Hei Loulan has been interrupted by Purple Mountain True Monarch: “Yes, this Blessed Land has been transformed by Paradise Immortal Venerable, and there has been no Disaster and Tribulation since then, from Mushroom-man Blessed Land to Mushroom- Man Paradise. Of course, there are a lot of paradise in the world, but it is very special here, because Paradise Immortal Venerable is here cultivation before you can achieve Venerable.”

“oh!” Mushroom-man Gu Immortal now heave a long sigh, “When I inherited that True Inheritance, I knew: one day, one day, I will pay the heaviest price for it. But if you want I am going out and helping you to be evil. It is impossible. You just killed me.”

“I won’t kill you.” Purple Mountain True Monarch reveals a cunning smile. “I want you to take them with them and sneak into the hole, that is Paradise Immortal Venerable. I have been cultivating for a while.” You will not refuse to ask for this request?”

Mushroom-man Gu Immortal’s face was more and more bitter, he was silent for a while, and finally he was nodded and said: “Okay, I promise you.”

Mushroom-man Paradise, melons and holes.

This hole was guarded by the Mushroom-man Gu Immortal.

Purple Mountain True Monarch and Assimilation of Will of Heaven, perceived the Will of Heaven’s layout, using this Mushroom-man Gu Immortal, he successfully sent Bai Ningbing and Hei Loulan to the Legendary.

“This is where my family raises Chakra Gourd. You sneak cultivation here and you must not harm any of them Chakra Gourd.” Mushroom-man Gu Immortal takes care of it.

Chakra Gourd?

Bai Ningbing and Hei Loulan looked at each other and saw the amazing colors in each other’s eyes.

This Chakra Gourd is the Rank 7 immortal materials, which is the Refining Dao’s Dao Marks, which can be used in any process of refining gu.

Therefore, the use of such immortal materials is very extensive.

Now, the size of this melon-smelling hole is black and white, and it is simply terrifying. How many more are Chakra Gourd here?

The Purple Mountain True Monarch on the side explained: “You don’t have to guess, this is the birthplace of the largest Chakra Gourd in Treasure Yellow Heaven, which almost dominates the 60% market.”

“Of course, I am bringing you here. Chakra Gourd is not an end, not a point, but a Super Gu Formation here.”

“This Super Gu Formation is dominated by Law Dao Immortal Gu and has a support for Rank 7. You are here at Tempering Immortal Realm Ultimate Move and the efficiency will be greatly improved, which will make you more proficient.”

“And because of the Immortal Gu, you are in the gu formation, the recovery rate of immortal essence will become extremely high.”

Hei Loulan and Bai Ningbing heard this and they all showed joy.

This kind of cultivation treasure is simply tailor-made for them.

Hei Loulan now majors in Strength Dao, multi-cultivation Flame Dao, and Strength Dao Immortal Gu is rare, but there are many Flame Dao Immortal Gus, but also the Flame Dao True Inheritance left by her aunt, and the numerous Flame Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move.

Bai Ningbing has just inherited White Phase’s True Inheritance, which is also not weak, Immortal Gu, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move a lot.

Now that they are constraining their combat capabilities, they are just in contact with inheritance and have no time to turn the excellent True Inheritance into real combat power.

In the Boundary Wall, fighting with Fang Yuan, this drawback was extremely obvious on both of them.

After the wake of Purple Mountain True Monarch, he took the helm, in order to improve his battle strength, special intention brought the two people here, using this piece of Feng Shui treasure, training black and white.

The melons are spacious and the Mushroom-man Gu Immortal easily divides a large area for Bai Ningbing and Hei Loulan cultivation.

After placing the two, Purple Mountain True Monarch left Mushroom-man Paradise.

Time passes by.

Fang Yuan is also secretly exploring dreams in the Super Gu Formation.

On the surface, he used the revelry of painstaking cultivation as an excuse to conceal everyone. No one knew that he was exploring dreams, and the harvest is huge now.

The analogy Chi Chang is clear.

Chi Chang is known as Formation Maniac, a life span of more than one hundred years, painstakingly studying Forming Dao, only with the Formation Dao Grandmaster Realm. This age, talent and achievement is already rare among Gu Immortal.

Fang Yuan was only 1~2 months, and he broke through a dream that contained the meaning of Formation Dao, and became the Formation Dao Grandmaster.

It is because of the power of dreams that the time of accumulation has been greatly shortened, and the Five Regions chaotic war period and the various Gu Immortal experts are endless, just like Starry Sky.

Today, Fang Yuan is not just a Formation Dao Grandmaster, but the Dark Dao genre is also promoted to Grandmaster.

With such a Realm, Fang Yuan has a new idea for the use of Crossing Dark Immortal Gu.

“I can now use the Crossing Dark Immortal Gu as the core to form an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, which is against myself and against other Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal calculations. Combined with its own Dark Dao Dao Mark, the power of this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move must be amazing. “”

“I can, with the Crossing Dark Immortal Gu as the core, form the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move and attack the Dark Arrow Immortal Gu.”

“There is still one idea, that is, adding Crossing Dark Immortal Gu to other Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, it should be able to converge the fluctuations of these ultimate move. After the promotion, it can be unpredictable and unexpected. effect.”

