“Wei Lingyang, Bi Chentian died, ran Wanhai Longliu…”

Fang Yuan whispered in his mouth.

The news came to him. In this Super Gu Formation, he was definitely the one who knew the situation at the time.

“The calculation of the day should also be finalized.”

“The Heavenly Court expedition, the Northern Plains Gu Immortal community, represented by Longevity Heaven, gave Central Continent a head-on blow.”

“Dog-tailed Eternal life Mink … is Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s mount , the battle strength is really brave.”

“But this has greatly increased the morale of Northern Plains, but for Heavenly Court, it is not a bone.”

With five hundred years of previous life experience, and experienced the initial Five Regions chaos, Fang Yuan knows Heavenly Court’s background, which is really rich. In comparison, Longevity Heaven is only Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto, and the background is still a lot thinner.

“The event of this time is a major event that is difficult to sew. In my previous life, it never happened.”

“After this battle, Northern Plains and Central Continent have risen to enemies, or Longevity Heaven and Heavenly Court, have torn the face.”

“Next, will Heavenly Court retaliate? If that’s the case, then it will be lively.”

Fang Yuan thinks about it and constantly calculates the political situation that may arise in the future.

Longevity Heaven is from Ju Yang Immortal Venerable. Heavenly Court has really entered the three Immortal Venerable. This is the Righteous Path force. I didn’t expect it to be picked up, and the pair is awkward.

Now, the forces of Gu Immortal, large and small throughout the Five Regions are closely watching the matter.

Follow the Heavenly Court’s reaction.

According to common sense, Heavenly Court is definitely going to fight back because they are the first Gu Immortal organization in the Five Regions of until now. If you don’t fight back, I am afraid that the reputation will drop.

But the Five Regions Boundary Wall prevented the Gu Immortal battle of Large Scale.

There are also obstacles to Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s Fortune Suppression Heavenly Palace that the world does not know.

Heavenly Court has to be handy and has a lot of difficulties.

So, whether it’s hands-on or not, Heavenly Court has its reasons.

Regardless of how Heavenly Court chooses, its next move will determine the direction of the Five Regions Gu Immortal World’s.

Fang Yuan sighed.

This news, in fact, was as early as he expected.

Heavenly Court dispatched Gu Immortal to rescue Ma Hongyun and was bound to be blocked by Northern Plains Gu Immortal. Central Continent Gu Immortal After the rescue failed, he fled back to Central Continent. The battle lasted for a long time and finally broke the results.

But when he really got the news, he had some bad feelings.

It always feels a little wrong.

But if you really want to say something wrong, Fang Yuan can’t say it.

“Could it be that, because everything has changed too much because of me, causing the chain to change, getting bigger and bigger, and the rebirth advantage is getting smaller, so it is more and more uneasy?”

The gorgeous glory of the dream, reflected on Fang Yuan’s face, makes his expression more gloomy and uncertain.

“In any case, it is most important to strengthen your strength.”

“Dream, I am coming!”

Regardless of the changes in the outside world, how unpredictable or how dangerous it is, as long as its own strength is strong, then Fang Yuan will naturally become more secure.

The soul goes into the dream.

Came back to his senses, Fang Yuan found himself in a wilderness.


The crescent emits a cold light.

The wild dog was screaming, and Fang Yuan was involuntarily, and was carried by two people one after the other.

“what’s going on?” After finding himself unable to move a single step, Fang Yuan deserves to quickly look around.


A sound similar to the pig’s eating was introduced into Fang Yuan’s ear.

He soon discovered that this strange sound was from the mouths of the two men carrying him.

These two weird people, carrying Fang Yuan, have been halfway up the mountain.

The dark clouds of the night sky finally dissipated, and on the cold moonlight, Fang Yuan suddenly found out that the two men carried his geeks, not the pure Human Race, but the two pigs Beastman.

“Today’s world, Beastman is already extinct. Beastman appears in this dream. What time is this?” Fang Yuan suddenly appeared a question mark in his mind.

Fang Yuan felt bad and began to struggle, but he soon discovered that he was extremely weak and seriously injured.

He struggled hard, and the final result was only a slight sway of the body.

“roar roar !”

The head of the pig, Beastman, carrying his two feet, found Fang Yuan’s change and then shouted loudly.

“Not good !!” Fang Yuan is in a bad mood.

But the two Beastman moved faster, and they suddenly let go and fell Fang Yuan to the ground.

The severe pain almost made Fang Yuan stunned on the spot.

With an extremely strong willpower, Fang Yuan opened his eyes tenaciously, and then he saw the pig head Beastman walking in front of him, raising his hooves high.

The hoof cast a lot of shadow on Fang Yuan’s face, and then quickly expanded in Fang Yuan’s gaze.


a moment later, the pig’s trotters pressed hard, and the whole head of Fang Yuan’s was directly crushed. The blood and water mixed with the white mind, as if it were broken tofu, sprinkled everywhere.

“Damn!” The dream was interrupted, and Fang Yuan was wounded and expelled.

“So, is it time to wait for the opportunity, can’t you shake it?” Fang Yuan thought about it while crushing Audacity Gu to heal the wound.

Dream Interpretation ultimate move is a limited number of times, and the immortal materials of the nightmare konjac have been exhausted by Fang Yuan.

But Audacity Gu is different. As long as Soul Shaking Mountain is there, Audacity Gu can be said to be endless.

Therefore, Fang Yuan would rather consume Audacity Gu, be hurt by some souls, and would not be willing to abuse the Dream Interpretation ultimate move.

Soon, Fang Yuan’s soul healed and he once again fell into a dream.

