“I can track the seven Illusion Demon Immortal. [>” Tie Mianshen’s words made Wu Yong’s brow stretch out.

Originally from the Tie Family captured the first generation Seven Illusion Demon Immortal, it began to be arranged for Seven Illusion True Inheritance.

Among the many Southern Border family, Tie Family is undoubtedly the most violent force against Demonic Path. Especially after the establishment of Tie Family Demon Subduing Pagoda, Tie Family became the pillar of the Demonic Path Gu Immortal in the Righteous Path.

Immediately, Tie Mianshen mobilized Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to detect the presence of traces.

“Go here!” After identifying the direction, Tie Mianshen immediately flew to the east.

Wu Yong and Qiao Zhicai looked at each other and followed closely from behind.

The clues are intermittent, but under the guidance of experienced Tie Mianshen, three immortals have progressed well.

After half an hour, they went back to the bloodstream Sky Pit again.

Qiao Zhicai was amazed: “How come back to here?”

Tie Mianshen sneered: “The most dangerous place is the safest place…”

Qiao Zhicai reacted, but also can’t help but praise: “Good courage.”

Wu Yong’s eyes swept, and the cold light overflowed. After a few moments, his eyes fixed in the bloody Sky Pit.


Originally, the surface of the calm bloodstream suddenly surged and rushed out of countless blood beasts.

A large number of Desolate Rank blood beasts, mixed with a small number of Far Ancient blood beasts, hundreds of thousands, fierce evil, flew to Wu Yong and other three immortals.

Blood beasts are a kind of beast.

They are not proliferating, but innate Earth, which is formed by the combination of Blood Dao’s Dao Marks.

Similar to blood beasts, there are Snow Monster, Mire Monster, Cloud Beast, Soul Beast, Zodiac Beast, and Stone Dragon.

“The bloody Sky Pit actually has such mystery? Is it a place to hatch bloody beasts?” Tie Mianshen whispered, looking toward Wu Yong.

Wu Yong also reveals a slightly different color.

One of the True Inheritance of the Old Ancestor Blood Sea in the Blood Pit was acquired by a mortal Gu Master Shang Yanfei before being taken over by Wu Family. After Wu Family incorporated this bloody Sky Pit into its own territory, it has also explored it here. It has never been a different thing. In the days that followed, it was just an ordinary Resource Point.

“There are so many blood beasts ambushing, no wonder these seven Illusion Demon Immortal are hidden here.” Qiao Zhicai stunned.

Blood beasts form army, rushing, they look strange, some tiger head horse body, some snake body rabbit head, some turtle shell dragon tail, some like a big tree, hanging a monkey head like fruit…

The stinking Blood Qi screams, the ears are full of bloody beasts, 狰狞terrifying.

Such a force suddenly burst out, even the class family should be completely unprepared.

However, Qiao Zhicai and Tie Mianshen did not change their color and there was no plan to retreat.

Because at this moment, Wu Yong is already standing in front of them.

“A bunch of chop.” Wu Yong coldly snorted, his eyes flashing an angry intent.

he is very angry.

Recently this period of time, he to oversee Wu Family, dispatching troops, cover all sides, tired to cope, has been extremely depressed. Now there is such a seven Illusion Demon Immortal, with sinister intentions, misconduct, and killing Wu Family two Gu Immortals Wu Yuanju and Rong Hao!

A glimpse of the breeze is brewing around him.

The green breeze, unconsciously, is also surrounded by bloody beasts.

Blood beasts are still raging, and the degree of charge has not dropped.

Seeing that it is going to rush to the front of three immortals, this time, suddenly there is a blood beast self-exploding!

This self-exploding is not a thunder blow, but very gentle, as if the soap bubbles are broken every and every one.

The blood beasts self-exploding, nearly three immortals, but no power, can not hurt three immortals a hair.

The previous roar and charge were like a joke.

