Southern Border, Tie Family, Wancheng Mountain.

Hong long long ……

A series of dull sounds shrouded the unobtrusive small mountain valley.

At the bottom of the valley, stood a girl.

Her figure is tall, a pair of long legs almost half of the whole body, quite strong and heroic. At this moment, she is like a sword under the eyebrows, a pair of eyes spray star glow, looking up overhead.

One after another huge, like a house-like stone, walking down the mountain wall and kneeling down to her.

The girl took a deep breath and slowly closed her eyes at the time of the matter of life and death.

Hundreds of boulders are about to fall on her, and at this moment, she suddenly opened her eyes.

In an instant, the golden light blooms, and the glory is so bright that the whole valley seems to be buried with a small sun!

When the rays of light continued for a moment, they suddenly disappeared.

The rumbling sound disappeared instantly, and countless gray-white powders were scattered and swayed.

The girl was bathed in the flying stone powder, and the firm face flashed a touch of joy.

“Very good, Tie Ruonan, you practiced the ultimate move that I taught you, and reached the final test. From today, you will follow me cultivation, and I will teach you the law of immortality.” A magnificent voice, shrouded The entire small mountain valley.

The girl immediately fell to her knees: “Thanks to Revered Family Elder, adults!”

“Hate evil like an enemy, inborn talent is high, it is suitable for my lineage Iron Inheritance. Originally your father is one of my pre-selected seeds, I did not expect his daughter’s inborn talent to be more outstanding than him. Hundreds of times… eh?” The loud voice suddenly stopped.

But soon, Tie Ruonan heard again: “There is a sudden incident, you will be cultivation here for the time being. I will teach your ultimate move, although it is refined, but not skilled. This period of time, you are a lot Practice, wait for me to return, and then plan.”

“Yes, Ruonan obeyed.” The girl immediately bowed her head with respect and excitement.

“Finally, finally I am achieved, father, adult, I am beyond you. You are good at the heaven spirit, look at it, I will cultivate into a fairy, with the power of Gu Immortal.”

“This world is too dark and chaotic. Only with more powerful strength can we be severely punished for the evil, rewarded for the good, justice is helped, and the world is clear!”


“Zhang Li, you are the wife of the murderer, and my brother is safeheartedly waiting for you. As a result, you are so heartbroken and have actually harmed him. Today, I am going to unload you, die without a whole corpse! “A youth Gu Immortal growled, angry, and swayed by the Rank 7.”

Fang Yuan: “…”

Since his last dream of Zuo Ye Hui, Dark Dao Realm has skyrocketed to the Grandmaster level. But then, it is an absurd dream.

Fang Yuan is cautious and does not want to explore in this strange and strange dream.

Waiting patiently for a while, he finally managed to wait for a realistic dream.

In this dream, he became a female Gu Immortal, and it was still very…waves.

Because of this female immortal, the cultivation is Charm Emotion Dao.

This genre is a small school that is a small branch derived from Wisdom Dao. Pay attention to the situation, to enchant people.

At this moment, Fang Yuan, incarnation into a female immortal, a pink dress, **********, the neckline of the choppy, skirt split to the roots of the thigh. A smile, even more intriguing.

In this regard, Fang Yuan is also very helpless.

After all, this kind of dream of others, if he wants to explore, he has to become the source of dreams.

Of course, becoming a woman does not interfere with Fang Yuan’s indifference.

He guards the enemies in front of him and puts his attention to the Immortal Aperture.

What makes Fang Yuan gratified is that there are quite a few Immortal Gus on this female immortal.

“Try this one first.” Fang Yuan perfused the immortal essence and immediately gave a sound of baby.

This voice is completely unaffected by Fang Yuan’s and is full of feminine tenderness.

That youth Gu Immortal originally aggressive, listening to this voice, suddenly the whole body is soft, killing intent steep drop.

He rushed to the stagnation, biting his teeth, and reappearing the color of clear and bright: “The enchantress, actually playing tricks on your Young Master! Eat my ultimate move!!”