This time, Fang Yuan kept waiting, letting two pigs, Beastman, carry him and climb to the mountainside.

“roar roar.” Somewhere, the pig’s head Beastman stopped, one of them Humph.

At the other end, I carried Fang Yuan’s feet and went forward.

On the moonlight, Fang Yuan saw himself and the two pigs, Beastman, on the edge of a cliff.

“Not good!” Fang Yuan was struggling, and the two pigs, Beastman, suddenly slammed the ball and threw Fang Yuan directly.

Fang Yuan fell quickly in the air.

“This is?!” He was a round eyes, and when he saw the cliff, it turned out to be a mass grave.

Countless corpses, piled up at random, the rotten corpse smell has become rich and foggy.

Don’t wait for Fang Yuan to think more, hehe.

A muffled sound, Fang Yuan fell in the valley.

The whole person was broken into meat, and the bones were completely broken.

Fang Yuan was once again expelled from the dream.

“What kind of thing is this dream?”

Just as Fang Yuan explored the dream, Central Continent, Heavenly Court.

“Duke Long, you please.” An old woman, squatting on the back, bent over, his hair was yellow, like straw, wrinkled, dim-sighted from old age.

She wore an earthen-colored robes, and a small yellow sand was swaying around her waist, and she stood in front of Duke Long with respect.

At this time, Duke Long, after taking the life of Di Cang Sheng, the ready is out of the state of weakness and decay, but becomes majestic and powerful, showing the temperament of peak Legendary.

At this moment, he looked at a high tower standing in front of him, slightly nod: “Grandma Sha, you are doing very well.”

This high tower is the Supervising Heaven Tower.

Rank 9 Immortal Gu Home !

The sound of Wei Hehe, the name of history.

Although it was smashed and disintegrated in the Southern Border battle, the main Immortal Gu was mostly preserved. After returning to Heavenly Court, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal Grandma Sha wakes up and has been working on refining Gu insect to repair Supervising Heaven Tower.

Now, she is finally done, the complete Supervising Heaven Tower re-emerges Heavenly Court!

“Duke Long, you please come in.” Grandma Sha leads the way.

Duke Long and Fairy Ziwei then entered the interior of Supervising Heaven Tower’s.

The ladder of white jade has been spiraling upwards, and the previous Supervising Heaven Tower without the slightest difference.

Only Supervising Heaven Tower was not motivated at this time, so Duke Long and the others, all the way up, there was no natural phenomenon in the whole process.

Arriving at the top of Supervising Heaven Tower’s, three Gu Immortals saw one Immortal Gu.

This Immortal Gu exudes a strong, intense Rank 9 scent, shaped like a spider, black and white, and Gu insect has a lightly red wound around his body.

Not Rank 9 Fate Immortal Gu, what else?

This Fate Immortal Gu was damaged by the power of Red Lotus Demon Venerable, rely on Passion Immortal Gu. However, after the Heavenly Court generation after generation’s Nu Strength Cultivator, this Immortal Gu has recovered 50% after the last Central Continent Gu Refining Grand Meeting.

After reaching a point of qualitative change, Fate Immortal Gu’s resumed progress, countless times faster than before.

Today, even without Dao Marks, it has been restored to 60% with the efforts of Grandma Sha.

“Okay, very good. Grandma Sha, you have contributed to Heavenly Court, and you have a good time. I want to wait until Heavenly Court is in charge of Five Regions, your credit will go down in history to pay tribute to future generations.” Duke Long took A gratifying tone, praised.

Grandma Sha nodded smiled: “Duke Long is overpraised, but it’s a little bit of power, that’s all. And repairing Supervising Heaven Tower is also the hope of the dead old man. He He He…”

Grandma Sha laughs constantly, and in this laughter, her body gradually turns into quicksand.

A breeze inexplicably produced, spurred these flying sands, slowly dissipated in the air.

Rank 8 Gu Immortal Grandma Sha, Refining Dao Great Grandmaster, dying at this moment!

She had very little life essence. After the sacrifice of the previous generation Supervising Heaven Tower Lord, she woke up with anger and contributed the last light and heat of her life to Heavenly Court.


Another Heavenly Court Rank 8 Gu Immortal, sacrificed, this time, Heavenly Court sacrificed many members in succession.

Fairy Ziwei’s eyes are slightly reddish.

Duke Long didn’t change his face, his body was still very straight, and he slowly said: “In the long river, the Heavenly Court generation after generation of Gu Immortal, that’s it, sacrifice yourself and shine on the future. Wei Lingyang, Bi Chentian So, Grandma Sha is like this, and you and I will do the same in the future.”

“Why is Heavenly Court always the best Gu Immortal force in the world? Apart from the three Immortal Venerables, one of the most important reasons is that our Heavenly Court’s Gu Immortal is never afraid of sacrifice. Because we know that Human Race needs us, Cangsheng Need us, Heaven and Earth need us!”

Fairy Ziwei took a deep breath and tried to calm down the mood: “So, Duke Long, how do we act next?”

Duke Long closed his eyes and slowly opened: “Grand Era is about to open, and some people can stay.”

“But that Fang Yuan, Ying Wuxie, Ziand the others, all of them are like foxes, and now the whereabouts are unknown. It is difficult to explore their position through the Boundary Wall.” Fairy Ziwei looked sad.

“No problem.” Duke Long waved. “No matter where they are, you and I know that they will definitely go to a place, that is, Southern Border’s Super Dream.”

“Don’t bother Northern Plains and Longevity Heaven. It’s all small.”

“First remove these confidants, and eradicate them!”

Note: The recent plot is a bit of a headache and needs to be written slowly, so recently this period of time has only one.

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