Huā huā huā.

The waves are so loud, and there is a bloody atmosphere that is full of resentment.

Wu Family Two Gu Immortals Wu Yuanju and Rong Hao, slowly flying in the air, each overlooking a bloody sea under the feet, the former is dignified and the latter with bitterness.

“Blood Flood, a piece of ocean, has spread over a hundred thousand miles, flooding more than a dozen mountains, and then not suppressing the seal, the damage caused by this Disaster and Tribulation will be more serious.” Wu Yuanju said solemnly.

The blood tide Sky Pit originally had Wu Yiran guard, but after Wu Yiran lost his life, the blood tide Sky Pit was attacked by others, and the gu formation inside was also destroyed, resulting in a long-lasting blood flow, spewing out, and rolling all directions. Caused the disaster of today.

Rong Hao worried: “But let us two, re-arrange the gu formation, and re-seal these bloodstreams. It is not easy. If you add one Rank 6, combined with the power of three Gu Immortals, you can be strong.”

Both of them are Rank 6 cultivation base, and it is not difficult to deal with this bloody disaster, but Wu Yong’s order specifies the time limit. If they want to finish within the time limit, they will be a little powerless.

But there is no way, Wu Yong is really unable to extract more power to deal with the danger here.

In the era of Wu Duxiu’s power, Wu Family’s territory continued to expand, and no one raised objections, because Wu Duxiu alone could suppress the whole situation.

Wu Duxiu is dead, Wu Yong is in the upper position, Wu Family only has one Rank 8 left. Although Wu Yong shows his talents and wrists, the Wu Family’s territory is too broad.

Under the plan of the Purple Mountain True Monarch, Wu Family suffered from several super families, taking advantage of the unwillingness of other super-families.

Wu Yong to oversee the center, has been dispatching troops to maintain the situation.

But this time, Wu Yiran accident, he immediately formed a huge loophole in the precarious Wu Family defense line.

Being able to send out Wu Yuanju and Rong Hao is already the limit of Wu Family.

“going all out, even if it exceeds the time limit, we can do our best.” Wu Yuanju sighed, started to work.

Rong Hao quickly cooperated.

He is not surnamed Wu, but is the foreign surname Revered Family Elder that Wu Family recruited.

The Southern Border’s family is very exclusive, and it is not easy for Wu Family to break the routine and recruit a surname, Gu Immortal, to join Wu Family.

The bloodstream is constantly retreating under the means of two Gu Immortals, and the bloody Sky Pit is like a monster’s mouth, beginning to swallow the bloodstream outside.

The disaster is contained control.

The situation is constantly improving.

Wu Yuanju sighed: “This time after suppressing the bloodstream, rebuild the gu formation, Rong Hao, you have to replace Wu Yiran, guard here. I hope you be more careful, this period of time limelight is wrong.”

Rong Hao nodded: “I understand. I heard this bloody Sky Pit, not a natural shape, but the Old Ancestor Blood Sea deliberately condensed?”

Wu Yuanju un’ed : “Old Ancestor Blood Sea leaves seven True Inheritances, here is the buried location of one of his carefully arranged seven True Inheritances. Originally unremarkable, it is no different from the ordinary Sky Pit, later Shang Family One Gu Master got into this, and I was lucky enough to get Blood Sea True Inheritance and got Blood Fingermark Gu. This person is the previous generation Patriarch Shang Yanfei of Shang Family, who is now dead in Righteous Heavenly Mountain.”

After Shang Yanfei took the Blood Sea True Inheritance, there were countless bloodstreams in the Sky Pit.

Wu Duxiu dispatched Gu Immortal to annex the area and become the territory of Wu Family.

After the blood business, Sky Pit became a Blood Dao Resource Point. Wu Family has developed Blood Dao, and this Resource Point has contributed a lot.

“You are very happy to talk.” Just then, in the heart of Rong Hao, suddenly a voice came.

“What??” Rong Hao was shocked at the moment.

He just wanted to revoke the means and defend himself, only to find that he was unable to move a single step.

He quickly used his eager eyes to bow to Wu Yuanju, hoping he could help himself. But he even desperately found that Wu Yuanju was also unable to move a single step, the same as his situation.

A little silhouette, I don’t know when, standing on the shoulder of Rong Hao.

He only has the size of a common person’s finger, his wings are like a wing, and a purple hair is quite conspicuous.

No one else, it is the Rank 8 Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal Purple Mountain True Monarch !

“Littleman Gu Immortal?” Wu Yuanju was amazed and immediately sinking his heart. Purple Mountain True Monarch is introverted and does not show the popularity of Rank 8.

Rong Hao also followed: “You are a nonhuman, knowing that this is my Human Race. Whether you are being accused or acting, I advise you not to be tempted. Because we are not only Human Race Gu Immortal And more under Wu Family. Wu Family is the first force of Southern Border Righteous Path. You take away our lives and the consequences are hard to predict.”

“In fact, we are also laking hatred and enmity. We Wu Family never take advantage of one’s position to bully people. What are your requirements? Maybe Wu Family can help you achieve it. We can’t make a friend.” Wu Yuanju Followed by the road.

He and Rong Hao cooperate, both soft and hard, it is also a tacit understanding.