Hundreds of Rank 6 battle strength, dozens of Rank 7 battle strength, in front of Wu Yong, collapsed, fragile as if it were a toy made of paper.

This is the power of Rank 8!

“What is this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move… The breath converges to the extreme, and I can’t detect it!” Qiao Zhicai was shocked.

Tie Mianshen looked deep and looked at the back of Wu Yong.

Wu Yong is as sinking as water, and his eyes are tightly locked to the bloodstream below.

Blood beasts form, not without the cost, the bloodstream is dry, and the blood flow almost overflowing in the original Sky Pit has already dried up.

Qiao Zhicai sighed, it was a pity. He perceives the originally rich Blood Dao’s Dao Marks, which collapsed to nothing. Beyond that, the bloodstream Sky Pit no longer exists, leaving only one of the most common Sky Pit terrains.

Wu Yong doesn’t care about this.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the bottomless Sky Pit, in his investigation, is unobstructed.

A silhouette of a colorful Profound Light, appeared within the scope of Wu Yong’s investigation.

“Is you brave enough to challenge the maze of Wu Family.” Wu Yong has a sigh of relief, but anyone can hear the anger and killing intent in his tone.

The mysterious Gu Immortal, which resides at the bottom of Sky Pit, smiles bitterly: “Sir Wu Yong, I don’t want to force myself, I have to. I have to be offended!”

“Well?” Wu Yong looked slightly changed.

a moment later, the environment around him suddenly changed!

Originally the blue sky and the mountains disappeared, all directions, up and down, left and right, all turned into a purplish red color.

Three immortals I don’t know near, I don’t know far, and the sense of spatial distance is seriously disturbed here.

Hua la la ……

The sound of the waves came into the ear, and the bloody beasts that had just been defeated were turned into blood and water, condensed into a river of the Yangtze River, flowing under the three immortals.

The bloody waves, one by one, the bloody spray blooms, countless purple thoughts, like heavy rain, hit three immortals.

“Damn! It turns out that those blood beasts are just preludes and traps nothing more. Good sinister!” Qiao Zhicai yelled.

Tie Mianshen looked around nervously: “Is this the Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move or the gu formation?”

With his investigation and rumor, he could not see through the environment!

Wu Yong’s face is unpleasant, coldly snorted, and the big sleeves are free to swing.

With a bang, a gust of wind swelled, a giant tornado ball, covering a space of a circle, including three immortals.

The purple thoughts hit like a torrential rain, hitting the squash, and the smashing sound of the smashing sound, the breakthrough can not be protected by the typhoon.

Wu Yong didn’t move, his face was indifferent, he slowly lifted the right hand and gave him a shot.

Ding dong is a loud noise.

A blue ink bug flew out from his fingertips.

The worms drilled the wind ball, flying very fast, flying to the blood river.

On the way to flying, it suddenly rose and the body swelled, one foot, five feet, one foot, five feet, and fifteen feet.

A few breaths of time, it turned into a 22-foot fierce dragon, baring fangs and brandishing claws, breaking through the rain curtain of the purple thought, slammed into the blood.

The bloody river surges and forms a whirlpool. It seems to be a giant beast open mouth, and it wants to engulf the wind dragon.

Wu Yong’s eyes flashed green, and the wind dragon snarled and turned into a boundless jade wind blade.

The blood river vortex was directly shredded by the wind blade, and the wind blade spread and flew, and the entire scarlet blood river was cut off.

Both Qiao Zhicai and Tie Mianshen are wide-eyed, with a sly, shock, and amazed expression.

Each of Wu Yong’s hits is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, which is the most powerful and far Rank 7 level. If you change them to be opponents, you will not be able to support them.

Such a powerful Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, Wu Yong actually believes that it is instinctive and easily breathes.

“Sir Wu Yong’s every move move is a breath of restraint to the extreme, deep hidden.” Qiao Zhicai heart shakes.