As he said, his hands were pushed, the wind was blowing, and Heaven and Earth were dark, and countless wind blades came to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan quickly retraced and ducked while trying to push second Immortal Gu.

Suddenly, the powder skirt on Fang Yuan suddenly turned into a mist of powder, lingering around him, flying with Fang Yuan.

The speed of speeding is called Fang Yuan. I admire it. It is not inferior to Sword Escape Immortal Gu. The only thing called Fang Yuan is that, as the distance of the speed is getting farther and farther, the pink cloud on his body is decreasing, and the original can wrap up the whole body. At this time, it has been forced to expose the white thighs and arms.

Fang Yuan is not afraid of naked. Ben, this shameful heart is away from him, not to mention the dream.

He regrets that this Immortal Gu utility is obviously not sustainable. Otherwise, it is almost invincible to deal with the enemy in front of it.

“slut, you run very fast. But you must die in my hands today, in order to kill you, revenge for my brother, I am willing to pay any price!”

Youth Gu Immortal both eyes red, open mouth roaring.

At the same time, he motivated the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

The green wind, in his palm, condenses into a small dagger.

The dagger flashed a faint cyan light, and Fang Yuan looked at it with a little glance and felt trembling in fear.

“Not good !” Fang Yuan sinks his heart.

“With 1~2 Immortal Gus alone, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move can’t be resisted. But I don’t have any Immortal Realm Ultimate Move in this Zhang Li.”

On the occasion of the distress, Fang Yuan quickly spurred Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Dream Interpretation.

Suddenly, a mysterious force flowed through Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture at the moment. One Immortal Gu, dozens of mortal gus are motivated by the wrap up of this mysterious power.

“Is this?” Fang Yuan noticed such a scene and suddenly rejoiced.

He quickly continued to motivate the ultimate move Dream Interpretation. Under the influence of the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the mysterious power continued and became more abundant, and many of the Gu insects in Fang Yuan Immortal Aperture were integrated.

Then, I formed a completely unfamiliar Immortal Realm Ultimate Move from Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan doesn’t know what the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is.

Time is not the other, at the moment, the opposite of Youth Gu Immortal has already swayed with the lips at the palm of his hand. That Bifeng dagger, like a sharp arrow, burst out, directed at Fang Yuan, and smashed again!

Fang Yuan was secretly sighed in his heart, and at this moment, he could only listen to his fate.

Really on Dream Interpretation, make the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, what effect, can not be the current wind breeze, Fang Yuan heart is completely bottomless.

However, just under the effect of this ultimate move, Fang Yuan involuntarily swayed the orchid finger, facing you, Gu Immortal, pointing eyes, charming eyes were like silk, softly said: “Dead, come on!”

This voice is just a fascinating temptation to the extreme, even Fang Yuan himself listened, and all of them shuddered.

Immediately, I really came to a dead ghost.

This is the soul of Gu Immortal, with the Rank 7 battle strength, fluttering out of fear, and hitting the head of the blue wind.

That youth Gu Immortal saw this dead ghost, suddenly changed his face, cry out in surprise: “Brother!!”

It turned out that this female immortal Zhang Li, she even murdered her husband, and also converted his soul into an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Fang Yuan saw such a scene, and suddenly he got a move and shouted in his mouth: “As long as I cancel the ultimate move, your brother’s soul can be saved. You have guts to destroy it too!”

Youth Gu Immortal was furious, but he was afraid of hurting his brother’s life and fighting.

Fang Yuan was ecstatic, and took the action quickly, and quickly regained the situation.

After a while, he was on a flaw in his opponent and killed him.

Dreams pass!

“hu.” Fang Yuan slowly spits out one mouthful of impure air, he returned to reality.

“This dream is only a scene.” Fang Yuan was a little surprised.

This is a very small dream.

Fang Yuan passed at one time. Savouring, he found that this growth of Realm, not only Wisdom Dao, but also Soul Dao.

“Charm Emotion Dao has never really gotten rid of Wisdom Dao. There has never been a Charm Emotion Dao mark in the world, only Wisdom Dao’s Dao Marks. So it is still the growth of Wisdom Dao Realm.”

