, and the buried test was finally launched.

“There are some twists and turns in the process. I am able to exchange for the fairy body with the help of Fang Yuan’s. He is now a fake Wu Yihai and manipulates the Super Gu Formation of the Southern Border Righteous Path. He wants to work with you.”

“Oh? !” Purple Mountain True Monarch has a big eye, “Good, send my Information Dao Gu insect to him, I need to talk to him directly.”

With the combination of Fang Yuan and Shadow Sect, the battle seems to be flipping!

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