“This wind dragon ultimate move, and there are 2nd Style changes, turned into countless wind blade… Wu Yong is not the kind of incompetent in the rumor, so handsome battle strength … he hides so deep!” Tie Mianshen’s eyelids flashed.

He looked at the back of Wu Yong and was fortunate that Tie Family and Wu Family had always maintained their allies and did not turn their faces.

Wu Duxiu and Wu Yong are mother-child relationships. The former is like the peak of the mountain, and the latter is like the wind of the valley. They have different styles and temperament, but the same is the strength of the battle!

However, under Wu Yong’s fierce attack, the surrounding environment has not changed.

The broken blood river, turned into two strands, actually both expand, forming two blood rivers, any one, the same scale.

Qiao Zhicai is slightly discolored, and under the attack of Rank 8 Gu Immortal, it can stand still and trap the three of them. What is the kind of means?

His doubts did not last long, and a silhouette emerged in the bloodstream, faintly opening, giving the answer.

“This is the Purple Blood Creates River Formation. Wu Yong, if you don’t use the two Rank 8 Immortal Gu that your mother left for you, you can’t break through the one with your Rank 8.” Purple Mountain True Monarch said.

He is not Littleman’s body at the moment, but he is getting bigger and he is no different from ordinary people.

As he spoke, his body slowly rose and an “isle” floated under his feet.

Qiao Zhicai and Tie Mianshen have changed dramatically, and Wu Yong is also moving. Because the Purple Mountain True Monarch does not converge on its own, the Rank 8 identity is undoubtedly revealed.

“Who are you? What are the plans?” Wu Yong whispered.

Purple Mountain True Monarch Smile, look up to Wu Yong, purple glaze: “Nature is killing you. When you die, Wu Family is shocked, and besieged by other families, it must fall apart.”

Wu Yong glanced, immediately looking up, laughed heartily.

This is the broke out into laughter caused by anger.

After laughing for a while, he suddenly bowed his head and shot his fierce fierceness in his eyes: “Great courage. If so, then I will kill you and really lay my Rank 8.”

As a result, his body rose to a strong atmosphere.

Numerous Gu insects were provoked by one after another in his Immortal Aperture.

Qiao Zhicai and Tie Mianshen retired quickly and they all felt an unparalleled threat from Wu Yong.

The smile on the face of Purple Mountain True Monarch converges.

Wu Yong The first few Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves were silent and the atmosphere converges to the extreme. But at this moment, his brewing Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, breathless, like a stormy wave.

From this perspective, Wu Yong has begun to fight hard!

What is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, so that Wu Yong can’t converge?

No matter what the ultimate move, once it is rushed out, it must be Shi Potian’s shock, and the power is extraordinary.

How can you let you do this?

Purple Mountain True Monarch thoughts, countless purple thoughts, like rainstorms, spewing ****…

Wu Family.

Clan Ancestral Temple.

“This, this! This!!” Wu Family Gu Immortal, who guarded the clan Ancestral Temple, suddenly changed his face, and the cold sweat rolled down from his forehead, his face as pale as a dead man.

He exclaimed: “Sir Wu Yong’s Life Tablet Gu is broken, Soul Lantern Gu is gone! Sir Wu Yong…don’t tell me dead?!”

Remarks: One more situation will last until 7 month 24 day, in 25**** will explode, feedback has been supporting my friends. Recently this period of time, internal and external difficulties, professional writers are not good, the pressure is really great, for some time I suspect that I have depression. But recently I adjusted it a bit, it seems to be the person who is going to die in the Sand Desert, and has a cup of cool white. Now, I am beginning to balance the external material needs, and the inner consciousness pursuit of both ends.

Professionalism requires an adaptive process. I began to understand how to treat the profession with the attitude, treat the reader, treat myself, and treat life.

Thank you for your silent support and tolerance.

There is a saying.

When you want to be God, you must be not far from being a devil.

I don’t welcome God and the devil. I welcome friends and confidants.

Because everyone is equal!

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