In fact, for Fang Yuan, what he needs most is the dreams of Gourmet Dao and Information Dao.

Gourmet Dao makes it easier and cheaper to feed Immortal Gu. Saved resources can promote his cultivation or management resources.

Information Dao is even more important.

Fang Yuan has a lot of information Dao covenants.

This made him lose a lot of freedom, and sometimes he was very inconvenient to do things.

Another point is that if Information Dao Realm is upgraded, Fang Yuan will be able to see many of the Information Dao traps and means, and maybe even work with Shadow Sect.

But things in the world are not what you want.

The place that Fang Yuan guards is like a window. When he explored his success, the dreams of Zuo Ye Hui dissipated and the dreams filled in were all ridiculously absurd types.

For this type of dream, Fang Yuan doesn’t want to try it at will. Even with the Dream Interpretation ultimate move at hand.

Fang Yuan is waiting patiently.

Dreams are constantly exchanged and exchanged.

But after all, it was an absurd dream, and Fang Yuan had to shift his energy to other aspects.

Immortal Aperture’s construction is the main purpose, followed by the newly promoted Dark Dao Realm, trying to promote some practical Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, and finally collecting external intelligence.

Heavenly Court failed, and after losing three of Rank 8 Gu Immortal, there has been no movement.

The Five Regions are still in the old landscape of peace and stability.

However, the trouble of Wu Family has not subsided. Although Wu Yong to oversee the center, constantly dispatching troops to resolve and delay all kinds of contradictions, but other super families continue to take action, so Wu Family is struggling to cope.

Recently there was another troublesome thing.

The cause was an Immortal Gu Formula about the bath fire Immortal Gu, which was excavated by a mortal Gu Master accidentally.

Once this news spread, it immediately touched the attention of the two super families of Yao Family and Wu Family.

This Immortal Gu Formula is one of the contents of Flame Dao True Inheritance left by Immortal Jing Yan.

More than a thousand years ago, Wu Family and Yao Family competed for the Flame Dao True Inheritance and made a hate. In the end, both sides suffered heavy casualties, but they did not get the Flame Dao True Inheritance.

Flame Dao True Inheritance is said to have been destroyed, and the sudden appearance of the Immortal Gu Formula has suddenly added a new hope to the world.

Especially Wu Family and Yao Family, these two super forces must take action to compete for this Immortal Gu Formula for historical reasons. Even if you can’t take it, you can’t let the other party get it.

To this end, Wu Yong did not hesitate to send Wu Yiran, giving up the guard of the Resource Point blood Pit Sky Pit.

Wu Yiran Rank 7 cultivation base ,battle strength outstanding, he was ordered to act, in the quick decision, quickly found that there is no True Inheritance of Immortal Jing Yan, only the Immortal Gu Formula of the Immortal Gu .

As a result, many Gu Immortal have withdrawn, not willing to offend two super powers for an Immortal Gu Formula.

Yao Family certainly won’t let go and dispatched the heavyweight Yao Geng.

Wu Yiran and Yao Geng learned four times, two wins and two losses, leaving only the last crucial competition.

At such a critical moment, Purple Mountain True Monarch secretly came to the vicinity of the two sides.

In a nameless small mountain valley, he saw a mysterious Gu Immortal.

The mysterious Gu Immortal squats on a seventh colors light, which obscures the look: “Is you calling me over?”

Purple Mountain True Monarch nodded : “right. No matter how you inherited the complete Seven Illusion True Inheritance, you have already concluded a covenant. By convention, you need to do seven things for me.”

“Well, which seven?” Mysterious Gu Immortal promised very simply.

Purple Mountain True Monarch’s mouth is slightly tilted: “The first thing is to kill Wu Yiran.”

Mysterious Gu Immortal: “Are you sure?”

Purple Mountain True Monarch’s smile widened a point and continued: “Second place is the life of Yao Geng.”

Mysterious Gu Immortal is wary: “What do you want to do?”

“What do I do, you don’t care. You just need to kill the two people first.” Purple Mountain True Monarch hehe smiled.

Mysterious Gu Immortal coldly snorted, the figure suddenly dissipated in place, disappear without a trace.

The smile of Purple Mountain True Monarch gradually converges. He carries his hands and his eyes are deep, looking at the distant mountains.

“The time is not waiting for me, there is not much time left in the rush, you must take action.” He whispered to himself.

After several days, a shocking news came out.

Wu Yiran and Yao Geng both disappeared and the results were unknown.

Wu Family and Yao Family were greatly shaken, because Wu Yiran and Yao Geng had already lost their lives because of information from Life Tablet Gu and Soul Lantern Gu.

Who is so very ruthless?

Wu Yong was furious, and when he was going to send Gu Immortal to trace the matter, the bloody Sky Pit erupted, forming a bloody wave that harmed one side.

Wu Family quickly dispatched Gu Immortal to the suppression, but I did not expect to trace the traces of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move from the traces of the scene.

The collapse is a unique, original Immortal Realm Ultimate Move from Yao Geng. The traces of the scene are even more obvious.

The situation suddenly became complicated.

“Is there any death for Yao Geng?”

“Is this a conspiracy of Yao Family?”

“Aside from Yao Family, are there other family take actions?”

Wu Yong didn’t feel good, he smelled a dangerous smell!

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