It is a pity that his words have not been finished yet, and then the mouth is unclear and his eyes are dull.

Rong Hao stunned, he blurted out: “You are Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal ?!”

Spoke until here, he is equally illegible.

The Wisdom Dao method of Purple Mountain True Monarch seriously interfered with the thinking of Wu Yuanju and Rong Hao, and the thinking of both of them was interrupted and became the current one.

Gu Immortal manipulates Gu insect, you need to think, every move, but also think first, and then physically exercise.

Purple Mountain True Monarch directly interfered with their thinking, fixing them from the first standpoint, causing the two Rank 6 Gu Immortal to have no chance to fight back.

With easy control of the situation, Purple Mountain True Monarch looked at the bloodstream below Sky Pit, laughed.

Then, the Race 8 breathed out, and in a flash, across Heaven and Earth, swept across the square.

The bloody tide at the foot seems to converge.

For a moment, Purple Mountain True Monarch suddenly opened the mouth and spit out a faint aura.

Netherworld Qi flutters and slowly falls to the bloodstream Sky Pit. It was unremarkable, and it was quickly swallowed up by the bloody bloodstream.

In this step, Purple Mountain True Monarch is slightly sideways, looking to the distance, indifferently said: “It’s yours.”

A group of colorful singular light appeared, and the people inside took a tremolo: “You are a Rank 8 Great Expert! According to your strength, you can walk across the Southern Border. Why do you have such a unimportant person? ?”

“I have my own plans. At the same time, it often means paying. When you first inherited Seven Illusion True Inheritance, you should think of this day.” Purple Mountain True Monarch.

“But the successor to me, I have never received any orders. Why is it me?” The mysterious Gu Immortal of the Profound Light wrap up, the tone is very unwilling.

Purple Mountain True Monarch sighed, looking at Heavenly Court’s direction: “Maybe, this is your life. Well, killing these two people with Qiao Zhicai’s technique.”

Wu Yuanju and Rong Hao are still stupid, unable to move a single step.

Purple Mountain True Monarch gave birth to these two people, to make this mysterious Gu Immortal take action.

Mysterious Gu Immortal did not dare to disobey the order of Purple Mountain True Monarch. Profound Light burst into flames, and then slammed it into the body of Wu Family Gu Immortals, immediately dispelling them and turning the body into a woodcarving.

Purple Mountain True Monarch gave up control, leaving the two humanoid woodcarvings in the bloodstream.

“Let me go.” Purple Mountain True Monarch indifferently said.

Mysterious Gu Immortal dare to violate the words of Purple Mountain True Monarch? Even if he is not a Rank 8 Great Expert, the Information Dao covenant designed in True Inheritance alone is enough to limit the mysterious Gu Immortal.

The two said to leave and the evacuation was very simple.

Of course, Purple Mountain True Monarch will never forget to clear the traces of travel.

After only a moment of hard work, the sky suddenly swelled in the sky, and countless clouds were blown away in full, revealing a clear sky.

The scent of Rank 8 is soaring and banging, covering the audience.

Wu Yong with anger, both eyes slightly red, suddenly came.

who is it?

Who is the hand? !

Wu Yiran is dead. This time, Wu Yuanju and Rong Hao are also dead. With Life Tablet Gu, Soul Lantern Gu, and Wu Family immediately, I knew the death.

Wu Yong was furious and sent out in person.

Wu Family lost three Gu Immortals, one Rank 7 two Rank 6, the loss called Wu Yong heartache, even more angry.

He would like to see who is actually dare to break through the bottom line, so angry Wu Family!

However, a moment later, when he saw the corpses of Wu Yuanju and Rong Hao, Wu Yong also stunned.

“Wooden Statue Death?” His eyes narrowed into a needle tip size, “Qiao Zhicai?”

After a while, Qiao Family Gu Immortal Qiao Zhicai desperately rushed to the scene.

The bloodstream Sky Pit has been re-suppressed on the ground that has been eroded by bloodstream and has two bodies of Wu Family Gu Immortal.

“Qiao Family Revered Great Elder, what do you say?” Wu Yong looked dull and calm.

But the more dull and calm, the more tiaobling in fear Qiao Zhicai.

He is the Qiao Family Revered Great Elder, and the signing Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is the Wooden Statue Death. If Gu Immortal is in this way, it will be soul destroyed, lose his life, and become a woodcarving. Instead, he will have some vitality. Can be planted into trees.

Regardless of the cold sweat on his forehead, Qiao Zhicai immediately clarified: “Sir Wu Yong Rong Rong, this is not my take action, but someone deliberately, planted and framed. Qiao Wu two, the alliance has been long, can be traced back to ……”

Qiao Zhicai did not finish the words and was interrupted by Wu Yong.

His booth eyes flashed and stared at Qiao Zhicai: “I certainly want to believe you. Qiaowu two, marriage, alliance, how can it be destroyed by such a thing?”

Qiao Zhicai spits out one mouthful of impure air, “Sir Wu Yong see!”

Wu Yong continued: “It’s just too obvious if someone is framed. Who are these people? What is the purpose? What plans are there? This is a question I care more about. Wait, I Tie Family Gu Immortal Tie Mianshen has been invited!”

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