“As for Soul Dao… I am afraid this Zhang Li, also multi-cultivation Soul Dao. Especially her Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the dead ghost, has a strong Soul Dao composition.”

Fang Yuan analyzed it and sorted out his Realm.

Today his Grandmaster Realm has up to eight genres. They are Blood Dao, Strength Dao, Transformation Dao, Star Dao, Wisdom Dao, Water Dao, Dark Dao, and Formation Dao.

Refining Dao is Quasi Grandmaster, Luck Dao Great Master, and Void Dao is still blank. Sword Dao Realm common, Soul Dao Realm originally is common, but after the Zhang Li dream, promoted to Quasi Great Master.

“The Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is coming, interest. I don’t have enough Soul Dao Realm, but Wisdom Dao is Grandmaster. Dreams are realistic, there is a good chance that some power can be restored. Although it can’t be completely reproduced, it can be copied. A similar Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.”

“But even if this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is faked, it’s not as good as my improved back.”

Gu Immortal has a little chance, and will often be very happy to start the improved Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

But Fang Yuan is not like this.

Recently, this period of time, his Realm has improved a lot, inspiration and there may be countless, he needs to pick out the most cost-effective Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, improved.

I have to say that this is a happy trouble.

The Dark Dao Realm was promoted to Grandmaster, giving him an idea of ​​an ultimate move centered on Crossing Dark Immortal Gu and Perseverance Immortal Gu. This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move can hide himself better.

The enhancement of Formation Dao Realm gave him a new idea for the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

This idea made him quite heart-warming. Original’s rigid back ultimate move is centered on Vajra Thought and perseverance, but in his vision, if it can increase the defense of Immortal Gu and some Formation Dao mortal gu, the power will skyrocket several times.

After the dream of Zhang Li dream, the dream that flows to Fang Yuan is not suitable for exploration.

Fang Yuan began to shift his focus and improved the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Just when Fang Yuan quickly upgraded his own strength, Qiao Zhicai and Wu Yong came to Tie Mianshen.

The Rank 7 Gu Immortal, dressed in a martial artist, has a light armor on his chest and legs and legs, and his face is covered with a thick layer of iron.

This is not the mask of his face, but the cultivation feature of the iron face True Inheritance.

The cultivation of this year, Gu Immortal of True Inheritance, must be a person of justice, and they are often the best in Southern Border Gu Immortal World to find out the truth.

After a close look at the scene and the two bodies, Tie Mianshen asserted: “Not a hand under Qiao Zhicai.”

Qiao Zhicai suddenly spits out one mouthful of impure air.

“Who is that?” Wu Yong asked.

“Someone imitated his Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Wooden Statue Death. This situation has been recorded in history.” Tie Mianshen replied, “I don’t know Sir Wu Yong, have you heard of Seven Illusion Demon Immortal?”

Wu Yong frowns: “You mean the successor of Seven Illusion True Inheritance? It is said that he inherited Gu Immortal of True Inheritance and has the ability to imitate all the world, any Gu Immortal means. Tie Mianshen, can you be sure?”

Tie Mianshen nodded: “My family Demon Subduing Pagoda, I have been imprisoned by a seven Illusion Demon Immortal. The content of Seven Illusion True Inheritance, although my family did not inquire, but some secrets I know more. Such as this Seven Illusion True Inheritance, which is divided into 7-Layer. The successor can choose not to inherit any layer of True Inheritance or inherit the complete 7-Layer True Inheritance. Only one layer of True Inheritance is inherited. It is agreed that one thing for someone to do in the uncertain future. 7-Layer True Inheritance is seven things.”

“In order to distinguish the descendants of Seven Illusion, my family has already developed a relative means to distinguish the truth. Just now I have used it, it must be seven Illusion Demon Immortal.”

“Interesting.” Wu Yong slightly nod, his brow wrinkled deeper.

Although I know the truth, what about it?

Seven Illusion Demon Immortal Who is it? What other people or forces are behind him or her?

These problems, Wu Yong still do not know!

But a moment later, Tie Mianshen’s words, let Wu Yong brow stretch.

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